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—Psalms 137:9 |
Abortion is what your Mom should have done.

In other words, if you had a parasite by accident because you got so drunk you were Asking for it, or was Raped by a disgusting animal, or if your baby had a severe and devastating genetic disorder, then you can have it put out of its misery before the second trimester so that it cannot have the chance to develop a brain and soul, and therefore grow up a tormented bullied Emo sociopath who will start about two hundred Tumblr blogs, inevitably shoot up a school and finally wreak havoc on the world. A sure-fire subject to send any politically minded community into a 400 comment flame war. There are two schools of thought regarding abortion: anti-choice (aka anti-woman) and anti-life (aka anti-human). Both of them are characterized by producing extreme portions of drama and nearly no logical points whatsoever. However, everyone knows that neither of these two parties are correct, and that the only sensible stance is for killing fetuses and not letting women have the right to choose.
When a cunt vacuuming is performed on a nigger, spic, Arab and/or Retard, it is considered a crime stopper, and encouraged by some of the world's leading prostitutes such as Donald Trump. Jews have been known to eat fetuses to help them gain god-like powers, this is a powerful technique but only fetuses harvested from the correct source. Abortion is also a useful way to control the redneck/ugly/uneducated population, as the majority of people getting abortions are stupid white trash teenage girl whores who are too dumb to use a condom, and if were allowed to spawn would in turn create even more stupid hillbilly whores eventually taking over the world, very much like the movie Idiocracy.
Most women report abortion to be a kinky, empowering, and a hilarious experience. In short: Abortions are good and should be performed as often as possible, to help aid Stem Cell Research, to troll redneck Christfags, and to serve the leftover body parts to needy school cafeterias.
All pro-lifers are all baby-fucking pedophiles and all pro-choicers are genocidal maniacs. NO EXCEPTIONS.
How To
Falcon Punch
In response to societal pressure, internet OB/GYNs have developed the Falcon Punch method as a holistic alternative to medical abortion. It is carried out as follows:
- Find a pregnant woman
- Pull your shoulder back as far as it can go,concentrating massive amounts of pwn into your fist while screaming:
"FAAALCONNNNN...It's FARRRRRRRUUUUUUUUKKKKKOOOOONNNNN.... - Set your sights on the uterus, located a few inches below the belly button.
- Follow through: ...PAAAAAAAOUNNNCHHH!!!!'"
Coat Hanger
Recommended for solo practitioners or if the pregnant woman fails to expel a mutilated fetal corpse within 2-6 hours post-Punch.
- Find an oldschool metal clothes hanger
- Bend into a large hook
- Insert, get a good hard hook on that fetus, and pull with all your might
- ????
Herbal Abortion
Your girlfriend gets her fat, lazy ass knocked up. Unfortunately for you, she believes that all life is precious and refused to go get the little parasite vacuumed out of her. Being the nice, caring boyfriend you are, three times a day you make her a nice strong cup of tea using these ingredients: motherwort, pennyroyal, goldenseal root, blue cohosh root and ginger. Also, feed the bitch mad amounts of vitamin C to help fight off that en utero invader. For added lulz, tell her it will help the baby grow big and strong. After a few days, she should "mysteriously" miscarriage. If this doesn't work, refer back to Falcon Punch.
Medical Abortion
Do you want to wade through a crowd of screaming fundies? Do you want to have images of dead fetuses burned onto your retinas? Do you want to risk being caught up in a Christian terrorist attack? Do you want the inside of your baby carriage to be poked, prodded and scraped raw by Jew and Jew? Do you want people to whisper "here comes the baby-killer" every time you enter a room for the rest of your natural life? If so, then Encyclopedia Dramatica formally recommends you stop by your Planned Parenthood facility today! Why take your health into your own hands when you can undergo a safe, inexpensive, routine and completely confidential medical procedure carried out by trained professionals? (For those that are less mentally imbalanced, please refer back to Falcon Punch.)
