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Skibidi Toilet is a series of shitty SFM videos made by a 26-year-old Russian faggot named DaFuq!?Boom! (Powerword: Alexey Gerasimov) since February 7, 2023. While it first started off as your typical SFM shitpost, it somehow became popular among the current generation of kids and developed an actual storyline about the "Skibidi Toilets", disembodied heads that reside in toilets and incessantly blast out a mashup of the songs "Dom Dom Yes Yes" by Biser King and "Give It to Me" by Timbaland whenever they open their mouths. The Skibidi Toilets are involved in a war with humanoids who possess cameras, loudspeakers, vibrators and other electronic devices for heads. Skibidi Toilet is created almost entirely with Garry's Mod and Source Filmmaker and primarily uses assets that were stolen directly from the 2004 video game Half-Life 2.

For some ungodly reason, this shit is extremely popular with Generation Alpha and is essentially their equivalent of what Five Nights at Freddy's and Minecraft were to the zoomers before them.



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A Cat Is Fine TooA challenger appearsActual Advice MallardAdmiral AckbarAdvice AeralikAdvice BitchAdvice BoyAdvice BrahAdvice CardinalAdvice ChihuahuaAdvice ChinkAdvice Colin MochrieAdvice CripplesAdvice DawgAdvice DogAdvice Dog/VariationsAdvice FaggotAdvice FawkesAdvice GeezerAdvice JapanAdvice KaminaAdvice PsychoAdvice QuranAdvice RetardAdvice RickAdvice RorschachAdvice RybakAdvice Steve JobsAdvice TrollAfro NinjaAfroduckA FUCKING POKEMONAgent SmithAh fuck, I can't believe you've done thisAinsley HarriottAir Man ga TaosenaiAlexander RybakAlexander-samaAlice MargatroidAlignmentAll The Niggers Are DeadAlligatorAll Your Base Are Belong To UsA Master Is OutAMVAn HerpoAn heroAngeryAngry German KidAnimation MemeAnimutationAntoine DodsonAnvil GodApathy DogAppleApples BearApproval GuyAre You Fucking Kidding MeArtycatAsianfaceAsinine AmericanAt first I was like X, but then I was like YAt least 100Ate my ballsAttackAttendance BotAudioAutism macrosAutobblAutobbqAwesomeA winner is youAwwrightBabies for breakfast babies for dinnerBaby FuckBaby JesusBabypasteBachelorette FrogBadBad AppleBad MothersBadficBadger Badger BadgerBale OutBalkiBananaphoneBaneBannedBarrel RollBBG Pit BoysBart the GeneralBasement CatBayeux TapestryBear CavalryBecause of Parkinson'sBecause of my syndromeBECAUSE MY CAPS LOCK KEY IS LOUDBee MovieBeecockBefore the internetsBel-AirBelomeBen VoddenBenny LavaBeowulfBernie SandersBert and ErnieBestiality BoyBig DogBig Rigs: Over the Road RacingBikeBike CuckBIKECATBill KaulitzBILLY MAYSNO BINARIESBioshockBird is the wordBitch I look like GokuBitches Don't KnowBitches and whoresBix NoodBlack People Love Us!Black TwitterBLARGH IS NOW A MEMEBlindmute LoliBling blingBlockatielBob RossBob SagerBonsai KittenBorschtBowchanBowsetteBrb, compromisedBRBFBIBrb, soupBreadBreaking Bad ComicsBrian PeppersBridgetBRILLIANT!BRING BACK SNACKSBrinks Home SecurityBroccoli DogBrofistBrokeTheInterwebBrushie BatBucketBumpBunny PancakeBurger KingBus UncleBusiness CatBut Data does not weightBut What Are Your Thoughts On Yaoi?But you are died!Buy A DogBuzzkillingВИD

