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This luser is a lolcow, and should be trolled to death in the usual fashion.
You can help by posting their nude pix or spamming their talk page.

File:MundaneMatt Subscribers.PNG
Pixar perfectly replicating Matt irl when he's not making clickbait videos.

Matt Jarbo - avid rock collector by day, hyperactive false flagger by night. Matt has tried every shtick on the internet for some e-fame until he finally hit it big when whore slut Zoe Quinn DMCA'ed one of his videos, sparking off the autistic GamerGate movement, resulting in him receiving many new fans, that would watch a boring clown talking about shit, so like TheYoungTurks only without any of the eye candy. Matt is the evidence that you should not buy stones if you live in a glass house.

Before Hitting It Big

Matty used to think he would be big in the movies business after he graduated Media Arts, Film and Video at Grossmont College and working as a Project Coordinator runner for a shitty rental studio.

So poor he records the audio for his shows on a cellphone in his car. Once tried to start a Let's Play channel, but since he is the most boring person ever, it did poorly and most videos only have views in the double digits.

Irrational Hatred

Irrational Hatred was Matt's attempt to make an edgy account. At this time, Matt also went under the name Odin. Combined with his shitty YouTube channel was a website and a twitter.

has felt the repercussion of allowing the hatred of races on - now someone wants me to post something about blacks


—MundaneMatt as Odin

what do you #hate? I hate that I have to pay more money for my car registration this year and with no explanation why. Thanks gov Ahnuld!


—MundaneMatt as Odin

I'm catching a lot of flak for the post about 9/11 on (it's really not that bad, but people are going overboard)


—MundaneMatt as Odin

Stop being so edgy, you're scaring the children

[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

sauce for the cringe

Hitting it big

Covering everything under the fucking sun, it was only inevitable that Jarbo would hit on something, so covering everyone's favourite games journalist cumdumpster, she decided to DMCA Matt over him using a single image of Depression Quest. Of course this enforced the Streissand Effect, and Matt got his much wanted attention.

Soon, MundaneMatt joined the moneywhore bandwagon and got his own Patreon account for his "content". Self-described as "one of the most redpilled motherfuckers around". after he released several monetized videos of E3 2015. He took those videos down, but the mocking will never end. He even tried to make videos EXACTLY like the ones for ReviewTechUSA because he's so goddamn unoriginal.

Turn Off That Pesky Adblock

Turn that pesky thing off.

Because Matt is a hungry money Jew with no talent and weak-ass noodle arms he can't make money any other way than e-begging his subscribers for money. Of those few who actually stuck around to watch him comment the news, none of them wanted to bombarded with shitty ads. So Mattie made a weak video literally begging his pathetic audience to turn off their adblock, so he could stay at home and not do any actual work. This of course was mocked endlessly because it really exposed Matt as the weak-ass money-grubbing jew he was.

Candid Shill

Matt also endorsed Candid, an app made to silence people like him in the future, but as he was getting paid, he didn't give a shit.

long ass video by Mister Metokur also containing Matt's sketchy past

Exposing Matt - The Flagger

A few years went by after GamerGate and various channels popped up to take the piss out of Matt, most notably DamePesos, a Spic with the voice of a chipmunk getting spitroasted by two dobermans. In August 2018 an old video of Matt's was found, were he had a racist sock saying nigger, a word he has avoided like paying his taxes.

And this is where everything went to shit, because somehow everyone who mirrored that video were flagged. Quite strange, that.
A real Scooby-Doo mystery, that could only be solved by a live-stream, where one knew the URL to see what videos you have flagged. After just 20 minutes, Matt managed to actually click the link, whereas most suspect he spend that time trying to hide elements in Google Chrome.

Now wait a minute! What the fuck? Now wait a minute! Matt! MATT! Matt.. Noo


TheRalphRetort, After seeing Matt's flagging history

I've been in a bad head space


—Matt's utterly pathetic excuse for being a soy cucked diaper-filled flagging bitch

File:MundaneMatt Flagging DamePesos.png


Matt's excuse for not flagging is that he was busy collecting boulders, because he's too much of a Jew to pony up 50 bucks.

Subscribers Falling

File:MundaneMatt Subscribers Under 150k.png

Examples of the real news

So one of the main channels his soy news on JewTube where he mumbles about a pesky thing called adblock, how he keeps sucking Disney's dick by defending both The Last Jedi and Solo and claim that they are not failures--which yes, they exactly are, and SJW's and beta-males can't accept actual facts one way or another--rambles how Dashcon was a success without showing evidence, using clickbait thumbnails (along with other YouTubers), et al.


See also

The fat fuck we all have been waiting for.