Natural Abortion
Surprising to many is the fact that the human "error ratio" clocks at upwards of forty percent. Meaning that, out of every human conception on the planet, roughly forty percent end in "spontaneous abortion", the medical term for "miscarriage". Presuming for a moment that there exists a God and that we humans were purposefully and intentionally designed, this would mean that our supreme creator absolutely loves killing fetuses unborn babies. That fact is of course supported in the Bible as well, where killing people's babies and children is often depicted as God's favored form of punishing people for not believing in him.
Having a natural abortion, as such, is easier than you might think. Often all it takes is a good, heavy dose of any number of over the counter pharmaceuticals, a regular drinking habit, morbid obesity or various other self-destructive lifestyle choices. There are however some risks to this option, especially if you do something stupid like actually go to a doctor. Medical science is presently hell bent on preventing natural abortions, often simply to spite God, your doctor will do absolutely everything possible to ensure that your little bundle of fetal alcohol syndrome actually manages to make it past the birth canal still breathing. As such, you should avoid doctors at all costs if you decide that this option is right for you.
Fun Things To Do
While some people say abortion can be a sad time full of psychological stress and worry, there are plenty of wonderful things one can enjoy after the easy operation.
- Gaining popularity is a game amongst suburban teens to collect their dead fetuses and amass them together with model glue in order to play unbaby shower games. The most alluring is fetus-ball - wherein the cute chunks are frozen then tossed around a room, once they start to thaw, the objective is to get all the fetuses to stick on one person.
- Wrapping the fetus in hamburger meat and feeding it to a friend for a fun, cheap, and easy April Fool's prank!
- If you feel like you didn't get to know your soulless little amalgamation, you could always take apart toys and make a talkative little fellow who you can grow to love until they start to decompose.
- If done at the right time and thrown face up in the trash, aborted fetuses can survive to adulthood, though often not too bright, they lead destructive lives among the population. Make one your friend if you know one, perhaps you can help it along on its path to true happiness
- To offend your pro-life friends, you can get pregnant and get abortions for fun and talk about with everyone possible. You can compete with other couples or friends to tally up the most aborted fetuses. For extra fun gather many friends together and try to beat the number of Jews reportedly killed in the Holocaust, who ever gets the 6 millionth, wins a useless trinket of status.
Someone who is pro-life (also known as pro-babies-from-10-year-old-rape-victims) is someone who is against abortion because it is murder. Most people who call themselves pro-life tend to be Republican, pedophiles, or populist, but there are uncommon cases of democrats and otherwise liberal-minded people being against abortion. Pro-lifers are all pedophiles because of their obsession with loving children and that they believe there should be more babies around to Love. They are also hypocrites because none of them really want to adopt the abominations they want to force women to give birth to deformed creatures. Further, very few support government welfare systems and the overwhelming majority are pro-capital punishment. Thus, pro-lifers are not really "pro-life" and are therefore retarded.
Ironically, most people who are pro-life are in favor of the death penalty and killing people in Iraq (and pretty much anywhere else President Bush feels like having people killed; what, do you hate America?!).
The mortal enemy of a pro-lifer is someone who is pro-choice whom they often wish death upon and sometimes even carry out themselves. To pro-life, pro-choice are heartless demons, and that feeling is shared.
However, not all pro-choicers have clean reputations either.
Pro-Life Quotes
—What's your point? |
Previous Quote | Next Quote
Someone who is pro-choice is generally considered to be the embodiment of all things awesome (strictly due to their love of killing babies, which is AWWWWRIIIGHT.) The wise and intelligent Chancellor of Germany was a massive supporter of abortion in order to eradicate the greatest causes of crime in the world. However, recently the pro-choice movement has been hijacked with feminists, thus making its ghey levels over 9000. Though, unlike pro-life, they actually believe the mother is a person and do not see the fetus as a person.
There are many theories behind the origins of the feminist anti-lulz, but no clear cut answer is available. However, here are the 3 most likely sources:
(Please take to note that these, along with the gays, Jews, and Jesus, are among those suspected for the 9/11 attacks.)
Pro-choicers will not rest until every life-ruining fetus has been sucked from every womb, but are fighting to save the bad guys in the Iraq and take the child-rapists and serial killers off of death row. As Osama Bin Laden is more human than an unborn baby. Just because abortion saves women's lives does not mean that it is all right. Pro-choice advocates are all idiots that don't realize that murder is one of the funniest activities evar. To pro-choice, pro-life are the scum of the earth.
