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STOP RIGHT THERE, FAGGOT! ED does NOT need a huge list of absolute nobodies, nor does it give a shit about the fact you tweet shit with #GamerGate in it 700 times a day or that someone once took a screencap of something you said to Jonathan McIntosh and posted it on r/KotakuInAction because it was "LOL SO FUNNY!!1!11". Rather than shamelessly self-promoting yourself all over to this site in an attempt to become internet famous, how about you read about even bigger faggots like TotalBiscuit and Boogie2988. And while you're at it, how about just killing yourself altogether? |

This is a list of people on the wrong side of history and GamerGate.
The shitstorm that is GamerGate attracted hordes of fat losers (Read: Gamers) to it like flies to shit in a pathetic attempt to become internet famous. This quest comes in the forum of boring videos, poorly written articles and video streams where they all host one another and circlejerk which last 9 fucking hours each and no one with a life would bother watching, which, luckily for them, doesn't include anyone who supports GamerGate.
None of these people are important enough to even have their own Encyclopedia Dramatica article.
In Retrospect
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Several years later and this article, which used to list tons of people, is nearly empty because everyone who used to be in it deserved his own ED page.
After GG ended and its members scattered to the wind, the trolls that did all of their work and research for them for their own amusement, bored with messing with feminists, turned on these losers and made them their new lolcows.
As of today, 90% of the GG faggots who weren't able to seize the moment and use the retards obsessed with it to make it big have faded into oblivion. The remaining 10% (like ShortFatOtaku) still desperately try to become e-famous so they can make money online instead of getting a job and an additional 3 or 4 losers still hang around twitter, acting like GamerGate is still going on (Scrump/MomBot). Of those that WERE able to scam GG for their own benefit, only Sargon remains interested in fighting feminists and have become delusional and thinks he's a political figure, while people like Sh0eonhead, mundanmatt and Chris Ray Gun have stopped pretending to care about this shit and are bottom of the barrel youtube nobodies, still making money thanks to the springboard that GG provided for them.
Today, GG big names of yesteryear are being picked off by trolls, one by one, as each finds a way to humiliate himself and is exposed as a lolcow, now that there are no more bigger anti-GG lolcows to distract from their own retardation.
Big players

Bryan Dunn is was the typical GamerGate supporter. Ugly, single, overweight, uneducated and a neckbearded perma-virgin still living at home. During a stream this unlovable spic started crying like the little bitch that he is, after hitting on and being rejected by every girl on the GamerGate side (which is sad considering how ugly they all are) and then broke his keyboard. He cried for hours on end how he will never score and why he is still single, and how much he wants to fuck any women, but mostly the Boxxy look-a-like Shoe0nhead, as a dimwitted bimbo is perfect for his level of maturity. That was one stream he didn't upload, but everyone who was there to listen to it still makes fun of him.
He is also a complete conspiracy tard, who believes in anything from reptilians to a faked moon landing to fucking chemtrails. And you wonder why nobody takes GamerGate seriously?
—KoP finally being truthful for once |

Recently he solidified himself as king of sperg of GG when, shortly after saying that the Holocaust didn't happen, he said that he got his hands on a screencap post by Nick Denton given to him by Totilo himself where Nick talks about paying people to shill on 8chan and twitter. This was obviously not fucking true and he rushed out the door to post it without bothering to confirm, exposing himself as a giant retard yet again.

