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If you have any information regarding this site or the identities of any of the members, contact us at [mailto:[email protected] [email protected]].
If you have any information regarding this site or the identities of any of the members, contact us at [mailto:[email protected] [email protected]].

[[Category:Pedophile Organizations]]

Latest revision as of 12:29, 11 August 2015

Created: Unknown, but in operation since at least 2002.
Referred to as: Puellula.com, Puellula
Based out of: Netherlands
Founder: Lindsay Ashford
Purpose: "To bring together a wide range of resources that show the beauty of girls, both in the arts and in real life."
Website Address:
Current: Shut Down Oct. 2007
Previous: http://www.puellula.com
Pedophile Websites: GirlChat, PNVD
Puellula.com is a Website set up by Lindsay Ashford to provide resources, links, pictures and advice for little "girllovers", as well as children themselves. Ashford also uses it as a platform to spew his political agenda about doing away with age of consent laws.


October 2007:

Citing that he is unable to hold down a job due to his pedophile activism, Lindsay Ashford has shut down Puellula.com.

Puellula.com is a Website dedicated to "girllovers" and is run by the outed pedophile, Lindsay Ashford. It started as just one Website called The Human Faces of Pedophilia (HFP) run by Ashford and two other pedophiles, Marthijn Uittenbogaard and Norbert de Jonge. After a falling out between Ashford and the other two, Lindsay kept HFP as his personal site and built Puellula.com around it.

The main page of the site gives out basic information about the purpose of the site, the meaning of the terms used, the causes of pedophilia, how to accept being a "girllover" or "boylover" and how to accept a significant other who may be a pedophile. There are also 15 separate sections (described below), including pictures, news articles, testimonials, a "Childlover" Manifesto, and more.

The two sections of this Website that have caused the most controversy are 'Sugar and Spice' and 'Taken from our Midst'. Sugar and Spice is run by Catherine N.X. and it is made for children. The wording is simple, the page looks very childlike, and there is a lot of talk about 'love' instead of sexual abuse and molestation. There was also a section where children could send in e-mails about the love they were experiencing for Cat to answer, but it is currently disabled. Taken from our Midst is a page dedicated to missing and/or murdered children. There are many pictures but only of girls, including such famous cases as Elizabeth Smart.

In 2005, the Website made the news as outraged parents came forth demanding that their children's pictures be removed. Most recently, in March of 2007, Ashford was contacted by US Senator Barack Obama's lawyers because Ashford had posted the Senator's female children's pictures onto Puellula.com saying that he was going to vote for the Senator in the 2008 Presidential election so that he could have such cute girls to watch grow up in the White House. When Ashford was told to take down the pictures, he did, but still writes about the whole situation, including contact with Obama's lawyers.


Girls in Art

Here we examine some of the works of art which best illuminate the many facets of girlhood which we so deeply admire.

Special Projects

Here you can find the various special projects that Puellula has presented over the years

Confessions of an Amarso

This is my place to express my frustrations, think aloud and ponder the things I see. ...you can find my autobiography and other information about me.

The Neptune Link Directory

This is a comprehensive directory of resources for all pedophiles, both boylovers and girllovers, as well as for anybody else looking for information about pedophilia and consensual childlove.

World Ages of Consent

This is a comprehensive listing of the ages of majority, consent and marriage for countries and territories around the world.

The Human Face of Pedophilia

I am a pedophile (amarso), but I am not a child molester. In this website, I point out the differences between the two and present an ethical framework in which mutually beneficial intimate relationships between consenting adults and young people can take place. I also explain that pedophilia is not an illness, but a distinct sexual orientation.

Alice Pleasance Liddell: Website describing the relationship between Alice, who inspired Alice in Wonderland, and the author, Lewis Carroll.

Anne Frank: Flower in a Crannied Wall: Website about the life and death of Anne Frank.

Kumari: The Living Goddess

She is the Royal Kumari, the living goddess, the embodiment of Taleju Bhawani. And she is just a little girl...

Alma Pintada

Childhood: A Cultural Study of Sexuality and Violence

Alice Under Skies

An extensive collection of poetry, short stories and novels from a range of known and unknown writers that express the many forms that love between adults and girls can take

Girllovers in History... and the Girls they Loved

The purpose of this website is to show through the examples of a number of high-profile characters that throughout history, it has not been entirely uncommon for men to be attracted to and love young or adolescent girls.

Sugar and Spice

This is the place for young girls who want to learn about love and romance. Falling in love is a very exciting thing that every girl experiences at some time in her life. Many times she falls in love with a boy her age, but sometimes she may fall in love with another girl or even with an adult. It is important for her to realize that there is nothing wrong with falling in love with anybody, regardless of their age or gender, as long as she is doing what SHE wants to do.

Taken from our Midst (Archive)

This website keeps the memory of girls who have gone missing alive, even after the news media have forsaken them and decided that they are no longer 'newsworthy'.

Graphic Love

Here is a collection of graphic images which symbolize adult-child relationships.

Notable Members

Known E-mail Addresses


I am not the enemy. The enemy is the one who wants to hurt your little girl. I am the one who would never do anything to cause harm to come to her.

Indeed, I wish to treat her with the utmost respect, to talk to her, to listen to her, to laugh with her, to play with her, to love her. The love that I wish to bestow upon her will start with phileo, the love which is equated with friendship, companionship and affection. As I get to know her better and appreciate her for the unique individual that she is, this love will deepen into agape, a profound respect and admiration. Our friendship and mutual respect will allow us to fully appreciate the joys of our eros, or physical love, which will, in turn, affirm and reinforce the beautiful bond we have created together.

A ChildLover's Creed

1. I will always treat you with dignity and respect.
2. I will always put your well-being ahead of my own.
3. I will always give to you first before accepting anything from you.
4. I will always stop when you tell me to stop.
5. I will always avoid the use of force, coercion or manipulation to get my way with you.
6. I will always do my utmost to ensure that no physical or emotional harm comes to you.
7. I will always strive to encourage and contribute to your emotional, intellectual and spiritual development.
8. I will always answer your questions with honesty and sensitivity.
9. I will always respect your opinions, thoughts and wishes.
10. I will always ask rather than assume.

From the 'Sugar and Spice' section (geared towards children):

When an adult and a young girl discover that they like each other very much, this is the beginning of one of the most special types of relationship anybody can have! A girl and a loving adult can form a very special bond, as the adult provides experience and knowledge, and the girl provides a fresh way of seeing the world and her excitement for life.

Special friendships usually start out as friendly love, but over time they begin to look like a combination of spiritual love and romantic love. This means that the young girl and her special friend begin to understand each other very deeply and to care about each other very much. It also means that they miss each other very much when they don’t see each other, and always eagerly look forward to the times when they can be together!

As special friendships develop, a girl and her special friend learn many things about each other, sharing their ideas, thoughts and feelings with each other. This results in each occupying a very special place in the other’s heart. Special friendships can be very long-lasting, and special friends usually remain friends even if their romantic feelings for each other eventually fade way.

Contact Us

If you have any information regarding this site or the identities of any of the members, contact us at [email protected].

is part of a series on evil-unveiled.com.