NOTE: Pro-choice shall forever remain unlulzy until every feminist on the planet is executed.
Notable Pro-choicers
Dr. Pogany
Include the not-so-world-renowned (former Professor) and Jewish HUMAN RIGHTS expert, Dr Istvan Pogany, a guy who knocked up his undergraduate student then dragged her to the local abortion clinic in order to avoid exposure in newspapers up and down the United Kingdom. After said exposure, he ran away as far as his pro-choice legs could take him to avoid the inevitable scorn and laughter which befell his colleagues at the School of Law at the University of Warwick in the UK. He returned one year later and is now to be found skulking the corridors of the same institution minus his Professorship title and his aborted kid. The Telegraph
Pro-Choice Quotes
—repeat PP customer |
Previous Quote | Next Quote
How Does Abortion Affect Parents?
Abortion Drama OTI
- Recently some prick managed to amass 1,200+ comments and 89,000+ views in one day, by mistaking The Onion for a purveyor of real news. The article in question, I'm Totally Psyched About This Abortion!, netted a few enthusiastic replies by this gentleman who believed it to be real, and not obvious satire. Notably, he doesn't know what an Ellipsis is, nor what it signifies... it is assumed that he doesn't speak Japanese...
- On MySpace, the biggest prolife group found was found here: Pro-Life. As ironic as the URL sounds, it is a prolife group. It should also be noted that the group site currently has no mod, so it is free for trolling. Also there's a sexy and dashing poster named Jim Profit whom you should devote your life to.
- Amy Richards wrote a big article for the New York Times about how she was infected with triplets and decided to kill only two of them, while letting the third one live. Her husband meekly assented to the murder instead of hitting her with an oiled table leg in a downward motion.
- What to Expect When You're Aborting by Dr Spock is also an excellent pro-your-own-life guide to the most funnest abortion evar!
LJ Drama
There are many pro-life communities on LiveJournal (the biggest one being prolife), just as there are many pro-choice communities. The two hate each other, and if any member of one community crosses paths with a member of the opposing community, you know some flames will go down - a perfect opportunity for epic lulz.
- There is also an Abortion category on LJDrama, dedicated to child-free and abortion drama.
Rebutal: Killin' the Tiller
Lvl 12 Fetalmancer dual class Ranger George Tiller of (What's the matter with?) Kansas was permabanned from God's green Earth last Sunday (May 31st) in church. Lolwut? He was shot through the heart, causing over 9000 damage. The paramedics came to late and the loving cause of pro-life was given, a bad name, YEAH! BAAAAAAAAD NAMMME!
Being one of the few doctors to perform the sweet surgical symphony that is a late term abortion, loose/unlucky women/asking for it will have to travel even further to prune their crotch fruit. So basically it will be mostly private school girls on "vacation with their aunt" and less poor people getting their abort on which will, funny enough, lead to more po' folks in general and a boom for the wire hanger industry.
Reaction has mostly been hilarious on both sides. Check back for further, tasteful updates.
Abortion Fun Facts!
- Abortion was invented because people were too damn retarded to use a fucking condom when doing it
- In April 2007, Yale art student Aliza Shvarts claimed to have artificially inseminated herself at least 100 times, each time filming herself inducing abortions with herbal remedies, and saving the blood to smear on plastic sheets and drape over a giant cube. She did it for the lulz.
- L. Ron Hubbard was obsessed with abortion, performing at least 7 on his wife. With a coat hanger no less.
- Abortion is the best way to make sure your kid doesn't grow up to degrade women by looking at pornography.
- Scientific Studies have show that there is no connection between abortions and breast cancer.
- Romanians get the Olympic-gold-fucking medal for abortions: they killz 3 quarters of their unborn kidz. A Romanian diplomat was quoted as saying, "We do it for the LULZ." <1>
- Both Saddam Hussein and Adolf Hitler were going to be aborted, but their mothers decided against it.