CabinetCactuarCactusCakerollCameltoeCan't let you do that, StarFox!Captain ObviousCaptionsCaramelldansenCard CrusherCarltonCarnegie CrowCasual FridayCat on a keyboard in spaceCatnarokCaturdayCAW CAWCeiling CatCentipede filled vaginaCereal GuyChameleonCHARIOT OF THE GODS!Charlie Bit Me - Again!Che GuevaraCheckMiiOutCheer Up Keanu DayCheeseburger JoshChild AbductionChin-chanChoice TapirChris ForcandChris HansenChris-chan/thecrazypacerChrono TriggerChuck NorrisChuck TestaChudChurch signsCigarsexCillit BangCindy CrosbyClare WerbeloffClarissaClippitClock guyCock boatCock goes where?CockmonglerColonel Quaritch does not give a fuckColorbarCombining Cyrillic Millions Sign (Firefox)COMBO BREAKERCommon knowledgeCondom SnortingCongratulationsCookiesCool GuyCool story broCool your jetsCooldudeCoolguy2CopypastaCopypasta/Archive 1Copypasta/Archive 2Copypasta/Archive 3Copypasta/Archive 4Copypasta/Archive 5Copypasta/Archive 6Copypasta/Archive 7Copypasta/Archive 8Copypasta/Archive 9Copypasta/Archive 10Copypasta/Archive 11Copypasta/Archive 12Copypaste of VovanCornCorneliaCourage WolfCovercatCovini C6WCowman109Собака Бэ бэ бэээCrab Nicholson: Extreme SleepoverCrazy DadCreepy ChanCreepy SeanCreepy WoodyCreepypastaCreepypasta/Awesome CreepypastaCreepypasta/Lengthy CreepypastaCreepypasta/Lost EpisodesCreepypasta/Mediocre CreepypastaCreepypasta/Mirrors and CreepypastaCreepypasta/Paranormal CreepypastaCreepypasta/Retarded CreepypastaCreepypasta/Survival GuideCreepypasta/The HoldersCreepypasta/Video Games and CreepypastaCSICupcake DogCursed ImagesCyberrapeCyrillic Millions SignСибирской говорDancing BabyDancing OwenDancing Prince CharlesDancing SandwichDaney21DanzyboyDark Age of CamelotDarksidered992DAS TROLLPARADIESDat AssDavid After DentistDavid CarradineDavid FirthDEAL WITH ITDeanDear HasbroDear SisterDeath of a MemeDeath to all JuiceDeathdrake 3000DecanteringDelicious CakeDemi LovatoDemotivatorsDenial BibleDental PlanDepression DogDerogatory DuckDerpDesuDEUUEAUGHDNS ComicDiabeetusDiamondsDick AntsDick ButtDick NeckDicks EverywhereDid he die?Did I ask?Dildo ChickenDilton DoileyDinosaurDinosexx0rDisruptive DurdenDittoDivide by zeroDo i have potentialDO IT FAGGOTDodge CatDoes anyone have any questions?Doge %bull; Domo-kunDO NOT WANTDon't worry, I'm from the InternetDoomerDOUBLE NIGGERDouble RainbowDoublesDougDownfallDr. HaxDr. OctogonapusDracula FlowDrama LlamaDrama Prairie DogDrawhoreDrawn-chanDrinking GameDSFARGEGDuckrollDUN DUNDynamic Entry

Gabe NewellGAF'DGaijin 4KomaGAME OVER YEAHHHHGang of FourGanja YodaGARGarbage DayGardevoirGarfieldGary OakGary Oak/CopypastaGas Mask GirlGastonGazaroosterGee BillGendo PoseGentlemenGeorge Bush doesn't care about black peopleGeorge ZimmerGermano MosconiGETGet into the LoopGet On My HorseGET OUTGiant Enemy CrabsGiga PuddingGimme PizzaGirugameshGlenn BeckGoatseGodJesusGodhand EditGodwin's LawGogglesGonads and StrifeGondolaGood Advice DogGood Guy GregGoodnight Sweet PrinceGoofy TimeGoogle SeppukuGoosh GooshGorilla WarfareGordon the Pringles GiraffeGoron ProverbsGreat MotherGreen Lex LuthorGrey AreaGrieving JewGrin ReaperGrinfaceGrueGrumpy CatGuatemala DayGuess The MemeGullibleGyo EditHA! HA! GuyHAHAHA DISREGARD THAT, I SUCK COCKSHA HA HA, OH WOWHabbo /B/lockadeHabbo HotelHACKERS ON STEROIDSHai guyHaitiguyHal WilkersonHammer (4chan Meme)Hampster DanceHank HillHappy MerchantHappy NegroHappy SnakeHappycatHarder, Better, Faster, StrongerHarlem ShakeHarlequin Ichthyosis FetusHarrumph!Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?Haters gonna hateHaunted Majora's Mask CartridgeHaving A Wonderful TimeHawaiian DickingHeadOnHeadswapHeateningsHeavy RainHeidi CrowterHello My Future GirlfriendHepdayHerb SmithHi-Tech Military SoftwareHide, Ignore, Do Not ReplyHigh Five HarrisonHipster KittyHNNNNNNGGGGGHoleguyHoly GrailHoney BadgerHookers and BlowHopkins Green FrogHorny PugHorsecockHow About A Nice Big Cup Of Shut The Fuck UpHOW CAN SHE SLAP?!?How Do I Shot Web?How are you feeling today /b/?How is babby formed?HugboxHugh Jackman Can Ride AnythingHyphyHypnocakeHypnotoad

