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Viamund the Rake AKA Octaevius Altair
Age: 54
Birthdate: October 30, 1969
Race: Caucasian
Location: Toronto, Canada
Physical Description:
Height: "Tall"
Weight: "Average Build"
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Pedophile Websites: NAMBLA, BoyLove Media Watch
Viamund the Rake AKA Octaevius Altair is a boylover activist from Toronto, Canada. He is well known around the anti-pedophilia community for his disinterest in anyone besides himself.
Viamund the Rake, author of "the Boy-love Vampire"

File:Bigger picture.jpg

Viamund the Rake AKA Octaevius Altair is a boylover activist from Toronto, Canada. He is well known around the anti-pedophilia community for his disinterest in anyone besides himself. He posts blog after blog on different websites talking about his political agenda concerning such topics as the abolishment of the age of consent (AoC) laws and free speech. He writes freely about his attraction to young boys, and even goes so far as to post personal ads looking for young boys.

Viamund has a total disregard for laws and feels he has the right to push his views down anyone's throat. If you do not have the same opinion as him, he is against you. For example, he identifies as homosexual, only having an attraction for males. However, do not confuse his statement to believe that he is gay. He claims to be homosexual, but is against the "gay culture".

Viamund is also a member of NAMBLA, which he reiterates in most of his profiles by telling everyone to join. He also posts pro-pedophilia spam to news articles as part of the BoyLove Media Watch campaign.


I think thin, young, baby-faced boys are beautiful ( I usually date boys who are half my age or less - but never below legal age which happens to traditionally be 14 in Canada at present - note that the EVIL Neo-conservative backed current government intends to raise the Legal Age of Sexual Consent to 16 - contrary to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - as they believe SEX is an evil force.) Although shy and conservative at times... I'm a passionate lover.

If those who engage in sex with boys where the legal age is low teens they do so because it is legal. They will not profess activity in illegal behavior. Sadly paedophilia is still illegal.

Viamund the Boy-Love Vampyre Says (Poetry & Haiku's)

In 2006, Viamund published a book called "Viamund the Boy-Love Vampyre Says" under the name Octaevius Altair. It is a book about an 11-year-old vampire/prostitute boy and a man that he controls, obviously Viamund himself. It has blatant pro-pedophilia intentions, and has been banned from being sold at many retailers, including:

  • Barnes & Noble
  • Target
  • Books-A-Million
  • TextbookX

However, has continued to sell it and so has Biggerbooks. This caused a boycott of Amazon among the anti-pedophilia community who tried to reason with Amazon by sending them letters about the book. Amazon's automated response:

Thank you for writing to As a retailer, our goal is to provide customers with the broadest selection possible so they can find, discover, and buy any item they might be seeking. That selection includes some items which many people may find objectionable. Therefore, the items offered on our web site represent a wide spectrum of opinions on a variety of believes it is censorship not to display certain articles because we believe their message is objectionable.

Therefore, we will continue to make controversial works available in the United States and everywhere else, except where they are prohibited by law. We also allow readers, authors, and publishers to express their views freely about these titles and other products we offer on our web site. However, does not endorse any opinions expressed by individual authors, musical artists, or filmmakers. We value all feedback from our customers, and I thank you again for taking the time to send us your comments about this issue.

We hope you will allow us to continue to serve you.We thank you for your understanding in this matter, and thank you for shopping at

Spurred by the anti-pedophilia blog/organization absolutezerounited, bloggers posted the following image and encouraged anyone who had a Website, including such social networking sites as MySpace, to post the picture linking back to the original article.

So what's the big deal about the book? Here is a sample of his writings:

Who says you're living in the past?

If history repeats itself
it means you're also living in the future.
Cop a feel
for the future,
little boy


Yell, yell, yelling

that persistent voice.
I'm claiming freedom,
No more the cramped, dingy room.
I got my dynamite
and my fly is open.

The book went through four publishers before it found an house that would actually print it. Despite these struggles, Viamund seems oblivious that there was something seriously wrong with his book. He claimed his difficulties were the result of religious zealots hating him and publisher's being against free speech.

Our Investigation

  • Our investigation into this individual is ongoing.