- Noone on either side of the issue has ever made a valid point ever, therefore your answer when asked by some aspie Christfag about your views on abortion should be "both", which makes more sense than an either/or choice.
- It is a fun fact that behind all the push for abortions is jews. This is a good arguing point whenever arguing with a pro-choicer. The big push began with Vladimir Lenin✡ in the USSR (everyone involved in that from Marx through Trotsky was a jew). Roe vs. Wade that made it legal in the USA was the work of two jewish lawyers Linda Coffee and Sarah Weddington pressuring a woman (who later become strongly pro-life) into letting them use her politically. Most abortion doctors are jews, too! Jews only believe in abortion for goyim and oppose it for jews.
True Impact of Abortion
This being based on no hard researched facts...Truth is most seeking an abortion are scared knocked up teens. Emotional stories of successful NFL up and comers such as Tim Teebow are a rarity. Most if they take their pregnancy to full term, will have a child that either become Ward of the State because they do not have the education or maturity to raise a child properly. If that child is a female there is at least a 70% chance of her becoming a productive member of this nations sex-based entertainment industry.
With the rise in abortions has had a devastating effect on the available pool of local available talent for local exotic dance facilities and studios that produce films for the adult crowd. With the short usable life span of the sex based professional. Liberal areas are burning out of fresh talent faster than their cracked out teen population and produce and incompetently raise them into a life of sluthood, while conservative areas with strict anti-abortion laws and adherence to fundamentalist christian values have a thriving sex industry with exotic dance clubs filled with a constant stream of supple young firm talent who are willing to serve the needs of their repressed hypocrite middle aged undersexed married males. While strip clubs in abortion ravaged liberal areas are staffed be dancers who are 35 year-old bullet wound riddled, knife scarred heroin addled truck stop whores who should have been replaced when they hit 25 but are forced to perform way past their usefulness because of the depletion of any fresh young talent.
On the national scale if abortion continues to drain our available domestically produced sources, the USA will be forced to depend on foreign sources for fresh young talent. This means having to do business with counties like Moldova, Ukraine and Albania and other corrupt 3rd world regimes, and criminal organizations such as the Russian mafia and Croatian war criminals.
So please people stop abortion so you can save your nation's domestic sex industry.
Baby Pictures
Pro-lifers support ear-neck boy!
Monkey-Girl supports pro-lifers!
Toadboy wishes he were dead. This is the result of your defective sperm.
Pro lifers support the idea of
105 year olds giving birth after getting raped. -
Awww, isn't it just precious?
You can also abort a baby after it's born, as long as you use a knife.
If you like Pokemon then you'll love getting an abortion.
Mother of the Year 2007
Their way of converting people to the pro life way.
The Pro-lifer's Final Solution!
Good eats!
Fetus: Anti-free will or pro-baby murder?
Some people collect abortions and auction them on the Internet.
Fetus omelet
Snacks to bring to the party.
Abortions make your babies happy.
Pennywise abortin babies in ur McDonald's
They are indeed fun.
A Handy Guide to Trolling Pro-Lifers
Pro-life fail advertisement
It's only ok if you're a Jew.
HOLEY SCHITT!! Abort this abomination!!
This is was happens when you failed to abort after fucking an ostrich.
This guy didn't get an abortion. So he gave birth to his rape baby.
It's a shame the "mother" didn't abort these nigs.
What to you happens after you fail to abort.
Pretty late abortion. Really popular in the USA.
Sometimes he just can't wait!
It's a fun game for everyone!
Billy Mitchell is like abortion
Docs just wanna have fun
Announcing an abortion on MySpace
See also
External Links
- Bible Resources Recommend ED's Abortion Stance
- Amy Richards describes the Halloween haunted house exhibit she has planned for her surviving baby
Abortion Is Pro-Life - The current Pope of Objectivism preaches about the fantastic, life-affirming Good News of abortionBALEETED- The Regressive Party - Maddox's view on the subject
Abortion Debate/ Flame Wars. The site owner is a virgin in his 50s.BALEETED- Typical Pro-Life website that advocates killing homosexuals.
- Emily Letts' famous abortion selfie video.
Abortion is part of a series on
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