
From Encyclopedia Dramatica
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Age: late 30's-40's
Physical Description:
Organizations: GirlChat, Common Ground, Open Hands, VoA, GirlLove_Garden
Dissident is a teen attracted pedophile, who believes that age of consent laws should be abolished and that child pornography should be legal.

Dissident is a teen attracted pedophile who is a member of and frequent poster on GirlChat, Common Ground and Open Hands. He prefers being referred to as a hebephile or ephebophile, rather than a pedophile, because he is not attracted to pre-pubescent children.

Dissident believes that age of consent laws should be abolished because they are unjust towards children and minor-attracted adults. He is also outspoken regarding child pornography, stating that he believes the government is lying about the fact that thousands of American children are involved in the production of child pornography. He says that child pornography has become an urban legend and does not believe that children are coerced into participation.

As a pedophile activist, Dissident uses the forum at Common Ground to help bring the pedophile community together. He projects that pedophiles are not child abusers, but simply humans with an "unpopular orientation". He is a self-described socialist and enjoys debating his political beliefs on the GirlChat forum as well as in the chat room on the GirlChat site. Dissident also writes essays on pedophilia, poems about little girls and is compiling a list of words and phrases that teen-aged girls use in every day life. One may conclude that publishing such a compilation is intended to aid other pedophiles in their quest for young girls.

He also claims to be "out" to most of his friends and states that they accept his pedophilia. He has also stated his plans to move to Canada where the Age of Consent is 14, so he can legally date girls in his age of attraction.


I don't agree with society that adults having sexual thoughts for young people is a "perverse" thing, nor does it need to be a scary or dangerous thing...

I would like to see a world where it was legal for young adolescents to make tapes of themselves engaging in "soft core" sexual activity.

Our Investigation

Our investigation into this individual is ongoing.

Online Accounts

Known E-mail Addresses

Known Websites

Known Screennames:

  • Dissident

Last Known Address

If you have any information regarding this individual's identity or current whereabouts, contact us.

Last Known Phone Number

If you have any information regarding this individual's identity or current whereabouts, contact us.

Additional Quotes

We need to show the general public that we are not evil child abusers, but simply human beings with an unpopular orientation that are very terrified of a society that is determined to hate and loathe us simply for existing.

I want to get rid of the AoC laws because they are unjust for young people, they force many innocent people to go to jail for "arbitrary" offenses, and they violate the rights of MAA's and youths to choose to be with each other. Plain and simple.

~snippet~ As for CP, it depends on what is in it. I would like to see a world where it was legal for young adolescents to make tapes of themselves engaging in "soft core" sexual activity. I think sexual expression is a RIGHT that youths should have. I'm not sure why pre-pubescants would want to appear in such films, but since we do not yet have a youth liberated society, we cannot be totally sure as to what type of activities they would demand the right to engage in (I simply think it's unlikely that pre-pubescants would want to appear in such films or pics). So I also take a stance of neutrality regarding CP...as a youth liberationist, I need to consider that adolescents would probably have an interest in sexually expressing themselves on film or in pics.

The age group I am specifically speaking of here are those within my primary attraction base, which are girls from early adolescence, roughly from the ages of 11-15 years old, when they begin the transformation from children into young women.

That pedophilia and hebephilia are natural sexual orientations, we will not be legislated out of existence, turning this society into a veritable police state and declaring war on these natural orientations is not helping anyone, least of all minors, and the world needs to learn to live with us peacefully

Additional Information

  • Politically "pro-choice"
  • Social and political activist since he was 13, championing "youth rights"

Contact Us

If you have any information regarding this individual's current whereabouts, contact us at [email protected].

is part of a series on evil-unveiled.com.

