
From Encyclopedia Dramatica
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Created: Unknown
Referred to as: TkGL
Based out of: Bilston, UK
Founder: Lux
Purpose: To provide an online community of support and socialization for pedophiles who are primarily attracted to little girls, as well as serving as a venue for promoting pedophilic views.
Website Address:
Current: http://www.tkgl.net
TkGL is a site which provides a community of support for pedophiles attracted to little girls, as well as a place for debate and socialization. It is not in operation at this time due to the incarceration of the owner, Lux.

TkGL is a site which was intended to provide an online gathering place for pedophiles who are attracted primarily to little girls, for support, debate and socialization.

Begun by a pedophile who goes by the screen name Lux, TkGL is now in standby mode as Lux is serving time in prison on a variety of charges ranging from possession of child pornography to the sexual assault of a little boy under the age of 13. He has, however, vowed to restart the website upon his release from prison.

TkGL provided a forum for members to socialize with each other and to share their views on pedophilia. The site also provided pedophile parenting tips, an arcade section, a virtual pet area, and a gallery of images of little girls


More Information

If you have more information regarding this site, it's ownership, members, or of their contact with minor children, please contact us at [email protected].

Contact Us

If you have any information regarding this site or the identities of any of the members, contact us at [email protected].

is part of a series on evil-unveiled.com.

