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cw5614 - Chris
Age: 32
Birthdate: Unknown
Race: Unknown
Occupation: Candy Maker
Location: Pennsylvania
Physical Description:
Pedophile Websites: TeenBoysWorld
cw5614 is a pedophile activist from Pennsylvania, who served as an administrator at TeenBoysWorld.

cw5614, aka Chris, is a long time member of TeenBoysWorld, where he has also served in the capacity of an administrator, or "Director".

Chris shared very little about himself on the forums, but what he has shared though, is that he is a gay boylover who has an obsession for child actor, Randy Shelly. He also likes German Shepherds and has mentioned having three nieces, one who is 13 years old and two who are 5 years old.

Most of Chris' time on TeenBoysWorld is spent welcoming new members and assisting with any technical issues that users may have. He is supportive but doesn't generally participate in the discussions.

Our Investigation

All information in this article was taken directly from cw5614's profile and posts on the TeenBoysWorld site. We will update this article when more information becomes available and is confirmed.

Online Accounts

Known Screen Names:

  • cw5614
  • Chris

Known E-Mail Addresses:

Other Contact Info:

  • YIM ID: cw5614


Last Known Address

Chris stated in his TeenBoysWorld profile that he is from Pennsylvania, however he did not list a city. If you have information as to his address and/or telephone number, please contact us at [email protected].

Contact Us

If you have more information at to the identity of this individual, or of his contact with minor children, please contact [email protected].

is part of a series on evil-unveiled.com.

