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This article needs moar BAWWWWWW/tmi journals/tweets. You can help by adding moar BAWWWWWW/tmi journals/tweets. |
—Cyndi shows a spark of maturity, but her wisdom comes a little too late. |
CyndilovesPiccolo is an autistic fandom TARTlet. Known mostly for her shitty Transformers slashfic, she is also known to embarrass the autistic community with her spoiled twat attitude. Cyndi has been on DA since 2003 and has had numerous deviations pulled and has been suspended at least twice for her gay porn. Yet the rules don't apply to her since she's autistic so she'll re-post the shit and cry when it gets taken down again. Clearly, autism is just a fancy word for dumbass.
Although Cyndi hates devianTART with a burning passion, she has dragged her BAWWWing to myspace and opened an account on sheezyart:
4mbrosia. She whines in her super sekrit blog on
blurty blogspot and while her actions may seem infantile and childish, we would like to remind the reader that Cyndi is thirty years old. All the while pissing about being grounded, picked on, and not allowed to do what she wants because she's autistic.
She also has a case of Victim Syndrome, based on the fact that everything bad in the world happens to her. She has one ass sucker who failed to stick up for her by blanking this article. Read a butthurt letter to ED written by mackers.
Despite all of this, Cyndi is surprisingly more sane than Bonita, however, her drama is born from her whining about the loss of her beloved writing from DevianTart. Read on, gentle reader.
Cyndi thinks she doesn't deserve an ED page because she's autistic; however, we here at ED know that autistic people have a right to be shown how fucking stupid they are just like everyone else.
Like most asspies, Cyndi greatly exaggerates her condition and uses it to garner sympathy. You know, the side where kids can't function at all in society, will never really fully communicate with their families and will live life hampered by a condition that's barely understood? Puleeeeeze.
Cyndi is a high functioning autistic, probably closer to assburgers than she'd like to admit. She shares many traits with asspie attention whores. When pointing out to a 'normal' autistic person what they're doing is fucktarded they tend to stfu and remember to not do that shit again. Cyndi, on the other hand, will scream and continue to do stupid shit until someone comes along and gives her a figurative slap on the hand. Then she curls into a ball and cries until she is placed within the safe confines of her hugbox. This asshole behavior of hers has lessened with time, but anonymous does not forgive or forget.
Deep down, Cyndi knows she's as boring as drying paint and has compensated by developing her entire personality around her disorder. Like her innumerable Wal-mart pentacles, Cyndi wears the autistic label with pride. She's also cultivated a sneering sense of superiority over the fascist neurotypicals who oppress her and her unique talents. What talents, you ask? Only the ability to describe robot sex in language so flowery that tulips will bloom out of your ass if you read her shitty fanfiction.
Cyndi regularly rages against the evils of "curebies", or people who want to find a cure for autism. In her mind this is a civil rights violation on par with slavery. Don't worry, she shall overcome.
The real reason Cyndi opposes curing autism is that nacho-stained asspies make up the entirety of her reading audience. Without a constant stream of comments encouraging her to write more fanfiction about Optimus Prime and Megatron feeding each other chocolate covered strawberries, her life loses all meaning.
Cyndi often posts about revolutions in autism and autism awareness month in an apparent attempt to educate the public. In fact, it's just an excuse to post "Look at me, I'm autistic! You gotta be super nice to me-- or else!" over and over. Cyndi doesn't care about other autistic people. She only wants you to remember that SHE is autistic and that you'd better give her the special treatment she deserves. Nevar forget-- not that she'll let you.
Keep in mind that after years of claiming she has autism, Cyndi changed up the game by claiming she has PDD-NOS. PDD-NOS, like autism, has symptoms including but not limited to: lack of social skills, difficulty communicating, unusual play with toys, repetitive body movement, aversion to certain sensory stimuli, and others. PDD-NOS is so close to resembling autism that it's street name is "atypical autism", further confusing parents about what the fuck is wrong with their kid.
The only things that distinguishes PDD-NOS from autism is that it's usually diagnosed when doctors simply don't want to slap a kid with the autistic label. This is probably because they realize what spoiled little shits they are and don't want them to have an excuse to be an asshole for life.
