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Gary Anderson AKA Simeon Hope
Age: 59 (approx)
Birthdate: 1965
Occupation: "Power Gen Worker"
Location: Derby, United Kingdom
Physical Description:
Hair Color: None
Organizations: GirlChat, BoyChat, SOSEN, BoyMoment, Boylover.net
Gary Anderson is a convicted child pornography collector who writes stories graphically depicting child molestation
File:CapNemo - 01.jpg
Gary Anderson

Gary Anderson

Gary "Gareth" Anderson AKA "CapNemo" originally worked as a school music teacher, prior to being arrested in 2000 for distributing child pornography and storing more than 51,000 indecent images on his computer. He was rearrested in 2003 for possessing indecent images of children, some of which "reflected apparent fear or distress in the victim." Despite his enrollment in mandatory sex offender treatment he continued his involvement with the online pedophile community and regarding his treatment program stated:

"My strategy is to tell these lovely, caring people what they like to hear. My real thoughts I keep to myself and for here. I want to be regarded as low risk, so that I can lead a more normal life."

In addition to immediately returning to GirlChat upon release from prison the second time, Gary joined SOSEN seeking to find a way to get around the law. He also maintained his real life friendship with another member of GirlChat who had also been convicted of the same charge, Taf-kat.

Online, Gary has been posting on pedophile message boards such as GirlChat and BoyChat since 2001, the topic of Gary's posts often being slanted towards the legalization of child pornography and sex between adults and children. Elsewhere online Gary wrote "erotic" child molestation stories for other pedophiles, which graphically describe the sexual abuse and exploitation of children in disturbing detail.


What if a young boy walks in on you Masterbating?

In my fantasy, of course I'd let him help. In reality, it would depend on whether I fancied him, how well I knew him and how likely he owuld be to keep it a secret. The idea, of course, is very hot.

So far as our organisational structure goes, this is of course different from anything I've done before, because our aims are illegal. We must stay Internet-only for as long as possible. Only very gradually must we reveal our child-loving status, because it is regarded with such revulsion by so many people. Our initial work must be genuinely aimed at improving the lot of children, without even a secondary aim of slightly changing the law for us or anything along those lines. I doubt whether we should even try to find a person to act as a public face for a long while yet. They would be in great personal danger from the start

It may be that the UK government might use the new anti-terrorism law and other recent legislation to try to stop childlovers from working together and publishing, even on the Net. We would have to find ways to circumvent that.

Our Investigation

  • Our investigation is ongoing

Online Accounts

Known Screen Names

  • CapNemo
  • Numan999uk
  • KidsPower
  • Simeon Hope (His former legal name)
  • luv_lauren99

Known E-Mail Addresses

Known Websites


Pedophile Websites


Last Known Address

86B Cotmanhay Road
Ilkeston, Derbyshire

Last Known Phone Number

  • 07990 992778 - November 18, 2007
  • 07966 069016 - April 7, 2006
  • 07990 992778 - November 22, 2005
  • 07989 132835 - May 11, 2002

Additional Quotes

6-12. As soon as they reach adolescence with pimples, hair - yuck.

Posted by Capnemo on 2008-December-10 17:14:30, Wednesday

I was in the SOTP a few years ago. Amongst the vast array of lunacies on display, we had to refer to it as "images of child abuse". But perhaps it's different now. It will certainly be another term in a year or two, and woe betide any offender who fails to use the correct term.

I could write a book - or at least an essay - on the nonsense I endured.

I'm a UK SO for a CP offence and the therapy course (govt funded, run by the charity National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) had a section where I had to state in front of the other offenders that the children in my photos were abused every time I looked at their pictures. The course was hugely interesting to me for the irrational nonsense that I had to pretend to believe. It was like being forced to become a Scientologist.

As someone with a conviction, I can safely say that adult-child sex pics are not rare. It is a few years ago now, but I saw many pics of this kind, usually clearly taken this century, probably Japan/Eastern Europe/Western Europe/occasionally USA. There are no statistics that I am aware of.

My main AoA is 8 or 9 or so, always has been, though when I was 11-14 or so I was lusting after some of my friends. They never knew it. But after that I realised my main attraction was to younger boys (and girls) and has stayed the same since. And that's two decades!

It's an excellent article, and a brave stand to take these days. However, it is not a defence of childloving, merely a defence of our legal rights. Commendable, but there is much further to go. I don't just want my legal rights to defend myself, I want my sexuality made legal.

What I saw, and enjoyed, was pictures of children posing, or children having sex. In either case, the children pictured were obviously having a great time. I can't believe that kids are such great actors that they can have big beaming smiles, or looks of pleaseure - and actually be in pain.

I saw one or two that were not of this nature, but not many, and they were horrible, even though they were not as bad as you say - burns etc. Those ARE disgraceful and the perpetrators should be jailed.

If you believe that kids cannot consent to CP because they are too young - then you must also believe that they can never consent to sex - or their legal rights, or lots of other things too. But those aren't the kids I know, or the kids I knew when I was one myself.

Additional Information

Related Media

Child porn pervert is locked up again

Tuesday 12th Aug 2003 - A FORMER North-East teacher was back in jail last night for possessing indecent images of children - only two years after being released from prison for distributing child pornography - Gary Anderson, 37, who changed his name from Simeon Hope following his arrest last year. Yesterday, he was jailed for 18 months and banned from ever working with children or keeping a computer with Internet access. He was also ordered to serve an extended licence, once released, of four-and-a-half years, to be controlled by the probation service and receive treatment.

In a chilling twist, Anderson, then known as Hope, had written an open letter to The Northern Echo in 1998 complaining that children were over-protected. He wrote: "Children are not and never were innocent; it's just in this fabulously rich society we can afford to protect them from real work and responsibilities. In most of our world, childhood has ended by ten or 11."

Contact Us

If you have any information regarding this individual's current whereabouts, contact us at [email protected].

is part of a series on evil-unveiled.com.

