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Age: 30+
Birthdate: Unknown
Race: Unknown
Occupation: Unknown
Location: US
Physical Description:
Pedophile Websites: BoyChat
Tyler is a teacher and a pedophile who posts on BoyChat

Tyler is a moderator at BoyChat. He also maintains BoyChat's nick list. [1] He said that he chose his pseudonym, "Tyler Patrick," because he's had a crush on every child he's known with the names Tyler and Patrick.

He claims he has taught school for over 15 years.


Andy is a boy I totally fell in love with this year. He's 10, and is tiny. I've always had a thing for tiny boys.

It took a few years to come to 100% acceptance. I'm a bl. I'm a pedophile. I'm sexually, physically, emotionally, lovingly attracted to boys. I wouldn't change it. If I were reincarnated...THAT is what I want.

Our Investigation

The investigation into this person is ongoing.

Online Accounts

Email Address

Other Aliases

  • TylerP
  • Tyler P


Last Known Address

If you have information about this person's current address, or his exposure to children, please contact [email protected].

Last Known Phone Number

If you have information about this person's current phone number, or his exposure to children, please contact [email protected].

Additional Quotes

The parents never said anything to me, but I could tell they were uncomfortable with it

I can't picture doing the things I do with boys with girls without raising tremendous amounts of suspicion.

I know SO many boys who are perfect to me physically (not necessarily perfect "models," but perfect to me) who have some serious character flaws. That has a lot do do with my attraction

I prefer boxers...for some reason, having a hint of a cute little butt and being overall more subtle, just lights my fire.

But I also like briefs...right out of the dryer on a just-bathed little boy

AOA parameters can be restricting.

A 16-year-old is sometimes in my aoa, sometimes not.

Same with 13, same with 18.

Any of them can be as hairy as a gorilla, or as smooth as a baby's butt.

That's a lot of what defines who I am attracted to.

If it's a bit of pubic hair, and the rest of the body is not a gorrila, I'm cool with that. Semen from a teen doesn't bother me

I've met one BC participant in real life. And it was in Europe! (I live in the US). I guess the distance made it seem safer.

I would probably be more reluctant to meet someone who lived near me, for fear of being recognized.

You're right...you get a feel for the real people when you email for a while. Even so, using the most extreme cautionary tactics is always a good idea.

Also, do those companies scan attachments for viruses? And if they can, what else can they scan attachments for?

I'm more likely to do that with an adult in his 20s, but I've seen some very attractive (in the general sense) men in their 40s and 50s and I think how cute they must have been. In a lot of those cases, I know their boys, and I think how long their boys will stay very cute.

I also see boys who are 14 or 16 and think how they must have looked when they were 10.

Additional Information

Tyler has posted that he is "a child of the 80's". He has attended college and makes claims of being a teacher. Tyler was a swim teacher which began after high school. He has made mention of some problems with anxiety and / or panic attacks and that he has seen a counselor. Tyler has posted that he has two college degrees.

Contact Us

If you have information pertaining to this individual, including his identity, whereabouts or contact with minor children, please contact [email protected].

is part of a series on evil-unveiled.com.