But this hasn't stopped Cyndi! Now instead of being better than those stupid NTs she's also better than other asspies because she has "non-autistic-autism". She will always be more special than you.
Home Life
Like all adult Transformers fans, Cyndi still lives with her parents. She's also an unemployed deadbeat due to the fact that her resume consists solely of "Transformers erotica author."
Cyndi still gets grounded by her dad at the age of over 9000, a subject that she bitches about regularly and she gets her revenge by wiping snot on the collars of his shirts. Worse yet, she's admitted that she's shown her Transformers porn to her father in attempt to gain his approval, cementing her status as one of the stupidest fantards ever. Even the most shameless fangirls dread the moment their family discovers that they write about Megatron slobbering on Optimus Prime's exhaust pipe in their spare time.
Cyndi's attempt to inspire her father's pride failed miserably, sending him into a near suicidal bout of shame and regret. Cyndi then hammered out a LiveJournal entry complaining that her father called her scribblings "filth".
But wait! Cyndi claims she's asexual with no sexual attraction to either gender. She says this while she gets off on giant robot sex.
ED put too much pressure on Cyndi and she cut off all her long hair and dyed it purple. She probably thinks this is some sort of improvement. We expect a bawwwwwwwwy journal any day now about getting kicked out of church for her nasty un-Catholic appearance.
It has recently been discovered that she wears glasses. Photos of her wearing them make it clear even spex cant help her nasty saggy face. Yet she seems to think purple hair makes her America's next top model.
Avant Garde
It cannot be unseen.
I see ugly ppl
Fail harder.
undreye circles r so hawt.
This new hairstyle is so flattering. Now she can LOOK like she's from another planet, too!
How to fail at looking mysterious
Pity me, I cant decide which side to part my hair on.
Yet another lame attempt at being sexy.
The real ugly side of autism. Cyndi's new hairstyle complements her overall emaciated appearance.
Cadaver chic.
Cyndi tries the greaseball emo kid look on for size.
Devotion. ...To being a retard.
Just like the Virgin Mary. You know, if she were a pornographer with an 80's toy fetish.
She's a witch!
Little ~*Goth*~ Riding Hood. (Can she fail any harder?)
Cydni fulfills her dream to suck Optimus Prime's dick while her ugly roots show neglect
Was this taken with a film camera from 1995?
only diff w/ her and mary is she's so ugly even god wuldn't tap that.
ralfie wants his red ryder bb gun back
Cyndi and her Parents
While Cyndi's parents are not saints in this matter, seeing as how they allowed their crotch dropping to grow into this spoiled brat of a woman she is today. There is some pity for these poor people.
In a recent entry Cyndi complains about being 'volunteered against her will' to do yard work instead of her mother having to do it. Her mother, who has had a multitude of health issues in the past, was suppose to do it later in the evening. However Cyndi's father decided frail, weak, angelic Cyndi should go out in the hot California sun and learn to appreciate how cushy her life is by raking the yard.
Cyndi threw an Aspie fit and cried when her elderly father, who not only provides for Cyndi's mentally ill-adjusted ass, but has -also- had health problems in the past, went to lay down instead of doing the work himself. This cut into Cyndi's smut writing time.
Speaking of Cyndi's Smut, she also Aspie Raged over her father not fixing her computer right. this. instant. When her father finally did get around to doing it, Cyndi told him no and he apparently 'yelled' at her. Which is to say he probably got fed up with her little bitch mouth telling him no after she whined and cried about her smut machine not working right for several hours while he was doing something more important. Like paying for the roof over Cyndi's mentally retarded head.
A recent incident came to light where more of her bawwwwing seflishness reared its retarded head. how dare anybody ask her to help around the house and cut into her brainstorming time. once again her dad threatened to ground her 30 year old sagging ass unless she complied, resultign in her hammering out another journal of outrage against the unfair handed to her home she lives in. clearly computer life is far more important then helping her aging mother take down a Christmas tree.
Another situation occurred when cyndi returned home from her cult meeting to find her dear daddy had cleaned her pigstie of a room, throwing away not only her replica of a transformer dick, he also removed her shitty porn art and stories and she asspie raeged as she dug her sorry excuse of a life out of the trash while threatining to destroy her father's adult magazines if he EVAR TOUCHED HER ROOM AGAIN.
