
From Encyclopedia Dramatica
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Age: 23
Birthdate: Unknown
Race: Unknown
Occupation: College Student
Location: Northwestern US (possibly Spokane, WA area)
Physical Description:
Pedophile Websites: BoysMagicWorld, BoyWrite, BL.net, TeenBoysWorld, Boylandonline, YouTube
Paul83 is a very active member of the online pedophile community, serving as a staff member on at least one site
Paul 83's signature picture

Paul83, aka Paul88Wax, is a pedophile who is very active in the online pedophile forums. As a member of BL.net he serves in the role of 'Big Brother', which is a staff member designated to assist new members as they become acclimated to the site. Paul is also a member of BoyWrite, BoysMagicWorld, and Boylandonline. Paul also was a prominent member of the now defunct TeenBoysWorld.

Paul, who is primarily attracted to little boys as young as 9 years old, describes himself as being reserved and lonely. He claims to have no young friends and says that he didn't become sexual until he was in his mid teens when he became involved with an 8 year old neighborhood child. He is into reading stories about pedophile relationships and is known for his love of photographs of young boys. At one time he maintained an account on a Russian photo hosting site, but was banned for violating their TOS agreement. Descriptions of the photos he once maintained on the site make it quite clear that his images were of child pornography. Paul still actively participates in the photo galleries on the pedophile sites he frequents, although these sites claim to keep their images within legal limits.


For years I lived in a state of deep depression because I thought the world was out to get me and everything I did was wrong, it wasn't until I stumbled across my first BL board that I felt welcome and understood.

My first yf was eight, and I was in my mid teens at the time, we both lived on the same street and had lots of fun together.

Our Investigation

  • We first noticed Paul83 posting on a site in which he talked about buying "boy movies" and was seeking advice from other pedophiles regarding a "safe" place to purchase from.
  • Using his screen name, Paul83, we began to search other well known pedophile sites and found that he held memberships on quite a few of them. We also discovered a YouTube account in which Paul has subscribed to a controversial channel, in which the owners have been accused of luring children to send in videos of themselves with the belief that they would be promoted on YouTube, when in reality it is a channel run by pedophiles.
  • In one of Paul83's posts on one of the pedo sites, he mentioned that he had changed his screen name from Paul88Wax to Paul83. In another post he implied that he may live in the Spokane, Washington area. Because this information has not yet been confirmed, our investigation is ongoing at this time.

Online Accounts

Known Screen Names:

  • Paul83
  • Paul 83
  • paul_83
  • Paul88Wax

Web Sites:


Last Known Address

Unknown at this time. If you have information regarding this pedophile's location and telephone number, please contact us at [email protected].

Additional Quotes

...I would still be depressed and lonely if I had not come across this web site. I have been able to voice my opinions and feelings on a vast array of topics and I truly believe being able to share these things has been a major factor in my increased happiness. Even though I will probably never meet any of you in real life I still want to express my gratitude for the opportunity that I have been able to have on this site. There are many wonderful members that have helped me along the way and are too numerous to mention at this time.

It is as if I have been living in a dark cave and looking out into the world of happiness that has been in front of me yet so elusive. I have now been able to step into the light of acceptance and into the community of brotherhood that is created by this friendly environment. I hope my true sincerity comes across to those that read this message in that I am truly glad to be here. The world can be too harsh a place for one man to get by on his own and you have given me the strength to persevere with my head held high. I know of no other place that I have felt as welcome as I do on this website. You are the understanding friends that I wish I could have in the real world. May this website last for many years to come to offer hope and joy to others as it has offered to me.

After 200 posts and two weeks of being on this site I may still be relatively new but I must say that I do feel welcome to be here, so let me say it once again, Thank You.

Additional Information

  • Interested in running, reading, and writing
  • Favorite boy actor is Cameron Bright
  • Says his idol is the Dalai Lama
  • Has two dogs and says he's involved throughout his community
  • May also be fluent in French

Contact Us

If you have any information regarding this individual's current whereabouts, contact us at [email protected].

is part of a series on evil-unveiled.com.

