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Warning! This page has generated more butthurt editing than all the other articles about politics combined. |

Alt-right (alt. CIAlt-right, salt-right, aut-right, far-right SJWs) is a fascist ideology whose adherents have achieved absolutely nothing of value, have no discernible skills or merit as human beings, and therefore put pride in their race above all other things (sound familiar). Their whiteness is the one thing that can never be taken away from them, yet also is the one thing that took no effort whatsoever to possess, thus giving them a completely undeserved sense of superiority over ethnic minority individuals, many of whom have accomplished far more than they ever will.
Despite having zero power or influence over real life politics, these sub-Nazi deadbeats have a significant online presence ready to thumb down YouTube videos on important topics such as female Ghostbusters and Mexican Spider-Man. This is their natural habitat, along with Twitter, where they can be found protesting against multiculturalism while masturbating to Japanese anime waifus in their avatars and expressing the opinion that immigration to the United States should have ended the second after their pasty ancestors arrived to ethnically cleanse the natives. It is sometimes said that the salt-right is the endpoint of the Republican party- its purest manifest form.
TL;TR: /pol/tards who are also normies
Face of the Alt Right

If you want to know what type of person the Alt Right would be in real life, it would be this guy who walked around with a sword to kill a young black thug in New York because he has hated niggers since his daddy told him about mommy who rejected him for a black bull's cock. But this faggot was too much of a pussy to kill one nigger since niggers hang out in gangs and have guns. So Internet Tough Guy killed some old unarmed black guy so big black Mandingos wouldn't ram small tight pussies of white sluts. However he realized his plan failed as Blacked.com is still up and running so therefore to prove how much of a pussy he is, he turned himself into the police rather than commit seppuku. Now he is really fucked since the New York Prison system has tons of young horny niggers waiting to tear his asshole open.
Although the so-called alt-right has existed for some time, the emergence of Donald Trump as a presidential candidate led to the growth and widespread recognition of the movement. Trump policies such as building a wall on the Mexican border (financed by wetback drug barons) and a ban on Muslim visitors to the United States convinced them that Trump was an alt-righter too, even though in reality he has no idea who they are and doesn't even run his own Twitter account.
YouTube regulars subscribe to the Sargon of Akkad channel because although Carl Benjamin denies being a member of the alt-right, he agrees with all of their opinions and reinforces their prejudices. In the past he's referred to alt-rightism as a "collectivist" belief system. Having rarely left his own echo chamber, he is free to say that literally all feminists are Marxists and say that SJWs are "Cultural Marxists" despite Cultural Marxism being coined by Trent Schroyer and popularized by Pat Buchanan. He also described an anti-harassment initiative as "social Communism" - proving that he doesn't really know what Communism actually is. His ability to smugly misunderstand terms and misuse words while simultaneously losing every debate he's ever had, such as one against a Majority Report weasel fuck and another against a feminist professor, are qualities admired by the dishonest perpetual losers of the alt-right. If reality had a pause button during which Carl could insert smug non-sequiturs then he'd be the genius he believes himself to be, in reality however, he has no business debating with a professor of anything (even Gender Studies) because outside his hugbox, he's just another fat-mouthed stupid cunt.
Paul Joseph Watson is another racist YouTuber with a large alt-right following. His greatest hits include videos on the 2015 New Year's Eve sexual assaults in Germany, in which he claims immigration is bad because rapefugees are more likely to be rapists. This is a remarkable double standard, considering in every other video he's made he expresses the opinion that women frequently lie about sexual assault. On Prison Planet, every allegation of rape is automatically false, unless the alleged perpetrator is a Muslim, in which case every allegation of rape is automatically true. Watson is part of the Alex Jones crowd who previously supported Ron Paul for president, a man who claimed in his newsletters that 95% of black males in Washington DC were criminals. Ron Paul later disowned the newsletters and Alex Jones maintained his support for the candidate, despite the fact that if he wasn't fit to run a newsletter then he wasn't fit to run a country either.
The alt-right movement has strong ties with the New Atheist movement and much of their Islamophobia is inherited from godless zealots such as Christopher Hitchens, who was a strong supporter of the war in Iraq. It was convenient for him at the time to blur Islamic terrorism with the legitimate Iraqi resistance as he sought to justify the west's continuing bloody occupation. The tens of thousands of oil-hungry US and UK war criminal soldiers who invaded Iraq were exempt from his definition of extremism, though the Iraqi rebels who were merely trying to defend their country against the invading white trash were smeared as religious extremists.