But not before hammering her anguish out on twitter and her blurty, searching for pity.
Cyndi clearly lives in an abusive home. Her life is horrible.
Despite finding out that their daughter would be a vile failure of a human being during prenatal testing, Cyndi's parents decided not to abort due to their strong Catholic faith-- a decision they would live to regret. Cyndi later became Catholic herself in gratitude, despite her love of faggotry which is in direct contradiction to her church's teaching. Apparently altar boys and robots don't count!
Since Jesus is her homeboy, Cyndi doesn't hesitate to call him for backup when she's losing an internet argument. Any comment criticizing her disgusting behavior or writing will be met with, "GOD WILL JUDGE YOU ON THE DAY YOU DIE, FUCKER!" or "BURN IN HELL YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" While Jesus normally frowns upon violent threats, he makes an exception for Cyndi because she's a special and unique snowflake.
Cyndi regularly prays to God and asks him to kill her enemies (which is totally Catholic of her). She's also not above threatening to carry out acts of violence herself, or encouraging her friends to do so, often in ALL CAPS to demonstrate the depth of her ASSPIE RAGE.
Thank goodness there's a computer separating you from the fury of a five-foot nothing, seventy-pound sack of wire hangers who gets a sensory overload if you lightly touch her.
She claims she would never actually DO violent things to anybody. See above statement and it's probably the only smart thing she ever has to say.
Cyndi is convinced people are out to get her and destroy her gay fanfic. She seems to believe buttrape between Unicron and Starscream will some how make the world a better place, while 'real' porn is destroying children's minds. Clearly, ass sex in children's cartoons could have prevented 9/11.
People can't understand that her fics aren't about disgusting humans fucking and spooging! Its about two beautiful machines sucking off each other's USB cables and shocking one another while they moan in pure ecstasy, and only this ecstasy can cure what ails them. Then they do it up the rear output portal. But you wouldn't know that, you don't stop to examine the deep psychological reasons why Optimus Prime has to fuck Megatron's face. You don't see the character development! You don't see the love! The passion! The fap fap fap fap fap.
Cyndi is adamant that her porn isn't porn at all, she calls it 'smut'. Which is totally different from porn. Totally. The dictionary defines 'smut' as:
—The Dictionary - On smut |
So her Transformers "literature" is really dirty, obscene, diseased porn. Sorry for the misconceptions.
Here are examples of what she doesn't consider "porn":
Starscream shrugged mentally. He stuck his finger into the port and felt around. It was loaded, absolutely loaded with scorching sensors and pulsating lubricant tubing. Heat sinks lined the sides. Lights blinked near the outer edges.
Unicron arched an optic ridge. "I won't break, Starscream. Jam it in."
"Jam it?"
"Starscream," Unicron leaned over, his voice stern, "I am not Megatron. I want you to touch me. Here, I'll even get you started." He took Starscream's hand, guided it down and shoved it hard into his open port--so hard that metal screeched on metal. A shudder ran the length of his body. "See? Is that so difficult?"
Starscream stared at how his finger was buried up to the first knuckle in wires, metal and the dark god's growing lust. He could see sparks spitting around his fingertip.
He hung his head, trembling, wanting desperately to escape the self-defeating thoughts trying to hold him prisoner. They circled his processors like the links of a chain that bound his consciousness to a single idea.
Except it never was his idea. It was Megatron's.
And for now, the chain was stronger than him. He lifted his finger, not yet ready to take that step.
"I think..." Starscream lifted himself off Unicron's lap, "...I'd like to explore a bit--if you don't mind, that is. Maybe...if I do that, I'll feel like--"
"If that is what you want." Unicron gestured to himself, the smirk never leaving his expression. "Then it pleases me."
Starscream thought of the most vulgar word for sex he could think of. Next thing he knew, Unicron was upon him, lips and tongue probing his mouth. Hands ran across his wings, heating him up. It was amazing how the Chaos-bringer could go from cold to insatiably aroused within seconds. He let Unicron guide him down onto his hands and knees. Before he could question this odd position, he felt familiar abs press against his aft. Fingers probed his backside until, suddenly, his exhaust port was flipped open. Unicron made an approving noise.
