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David Delaine Liberty
Age: 65
Birthdate: July 27, 1959
Race: Caucasian
Occupation: Incarcerated. Formerly: Construction Clean-Up
Location: Parkville, Missouri
Physical Description:
Organizations: BoyMoment, BLOL

David Delanie AKA Ddlibnkc Mugshot


September 24, 2009


David Delaine Liberty AKA "ddlibnkc" has been sentenced to serve 36 years in prison. Liberty is to serve 12 years in prison for promoting child pornography to be served consecutively to three year terms on eight counts of possession of child pornography. News Story

Prosecutors proved at trial that Liberty posted descriptions of sexual contact with young boys on an Internet forum dedicated to those who are sexually attracted to young boys. The posts were brought to the attention of law enforcement officers by Wikisposure, a group of volunteers who monitor the Internet for potentially illegal activity by child predators. A search of Liberty’s computer conducted pursuant to a May 2008 search warrant turned up multiple images of child pornography. Liberty had also taken hundreds of pictures of young children in public at local fairs and festivals.


July 28, 2009


David Delaine Liberty AKA ddlibnkc faces up to 71 years in prison after being found guilty of using his home computer to view child pornography and to share obscene material depicting children engaged in sexual conduct. He was also convicted on July 28 of one count of promoting child pornography and eight counts of possession of child pornography following a two-day trial. News Story #1 News Story #2 News Story #3

The case began after a tip from a group of volunteers who monitor the Internet for potentially illegal activity by child predators....Some of the photographs found on his computer depict boys under the age of 14 participating in sexual conduct. Another shows a naked young boy hog tied. Still others show boys ages 8 to 12 in diapers. Other images show Liberty wearing a diaper.

Breaking News

August 2008

David Delaine Liberty was arrested due to the work here at our Project and the wonderful officers in Platte County, MO. He was found with child pornography, including pictures of children who were bound, and there was rope found in his car. It was also discovered that he had a criminal past including possession of child pornography, and being charged with crimes related to jogging near a middle school wearing only diapers and shoes. It is believed that he has abused children in that area. Please see the media links for more information, and if you have any information about possible victims, contact Western Missouri Cyber Crimes Task Force at 816-858-1922 immediately.

ddlibnkc AKA David Delaine Libert is a pedophile from the Kansas City, Missouri area who is primarily attracted to little boys between the ages of 4 and 10 years old. He frequents a well known pedophile website called BoyMoment where he often posts about his sexual desires with children.

ddlibnkc lives with his elderly mother and has posted that he has had 3 YFs over the past ten years or so. It is believed that at least two of these children have lived with him and that one may currently be in his care. He states that although he has not verbally told his mother that he is a boylover. He believes that she knows because of the little boys who have slept in the bed with him.

As many pedophiles attempt to lessen the impact of their actions, ddlibnkc is one who states that he does not have "sex" with children, although he does have oral sex with his victims. He has blatantly admitted to performing oral sex on children with comments to the effect that he involves not only the child's penis, but the entire "boy pack". He often refers to "humping" on his back, as he has related stories about boys who climbed on his back or clung to him while riding on an inner tube.

ddlibnkc has also admitted to having a 400+ collection of DVDs of "boyflicks" and openly states that he is addicted to the internet, boys and pornography. He exhibits odd behavior in that he posts online for several months, then disappears for several months, before returning again and repeating the cycle. Mention has been made of him renting a computer, as well as stating that he has used the computer at a public library. This may explain his odd on-again/off-again behavior.

Not only does ddlibnkc speak of his attraction to boys, but he has posted that he wants to have a baby with his 28 year old lady friend. Based on comments he has made regarding his YFs, this "lady friend" may be the mother of one of his victims. He has also posted about buying an expensive camcorder and camera so he can capture images of boys "in the Midwest" to post on the forums, stating that he enjoys going to festivals in the area. His YouTube account contains a video of a festival in which he named the event. Our investigation has shown that this event took place in the Kansas City, Missouri area, which matches his profile information that he is located in the "Show Me" state.

Victims and Potential Victims

ddlibnkc has posted about three children with whom he has had sexual relations. He has also mentioned other children with whom he has had contact, although he has not admitted to any sexual contact with them specifically.

Victim 1:

At the age of 35, ddlibnkc stated that he met "Joshie" or "Josh", who was 2 years old at the time. It is unknown as to how ddlibnkc met the child, but he states that he lived with him from the age of 2 until he was 12, when his biological Father won custody in a heated battle. ddlibnkc first mentioned that his mother must know of his attraction to little boys because she constantly complained about Josh changing his diapers in the middle of the night, due to being a bed wetter, and then climbing back into bed with ddlibnkc while naked. ddlibnkc says that Josh slept with him until he was 9, then moved into his own bedroom. Josh's initials are JJS and his date of birth is October 12th. Josh would be approximately 15 years old at this time.

Victim 2:

The 2nd child ddlbinkc has mentioned having had a sexual relationship with, was a boy who first began to come play with Josh at the apartment complex where ddlbinkc was working. He would babysit the child for the mother, who he states is in the Marines. According to posts made by ddlibnkc, this child stayed with him until the mother moved to California when the boy was 10 years old.

Victim 3:

Little is known about the 3rd child, however it is believed that this boy is currently being victimized by ddlinbkc. He states that he has posted the child's picture in the BoyMoment photo gallery, but he will not admit to which image is of the child. He mentioned that the boy was 4 years old in a post dated December 2006, making him at least 5 years old at this time.

