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Brexit is the righteous, democratic vote of millions of people deciding that they don't want their country being run by libtards in the corrupt European Jewnion. Despite nations leaving the EU being an unprecedented phenomenon, the media lied that it would ruin Britain and the global economy forever and tried to get everyone to vote Remain, so that the British people can still be controlled by pandering globalists.
History has proven time and time again that Britain can survive on its own, while other countries fester and get taken over by muslimes. Before joining the EU, British people had many events to be proud of, including being on the winning side of WW2 and showing those pesky krauts who's boss. They colonised Australia, Africa and many other countries and after changing them to not being complete shitholes, climbed the highest mountains, generated much wealth, and possessed history's largest empire.
None of these things could possibly be accomplished with all European peoples collectively squabbling for attention and recognition. The British people were being told time and time again that things like sovereignty and national pride shouldn't matter in 2025 and should instead care about irrelevant subjects like refugees and trannies.
When Britain decided that enough is enough, the non-EU world rejoiced as a once proud and successful country broke the shackles of the EU and began its path of not allowing itself to turn to shit, like Turkey, Romania and Poland. Many other countries such as the Netherlands, France and Italy have also spoken out, saying that the referendum has been a historic day for freedom and democracy, and are slowly getting out of the mindset that they are just a small fish in the big, polluted sea that is the EU.
Even future president Donald Trump congratulated the Brits in their day of independence. Except he said it straight after landing in so-called "Scotland", which had voted to stay in Europe and was having a shit-fit about being dragged out of Europe against its will. Problem, Britkikes?
History of Britain before the EU

Britain was a force to be reckoned with before the EU. They were on the winning side of both world wars, colonialized 1/3 of the world and set up Governments in places where poverty was rife. India is now able to govern itself thanks to Britain, and can perform many important roles, like technical assistance phone operators.
After being tricked by Europeans who wanted in on the action, they agreed to join the EU, believing that they would be able to keep valuable assets like nationalism, strength and control. Instead it brought liberalism and multiculturalism to the island, thus allowing millions of niggers and pakis to come to the UK to have free healthcare and live off benefits in mansions.
As time moved on, the will of the people was gradually ground down to dust, and believed that there was no way of controlling things such as borders, the economy and law.
During the EU
Nothing of interest really happened, besides a load of immigrants being allowed to enter Britain and "coincidentally", the crime rate skyrocketed. There was also a perfectly British campaign to prevent the EU from forcing Britain to abandon Imperial measurements (in operation since about 1200 AD) and completely change over to metric (invented by Johnny Frog, Last Thursday, and forced on everyone else). Srsly, a bunch of English market-stallholders fought the Government through every court in the land for a decade over what system they used to weigh carrots. In the end, the EU realised that even if it won the legal battle it would lose the hearts and minds of the British, who don't complain when they get fucked over as long as it's done fair and square. So as a result, the following utterly retarded measurements are still legally valid in Britain:
Bad move, EU. By allowing a tiny bit of flexibility to the rules of EU membership, the fatcats of Brussels unknowingly gave the green light to every other single-issue crank in the country, the sort of nitwit who thinks he can rely on obscure clauses of the Magna Carta when contesting a parking fine in court, and so the great European rollback began.
The run up to the vote

The British people were drowned in propaganda and advice from people who only care about profits and don't give a shit if the UK goes brown. The polls had said that a Remain vote was certain, and the British people would be controlled once more. Even on the day, the eventual savior of Britain had admitted that the opposition was just too heavy for them to defeat, and expected a Remain vote.
Jo Cox
Moar info: Death to Traitors, Freedom for Britain.
Jo Cox was a pro-EU politician that no one cared about until she was assassinated by a lunatic. The Left was quick to proclaim her a martyr for the pro-EU cause in hopes that it would guilt-trip voters into voting Remain. When that failed, the crybullies started claiming that Leave voters were remorseless bastards who should be ashamed that they voted with their brains instead of with guilt-filled hearts.
The Day of Independence
—Some dead white male |