—HotWheels, Talking about Bryan |
The IA stream where KOP shows how batshit he is
Christina Hoff Sommers

Christina Hoff Sommers, called CHS by people too lazy to type and "Based Mom" by losers on the internet with a granny/S&M fetish for her, is a men's right activist who infiltrated the feminist movement by pretending to be one of them and then spent years trying to tear them down from the inside. She later joined GamerGate because bingo night at the retirement home was getting boring.
One time, 50 years ago, when she was in her mid-40's, she wrote a mediocre book that nobody cared about and ever since has been living off the royalties and waiting to die of old age.
Minor players

Aka. Socks aka. Rinaxas aka Carina Vossos is a fat, depressed land-whale who does nothing but sit on her fat ass all day and tweet about shit. Once and awhile she actually makes a video, when she isn't busy shilling Diablo 3 and rubbing her clit to all the free money she got from retards who donated to her. Her hair has already turned grey from living such a hard life. Is so hideous she had to travel to Texas to find an inbred redneck dumb enough to fuck her. Was told by the Australian government that soliciting money from donations to buy the World of Warcraft expansion was illegal, so she
shut down her gofundme campaign, and had to find another way to make money, that didn't involve getting an actual job.
—Rina |
Camera Lady
Autistic lesbian that ShortFatOtaku used to dox people so he could make his only good videos because he can't do anything himself and now that she went AWOL his channel is dead (now does a show with Scrump, another autistic who is still somehow more charismatic than him). Camera Lady is known for sexually harassing all the chicks in GG, who pretended they don't mind in order to prevent stirring up trouble.

Gay furfag that made bad youtube videos no one watched and ran charity campaigns as a pathetic PR attempt to try and make GG look good. No one cared and they all threw money away for nothing, trying to virtue signal. Still on twitter acting like GG is still going while everyone else has moved on years ago.
Thinks he's important because he mods "Kotaku in Action" on reddit, hosts live streams about GamerGate and makes Tumblr in Action podcasts. Bases his entire internet persona around a hat that he's probably done some pretty questionable things to. This faggot isn't good for anything except feeding his own stupidly large ego when he's not jerking off to Mundane Matt videos.
Autistic faggots dating a dick girl who's the new autist that ShortFatOtaku uses for views. Keeps getting banned from twitter. Last of the GG fags still active on twitter. Occasionally gets into fights with people like Mister Metokur and Harmful Opinions who both figured out how stupid GamerGate is before it was even over, while Scrump has still not figured it out.
Middle aged Japanese English teacher who is the last person still tweeting about GamerGate. Occasionally baits SJWs into trying to dox her to prove she's secretly a white dude. Only person who supported GG that hasn't exposed himself as a living embarrassment yet.
RevueMage/Steve Sawyer

Last Thursday Nigra Steve decided to jump the bandwagon that is GamerGate, in order to do like the SJW's these losers are fighting and cash in on some of that delicious nerd money.
When he was done with stealing, like all niglets do, he forced a white ho to stay at her apartment, as he is too fucking stupid to find a place of his own. When the whore didn't want this unbathed slob in her apartment no more, nigger became defensive. They had known each other for a total of 3 days. The woman was also getting worried about all the stereos that this thief brought home. So when she brought home some of her AZN hooker friends, Steve became upset as he couldn't afford the 5 dorrah for them. So he videotaped them and shared that shit, so he could fap to them while crying in the bathroom. And now he is not allowed within 100 yards of the whore he seduced with his rapedrugs.
Adam Baldwin

A D-list celebrity at best, he created the #GamerGate hashtag thus giving the movement a name. Big fucking deal. He is now a spokesman the media calls on to explain the Pro-GG side, which doesn't help the cause because he is so right-wing he thinks America is a communist country.
Pro-GG faggots with their own article
- Sargon of Akkad
- Milo Yiannopoulos
- Icze4r
- Alex Wuori
- TheRalphRetort
- Roosh V
- Shoe0nHead
- FleetCOMM
- Dylann Storm Roof - A proud GamerGate supporter who let everyone know on his facebook shortly before the effects of playing violent video games made him go out and reenact them IRL.
See Also
[Press Start]
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GamerGate/POTM is part of a series on Visit the Gaming Portal for complete coverage. |
Featured article November 13 & 14, 2014 | ||
Preceded by Nods Respectfully Toward You/Kung Fu Guy Double Feature |
GamerGate/POTM | Succeeded by Gamer |