The alt-right sees immigration as the most serious threat facing the west today and have been particularly vocal about the prospect of Syrian refugees settling in their countries. One of the reasons for this prejudice is the belief that Muslim migrants (based on media reports) are more likely to be pedophiles and rapists than the natives of their host countries. They don't know that the legal age of consent in Syria is only one year lower than the age of consent in the UK. Obviously, nobody ever violates age of consent laws, which is why statutory rape is not a thing in the West, just like it's not a thing in the birthplace of Islam, Saudi Arabia. In refugee camps, Syrians have been reported rescuing girls from being raped by Afghans, who are almost 100% Muslim.
Anti-Communism is a core belief of the alt-right and they've been quick to deploy the term as an insult against people such as (but not limited to) a Labour Party MP, Pope Francis and Bernie Sanders✡. You can also see them here getting butthurt over a humourous Communist-themed school prom, showing they're just as prone to manufactured outrage and professional victimhood as the feminists they criticise.
Some of their anti-Communism is because they believe Judaism and Communism to be strongly linked, however research into the subject would prove that Communists, even Jewish Communists, were highly critical of the way Jews behaved. In 1843, Karl Marx✡ remarked, "What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is the worldly god? Money." Vladimir Lenin was violently opposed to Zionism and referred to Zionist Jews as "National Jews" - diametrically opposed to Communist Jews, who were regarded as "international" and humanitarian, concerned about more than their self-interest. Joseph Stalin was the most antisemitic of all, launching a public campaign against "rootless cosmopolitans" in which Jews were specifically targeted for death. In the press they were accused of "grovelling before the West," helping "American imperialism," "slavishly imitating bourgeois culture" and "bourgeois aestheticism."
How To Troll The Alt-Right

- Point out that Donald Trump is a Zionist.
- Mention that Hitler killed more white people than any Muslim.
- Suggest they learn the languages of the future: Spanish and/or Arabic.
- Point out that Paul Joseph Watson is a Zionist.
- Advocate for Sharia law.
- Tell them how great judaism is.
- Point out that Christopher Hitchens was a Jew.
- Point out that khazars don't share ancestry with jews.
- Show them that countries with a higher proportion of Muslims have a lower murder rate.
- Ask why they hate Muslims, when no other people hate kikes, fags, women, and degenerates more than them.
- Play rap music loudly.
- Point out that The Matrix, the film that coined the term redpill was directed and written by trannies.
- Call them a Shill or paid CTR opposition.
- Say Disney films are better than anime. When they deny this, accuse them of being more loyal to asians than whites.
- Point out the fact that jerking off to their loli animus is as equally degenerate as being gay, black, furry etc.
- Show them that Russia had famines before Communism because Russia will always be a shithole.
- Deny that Holodomor happened.
- Say Stalin wasn't a Jew.
- Say Donald Trump's family is Jewish.
- Mention that blacks have bigger penises than whites.
- Mention that the Jews are richer and more successful than they will ever be.
- Mention that Azns are way smarter than them.
- Mention Hitler's pro-Islam views.
- Be politically correct.
- Show them a picture or article of Donald Trump helping unprivileged communities.
- Point out that Hitler believed capitalism was part of a Jewish conspiracy.
- Point out Donald Trump has always considered David Duke a retard.
- Share this video of their 'top scientist' jacking off.
- Call them the right wing equivalent of Social Justice Warriors. Because they are.
- Remind them Andrew Breitbart was Jewish.
- Tell them that by starting WW2 Hitler effectively ended whatever imperial power Europe had left in the world.
- Point out how the Roman Empire (not white btw) was only strengthened and enriched by foreign peoples it incorporated into itself.
- Show them this.
- Tell them their kind would have been killed in Aktion T4.
- Remind them Obama's deported more illegal aliens than any other president.
- Ask them to define their favorite words (ex. fascist, Zionist, Nazi). Like their left wing counter part, they have no idea what actual definition of the words are and are used as blanket terms for what they do and do not like.
- Tell them the Romans killed Jesus.
- Remind them who gave the Jews their own land and gave blacks equal rights
- Call them a white supremacist (this oddly enough pisses them off)
- Point out that Jesus and Hitler were Jewish.
- Remind them the "Master Race" lost WWII.
- Also point out the facts that Hitler was a terrible strategist, and they lost World War II because of the Nazis' awful leadership.
- Tell them Harry Potter is better than Lord of the Rings or tell them that making LOTRs memes are no different than making a Harry Potter reference to everything like they're left wing counter part (because they're totally not the same)
- Post a picture of an interracial couple. Bonus butthurt points if it's a white man with a black woman.
- Point out their beloved triple parentheses are being reclaimed by the Jews.
- Say that National Socialism is Socialism. This also pisses off the alt-right for some reason.
- Remind them the Nazis supported socialism, gun control, censorship, feminism, Islam, veganism and statism
- Ask them if they want a traditionalist Christian white ethnostate so bad why don't they live in Amish country
FBI on the case.
A prominent member of the alt-right gets cucked
Alt Kike Starter Pack
A member, signaling her alt-right fans.
What they secretly fap to all night long ;)
Reddit cucks discover their son is a member of the terrorist organization known as the "Alt-right"
A generic member of the Alt-right movement.
Alt-right fag spams his college with propaganda.
2016 Presidential Election
White genocide is upon us.
Kill yourself faggot.
Not even leftards as this stupid.
See Also

- Nu-males - The liberal version of Alt-rights
- Pol/, Daily Stormer, Stormfront, Gab - breeding grounds for alt-right autists
- Nazis
- White Nationalism
- Racism
- Libertarian - Alt righters often pretend to be this for some reason.
- Jews
- Men's Rights Activist
- Gamergate
- Feminists
- Niggers
External Links
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Alt-right is part of a series on FAKE NEWS
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Alt-right is part of a series on Donald Trump. You're gonna love this article, believe me. |
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Featured article June 11 & 12 2016 | ||
Preceded by Anne Wheaton |
Alt-right | Succeeded by Gawker Media |