After rejecting the advice of globalists and zionist big businesses, the people of Britain decided to take back what they deserved and left the sinking ship of the EU. Ragequitting like a 13 year old, David Cameron announced that he would resign, as he knew that he wouldn't be able to take bribes from big business if he couldn't control the people.
As was completely expected, the pound fell in value, opening the doorway to an increase in exports and not having to be held back by EU rules. The economy of the world also fell as well, as the Jews had expected to carry on controlling the Brits, and didn't bother to make a backup plan if this failed.
The old Bait and Switch
Hilariously, almost all of Scotland had voted to remain in the EU, showing their complete disregard to its once proud history. Angered that they had voted to stay in the UK, but democracy had happened, they are now threatening the leave the UK, despite the fact that no-one cares anymore.
They haven't realised yet that due to the slow bureaucracy of the EU, it will take them many years to get back in the EU, as currently they are classed as out.
There is also less of a chance of Scotland leaving the UK but staying in the EU, as this would mean that other countries can break away from each other. In other words, Spain will likely veto this as it would give Catalonia a chance of breaking away from Spain.
Northern Ireland had also largely voted remain, with the rest of Ireland thinking it might have a chance to take it over, but this is been ruled out and N. Ireland will stay with the UK.
The Falkland Islands, justifiably fearing that Argentina will fuck them up if they voted out, chose to vote remain, but were calmed down when the UK reminded them that if Argentina dares threaten them again, the UK will own the Argies once more.
Additionally, Gibraltar had voted remain (likely due to the fact that most of the people are Spanish), which is surprising because many people had forgotten that it even exists and was part of the UK in the first place. Like Ireland, Spain has made a vain attempt to take over Gibraltar, but will likely back down because no-one wants another Falklands War.
The liberal crybullies
For the first time in their life, many liberals actually experienced something not going their way, and promptly went apeshit. Some shouted that this was a fix, and other shouted that every leave voter was a racist, despite there being many other reasons for leaving the EU. If you ever need evidence of liberals being bad losers, here it is.
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There's a petition
Well, of course there's a petition, this is the fucking internet. This one is on the British Government's official site and has gathered about 50bn signatures in 24 hours, giving the impression of a growing public backlash against the Brexit vote. This makes Brexit sad. In fact, the whole thing has been rigged by 4chan, using sooper-dooper voting scriptbotthingamyjigs to ruin the petition with ineligible votes. This makes anti-Brexit sad. It makes everyone else do a lulz and Parliament is going to have to debate the petition without knowing whether it's for real or not.
The old media smelled a rat when 39,411 votes were cast from Vatican City (total population around 800), 23,778 from North Korea (where you need background checks and have to wait in a three-month queue just to check your email), and 3,000 from South Georgia and the Sandwich Islands (no permanent population at all).
Great British Gallery
Fun facts

- On the media, if you support Brexit, you're a xenophobe
- In real life, if you support staying in, you're a cuck
- The prime minister of Poland has demanded that Britain holds another referendum to make sure the first one got the right result. In other words, he doesn't want the >800,000 Polacks currently enjoying the high-life in the UK to come back to glorious Poland, where there is already ten per cent unemployment (which is why the vodka-swilling pickle-munching retards left there in the first place).
- Now the former prime minister of Poland has made the same demand, claiming that Britain is being treated 'arrogantly'. Nice try, Johnny Polack, but you can still have them all back.
- Brexiters who are excited over the prospect of getting rid of that pesky European Court of Human Rights are in for a nasty shock, as it has nothing to do with the EU, but is a structure of the Council of Europe, of which Britain is still a member.
- Having spent the last few years complaining about White privilege meaning no-one spots racism, the assorted duskies and darkies of Britain are now writing condescending "Dear White People, thanks for noticing" posts on Twitterbook about how the complete opposite of what they were claiming to be the case instead proves that they were right all along.
- Sneaky rat-like Romanian families are offering to adopt baawwwwing UK libs, and the thieving gypsies will no doubt make a tidy profit on the affair. This suits everyone just fine, as Romania cannot guarantee that applicants will get dual citizenship and then the applicant will have spent hundreds of pounds just to end up having to choose between ending up trapped as a paying lodger to a family of hillbillies in a cold, dogshit-strewn hellhole, or moving to Romania.
- Britain hasn't even got out of its chair yet, and the slimy French are trying to pull it away from under us by inviting global finance houses to abandon the City of London and move to Paris. Reckon they'll put up with your habit of going on strike every five minutes and wanting to retire at 45 on full salary pensions? Typical French cowardice and treachery.
See Also