"You clean your vent regularly. Good."
"Of course I clean it! I don't want to walk around smelling like exhaust. What's so interesting about it anyway? Don't you have your own to fondle?"
"Yes, but yours is easier to reach."
And, with that, Unicron let his access port slide out and into the vent.
Starscream's mouth formed a round "O" shape. He experienced sensations that usually meant he had gas to expel. Unicron did a lot of weird things that ended up feeling great, but this was the weirdest yet. Starscream, now curious to where this might lead, decided he'd tolerate the invasion on his equivalent of an anus. At least for now.
Dexterous hands cupped Starscream's cockpit. Unicron dripped velvet words into his audio sensors, "Let's try it this way."
"Fine...but this stops if I don't like it."
"Don't worry." Those wonderful hands caressed his wings again, creating a delicious tingling around his Spark.
Starscream bit his bottom lip. He'd come to learn that Unicron would never harm him unless he gave him a good reason to. Was this how it felt to trust someone?
Unicron's first pulse was harsh. Starscream wailed in almost-pain, trying to arch away, but Unicron's body prevented him from sitting up.
"Shh, Starscream," Unicron whispered, "It will pass."
"Y-you're burning my aft! Oh...sh-shit!" Starscream's body treated the object in his vent as an obstruction. A piston in the back of the port started pushing against Unicron's extended panel. Unicron thrust his hips forward and forced the piston backwards. In and out, a grinding thrust that scraped against sensory nodes Starscream never knew he had. Agonizing initially--like fire mixed into pins and needles. He clenched his teeth, waiting, trusting.
Sure enough, the burning died to a pleasant tingling. Then Unicron sent static and vibrations into the vent and...ohh...fireworks danced through Starscream's vision. He grunted and dug his aft into Unicron's belly. Each pulse came in irregular intervals that kept him guessing and wreaked the most wonderful havoc on his sensory system. He stretched his hands out in front of him like a feline, which caused his back end to rise. His exhaust wiring sent shocks into Unicron's port. Unicron arched forward with a soft snarl. Starscream grinned and hooked his knees around Unicron's legs. Then he simply sat up, pushing Unicron onto his back so he straddled him backwards. The piston in his aft made him rise and fall without having to move himself. A huge electrical surge curled through his body and wrenched a moan from his vocal processor.
"Yes," grunted the dark god.
Starscream leaned back and grabbed Unicron's hands. He didn't know what compelled him to do so, but he clutched them possessively. Each time Starscream released a pulse, he felt those hands tighten, and his own fingers squeezed in reply. He wished he could see Unicron's face.
"How does it feel?" whispered Unicron.
"Weird," grunted Starscream, "Not bad...I--kind of like it..." he was surprised to feel the familiar overload tingle building in his exhaust port. The slow pace of his internal piston drove him insane with lust. He hung on the edge forever as wave after sensational wave trickled up his body. An orgasm in extreme slow motion. His innards revved in anticipation, every atom in his being straining to reach a few seconds into the future and grab the inevitable.
And then, just as it peaked, Starscream felt a wing digit slide into his cone. His orgasm exploded so hard that he cried lightning until his vision went white. Unicron's hands tightened their grip. Between his shrieks, he thought he heard low moaning, but he couldn't be sure through all the noise he made.
Thick spirals of wiring leapt from the wall, wrapped around Starscream's waist and pulled him forward. The tentacles snaked up his cone, into his exhaust nozzles and all across his wings like a million fingers caressing him at once.
"Hey!" Starscream moaned, trying both to resist and enjoy the tentacles taking advantage of him, "Tha-that's not fair! I thought you'd enjoy it! You said I should make the first move...and then you attack me when I do--what the hell, Unicron?"
Hmph! Electricity flowed through the slithering tentacles. Unicron's voice was absolutely cold, And you call taking advantage of a recharging bot 'fair'?
"I didn't say that. Stop--twisting--my...my words!"
Stop giving me words to twist. Unicron growled, his voice like black ice, I do not appreciate being used!
"I didn't use you! I pleasured you! I--"
Shut up.
