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—/pol/'s solution to everything. |
Once upon a time, there was a board on the gaping, Goatse'd asshole of the internet known as /n/. A very long time ago, it is believed that /n/ was the "news" board of 4chan, where anons could discuss world events and have civil debates about politics. Where Republicans and Democrats; conservatives and liberals; and even blacks and whites could have healthy, educated discussions about the problems our world faces today, as well as a variety of possible solutions to these problems. Each thread proved to be different, and for a while, /n/ seemed like the only board on 4chan where rational debate was not only encouraged, but could be found in abundance. While joot took down this board twice (both times for the same reason), eventually, /n/ returned better than ever in late 2011.
Welcome to /pol/, or Politically Incorrect. And yes, /n/ came back even shittier B̶e̶t̶t̶e̶r̶ horrifically more pathetic than it was before. Protip: 4chan /pol/ = le reddit faggotry and kiddie pool. 8ch.net/pol = actual good intel FBI knockoff.
Typical /pol/ Discussion

Occasionally, someone will post something on /pol/ about a relevant issue that actually affects the bright, scary world outside their basement. For about two or maybe three replies, the discussion will pertain to the topic at hand, until the thread undergoes a magical metamorphosis into yet another thread about joos.
- The praise of Doom Paul is sung from the rooftops in a mighty chorus, and all of /pol/ joins hands in a great two-hundred-reply-long session of HAPPENING.
- When someone with a different opinion appears it is immediately flamed and accused of being a member of the JIDF or SRS.
- For the /pol/tard userbase niggers and jews are bad news. If someone doesn't mention the jew his message isn't true. If it ain't white it ain't right.
Being 4chan, the discussion on /pol/ is exactly what you'd expect from a 4chan board about American politics: Jews; niggers; liberals; and everyone that isn't 1488% white—and how they are everything wrong with the world and are worthy only of slavery if not genocide. In order to form this inbred bastard child of /n/ the userbase had to add Stormfront, remove any semblance of facts and statistics and replace them with flamewars, HAPPENING, and implying implications.
You would think that pseudo-intellectual debates about a loose understanding of Socialism and communism in the way only neckbearded basement-dwellers can present it would be humorous. In fact, you'd think flamewars between wannabe neo-nazi boneheads and Aspie hipsters about the role of government in American society couldn't possibly be anything less than hysterical. Under normal circumstances, it probably would be. However, studies have shown that any exposure to /pol/, even in moderation, lowers the IQ by at least ten points for every second spent looking through a thread.
How arguments are won on /pol/

Disclaimer: If you are arguing with people on the internet, you might as well douse yourself in gasoline and set yourself on fire. Go run for office if you want to make a difference in real life rather than sitting all day on the computer jerking off to white men being cuckolded by large black dicks ramming tight white pussies.
Got butthurt because someone insulted Trump? Feel like you are losing your mind? Just call the other guy a shill! This instantly invalidates your opponent's argument and keeps the battle to MAGA alive. /pol/ is always right, you see; so objectively correct about everything, that the only reason anyone could possibly express any sort of dissenting opinion is that they are being paid by David Brock and George Soros to argue with them on an anime imageboard. Begging the question, of course, as to where we send our resumes, considering we've been doing it for free this entire time.
Eventually, they'll start screaming about a persecution complex that eclipses that of actual Jews and crying to the mods about how they're being 'raided' because someone dared to disagree with them. If that sounds familiar, it should: It's the exact same shit that SJWs do, proving that they really are two sides of the same coin. If you've never actually seen an SJW and a /pol/ack go at it, just imagine two cripples hitting each other with fluorescent lights while wearing ball gags. It just has to be seen to be believed.
Doom Paul

Doom Paul or Apocalyptic Paul is a meme that features Ron Paul, it originated on 4chan's /new/ board in 2009. The meme pokes fun at Ron Paul supporters who claimed "it's over" and "all was lost" when their candidate failed to secure his party's nomination during the 2008 Republican primaries. These and similar phrases are associated with image macros of the libertarian. Doom Paul is the only meme that originated from /new/, which moot later closed due to concerns of racism. The meme regained its popularity when /new/ was succeeded by /pol/. During the 2012 presidential elections, "it's happening" was a catchphrase used to poke fun at the imminent apocalypse predicted by Ron Paul supporters if he wasn't elected as President. Threads specifically dedicated to Doom Paul tend to last well into the next day, often being catalysts for a shitton of OC; or a bunch of shit OC alternatively.
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/pol/ Anonymous Wed Jan 29 2014 19:45:06 No.25950975 | |
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>tfw trying to convince your parents to cash out their 401K before it gets confiscated
Surefire Ways to Troll /pol/