I Am In Your Base Killing Your D00dsI Am LegendI CameI DIDN'T EAT THAT FUCKIN SANDWICH OR THE TOILET THING EITHER!I Drink Your MilkshakeI Dunno LOLI FUCKIN' LOVE COLORING!!!!!!I GOT NORTON!I Has a BucketI Hope Nobody Has Hacked The StreamI Like TurtlesI Like to WatchI See What You Did ThereI TOUCHED HIS PENIS!! OMGI Took an Arrow in the KneeI WOULD HAVE SEX WITH ALL THIS WHITE GIRLSI Will Beat A Rod Till... A Tank EmptiesI accidentally XI am disappointI don't roll that wayI don't think you have an X. Enjoy your Y.I go chop your dollarI has a shuvelI have 2 girlfriends and a truck fuck youI need a price check ...I resurrected this pearl from page 10I seriously hope you guys don't do thisI'D HIT IT!I'll just leave this hereI'm 12 years old and what is this?I'm Dying SquirtleI'm ok with thisI'm on my beeI, for one, welcome our new X overlordsIDK, my BFF Jill?If it fits I sitsIM PRESSIN CHARGESIMMA CHARGIN MAH LAZERINTERNET HATE MACHINEIQ TestIRL memeIS IT CAN BE HUGS TIEM NOW PLEES?ITTY BITTY BABY ITTY BITTY BOATIkissyou.orgImma Let You FinishImplying implicationsIn Soviet Russia...In before XInception CatIncomplete GuyIncontinent Student BodiesInsanity WolfIntellectual CheckmateInterior Crocodile AlligatorInternet Kill SwitchInternet Mascot HeavenInterrobangInto the Trash It Goes!Introduction to EnglishInvisible XIs This BattletoadsIsn't Dallas in California?It is a mysteryIt's a FakeIt's Okay To Be WhiteIt's slowly coming this way!Jack SparrowJack SpicerJam It InJedJeffJennifer Lynn PetkovJessi SlaughterJesus With You AlwaysJESUS CHRIST IT'S A LION GET IN THE CAR!JEWS DID WTCJissousekiJohn HageeJohn LockeJohn PikeJohn TerryJon SudanoJosef FritzlJosef HeiterJoseph DucreuxJxcelDolghmQ

Machine CodeMagMyPicMagicMagical TrevorMaguaMake me a sandwichMammyMan The HarpoonsManly TearsMarcab ConfederacyMass CarrierMASSIVE DAMAGEMaster CoonMaster TroleMavica SpriteMax DayMax HeadroomMe GustaMeanwhileMecha-HitlerMemeMeme CombiningMeme DetectionMemefagsMeme RapMershed PerderderMetapodMexi-chanMeximootMichael PhelpsMichael RosenMickyy MooMidnight BBQMilhouse is not a memeMilk BagsMini memeMitchell HendersonMoarMom found the poop sockMomoMonster Musume no Iru NichijouMoon ManMoonbase AlphaMONGOMONGO/FactualMonorail CatMoot is OlevMorbid KrabsMorgan Geyser & Anissa WeierMosh GirlMoshzillaMouseboyMoving to CanadaMr. GoodlifeMSPaint Relationship ThreadMuguMulti-Track DriftingMusically Oblivious 8th GraderMuteba KidiabaMy Little PonyMY NAME IS X AND I WILL HAVE MY Y!MySpace BoyMySpace KidMySpace SuicideNaked bananaMämmiNancy PelosiNannerpusNathanielNavidNEDMNeeds more cowbellNeon Genesis EvangelionNeutral Milk HotelNevada-tanNever forgetNew Zealand Fail GuyNIGGER MANUALNigger pigNiggerjackNigglypuffNigraNinjas can't catch youNipples removed to save bandwidthNod FlendersNokoNope.aviNothing Ever HappensNO UNostalgia ThreadNot be confused withNOT THE BEESNullfaceNuma numaNutshotNyan CatNyoro~n

