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Kirts Jenkings

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This person is a sick fuck!

They should never be trusted by anyone!

Possible side-effects will include at least one of these:

  2. Bestiality
  3. Cuckoldry
This faggot waits for the child to make the first move in a sexual situation.
You can help by contacting Federal Authorities and alerting Chris Hansen.
This luser is a lolcow, and should be trolled to death in the usual fashion.
You can help by posting their nude pix or spamming their talk page.


With Spics,
Do not mix!

Kirts Jenkings
Born: March 28, 2001
Real Name: David Iglesias Torrado
Nationality: Spain  

Kirts Jenkings (Powerword: David Iglesias Torrado) He is the 23-year-old Spanish person who has created some great songs such as Incest Rap, Bisexuality Rap, or Coronavirus Rap. His professional career is quite extensive. He started making videos in a self-taught way with fan avatars and has even created his own metal band, with his first song, previously mentioned, about the coronavirus. His songs have a high musical quality due to their wide variety of bases and melodies, in turn accompanied by lyrics with a high quality implementing linguistic resources such as alliteration, euphemisms and even metaphors.


Kirts was born on March 28, 2001 to shitty careless Spanish parents, beyond the fact that they kicked him out of high school, nothing is known about his childhood, gossip only says that in the middle of a first world country he had a poor education, but it is presumed that very much in the style of faggots, Kirts was not really interested in school and instead of becoming a real girl he became a transvestite, which explains his problems with SPELLING, language and why he hates the system in which he lives despite the fact that it is his parents who feed him (although they were beaten by Kirts).

Youtube Channel

On September 25, 2015, Kirts arrived at Youtube to go around as a genocidal before the eardrums and retinas of any Internet user, ruining the childhood and life of many with hour-long PORN "documentaries" about his fetishes and why everyone should normalize them and then degrade anyone who does not come from Spain, declare his love for Lolicon, Xenophobia and Anti-Semitism, which caused him to be considered the Chris Chan of Spain. The mockery became so recurrent that Kirts decided to reflect and stop being a faggot, continue inhaling Twitter and give his parents and close ones more reasons to pretend they don't recognize him even in his high school photos (from which they expelled him and took away his license seconds after being registered) becoming independent as a resident of the seedy basement of his house where he is fed offal for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Politically incorrect, anarchist, antispecist, vegan, masculinist, feminist, anonymous, atheist, emo, edgy, bisexual, genderless, macrophile, gamer, youtuber, loquender. My content can often be offensive. I like risk sports and boxing. I have a YouTube channel where I upload all kinds of videos, loquendo, gameplays, raps, and videos that can offend assholes.

His Fetishes

On March 27th Kirts made a documentary on youtube where he talked about macrophilia, and by documentary I mean 50KG of porn of women the size of a building along with more than 40 minutes of video, and as we all expected the result was a fucking mess.

his biggest fetish with hentai
his biggest fetish with hentai

Kirts made a documentary on youtube where he talked about macrophilia (where he confuses "giantess fetishism" with "macrophilia"), this documentary lasted more than 40 minutes and had some slightly risque images (including vore), had collaboration with another user, the video was uploaded to youtube at the end of March 2018, but ended up being erased by a complaint, after this, kirts received another mockery from a user.

Doomentio Drama

Kirts mentions that he never met Doomentio or had any contact with him apart from dedicating a critical video to him on his channel, but on Twitter he even wanted to rape him.


El Rap del incesto

It consists of a song that talks about having sex with his family, sampling several phrases from iconic rap songs on YouTube, how he would be interested in fornicating with all his living and non-living relatives over a random rap beat he found somewhere. Perhaps it is his funniest moment, since the vast majority thought it was a good parody when they heard Kirts uttering disgusting things as if he were a reggaeton singer and about how sexually attracted he is to his family... Until he said he was serious, leaving many with a poker face after realizing how disturbed the rag was, ruining Kirts' possibility of being something more than a pedophilia.

1 girl 1 ant

From scaring old women he became scaring ants, scaring kings, scaring users because after a series of videos it became clear that for Kirts, the solution to everything is literally zoophilia. Apparently, this under-endowed human being, despite being a rag and very used, still enjoys hanging himself and more so if he sees ants, kings, minors, relatives and even women, which perhaps makes him a sexual addict of small animals of zoophilia.

refers to Kirts Jenkins
refers to Kirts Jenkins


Has Kirts vandalized pages with things like "VIVA KIRTS, VIVA KIRTS, VIVA KIRTS" in order to "clean up" his reputation making it clear that he has NOT changed?

DeviantART by Kirts Jenkings

Kirts He has an account on deviantart where he publishes his fetishes that are slately strange and at the same time have a sexual taste for Giants and the naked body, Sometimes she makes sexual edits with her favorite characters and sometimes with younger girls showing her lolicon side.


She was invited to several debates with her haters to make fun of her, and honestly many of them had many conflicts and many dramas until they even made memes and treated her like you know what she is, a lolcow (although currently she is a horrorcow because of the ant).


After realizing that calling himself a "character" can help him clean up his already filthy image on the internet, he decided to do it without success and it does not surprise me because considering himself a libertarian, worsening his dyslexia with inclusive language which he imposes in his poorly drawn animated series which charges you like 8 euros to see yourself incarnated in it with an equally nefarious style, not to mention that to be a supposed character he tried to create an "anarcho-capitalist" revolution in front of the Congress of Deputies for August 14, 2021 at 11:00 pm staying up until 7 for said poorly drawn invitation but since no one pays attention to it at home, they will do it less on DeviantArt. Today, Kirts can be found on various social networks, although it should be noted that currently she has developed a good friendship and coexistence with people like her or worse, which is shown in various tiktoks where the disturbed personality of the two is revealed.


See also

  • Doomentio - Although he had almost no relationships, he only had a little fame

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