Online Accounts

Known Screen Names

  • Viamund
  • Viamund the Rake
  • Octaevius Altair

Known E-mail Addresses

Known Active Blogs/Websites

He is in a constant battle to restore blogs that have been deleted. Here are some that he has either created because old ones were deleted, or restored from being deleted:

Known Former Blogs/Websites

There has been a campaign around the anti-pedophilia community to take over/delete/ruin any blog or website run by Viamund. Here are the results:

  • Member:viamund - deleted
  • Member:targeteddiscrimination - deleted
  • Blogspot:Viamund - deleted
  • Blogspot:Next Civilization - taken over
  • Blogspot:Viamund-the-Rake - taken over
  • Blogspot:Viamund Archives - taken over
  • Blogspot:Targeted-Discrimination - taken over
  • MySpace:Viamund - taken over
  • Member Viamund - deleted
  • Vibe Member:Viamund - deleted
  • Vampire Member Viamund - taken over
  • Blogspot:Viamund the Rake - taken over
  • MeetMeInTO:User ID380285 - deleted
  • Level 1 - taken over
  • Blogspot:v-i-a-m-u-n-d - deleted
  • Blogspot:viamundrake - taken over
  • YouTube User:Viamund - suspended
  • User ID:16426360 - deleted
  • User Stats - deleted
  • User:Viamund - deleted
  • Blogspot:viamund-t-h-e-rake - taken over
  • - deleted

News articles/Blogs he has commented on:


Pedophile Websites

Additional Quotes

To agree with your position is to believe that there is somehow something wrong with pleasure. There is nothing wrong with consensual sexual recreational activity. To bring pleasure to another human, regardless of their sex or their age is harmless. Sex is not an evil force that people need to be protected from or fear. Your belief is as flawed as those who espouse masterbating as harmful or same-gender sex as harmful. All sex is the same as long as it is consensual. It is not important who the lovers are. Pleasure is all good. Violence is wrong. Time to reprogram many of your citizens. I suspect you have been " brainwashed " by some form of sick, superstitious/religious programming. This is flawed and eventually it will be corrected.

When they tell you that you have the right to say " NO " but not the right to say " YES " what they are telling you is that you have no rights at all. Children DO NOT need to be " protected " from sex - it is a natural thing with no morality apart from that which we choose to personally impart it -.

Safe SEX, sexually transmitted disease, the differences between consent verses non-consent, unplanned pregnancy... these are the things that youth must learn in order to protect themselves. I have said this before, " the success of tyrants shall be based on their ability to divest the greatest number of people of their personal freedoms with the least amount of protest ". The legal age change WILL be challenged in court when it is passed. This legislation will be a violation of the Charter of rights and freedoms. It will be interesting to see what the excuses are used to defend this legislation.The foundation upon which this legislation is based is grounded upon untruth.

I am " OUT " as a same-gender oriented paedophile/ephebephile (Boylover) & it is this state that enables me to live a fulfilled & contented life. To embrace, accept & feel pride in our sexuality is something that we as BL's must do before we can hope to be accepted in return. I encourage all BL's to realize there is no SHAME in being what you are. Sexuality is NOT just the line between homophile & heterophile with all other divisions being degraded to the category of FETISH. There is more than just GAY, STRAIGHT, BI. There is the other line of INFANTOPHILE/NEPIOPHILE - attraction to infants & toddlers - PAEDOPHILE - attraction to pre-pubertal others - EPHEBEPHILE - attraction to pubertal others - ANDROPHILE - attraction to those such as yourself - GERONTOPHILE - attraction to those much older than yourself ( seniors generally ).

The same-gender-oriented community was at one point an organized collection of those who were in support of the liberation of all sexual minorities. This new GAY COMMUNITY is nothing more than a collection of same-genderoriented individuals who have selected assimilation for certain types and abandoned the original concept of liberation. They do not deserve our support in any sense.

No interest at all in the GAY community and no GAY friends - I dislike those gay assimilationists.

Additional Information

He usually draws extreme derision for his constant preaching on the joys of boylove, as evidenced in a comment on this forum:

Dear Viamund,

Lemme’ tell ya what to do with that rake. Are you trying to dethrone Lindsay (Lindsay Ashford) ? It’s my understanding Canada has no use for paedophiles, either. So in case you missed the above : CHILDREN are NOT SEXUAL. DO NOT TOUCH ! Feel free to use that as a mantra when the Mounties find you, and lock you away til you’re an old, old man. Unless of course, a vigilante gets you first.


  • M.M.O.R.P.G. such as Dungeons & Dragons Online, Gothador, Ravenblack
  • Films/Shows: Inuyasha, Lexx, Gormenghast, Samurai Jack, Robot Chicken, Satyricon
  • Other: Paedophilia, Ephebephilia, boylove, activism, William Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg.

Contact Us

If you have any information regarding this individual's current whereabouts, contact us at [email protected]. the Rake
is part of a series on

