
From Encyclopedia Dramatica
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Age: 37
Birthdate: Unknown but states he is a Sagittarius
Race: Unknown
Occupation: Unknown
Location: US
Physical Description:
Pedophile Websites: BoysMagicWorld, BoyMoment, BoyPassion, TeenBoysWorld, YouTube
Justthere is a "boylover" pedophile who is very active in the online pedo community, serving as a moderator for several boylove sites. He is sexually attracted to little boys age 10 and up.
One of Justthere's Signature Images
Another signature image used by Justthere, believed to be him as a child
Justthere Signature Image
Image used by Justthere, which may include himself as an adult

Justthere is a pedophile who is also a regular member of several pedophile based web sites. He also serves in the role of a moderator on BoysMagicWorld, BoyMoment, BoyPassion and TeenBoysWorld.

Justthere states that his AoA is of "emo" boys age 10 and up. He also says he likes to see boys wear baggy pants so they can show off their "tails" and play it off as cool. Justthere believes he's been a boylover since birth, and has posted previously that he had an AF as a child. He says he does not know if that had anything to do with him becoming a "boylover" himself. He was married once for three years, however he is now divorced.


Re: What do you prefer to see boys weari

I developed a thing for the sagger look myself.Some lose jeans and some sexy boxers.Gives a lot of boys an excuse to show there tails and play it off as cool.

Re: Where you born a BL???

I dont know.I had my own experiences growing up with AF.But I cant say that made me what I am even before that I seemed to be attracted to kids younger than me so I must have been born a BL

Our Investigation

  • We first noticed Justthere while investigating other pedophile sites, and took note that he is serving in the role of a moderator on many of the sites.
  • Justthere's e-mail addresses were listed on the various sites, and through his profiles.
  • While searching for yet another pedophile, we noted that Justthere was on the friend's list of the person we were searching for information on. From that site, we took note of his age listed in his profile, as well as his location (US).
  • Using his screen name, we located a profile on YouTube for justthere, which contains tags indicating an interest in teen boys

Our investigation is continuing and we will update this article when further information becomes available.

Online Accounts

Known Screen Names:

  • justthere
  • juustthere
  • justthere1

E-Mail Addresses:

Other Contact Info:

Web Sites:


Last Known Address

Believed to be in the United States, an exact location is unknown. If you have information regarding this individual, his location or his telephone number, please contact us at [email protected].

Additional Quotes

Hi emoboy welcome.gif to BM.If you know how much I like emo's.You'd stay clear of me.

Additional Information

  • States he is a huge Indianapolis Colts football fan (may be from that area)

Contact Us

is part of a series on evil-unveiled.com.