Starscream grimaced as the wires inside his cone were probed, shifted and tickled from all sides. A tentacle wrapped around his sweet spot and he grunted with wild abandon. He felt it sliding sideways across his magic wire at the most tantalizingly slow pace, causing his Spark to quiver. Heat lanced across his pelvic area. His coolant pumps thudded a pleasant rhythm. Oh, the feelings Unicron caused made his jaw drop and his fingers curl. He rocked and arched towards those wiggling tendrils. It felt so good that tears trickled down his face. Finally he could take the stimulation no longer and wailed as his circuits overloaded.
The wires didn't go away.
Why should I?
Unicron made Starscream overload three times, and the last two weren't pleasant. The Seeker sank to lie on his stomach, utterly spent. He felt the tentacles tighten around his body and pull him back upright. Part of the wall morphed into a bas-relief of Unicron's face. Though its eyes were colorless...somehow...they glowed in anguish. The wires yanked Starscream nose to nose with the image.
Never do that to me again. It was said in a shaking whisper that cut like a knife. One last tendril uncurled from beneath the face, effortlessly slipped into the seams in Starscream's cockpit and wrapped thrice around his Spark chamber. Starscream wailed in white-hot agony. His entire body burned. He felt the wire's tip probe the steel casing, the sharp point mere inches from his essence. Never again, am I clear?
Starscream gulped at the unspoken threat and nodded his head. "Please...not my Spark! Oh, Unicron...not my--UNGH--not my Spark! Please! It's the only thing I can still call pure! Please, Unicron...not my Spark--please...please d-don't...oh, Primus, kill me if you must, just don't touch my Spark!"
Unicron's optics widened. The tentacle halted just as it penetrated the chamber casing. Starscream felt it shudder--the hallway around him shivering along with it--before it went limp and retracted. The rest of the wires relaxed and eased him to the floor.
If that isn't porn, then what is? She seems to think that flowery language magically turns it into smut or erotica.
Cyndi, as stated above, claims to be Jew; however, looking at her you wouldn't know that she really loves Jesus. She seems to think she's a witch and parades around her yard speaking to earth spirits wearing robes and pentacles. Her favorite phrase is also "fucking goddammit", a sign of true piety.
Another hypocritical point in Cyndi's personality is she was a member of deviantartsnark where she belittled people for such mundane things as putting boobs on a lizard (an entry that she deleted because even she knew it was stupid), while she draws god awful abominations shown in the gallery below. Most recently, her fanbrat
Donny was featured on the same community and she immediately leaped to his defense, despite her own mockery of other artists. She has since quit this community, but the memory remains.
She's against art theft but has posted screen caps in her own gallery. A claim which she frequently denies, claiming that real art theft is when you take art someone else drew/created (like Transformers) and claiming you created. Cyndi belongs to the "It Doesn't Apply To Me" school of belief so her own theft is looked over since she totally gave credit you guys.
Thinks people should follow the rules, but breaks them herself.
Is Catholic, but masturbates frequently and posts about her slimy, filth-encrusted vag.
She thinks there is beauty in everyone... except ED. Cyndi probably believes Jesus died for everyone's sins, except the creators of this page.
Ear Shattering Wailing and Vids
Cyndi is very proud of the fact that she sings in her church's choir. Apparently she is unaware that this can be accomplished by any social reject with nothing to do on weekends and the people only tolerate her shitty whiny excuses for singing. Cyndi likely joined the choir in the hope that she would be able to view some IRL gay sex. Since it is a Catholic church choir, this may well be her first logical decision ever.
Cyndi's "singing" has been compared to the howls of a dying animal, though this may be overly generous. After all, dying animals don't believe that excessive vibrato is the pinnacle of human vocal achievement.
Also a YouTube attention whore, Cyndi has created a music video in memory of WTC, complete with images of the wreckage set to her vocals. Apparently her suicide-inducing singing brought down the towers like an opera singer's wine glass:
Cyndi also tried to troll ED with another badly edited video by claiming it contained footage of her crying. How did she execute this brilliant scheme? By cutting to an image Godzilla roaring, followed by goatse and farting sound effects. Cyndi clearly needs moar practice when it comes to trolling tactics, though the fact that she posted goatse while raging against the evils of non-robot porn provided many lulz for all.
