Evil-unveiled.com/Sure Quality Radio

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Sure Quality Radio or SQR
Created: March 2001
Referred to as: Sure Quality Radio or SQR
Based out of: Southwest Florida
Founder: Jeff Gold
Purpose: 1) To reach out to the community in general. This includes both boylovers (closet and open) and non boylovers (the general public). We are also a resource for the entire intergenerational relationship and gay communities. We build bridges.

2) To motivate the boylove community to action by instilling strong senses of pride, fraternity and community.

3) To help organize and guide this community through various activist exercises.
Website Address:
Previous: http://surequalityradio.org (defunct)
Sure Quality Radio was an online radio station operated by pedophiles in order to talk about pedophilia and pedophile activism.

Sure Quality Radio was an Internet radio station, operated by and for pedophiles. Their slogan was "YOUR Boylove PRIDE Source!" They played music about boys with boy singers and had interviews and talks about pedophile activism. Some of the people they interviewed included Lindsay Ashford and NAMBLA representatives. The station is now defunct, because three of its DJs, including its CEO and founder, are in jail for molesting children.

In August of 2006, this statement was issued by Mother, the now-president of the station:

Involving statements by SureQuality Internet Radio

Posted by Mother on 2006-August-19 20:13:06, Saturday

I'm the Vice President of SureQuality Internet Radio and currently holding the reigns, but I'm not really good at making public statements, especially due to a difficult issue going on in my personal life, so I've asked Dylan Thomas, a former SQR DJ, trusted friend of the station and close and personal friend of mine, to make a statement on my behalf and he's agreed.

Mother Vice President

Statement of Behalf of SQR

Posted by Dylan Thomas on 2006-August-19 21:13:38, Saturday

In reply to Involving statements by SureQuality Internet Radio posted by Mother on 2006-August-19 20:13:06, Saturday

As Mother mentioned, she asked me to make a statement on her behalf. She has given me the relevant details but I've agreed to help put it into a coherent form. Please note that I am posting this not in any capacity as a Free Spirits official, but on behalf of Sure Quality Radio.

The founder of Sure Quality Radio, Jeffrey Gold and Divinaw, one of their DJs, have been arrested. At present, the only concrete information about the details of the arrest come from the police themselves and they are considered innocent of those charges until proven guilty in a court of law.

We do not know if any computer equipment has been seized from Jeffrey Gold's studio. If it is, people who have been in personal contact with them need to be aware and consider carefully where any of those communications might lead in an investigation. Standard listeners who were not otherwise involved personally should be aware that, as with any other online resource, their IP may still be logged in the ShoutCast server.

All official activities of SQR are currently shut down. Anyone claiming to be maintaining operations on behalf of SQR is lying. Mother, the acting president of SQR, is the only one authorized to resume any operations on behalf of SQR and she has no immediate plans to do so. Please view with extreme suspicion anyone claiming to be speaking on behalf of SQR without a specific statement from Mother to the contrary.

Sure Quality Radio is extremely sorry that it has had to cease operations of what its staff still genuinely believes is a vital and vibrant medium for the boylove community. We hope that the idea of boylove radio continues to grow strong independently of any one particular station.

Thank you for your attention and we are at your service for any further questions if it is within our power to answer them.

Sincerely, Dylan Thomas, on behalf of Mother Renee, Acting President, Sure Quality Radio

Mission Statement

  • Sure Quality Radio is dedicated to the high ideals of boylove; both as a lifestyle and a sexuality.
  • Sure Quality Radio does not harbor child pornography nor provide links to child pornography. We do provide some links to web pages that include nude, artistic content.
  • Sure Quality Radio does not ever encourage anyone to break any existing law; however, we do encourage activism amongst the boylove community and those sympathetic to their ideals. Also, we wish to promote a strong sense of fraternity within the boylove community.
  • Sure Quality Radio strongly encourages a rational reexamination of the current age of consent laws of many nations, finding many of these laws and their associated penalties to be excessively cruel as well as outmoded in today's world society.
  • Sure Quality Radio wishes to abet open and rational discussion both within and outside of the boylove community. We strongly believe in the rights of all children everywhere in the world and wish to help expand those rights.
  • Sure Quality Radio is not a business entity; however, we do accept voluntary donations in order to help defray the costs associated with quality production.




Chat Room

IRC Network: surequality.afraid.org port 6667
room #sqrchat

Email Information


Now Defunct URLs

  • surequalityradio.org
  • surequalityradio.afraid.org
  • surequality.ygto.com
  • surequalityradio.com

Former Address

7760 Bogart Drive
Unit C
North Fort Myers FL 33917

Former Phone Number

(239) 878-2336

The Brett Interview

Not much is archived online about this interview, but some have said that it had sexual descriptions which were not allowed to be heard in Canada. There are some reports that it was a 7 or 8-year-old boy, interviewed by appy, who was talking about his sex life with his family.


Contact Us

If you have any information regarding this site or the identities of any of the members, contact us at [email protected].

Evil-unveiled.com/Sure Quality Radio
is part of a series on evil-unveiled.com.

