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WARNING: With Jews, you lose! |
The Talmud is the most important and most central religious scripture of the Chosen People. It is a guide to life, a justification for pedophilia, a glance into their Judeocentric worldview and their genocidal ideology, an appeal to world domination and a foundation to all Jewish thought and aspirations.
The Talmud preaches a moral double standard that makes even the Turner Diaries seem innocuous by comparison, and goes to show that everything bad that happened to the Jews throughout history is actually stuff that they've been secretly preaching as well as practicing the whole time. If the Talmud seems spiteful to you, then you are absolutely correct, as the Talmud was written by seething rabbis as a reaction to the first written gospels; and boy is it some blasphemous hatefic. In Gittin 57a, Jewish necromancers resurrect Jesus from the dead so they can boil him alive in the MLP Cum Jar, as if killing him once wasn't enough for them, and all because he didn't give 2,800 gentile slaves to every Jew each.
Teachings of the Talmud
This section needs moar scrutiny! You can help by scrutinizing the Talmud for every shekel that it's worth! |
Pedophilia is A-OK!
The Talmud defends child sexual intercourse like a bunch of redditors discussing the age of consent. Section Sanhedrin 54b:21 permits sexual intercourse with boys so long as they receive it passively and are below 9 years of age (and 1 day to be precise). Homosexual intercourse between two consenting adult men however is worthy of the capital punishment. Now if the absolvement of pederasty wasn't enough to mindboggle all gentiles who are unable to comprehend the Jews' obvious moral superiority, just wait until you see what is written in Ketubot 11b:6, which steps into the realm of literal toddlercon; stating "An adult man who engaged in intercourse with a minor girl less than three years old has done nothing". There is however some objection to this as noted in Ketubot 11b:5, but only to the cost of her marriage contract.
—Ketubot 11b:6 |
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Libbre David
Libbre David is one of those extremely rare and esoteric books of the Talmud that would appear somewhere at the bottom of an iceberg image chart. Part of it's obscurity is due to its literal nonexistence, as in its actually Fake and Gay, but supposed quotes from this book are still passed around as a hoax (or the Jews are really good at covering this one up). Libbre David 37 suggests that non-jews would kill Jews if they knew what they truly believed in, and what probably makes this hoax so believable is that it sound exactly like something that would be written down in the Talmud. Something quite similar to Libbre David 37 does actually appear in the Talmud; though less harrowing, in Avodah Zarah 16a it states "It is forbidden to sell the books of the prophets to the soothsayers, sense they may use them for their evil worship in their idolatrous temples. Those who do so sin against the law which forbids us to place an obstacle in the way of a blind person. It is also forbidden to sell them to a Christian who is not shaved, for he is sure to give or sell them to one of them who is shaved."
—Libbre David 37 |
See Also
Talmud is part of a series on Visit the Truth Portal for complete coverage. |