Sadly, Cyndi deleted the video as soon as she realized it would earn her the YouTube banhammer.
Luckily for those of you with a fetish for utter shit music videos, Cyndi's go-to guy known only as Mackers has set aside webspace for cyndi to send in her audio/visual masterpieces.
Go forth, and marvel what is Transformers set to HAHAHA, DISREGARD THAT, Motionbox went out of business and all of Cyndi's masterpieces were lost with it.
Enya madonna updated 1-7-09
Gonna Get Me
Cyndi feels that all the negativity she receives is from a one set group of people who she never specifies. The Lulz Organization perhaps? In reality, it's usually just some random trolls kicking sand in her eyes for the lulz. Most likely they followed her from 4chan, where she had apparently tried to teach /b/ about love, respect, and Unicron's tight ass.
She also doesn't realize that the reason everyone picks on her is because she's such a drama whore in the first place. Secretly we know she loves it, so keep the lulz flowing by trolling her SUPER SEKRIT BLOG.
ED has also driven Cyndi to drink as she whines about in her blog complete with photographic evidence. Everyone knows that those who love to brag about how much they drink , and can't stand it if you don't know that they drink are usually full of shit and have only had a little champagne punch at a wedding a few years ago or in Cyndi's case a swig of Smirnoff before bed. Lookout guys! She's a loose canon!
Unwarranted Self Importance
A while back Cyndi managed to meet her idol, Peter Cullen who does the voice of Optimus Prime or some shit. She paid to get his autograph and shoved her greasy cum stained copy of her Optimus Prime x Nigger Chick erotica titled "A Fap To Remember" (found here) into his hands. Peter has a serious fetish for Elderly Women and tried to put the moves on Cyndi by giving her a small kiss on the cheek in an attempt to get some action.
Ever since this moment Cyndi believes she and Cullen are ~*~BFFS~*~. Peter's publicist sent her a pre-typed letter that gets sent to all Peter's Weeaboo fantards who give him shitty fanfics. Cyndi believed it was actually from Cullen, further solidifying her state as Cullen's number one fan.
She has stalked Cullen to all the local conventions which she wastes her parent's money on after she screams and wails about how unfair they are when they remind her there is a worldwide recession going on. At these conventions Cyndi has developed a scathing sense of paranoia exhibited in her latest entry.
"By the way, that dumbass fuckball at Botcon who caused the Cullen panel to end early with his stupid "Have you ever read OptimusxMegatron slash?" question--if you were doing that to try and make me look bad, nice TRY. Too bad my fic was OptimusxMIKAELA. You made YOURSELF look like a fool and THAT is how Peter Cullen will remember you. I hope you're happy :)"
Cyndi believes that people -actually- know she's there and are plotting to make her look bad amongst the thousands of other Fanwhores who write shitty Slashfic. As we all know, Cyndi is the -only- Transfomer 'erotica' writer in existence, a fact she constantly reminds everyone she comes into contact with.
Defenders & E-Lawyer
Within minutes of being linked to this article, Cyndi threw a head-banging, hand-waving asspie fit and summoned the losers who read her Transformers porn to blank this page. This resulted in a swift and just series of bans, at which point most of Cyndi's minions declared defeat and returned to masturbating with their Starscream action figures.
As we all know, every Tartlet is getting an E-Lawyer to take down ED. This time, Cyndi got her omg!hawt gay boyfriend Donny to do the work for her. Donny, or his alter ego "Z", is an evil genius that stalks the darkened halls of DA. Apparently he works his fruity psychic bullshit through the medium of bad photomanips. It also appears his hair is made of asbestos.
ED's days are numbered. Seriously. We better be careful or they might release their giant boob monster (dubbed "Boobstroya") on us all. Because there's nothing pornographic about gigantic boobs...nothing at all. She's only crushing you with her boobs to show you the beauty of love, something that she will never have. Perverted? NOOO...how dare you suggest!
Her Reaction To Operation Crapfic Purge
In response to Cyndi's cyber-terrorist threats against ED, several patriotic EDiots braved the putrid swamp that is her DA account and reported her shitty fanfiction for the lulz.