External links

MundaneMatt is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal
Typical fan art

is part of a series on
YouTube Ranters

[Get terminatedStart ranting]

ADoseOfBuckleyAlex JonesAngry GrandpaAngry JoeAnita SarkeesianAnthony FantanoArmored SkepticAsalieriAssburgerAydin PaladinBearingBen ShapiroBenthelooneyBLACKB0NDBoogie2988Bourg ProductionsBoxxyBrandon SmithBrenton TarrantBrian MuellerBrittany VentiBrucesnoopCammehYaBamsCasey NeistatChad WardenChannel AwesomeChris ChanChris CrockerChristianU2uberClay ClaymoreCorey MargeraCoughlan666Count DankulaDanger DolanDarknessthecurseDarksydePhilDevon TraceyDigibronyDJKeemstarDLAbaoaquDoctorRandomercamDoopie DoOverDoomentioDoomSlayer34Elliot RodgerEmery BowmanEmpLemonEric AbramovFanFic CriticFilthy FrankFuturisticHubGame DudeGhostGradeAUnderAGurigorloXHayvenHbomberguyiDubbbzTVI Hate EverythingJackSepticeyeJaclyn GlennJeremy HamblyJerry PeetJim SterlingJoseph8276KeffalsKingMasterReviewKono ReizeiKraut and TeaLaci GreenLane DavisLauren SouthernLeafyIsHereLindsay EllisLowti3rgodLS MarkMaddoxMarblesPoundcakeMarkiplierMia BrownMilo YiannopoulosMister MetokurMonica PunkMoromillasMoviebobMrRepzionMumkey JonesMundaneMattMustDestroyAllNateTalksToYouNerd3Nickolas CruzNihilistic SnakeNixxiomNo BullshitOfficialGATGPaul Joseph WatsonPewDiePiePkrusslPMRantsProfessor KuhtoonsPyrocynicalQuinton ReviewsRandy StairRanterInShadesRazörfistRebelTaxiReviewbrahReviewTechUSARMG ProductionsRoosh VSabersparkSam HydeSammyClassicSonicFanSargon of AkkadShoe0nHeadSimply OkamiSONYFANBOYSpax3SpoonyStuart K. ReillySteven CrowderTakeShotActionThatKidDouglasTheAmazingAtheistTheAtheistGamerTheArchfiendThe Harlan ShowTheMysteriousMrEnterTheRalphRetortThe Ranting CommunityThe rEactorTheTruthHurtsNetworkThunderf00tTodd in the ShadowsTommy SotomayorTotalbiscuitTranime GirlTurkey TomTyler GarmanyUndertakerfreak1127UnMaskingTheTruthUrinatingTreeVailskibum94WaymuuWingsofRedemptionXiao RishuXPstar214YoungdefiantYourMovieSucksDOTorgYoutube NobodiesZoe Quinn

#GamerGate Series

[RagequitPress Start]


Zoe Quinn



Mighty No. 9

Gone Home

Ian Miles Cheong

Phil Fish

m00t sells out






Jimbo Wales


Ben Kuchera

Jonathan McIntosh

Randi Harper

Shanley Kane

Leigh Alexander


Sarah Butts


Brianna Wu

Chloe Sagal

Arthur Chu

Milo Yiannopoulos

Peter Coffin

Tim Schafer


Sarkeesian Effect

Vivian James


GG Faggots

*Nods Respectfully*


Tom Preston

DQ Sim

Cathedral of Misogyny

Law & Order

Kung Fu Guy

Other People and Sites That Got Involved:

Anti-GG Faggots: Videogame "Journalists"Videogame ReviewersCameron BakerJoss WhedonEgoraptorChris ChanAhuviya Harel/ADF-Fuensalidam00tA Man in BlackNick DentonEllen PaoDarksydePhilAdam SesslerJed WhitakerAlison RappNolongersilencedTony SidawayAlex WuoriAndrew HussieTransFrequencyWil WheatonAsalieriJerry PeetAngry JoeMaxofs2dChris KluweTauriq MoosaTodd in the ShadowsMaddoxFaggot Who Started OWSSceptre‎NorthBySouthBaranofIronholdsGeorge R.R MartinStephen ColbertJim SterlingValisHDNerdcubedJoshua IdehenVordrakRian JohnsonJulia Alexander

Pro-GG Faggots: Adam BaldwinAnne RiceWilliam ShatnerHideki KamiyaBoogie2988JonTronDerek SmartMrRepzionSuey Park‎Richard DawkinsRichard StallmanFilthy FrankShoe0nHeadTotalBiscuitTheamazingatheistThunderf00tJulian AssangeWeevIcze4rRoosh VGabe and TychoTheRalphRetortParkourDude91The Wannabe DickridersJewWarioLordKatCowkittyCraig BrittainSir WulfingtonSargon of AkkadLane Davis (Seattle4Truth)Carly FiorinaAlisonPrimeZoe AskalonDJBPlaythroughsMister MetokurArmored SkepticMundaneMatt.

Sites: RedditVoatRationalWikiSJWiki76chanTwitterWikipediaTGWTGBoingBoingVICEGOGTheMarySueStormfrontScrewAttackThe EscapistBuzzfeedSalonPatreonJezebelSomething AwfulTV Tropes4chanEDF 2: Electric BoogalooEncyclopedia DramaticaWe Hunted The MammothMicVox MediaResetERA.

Others: 2064: Read Only MemoriesFacadeFire EmblemFleetCOMMDead or AliveCards Against HumanityGNAABill Waggoner CrewMSNBC/CNN/BBC etcThe GuardianElectronic ArtsIntelAdobeGoogleShirtgateMillion Dollar ExtremeHatredPostal 2BaphometAnonymousGamersEverybody else on the internet and their dog.

Minor Related Pages: Censored article about Brianna WuSarah Butts FFshrine chatlogsList of people defending Butts' pedophiliaThe DMCA Butts sent usMilo Yiannopoulos ✡ The feminist versionShanley Kane's butthurt rantThe Great Gawker Implosion of 2015Skype Con LeakRalph's retarded group to monitor people trolling him.