Having A Wonderful Time

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Having A Wonderful Time is an internet meme which refers to the song "Living In The Sunlight, Loving In The Moonlight" by novelty act legend Tiny Tim. The Internets were first made aware of its existence when it was featured in the pilot episode of Spongebob Squarepants, in which Spongebob makes meals for over 9,000 anchovies. From there it remained dormant until it became a decent YTMND meme, whencefrom it became a shitty YTMND meme, until finally spiraling downward in flames like a helicopter in distress to become an unspeakably fail JewTube meme.

It is widely held to be the gayest song ever recorded, like a car made of Ballroom Blitz colliding with a wall made of Hard Gay's cover version of "YMCA".

Ukulele goes where?
As free as any daughter!
Creepiest smile ever.
Fails at looking witty.

The Lyrics

I'm so happy! AHA! Happy go lucky me!
I just go my way, living everyday!
I don't worry! Worrying don't agree,
Things that bother you, never bother me!

Things that bother you never bother me
I feel happy and fine! AHA!
Living in the sunlight, loving in the moonlight
Having a wonderful time!
Haven't got a lot, I don't need a lot
Coffee's only a dime!
Living in the sunlight, loving in the moonlight,
Having a wonderful time!

Just take it from me, I'm just as free as any daughter.
I do what I like, just what I like, and how I love it!

I'm right here to stay, when I'm old and gray,
I'll be right in my prime!
Living in the sunlight, loving in the moonlight,
Having a wonderful time!

Just take it from me, I'm just as free as any daughter.
I do what I like, just what I like, and how I love it!

I'm right here to stay, when I'm old and gray,
I'll be right in my prime,
Living in the sunlight, loving in the moonlight,
Having a wonderful time!

The (Unbelievably Gay) Legend

Herbert Khaury (aka Tiny Tim) was born on 12th April 1932 to a family which was half Lebanese and half Polish Jew, which criminology and the world at large would come to know only as "The Fratellis". They considered flushing him down the toilet, but as no toilet was feasibly capacious enough for this task they instead decided to tie him to a chair until Chunk came and rescued him and they went off together in search of One-Eyed Willy's treasure.

After this he changed his name to Tiny Tim, and became a musical archivist. However, after performing for change in bars for women in sensible shoes who take the other bus to Wimbledon to dine at the Y, he realized that his trademark act (which consisted of looking like a gigantic terrifying son of a bitch while playing a tiny ukulele and singing in a delicate little girl voice) generated more lulz than Caturday and that awesome JewTube of those planes flying into that building put together. The rest is shockingly gay history.

As A Meme

Having A Wonderful Time as a meme is one of the most soul-draining pits of fail ever to plague the tubes. This is not, by any means, because it is a bad meme. The song itself is a novelty music evergreen right up there with "The Monster Mash" and "Poisoning Pigeons In The Park", and will always be concentrated win. The reason is rather that it is such a childishly foolproof meme to pull off correctly, and yet has STILL degenerated into a cesspool of unfunny due to YTMND and YouTube being populated by people who rank below children and fools.

How To Achieve Win For Dummies

Category 1 Win: Simply take an animated GIF of a person or fictional character (who is largely perceived as being overly straight-laced or butch) acting either by accident, shooping or contrivance behaving in a camp or frolicsome manner. Set it to the above song.

Category 2 Win: Take an animated GIF of a person or fictional character who is by accident, intention, shooping or contrivance doing something inappropriate or horrifying that does not easily sit with the light-hearted nature of the above song. Set it to the above song.

Sounds simple, doesn't it? Almost TOO simple.

Examples of Win

G-Man Is Having A Wonderful Time.

Created by making a model of G-Man, the sinister big bad from Half-Life, spinning frivolously in his chair. Poetry.

Vader's Wonderful Time.

Darth Vader doing a camp little dance. Perfection.

The Red Ranger Is Having A Wonderful Time.

The Epic Red Ranger Maneuver. The meme that can do no wrong. Enough said.

Brian Peppers Is Having A Wonderful Time.

Brian Peppers delivers timeless Category 2 win.

Pedobear Is Having A Wonderful Time.

How does bear know what wonderful time is? Like this.

Examples of FAIL

Godot Is Having A Wonderful Time.

Look! It's the line "Coffee's only a dime", looped over and over! Obviously that's not going to make you put a housebrick through your monitor after five fucking seconds, because GODOT FROM Phoenix Wright DRINKS COFFEE! LOL AMIWRIGHT? Special honors for fail in this YTMND, because the uploader couldn't figure out how to animate and simply made Godot flash on and off in a two frame loop to try and fool people.

Yes, I'm serious.

Leon Is NOT Having A Wonderful Time!

ROFLLOLZ! Do you see what I did there? I took the original meme and put "NOT" into it! It is funny because it is the OPPOSITE of the original meaning! PROFIT!


The Joker Is Having A Wonderful Time.

The original joke depicted a guy spinning on an office chair. If I upload ANOTHER picture of a person spinning on an office chair, IT WILL BE JUST AS FUNNY!

Some was sitting around, smoking the wacky chewbaccy, and thought "Dude, I should like, cut out pieces of Star Wars pictures. Then put them in front of a picture of the Death Star. That'd be so funny." 333 views later, it had 3/5 stars.

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