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Jimmy Kimmel is far-left libtard is also everything wrong with modern politics and comedy. He got his career start on the shitty unfunny 1990s show "The Man". Then in 2003 ABC wanted to get jew gold from basement-dwellers who stay up to stare at their TVs, he got a job on his own show "Jimmy Kimmel Live", and has spread the exposure of this man for the worse. His show consists of his unfunny "jokes" with a bunch of shoehorned in sketches to forcefully fill up the run time.

In 2016 he went to complete levels of anti-lulz with The Donalds election, and he saw Stephen Colbert's attempt at selling out, and he did the same. His attempts at "comedy" regarding The Donald are even worse than Colberts pathetic jokes, and has also forced in his own hypocritical views on the Republican Party. He has now made millions of braindead idiots that watch his show into his fucktarded views on politics. He hasn't shut the fuck up about Trump or the Republican Party while his show dies in relevance.


In the 1980s, Jimmy Kimmel was hired to be on a radio talk show. He was slightly more funny than he is now. Somehow he was popular, and manage to gain an audience. He then was hired for multiple radio talk shows, and was fired by each for being to unfunny. He then gave the middle finger to all radio talk shows and started his own show. As people could no longer tolerate his god awful humor, he got a job at another talk show to appeal to the jocks.

The Man Show

In the 90s Comedy Central had show called The Man Show. The show is an attempt at being "funny". The show is a bunch of overly drawled out sketches, desgined to parody the perspective of male in a sexually charged manner. Of course all of the sketches are unfunny because it's impossible for Kimmel to be funny. The show basically shows how hypocritical he is with views, and how nothing he says really matters. The show was popular with virgin crowd who are desperate to get laid. The show was thankfully cancelled in 2004.

Jimmy Kimmel Live

ABC was desperate to compete in the market of unfunny Late Night Shows, and wanted to get extra jew gold from basement-dwellers that watched their content late at night. So they picked Jimmy Kimmel, and Jimmy Kimmel Live was born. The show has plagued the earth ever since 2003.

The show is one of the biggest sources of anti-lulz you will imagine. Each episode he will make attempts to be funny despite not having the lulz to do so. He will also talk about his own retarded beliefs for the zombies that follow him as they lost there brain cells. Because he's not funny, he will invite celebrities more entertaining than him to fill up run time.


Because he isn't funny come up with unfunny jokes, he adds forced in sketches to his show. Basically it's there like the ones on The Man Show, but even worse. Basically people scream at each other and call it comedy, yes this is considered entertainment. The only goal of the sketches is for the short attention spans of people to not put someone to rest. Of course there at least better than the main segments, and so they have increased more viewer than the main segments.

Reading Tweets

To Celebrate the anniversary of Twatter, he made a special skit of celebrities reading tweets. Basically some 13 year old boys post insult of celebrity, and the celebrities get mad over it, showing there less mature than the 13 year old boys that post the tweets.

Because it was popular they have made more of them. Some of them are "special editions" focusing on a group of people.

This Week in Unecessary Censorship

Play a clip, and add a beep and LOL FUNNY!!!!!

Jimmy Kimmel YouTube Challenge

A contest of the most unfunny pranks, and the ones that are the most unfunny appear on the show. The people are then forgotten for the rest of time, and get better lives than Kimmel.

Lie Witness News

Pedestrians makes up some unfunny story, just read The Onion which is somewhat better.

Jimmy Kimmel Pedestrian Question

People are asked a question nobody cares about, and give their shitty take on it.

Halloween YouTube candy segments

Since 2011, he has been asking people to steal their children candy and eat all for themselves, to piss off the kids.


For awhile Jimmy Kimmel was king of Late Night TV, but CBS pwnd The Daily Show as Jon Stewart got tired of having create unfunny jokes. In 2014 Stephen Colbert decided to retire from the The Colbert Report and in 2015 to be replaced with "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" on CBS. During this time, the 2016 Presidential Election was happening, with The Donald being a potential candidate. So Stephen Colbert saw it as an opportunity to lose what made him funny in the first place and just make fun of The Donald going forward.

Jimmy Kimmel went desperate for more jew gold and ripped him off, but even less funnier in his agnorant style. His comedy now only consists of "Orange Man Bad" and nothing else. He will also give his ignorant views on politics and and other issues that don't matter that libtards complain about. Most of the time, he talks about stuff he knows jack shit about, and acts like he's the know it all. Because of him, more mindless zombies have been turned into over sensitive snowflakes.

Fast foward to 2021 things haven't changed. Even after The Donald leaving his office, he still won't shut fuck about him as it's the only reason why people watch his show.

See Also

Jimmy Fallon: Funnier.

Stephen Colbert: The funnier person who he rips off.

Jon Stewart

Trevor Noah

Amy Schumer

Jimmy Kimmel is part of a series on FAKE NEWS

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