Other/Potential Victims:

ddlibnkc has mentioned 3 other children by name; however, it is unknown as to whether he has committed any illegal acts with them.

The 1st child is a boy named "Dakota", whom he says lives/ed across the street. In May of 2007, he posted that the boy went with him on a trip to a lake; ddlibnkc posted that he didn't get his back "humped" by the boy, but he got "lap dances" from him while they were on an inner tube together.

The 2nd and 3rd boys are twins named "Skyler" and "Tyler". He states that he sees these boys once every 3 weeks. ddlibnkc posted that the boys "humped" his back while on a "Tiki Warrior" (an over-sized inner tube pulled by a boat) and he made comments about them having erections and seeing one of them without underclothing.


I luv it when a lil one calls me a pervert just B4 he flops out his lil boy pack and begs me to lick it lick a lollypop

I fantise LOTS but only bout sucking n touching n dressing up n jackin


BUT I make sure 2 never cause pain ONLY GIVING PLEASURE


Of course its there lil peckers that makes me lick my lips

Oooooh I lik any kind of DIAPER I can put on or take off a young boy 5 to 10 yrs old.

Nothing turns me on more then to see that LIL BOY PACK throbbing just b4 I slip that DIAPER on THE BIGGER n THICKER the DIAPER on my boys 4 me please

Our Investigation

  • We first noticed ddlibnkc as an active poster on BoyMoment. He may be on other pedophile web sites as well but we have not been able to obtain solid information in that regards at this time.
  • Based on information he posted in his profile, we were able to determine that ddlibnkc was in the Kansas City, MO area.
  • Taking note of his posts on the BoyMoment forums, we have been able to gather information regarding the children he has been involved with over the years.
  • Searches using ddlibnkc's screen names and e-mail address led us to other sites on the internet where he maintains accounts and/or profiles.
  • His identity was discovered after he was arrested by the local police in his area.

Online Accounts

Known Screen Names

  • ddlibnkc
  • nkcddl

Known E-mail Addresses

Known Websites

  • Yahoo Profile:nkcddl
  • YouTube User:ddlibnkc
  • Imagecave User:nkcddl
  • IMGSRC.ru User:nkcddl - WARNING: This site, hosted in Russia, is known for storage of questionable images, some of which may be illegal. Clicking the link may lead you to sexually graphic images and/or instances of child pornography. Discretion is strongly advised.


Pedophile Websites

Last Known Address

ddlibnkc is located in the Kansas City, Missouri area; however, his exact address is unknown.

Additional Quotes

In response to a post by another pedophile, apollo17, in which he stated, "...I can readily assure you that they don't just 'ask' for it sometimes, they insist and will do anything they can to get it." ddlibnkc responded:

OMG I thought I was the only 1 that happened to .Unless its happened 2 u I doubt seriously anybod can believe HOW DEMANDING [ it got to the point if I turned him down as in refuseing his demands 4 oral he threatning 2 tell on me ] a 6 yr old can be when they want something done THERE WAY

I ONCE CREATED A MONSTER and am now very careful where I put my mouth

Any ways point is some my best jackin comes from checking out boy pics in dresses n tights n pantys and whenever public places I see a cute lil long haired boy or a girly boy of 5 or 6 I get off pictureing him in a lil barbie nighty or pantys or a barbiedoll dress or a cute 1 piece swimsuit.

IS THAT SICK OR WHAT ??? ANYBOD else have same thoughts ??

How can u not like them THERE SUCH BEAUTIFUL LIL CREATURES What can I say its knowing they have tiny lil peckers that draws me to them A MOUTHFUL YES INDEED.Ive never tried but am betting u couldnt ,say on a big 12 yr old, gobble them up whole

...When my 1st lil guy discovered the source of his own pleasure round 4 years old well I jus better jus keep my mouth shut.HOWEVER I will say I see nothing wrong with a loveing caress if THE BOY accepts wheter it be his buttocks while he is laying on top of you on his tummy strectched out on the couch watching cartoons in his undies OR his boy pack if he is laying on his back or beside you I am not talkin bout PLAYING WITH or JACKIN Jus a loven caress every now n then ONLY IF THE BOY ACCEPTS

ALL I AM SAYING IS I see nothing wrong with it THE POINT BEING I guess we all have different opionins what is child molestion COURSE to the eyes of the law what I described would be considered molesting BUT WHAT IF SAY boy snuggling beside you watching cartoons in his undies and say suppose THE BOY slipped your hand down inside his undies.You did not move your hand around u simplely left it in place comfy resting spot no different then drapping arm around the waist WELL only saying its jus my way of thinking that...

I am a SUCKER 4 the LIL BOY PACK as well.Not jus there lil pecker but the WHOLE PACK lil balls n all

When I sleep alone nothing but a DIAPER

If I am sleeping with a lil one jus a long t-shirt nothing underneath

I um well lets jus say I got pretty good idea

and yes absolutely they taste the best when there 2 little 2 make any cream if u know what I mean

Oooooh IM so glad lil 1s cant cum THINK WHAT HAPPENS WHEN U CUM UR BONER GOES AWAY Lil boys who can not cum stay hard 4 however long the pleasure sensations last from the hand or mouth or humping/rubbing.

Additional Information

  • Lives with elderly mother.
  • May not own a computer (possibly using library computers and/or renting them).
  • Works in new home construction clean up business.
  • Frequents festivals and takes photographs of boys at these events.

Related Media

Contact Us

If you have any information regarding this individual's current whereabouts, contact us at [email protected].

is part of a series on evil-unveiled.com.