O Noes Her Nanomachines!11!!O rlyOG LocOM NOM NOM NOMOBEYOMGWTFOTLObjectionOctocatOctopus GirlOffendedOh No You Didn'tOh exploitableOh god how did this get here I am not good with computerOh god what have I done?Oh shit i'm sorry i meantOld /b/ would have XOld Advice DogOld GreggOld Spice GuyOld memeOldest CopypastaOlngactOndoreOne does not simply X into MordorOnline quizOnly 2 percentOperation AwesomeOperation Falcon PunchOperation LIONCASHOptimized Gif DudeOrgasmOver 9000PTSD Clarinet BoyPants on the groundParanoid ParrotParty CatParty HardPatriotic EaglePaul the Psychic OctopusPaula Benson Is Now A MemePeanut Butter Jelly TimePedobearPedofoxPedopalsPenis-Nosed FoxPENIS PENIS PENISPepePerfection GirlPeterPettan, pettan, tsurupettanPhilosoraptorPhotobombPic RelatedPic Related PuppyPic UnrelatedPiccolo DickPicklesPikamanPink grill/This is nice XPlankingPLEASE RESPONDPloxPogsPoker FacePokédads, Poképarents or PokésiblingsPoképunsPolandballPolitically Neutral DogPomf =3Pool's ClosedPool's Closed/ASCIIPorn ClownPortalPost-Avant JazzcorePost ending in (x)Post in this thread if (x)Posting in an epic threadPretty cool guyPrevedProfitPromotionProve me wrongPube MuppetPulling a LynndiePun RaccoonPush ButanPut Shoe On Head

SageSakujoSammichSauceScared kittySchmuckyTheCatScumbag SteveSean ConnerySean MatuszakSecondSecret NaziSecret crush memeSee you in heelSeems LegitSerious CatSex Ed SueSFW PornShamwowShiny PidgeyShit BricksSHIT IT OFFShitting Dick NipplesSheeeit NiggerShocked and Appalled CatShon TerryShoobyShoopbillShortcatShotacatShroomjakSingle Asian FemaleSittin On Tha ToiletSitting BernieSGT FOLEYSkibidi ToiletSkittletouchSkubSlander, Slander SalamanderSlendermanSlowpokeSmugleafSnakes on a PlaneSnifferSo I moved to the YukonSo cashSo cash/TranslationsSo cash/variationsSo cash/variations/Celebrity CashSo i herd u liek mudkipSocial Justice SallySocially Awkward PenguinSolid Snake's AssSolidaritySomething is on fireSoviet SundaySpaghetti CatSpaghetti in my SouthbridgeSpecial Poetry SlamSpeed NiggerSpeedycatSpengbabSperginSpiderbroSpoiler DogSquid GirlSquidbilliesStar Wars: Battlefront IIStar Wars KidStarecatStaredadStaredogStarter KitStay safeSteel HeartsSteve IrwinSteve the Super VillianStick It In Her PooperStile RaidStingrayStoner DogStop PostingSTOP THE PRESSES!Strange GirlStrutting LeoStu makes chocolate pudding at 4 in the morningSuccess KidSugar We're Going DownSungle JungleSup DawgSuperdickerySurgeonSwagSweet BrownSwirl FaceSwitch police onSWTFSystem32TacgnolTails DollTanasinnTAP LADEDANS FISTON!Tay ZondayTeam Fortress 2Techno VikingTechnologically Impaired DuckTeksoqpTensoTeoingTHAN HOW DID AVATAR DO IT?Thanks ObamaThat Fucking CatThat LJ thing that Adcott wrote that displays the last 50 images postedThat Really Rustled My JimmiesThat's not funny, my brother died that wayThe An Heroes of BridgendThe Annoying OrangeThe Bawls KidTHE BESTThe Cancer That Is Killing /b/The Carr-Benkler WagerThe CaseyThe Dot.Com BubbleThe Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion/Stop right there, criminal scum!The Fresh Prince of Bel-AirThe FuryThe GameThe GeteratorThe GiverThe Great Black Dick HoaxThe Great Dumbledore Dies Meme of 2005The Great Habbo Raid of July 2007The Great Meme Furbomination of 2010The GrifterThe Hand of ClodThe Hand of DiosThe Incredible Flying Broomstick GuyThe Internet Is For PornThe Internet is serious businessThe JuggernautThe Most Interesting Man In The WorldThe Not-So-Great Frinkle MemeThe Not-So-Great Syringe Meme of 2005The NutshackThe Rent Is Too Damn HighThe Rock DrivingThe Sandwich ChefThe Singing SharkThe StigThe Ugly BarnacleThe Vagina MonologuesThen A Skeleton Popped OutThen who was XThere are starving children in chinaThese CuffsThey LiveThey see me rollin'Things With FacesThis is BobThis Looks ShoppedThis is Nice XThis is why we can't have nice thingsThree Wolf MoonThurman ThomasTidusTime paradoxTinaecmusicTITTY MONSTERTom DelayTony EvereadyTony StarkToo old; DO NOT WANT!Tookie WilliamsTop lelTopkekTosh's LawTourist guyTrap-kunTreemanTricky the ClownTriforceTripcodeTrollTroll 2TrollcatsTroll ScienceTrollfaceTrololoTsimFuckisTubcatTulipTumblr panelsTunakTurtle PunchTurtleguyTwo of my friends diedTyler DumstorfTyrannoSatanTyrannosaurus Reich

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