When her porn was deleted Cyndi was true to form and reacted with major butthurt. As she's done over 9000 times before, Cyndi retreated to her hugbox to cry and threatened to leave DA forever. Second verse, same as the first, folks.
Cyndi then continued to progress through the five stages of ED article grief. Eager to show us how hard she was rollin' with the punches, she created a subforum on her Transformers porn site dedicated to mocking ED. Here Cyndi produced such brutal burns as "enfuckopedia cuntmatica" and "i wish i could stab their eyes out with pencils". It was public for only a few hours before Cyndi realized it was just more fodder for lulz and removed it in shame.
Cyndi's now entered apparently past the delete fucking everything stage and is trying to avoid showing any evidence of her stupidity on the interwebs while moving from blog to blog. Her chances of succeeding are very low, seeing as she's too retarded to come up with screen names anywhere that aren't her own lame name or a failed l33t version of ambrosia "4mbrosia" monicker.
Right now she is focusing on ignoring comments in the hopes the trolls will go away. Poor baby.
Note: She isn't as much of an LOLcow as she used to be, but potential lulz between her and Realmrsoptimusprime might erupt at any moment if Bonita tries to plagiarize any of Cyndi's writing.
Journals of BAAAAW
Cyndi's journal is a treasure trove of bad porn, unintentional humor and utter insanity. Do you want suicide threats? Ruminations on what Transformers look like as they orgasm? Amazing unwarranted self-importance as Cyndi compares herself to one the greatest artists in history? Fantasies of drowning internet service people in shit and menstrual blood?
She's got it, baby!
Cyndi flips and stabs herself in the leg when her internet connection dies...
... but is saved by her fanfic character. Drown in her menstrual blood, assfucks!
How dare you mock me for posting Optimus Prime's "O" face!
Asspies are the next stage of evolution! Orgasming Transformers are art!
Cyndi compares herself to Michelangelo, and her fic to the Sistine Chapel.
Cyndi might kill herself with cough medicine. Only your comments can save her!
Daddy still grounds Cyndi-- at over 9000 years old.
Fuck my friends & family for interfering with my precious fanfiction time!
Cyndi takes a break from torturing her dog to rage against the DA machine & trolls.
Mom bought the wrong sheets? Meltdown!
Fuck you Mother's Day! Making me pull my hair out!
Fuck you Dad! Fuck you world! Fuck you mouthwash!
Fuck you DA! Deleting my Porno!
Fuck you DA! Deleting my porno!
Fuck you DA! Not letting me post my porn!
Fuck you DA! Not letting me break the rules!
Fuck you DA! I do what I want!
Fuck you DA! Banning me for being a dumbass!
Fuck you 4chan! For being 4chan!
Fuck you fansheep! Get banned with me!
Fuck you! You don't read my porn right!
Why do you hate machines in love?! WHY?
Impressed meaning repulsed?
Almost 30 ≠ adult.
How dare anyone eat her cereal.
ASSPIE RAEG someone droped her Unicron toy baw
u maed her meltdown OHNOEZ RAAAAEG!
In which ED drives Cyndi to drink.
Summary: I may be a socially retarded drunken emo loser, but at least I look SEW YOONEEK!!1!
Cyndi just can't take it anymore.
Nonsensical emo poetry sucks so bad. WE'RE BUMS!!1!
The kind that gathers information or the kind on skin. (She communicates so clearly!)
fuck tech
Going into a fit over a cartoon character.
Sickest thing ever.
her lief is so horrid omg liek pity her brb crying nao
How dare anybody celebrate her country's independence!
Cyndi can't find new clothes because of fat people.
bawwww, my day isnt going my way
Cyndi is NOT RACIST, but Mexican people are troublesome.
BAAAW My fat hick father who I hate is on the internet and I'm going to admit this is the set of balls from which I've spawned.
the gov't ruined her thanksgivng.
you are inconsidarate if you die during the holodays hohum as if anybody cna contril death.
she wants pity and FUCK YOU IF YOU LUAGH THIS IS HER LYFE!!!!!!!
only retards like her aparently. a tweet and a new blog all in one bawwwwww.
"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down.."
