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[[File:If You think i’m A fag, than think Moxy is a fag.gif]] You are a faggot!
[[File:If You think i’m A fag, than think Moxy is a fag.gif]] You are a faggot!
[[File:If You think i’m A fag, than think Moxy is a fag.gif]] You are a faggot!
[[File:If You think i’m A fag, than think Moxy is a fag.gif]] You are a faggot!
[[File:If You think i’m A fag, than think Moxy is a fag.gif]] You are a faggot!
[[File:If You think i’m A fag, than think Moxy is a fag.gif]] You are a faggot!
[[File:If You think i’m A fag, than think Moxy is a fag.gif]] You are a faggot!
[[File:If You think i’m A fag, than think Moxy is a fag.gif]] You are a faggot!
[[File:If You think i’m A fag, than think Moxy is a fag.gif]] You are a faggot!
[[File:If You think i’m A fag, than think Moxy is a fag.gif]] You are a faggot!
[[File:If You think i’m A fag, than think Moxy is a fag.gif]] You are a faggot!
[[File:If You think i’m A fag, than think Moxy is a fag.gif]] You are a faggot!
[[File:If You think i’m A fag, than think Moxy is a fag.gif]] You are a faggot!
[[File:If You think i’m A fag, than think Moxy is a fag.gif]] You are a faggot!
[[File:If You think i’m A fag, than think Moxy is a fag.gif]] You are a faggot!
[[File:If You think i’m A fag, than think Moxy is a fag.gif]] You are a faggot!
[[File:If You think i’m A fag, than think Moxy is a fag.gif]] You are a faggot!
[[File:If You think i’m A fag, than think Moxy is a fag.gif]] You are a faggot!
[[File:If You think i’m A fag, than think Moxy is a fag.gif]] You are a faggot!
[[File:If You think i’m A fag, than think Moxy is a fag.gif]] You are a faggot!
[[File:If You think i’m A fag, than think Moxy is a fag.gif]] You are a faggot!
[[File:If You think i’m A fag, than think Moxy is a fag.gif]] You are a faggot!
[[File:If You think i’m A fag, than think Moxy is a fag.gif]] You are a faggot!
[[File:If You think i’m A fag, than think Moxy is a fag.gif]] You are a faggot!
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<span style="font-size: 2em;">Featured Video</span>
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<span style="font-size: 2em;">Featured Video</span>
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Latest revision as of 17:29, 25 August 2024

Welcome to the YouTube portal!

The year is 2023, and AI is slowly taking over content creators' jobs. Also in 2023, for some unknown reason, Nickelodeon is still producing new episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants after over 24 years of the show. Have you ever wondered what the show would be like if something that wasn't even human produced it? No? Well, too bad. Introducing AI Sponge, a Twitch YouTube channel stream that does just that, and ironically, it's somewhat better.

The stream follows a very simple structure: the entire stream is comprised of AI-generated dialogue skits between 2 to 4 characters that last about 30 seconds, before a time card signals a transition to the next skit. During the conversation, the characters will slowly walk around, carry objects, or get hit by speeding car/boat things. The current characters in ai_sponge include: SpongeBob, Patrick, Squidward LOUDWARD, Sandy, Mr. Krabs, Gary, and the latest addition, Mrs. Puff.

You can also donate $3 to appear in the scene as a generic fish character with a nametag, so that's one more way you could be wasting money.



This page enables better navigation for readers in regard to memes, attention whores, and nobodies spawned by Google's bitch.

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