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Dark Giant
Age: 21+
Physical Description:
Pedophile Websites: ArtSapience.com
DarkGiant is a "girllover" pedophile who collects images of scantily clad young girls, which border being classified as child pornography.

DarkGiant is a pedophile who is attracted sexually to little girls, and has maintained an extensive collection of child modeling pictures in which the models are posed in sexy positions with little attire to cover them. Although the images are legal, they are barely so, and would indicate a high probability that DarkGiant may very well have child pornography in his personal possession.

Along with deviant discussions about little girls, DarkGiant featured his collection of photos, along with other like-minded pedophiles on the now defunct site, ArtSapience.com. DarkGiant was also made a moderator/administrator by the site owner, -:A:-:R:-:T:-, however the two became engaged in a heated argument when -:A:-:R:-:T:- accused DarkGiant of blocking him from certain functions of his own site. -:A:-:R:-:T:- blamed the closure of his site on DarkGiant, rather than on the site being outed by AboutUs as a pedophile site.

Our Investigation

Our investigation into this individual is ongoing, as we have little information at this time. We will update this article when more info becomes available.

Online Accounts

Known Screen Names/Aliases:

  • Dark Giant
  • DaRk GiAnT
  • Darkgiant
  • DG

E-Mail Addresses:


Last Known Address

If you have information regarding this person's identity, location, or telephone number, please contact us at [email protected].

Contact Us

If you have any information regarding this individual's current whereabouts, contact us at [email protected].

is part of a series on evil-unveiled.com.