Tweets of bawwwww
It looks like Cyndi finally decided to broadcast her faggotry minute by minute using twitter (located HERE.) Now she can bawww up to the minute from her new undeserved cell phone. Of course its commonly known fact that 99.9% of Twitter is full of egotistical faggots who think every single moment of their lives is worth digital note. Cyndi is no exception as she is Queen of Planet Aspie and you shall now be glorious audience to her almighty Vagina. Cap often she deletes shit a lot.
my dad took me out and i'm still gonna bitch about the stupid christmas tree. ever so greatful isn't she.
Nobody cares, quick call the wahmbulance!!!
fuck you for eating into my writing time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
she cant take teh truth her dad dishes out.
bawwwing becuase she had to wait 2 minutes.
omg pity her toothache hurry its worse than her crusty vag
Cyndi is a bitch
Tendency to TMI
Following the previous bit that proves how self centered Cyndi is, she thinks her fucking bowel movements are the height of public interest. So interesting she gives us too_much_info as she taps out journals and tweets pertaning to her periods, her shit, her farts, her snot, her gyno visits and masterbation habits are all lovingly sprinkled in between her journals of bawwwww. She makes sure she documents her bodily functons for the world to see and has the balls to whine when people make fun of her for it. We guess she expects us all to think such things are natural and beutiful and worth reading about because she knows her worthless life is more boring than plate techtonics. Let's take a look at some of her literary genius...
Tweeting about my Shit
My Farts? Update Worthy
Classy, tell us about the time you shat in a bag.
You don't say
Like everyone else on Deviantart, Cyndi can't draw worth shit and knows it. Her art is mostly of naked DBZ characters colored with pencils that have to be from the early 70's. All of her drawings not done digitally have a strange blue green quality to them and are full of jpeg artifacts.
Like all Catholics, Cyndi loves CP.
In Cyndi's mind, Unicron = Angelina Jolie.
one of her shitty namik oc's.
Portrait of the Artist
A man shitting himself
A unicorn, perhaps?
Freddy Kruger? Darth Vader?
Godzilla! Noooo
"Female Pain"
Cyndi is not like you, can you hear her screams?
Truly the next Michelangelo.
LAIS-- Cyndi is in a constant state of PMS.
Cyndi drew this picture of "Godzilla's Wife" when she was ten. It's sad to think that her art hasn't improved.
Decked out like a taxi cab mirror = art.
Cyndi's Limitless Wisdom
—You have Austism, you aren't missing all of your limbs. |
Previous Quote | Next Quote
see also
- chris-chan
- Realmrsoptimusprime
- M._Chaos
- transformers
- mechanophilia
- weaboo
- anorexia
- attention whore
- bawwwwwwwwwww
- fail
External Links
(Note: Useless/locked shit has been and will be removed to save space. Holy fuck, we don't need another Snapesnogger sized article on this useless bitch. Srsly.) Wanna find older shit? Go look at the history page. Links that still work but lead to suspended or mildly lulzy shit have strikethroughs. Dead or abandoned pages are taken off again for spacial reasons. You only get lulz if you troll where she's active.
- ~*AMBROSIA*~ The long-winded lulzy masterpiece, out in public at last. Now the only problem is actually wading through that shit.
Cyndilovespiccolo Not worth much now, but it's where the drama started.
4mbrosia She can't block you here. Troll the fuck out of it.
Her Myspace private again. BAWWWW!]]
- Shitty Transformers music videos Madonna? Enya? Srsly, wtf...
- Her Mediaminer For more of her shitty writing.
- Fandom Wank's weak attempt at mocking Cyndi. -- It gets slightly funnier when Cyndi and her EX-friend Seiberwing show up to defend her honor and BAWWWW in the comments.]
-It looks like Cyndi and Seiberwing aren't on speaking terms anymore because of ED. Seiberwing has been seen around fanficrants bashing her work. Lol.
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Cyndilovespiccolo is part of a series on Visit the DeviantART Portal for complete coverage. |
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Cyndilovespiccolo is part of a series on Aspies. | [Sperg out] |
![]() ![]() [It was a dark and stormy night...]
Cyndilovespiccolo is part of a series on FanFiction | |||||||||||||
Featured article July 5, 2008 | ||
Preceded by Scientology Agents |
Cyndilovespiccolo | Succeeded by Wikigroaning |