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Saberspark is a soyboy.
Sabersparks' hairline is the exact opposite in his profile picture than it is in real life.
Saberspark's imaginary girlfriend that he based off of himself. Does this remind you of Anyone?
If his profile picture was more honest.
Saberspark reviews faggotty shit like this.

Saberspark (Powerword: Stephen Carver) is a cartoon reviewer, closet furry, fagnostic, millennial soyboy, Bluey adult, and former brony who is either reviewing children's cartoons that nobody cares about with politically-charged intent or animated adult films that have a furotic flair. Saberspark started his career as an MLP oriented YouTube channel, and like many bronies, he eventually evolved into a furry, and started plastering his YouTube thumbnails with furry bait and Rule 34. Saberspark generally tackles obscure and poorly received films, showing that he really likes grabbing at the low-hanging fruits, and seldom has anything more sophisticated to say than "LOLOLOLOL this show has sex jokes in it! How was this made for kids!". His habit of sperging about cartoons made for toddlers in one video and then reviewing an adult x-rated cartoon in the next video seems somehow indictive of some form of Early Porn Indoctrination and even adult Bluey fans, mothers who want to be boned by Bluey's dad, think he's creepy for this.

Furry Allegations

With the increasing amount of furry smut appearing in his YouTube thumbnails, as well as just his increasing tendency to review "furry" cartoon media in general, many of his fans have begged the question "is this nigga for real right now?" As of yet, Saberspark has still not openly come out about his quasi-zoophillic transfixation and insists that his interest is purely ironic— kind of like how TheOdd1sOut is only a furry ironically. The reality here is that Saberspark is intentionally garnering a coom-brained audience and preconditioning his old fans to gradually and increasingly degenerate content so that he will not be judged too harshly when he does eventually come out of the closet.

tl;dr: Saberspark spends 5 minutes avoiding the question.

Totally not a furry making videos like this.

Like I said, totally not a furry.

Finally somebody puts the question to rest.

The Red Ape Family

Saberspark as he appears in The Red Ape Family. Kinda looks like Jeffy.

Last Thursday, Saberspark made a video ranting about some shitty cartoon called The Red Ape Family, which uses popular NFT macros as its cast of characters, but I'll give this one to Saberspark 'cause that show actually does suck total ass— in fact, Saberspark simply didn't take his criticisms of the show far enough. His criticisms did however win him a free cameo appearance by the time the second episode was released, in which he was depicted as some sort of diminutive man-toddler gleefully tapping away at his computer.

Saberspark's cameo in The Red Ape Family.

The full episode, in case you wanted to watch it.

Saberspark ranting about this show, in case you wanted to watch it.

Saberspark ranting about his inclusion in the show, in case you wanted to watch it.
(side note: a chain of letters spelling Fag appears in the video's ID.)

Ongezellig Lost Media

Soyzellig won. Sabertroon lost.

Soyberspark made (an irrelevant imageboard derived from an irrelevant imageboard) mildly upset when he decided to react to some episodes of Ongezellig on a stream, which they feared threatened their Zaryan culture and would bring about zelligate 2.0.[1] Zaryans were swift to make his comment section gemmy, prompting him to take the video down one day later. Currently, this video is lost media, but honestly, nothing of value was lost.

External Links

Saberspark is part of the following series:

Saberspark is part of a series on My Little Pony

Typical fan art

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YouTube Ranters

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