Evil-unveiled.com/Open Hands

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Open Hands
Created: 2001
Referred to as: Open Hands or OH
Based out of: Unknown
Founder: Bach
Purpose: To provide information, resources and support for spouses and family members of pedophiles, as well as support for the pedophile themselves.
Website Address:
Current: http://openhands.ws
Organizations: Christian Boylove Forum, Philia
Open Hands is a defunct website, built for pedophiles to give each other support, as well as to give support to family and friends of pedophiles, and anyone curious about pedophiles. Most of the users are now on the Christian Boylove Forum, and while both may seem benign on the surface, it is clear that pedophile propaganda is present on both boards.

Open Hands is a defunct website, built for pedophiles to give each other support, as well as to give support to family and friends of pedophiles, and anyone curious about pedophiles. Most of the users are now on the Christian Boylove Forum and while both may seem benign on the surface, it is clear that pedophile propaganda is present on both boards.

Mission Statement

"Open Hands is an online resource for people who are looking for information about adult attraction to minors. In particular we are focusing our efforts for spouses and other family members of minor-attracted adults.

A minor-attracted adult (MAA) who tells someone that he is attracted to minors is showing courage and profound trust in that person. When the individual demonstrates integrity in his actions and a commitment not to act on his sexual feelings, one can have more confidence in the person's ability to behave responsibly within the community. The decision to share with honesty this deeply personal information can therefore be an opportunity to develop further respect for that person.

Finding out that someone close to us has a sexual attraction to minors can be a terrifying experience. Information is difficult to find, and often contradicts what we already know about this person. How do we deal with the emotions and the questions? This website endeavours to provide such information and support."


Known E-mail Address

Contact Us

If you have any information regarding this site or the identities of any of the members, contact us at [email protected].

Evil-unveiled.com/Open Hands
is part of a series on evil-unveiled.com.