/pol/ is up there with /v/ and /q/ when it comes to ease-of-trolling. As any opinions that don't subscribe to geriatric conservatism are assumed to be the works of SRS shills, it's important that reddit-like comics are placed in any thread.
Post about Italians not being white
- Mention ANYTHING positive or negative about Obama. Anything at all. Instant flamewar.
- Point out that the establishment GOP hates Ron Paul and will thus never, ever be nominated.
- Bash Ron Paul for being a creationist or an isolationist. Actually, bash Ron Paul about anything.
- Point out that Ayn Rand died while living off of social security and medicare.
- Support any GOP candidate besides Ron Paul. Double points if it's Mitt Romney or Donald Trump.
- Make any thread about religion. Especially if you say anything good about Islam.
- Be a Sand Nigger. That's it. Literally. Then record the many instances where /pol/acks scream "TERRORIST" "BURKA" "SHARIA" "IMMIGRATION" "ANGELA MERKEL" "RAPE" "SWEDEN" "CHARLIE HEBDO" and/or "REMOVE KEBAB"
- State that libertarians aren't conservatives because they don't care about social issues. Then call everyone who disagrees with you a communist.
State that race is not a social construct. Watch all the multiculturalists resort to DAS RACIS!!!Multiculturalists have successfully been driven out of /pol/.- Make a thread bashing Communism and watch the commies semantically use the state as a cop out.
- Mention the broken promises of Obama.
- Say that there is no invisible hand of the market. Stormfronters tend to go for the bait rather quickly.
- State that white people are the cause of all the problems in the world. Then state that all white people are racist. Bonus points if you argue that Socrates was aboriginal.
- Say that Argentines are white.
- Say anything good about Black People.
- Inform them that Ukrainians are in fact NOT white. (In which case they will call you a Jewish anti-white D&C baiter and proceed to post cherrypicked images of blonde Russian adult models in the thread)
- Remind them Dorner was black.
- Pretend to be a feminist. Just mention ANYTHING good about Feminism.
- Call them shitlords or weenies.
- Ask why it's a big deal if the NSA spies on us
- Call Ron Paul or Rand Paul Jewish.
- Post porn. (NIGGER BONUS: If you are black and dating a white girl, post a picture of her sucking your dick.) Then count the number of times someone u ses the word "degeneracy".
- State that anyone who is part of the MRA needs to grow a pair.
- State that being white isn't much use when you are a neckbeard.
- Post pictures of aborted fetuses with the text THIS IS NOT A HUMAN BEING
- Tell them that Trump and Hillary are two sides of the same coin.
- Post pro gun-control topics with the word weenie to refer to anyone against gun control.
- Ask them why they hate racemixing, yet also claim white people are superior because they're a mix of Homo sapiens and Neanderthals.
- State the current year.
- Remind them that Brexit was a failure because Nigel Farage was nothing but a troll who quit politics immediately after the referendum, meaning that Brits now have to deal with rising prices from EU imports AND the collapse of the Pound and the prospect of Scotland rebellion. And to add insult to injury, London still has a Muslim mayor.
- Post anything negative about Trump and watch as over 9000 pissed /pol/acks call you a "Cuckservative"
- Tell them that Hillary Clinton is your Waifu, that you enjoy being raped by her in a strap on and that she has more political experience than Trump will ever have. Then count the many times somebody mentions the words "E-mail" "Benghazi" "Corrupt" "War Criminal" "Crooked Killary" and "BILL CLINTON IS A RAPIST PEDOPHILE".

Actually, nobody knows. Following the second death of /new/, moot gave the reason for its deletion as the board having devolved into /stormfront/ again, and having said that if this happened after it was remade, it was going to be deleted. Despite it simply being a case of moot actually being a man of his word for once in his faggoty life, moot gave into pressure, and not only remade /new/, but basically encouraged the third coming of /stormfront/ simply by naming the board "politically correct," proving once and for all that moot himself is the cancer that is killing /b/.
As the new /pol/ is also a sex dungeon full of butthurt no life white trash who believe that having blue eyes and an inferiority complex somehow makes you superior posting threads bashing everyone that is not a white christian with strong traditional values and a hatred of niggers, jews and anything else in between because ZIONIST MEDIA JIDF LOL!!!!11. Frequenters of /pol/ call themselves /pol/acks even though everyone else calls them /pol/tards due to the stereotype that the average /pol/ poster has the IQ of a down's syndrome rock. It is indeed obscure why mootykins decided to bring the board back, however it is safe to assume that it is simply a containment board to keep the fucktarded neckbeards that frequent /pol/ out of the rest of 4chan, as the site is befouled enough by people with similar quirks.
Anonymous declares war on /pol/
Anonymous moralfaggotry at its best
/pol/ Harbor - AKA "The Great Exodus", "Rome is burning", "The A/pol/calypse", and "Et Tu, Moot?"