- Ah fuck, I can't believe you've done this - Global response to Brexit
- French Presidential Election, 2017 - The tragic sequel
- Blair, Anthony ("Tony") - the dumbfuck who set this whole trainwreck in motion
- Cameron, David ("Dave") - see also: Fail
- Corbyn, Jeremy - Leader of the Labour Party who did fuck all during Brexit and people only know his name for being a socialist
- European Union
- Eurovision Song Contest - future UK successes now in jeopardy
- Death to Traitors, Freedom for Britain - British Patriot who bravely stopped the actions of treacherous Labour MP and islamophile Jo Cox.
- Falklands, the - British Overseas Territory, due for invasion any day soon
- Farage, Nigel - so i herd eu liek ukips
- Gibraltar - Another British Overseas Territory, now in talks about a union with so-called "Scotland" (see below)
- Great Britain - comprising:
- England
- "Scotland", so-called - perhaps not 'so-called' for much longer
- Sheep fuckers - now also burbling about independence, obviously the world is crying out for male voice choirs and bread made of seaweed
- Johnson, Boris - "a big boy did it and ran away"
- Putin, Vladimir - the man who engineered the whole thing
- Rapefugees - the propaganda gift from God (not Allah)
- Royal Family, the - Britain's other German rulers
- United Kingdom - Great Britain (see above), but with added:
- Northern Ireland - now thinking about rejoining Ireland, which has always gone so well in the past
External Links

- Kiwi Farms thread, great place to find screenshots of butthurt.
#FromageNotFarage - lol so funneh. But at least they know who The Big Cheese is around here.
#safetypin /
#safetypins - the most retarded lib feel-good campaign ever? Wear a safety-pin to show you're 'safe' for immigrants to approach
PostRefRacism - updates on jubilant Britons IRL trolling minorities who aren't even from the EU
- "This Is What You Have Done, Brexit" - your go-to tumblr for liberal anguish, failing to realise that Brexiters will respond: "Good."
- George Soros makes billions overnight by betting on a post-Brexit stock market disaster
- Experienced journalist tries to get Farage pissed and provoke him into saying something indiscreet, but Farage ends up "drinking him under the table" and strides off ready for MOAR
- Video: Triumphant Farage IRL trolls EU Parliament
- As usual, bleeding-heart libs decide to build a hugbox and ignore reality, this time with an anti-Brexit dating app.
- Amazingly, London (76 per cent immigrants) voted to stay in the EU. Similarly amazing, the thwarted liberals of Olde London Towne are now fantasising about declaring the capital city independent from its own country

Brexit is part of a series on ![]() The British |
The Pride of Britain [+] |
Our Rich Cultural Heritage [+] | |
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The United Kingdom [+] |
Brexit is part of a series on Politics. |
See also: 2012 Elections • 2016 Presidential Elections • 2020 Presidential Elections • 2024 USA Presidential Elections • Internet Politics • PizzaGate • Political communities • Roe v. Wade |
Featured article June 30, July 1, & July 2, 2016 | ||
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Brexit | Succeeded by 4th of July |