On the 7th of December, 2014, Ben "Zyklon-B" Garrison threatened Moot with a lawsuit unless he took down /pol/. Since "the CEO of Troll, Inc." who was now an official SJW, couldn't take the problematic /pol/ anymore, so he purged it. First by deleting the capcha and letting in waves of /b/tards, furries, autists, /a/ and /lgbt/. He then proceeded to replace words that users typed such as "/b/" and "nigger" with "tumblr" and "cracker" respectively. Marquees displaying [trigger warning] show up on all posts, wordfilters are abundant, and the board has the title "The 8 steps of cuckolding" with subtitle ">she does it for fun". /pol/acks from all over were chased out of their home, after unsuccessfully trying to take over /s4s/ (because you can totally take over a board dedicated to nothing but memespam and mindless shitposting) they had no option but to retreat to their backup hugbox run by that midget on a wheelchair.
And nothing of value was lost.
The ResistanceResistance
Although while the rest of /pol/ burnt, one subgroup of /pol/ demonstrated that you can be just as autistic about nationalism as you can about sonic. This subgroup was the well hated general, brit/pol/, known commonly on /pol/ for just being a tripfag circlejerk. They continued to let their autistic nationalism guide them through the storm.

Without any sense of irony they adopted an IRA song as a chant.
I was posting on a 4ch@n thread where the SJW drums did beat,
And the loving autist feet walked all over us;
And every single night, when me OP would come home tight,
He'd invite the posters outside with this chorus:
Oh, come out you loyal consumers and trolls; Come out and fight me like a man; Show your waifu how you wasted your life down on 4ch@n; Tell her how britp0l triggerede you run like hell away From the green and lovely threads in politically incorrect.
Come, tell us how you spammed Them ol' libertarians two by two; Like the volkish, they had pictures and original content; How you bravely faced each one, With your stolen spambot, And you frightened them polack natives to their marrow.
Oh, come out you loyal consumers and trolls; Come out and fight me like a man; Show your waifu how you wasted your life down on 4ch@n; Tell her how britp0l triggerede you run like hell away From the green and lovely threads in politically incorrect.
Come, let us hear you tell How you slandered great Nigel, When you thought him well and truly persecuted, Where are the sneers and jeers That you bravely let us hear, When our heroes of the 4th were executed.
Oh, come out you loyal consumers and trolls; Come out and fight me like a man; Show your waifu how you wasted your life down on 4ch@n; Tell her how britp0l triggerede you run like hell away From the green and lovely threads in politically incorrect.
Ah, the time is coming fast And I think them days are near, When each s.hitposter shod in heel will run before us; And, if there be a need, Then our kids will say "Godspeed!", With a verse or two of singing this fine chorus.
Oh, come out you loyal consumers and trolls; Come out and fight me like a man; Show your waifu how you wasted your life down on 4ch@n; Tell her how britp0l triggerede you run like hell away From the green and lovely threads in politically incorrect.

As of 11:45 CST, the whore that cackled about cuck as /pol/acks tried to browse their board has been taken down. Although there are still trigger warnings, shitposting, no CAPTCHA, and word changing, /pol/acks have claimed a decisive victory of resistance against moot and his army of femnazi negroid jews.
8chan /pol/ Hotpockets controversy
The Board Owner 'of 8ch /pol/ is a Christcuck and the Board Volunteer Imkampfy/therealmoonman is a COINTELPRO agent who frequently spams images of Rachel Maddow which has caused much controversy on 8chan

Syria General
A sub-forum in the /pol/ community, Syria General, is made up of dedicated investigative autists who track down US-funded terrorists in Syria and work to get the terrorists put down. Their actions have attracted the attention of the news. Full of namefags and turkroaches.
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This is how /pol/ sees itself.
Everyone who uses /pol/ is in the closet. It's a fact.
Paultards spam this image when someone disses their savior.
This thread got over one hundred replies. Trolling /pol/ is THAT easy.
The FBI Anon's story of 2016
Fuck leftists
I wonder who could behind this post...
Trump gets his daily news from /pol/
The second most common image macro on /pol/.
They wish.
An anon volunteered at a school full of niggers. Here's his story.
Some fag TRS shill gets BTFO
A pollack reflects on history
A /pol/lack in commiefornia projects his misery there based on the laws
A pollack loses a debate
An indian shows how to pick up indian chicks
Canadian projects
Spanish posters
Welcome to /pol/
Chad /pol/lack's mating guide
Trump vs Califags
How a typical /pol/lack professionally and politely debates someone who disagrees with him politically.
Why /pol/ is fixated on niggers so much
/pol/lacks hate on mudslimes, yet enjoy several similarities with them.
MAGA hats get featured in a berlin holohoax museum
Serbian's story
Negro Disapproves Of Your Faggotry
Marriage is gay
How jewish tactics work
Porn for white men undermines feminism?
Der ewige mystery jude
Pol does math to disprove the holocaust
After the 2016 election recount, leftists get BTFO kek
The Vaginal Jew
Hitler Detected
What was this cartoon trying to convey?
The story of an israeli soldier fed up with his evil empire. RIP ;~;
Typical /pol/ sticky.
What /pol/ fails to realise
Same shit, different board.
The nose. It knows.
/pol/ IRL trollin
Pol commenters by country
those evil nazi white supremacists from /pol/ organizes an IRL meetup in New York City. Here's the result.
A /pol/lack in his natural habitat
Jap vs Korean
How to identify a slide thread
A /pol/lack cosplays as Moon Man
Don't spice the rice!
Don't race mix!
What being a woman is like
Fuck china
Trump is one of us!
Shit bernie maymay
Middle East engine
Before and after pol
FBI honeypot story
Yes, that is a jew.
Shit comic
Guy from 4chan's Pol makes the news
OP unmasked
Jews vs Japs
Before and After Pol
Another shitty meme
Middle East accurately summarized according to /pol/
Pollacks vs the world
Jesus visiting you..
History Lesson
Hide their dumbass posts
USA according to pol
Gov't acc. to stormfags and pollacks
Correct the record
Morality chart
Why are women shit?
burger body
Crusades = based
You Killed Me..
Romaov yokes smdh
Islam DYK
niggers explained
Truth about aliens
Jews hard at work
pollacks at a party
99% of pollacks lives
another gay meme
Your granddad
Hitler's time has come
Fedora vs fatass
Another shitty meme
Crusades tldr'd
Shitty meme for normies
Marxist fedorafag
Put them in the oven.
Guide to Earning Shekels
Whites summed up
Women tldr'd
Hillary is a lying bitch
Kike expulsion
An FBI rat in the process of posting on 8ch pol.
Two million GET is a Heil Hitler thread, go figure.
/pol/ circa April 1st of 2012.
More than half of all the posts on /pol/ are done by some liberal spammer named Sequioa McDowell.
McDowell is obsessed with "weenies".
How SRS argues on /pol/.
A typical liberal by /pol/
/pol/: The Novel
8ch Pol's hoax makes the news
The evolution of a pol user
Canadians: the most powerful race?
Don't reply to canadians.
And resist those faggots
A pollack describes the homosexuality of Roman culture.
A fag from Facebook discovers pol
Screencapped. :3
Americans petition for a rainbow flag
/pol/ chart vs normies etc
a /pol/lack's baby
and his car
After a mass shooting, many flock to /pol/ for the real news
A /pol/lack, moments before inducing abuse upon his child
Strawman Steve and black dicks are used to make a point.
Use these to troll
JIDF wakes up to shill on /pol/
Guess again
Before & After /pol/
Before and After Pol
Before and After /pol/
Before / after
What to do when /pol/ leaves their Containment Board
Sometimes a /pol/lack will venture out of his safe space as decreed by moot and he needs to be reminded to fuck right off back there.
See Also
- /n/ – /pol/ 1.0 and 2.0
- /k/ – The reason you never see any gun-toting rednecks on /pol/.
- Ron Paul
- Libertarians
- Conservatives
- Liberals
- Communists
- BritPol
- Wyatt Mann
- Happy Merchant
- JIDF – Everyone who posts on /pol/ is JIDF until proven otherwise.
- SRS – See above.
- Battle of /q/
External links
- Cuck/pol/
- Trump
/pol//pnd/ now End/pol/ENDED!(Archived)
Doom Paul
Dr. Doom Paul
Doom Paul
- Doom Paul's facebook page
Pol/ is part of a series on 8chan |
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