Doopie DoOver/Sick Fuckery

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All Doopie is is uneducated poor white trailor trash trying to convince everyone that she's sophisticated



How Doopie earns her shekels, ironicly, for all her claims about being against CP her market is 14 year old boys.
admits to being a pornographer by saying her work is meant only to sexually arouse
Doopie says that people produce porn based on what turns them on. From this comment, one can safely deduce that underage girls Turn Doopie On

Doopie has given us alot to be grateful for.

Like a necromancer she brought Chris Chan back from the dead and gave us brand new reasons to point and laugh as Doopie pretended to be his Girlfriend for our humour. Unfortunately this wasn't for the altruistic reasons that Doopie would want you to believe because while she was making us laugh with her stage show of the "Technically Still A Virgin", Trailor Trash Princess, good little girl being frightened by a giant aspertard crossdresser that wants to get laid, Doopie had her hand deep into Chris' wallet and like the insuferable cunt everyone describe her as, she didn't have the decency to even rub one out for him free of charge.

The main reason most reasonable people are disgusted by Doopie is that she never apologizes for anything. It's not her fault that she drew CP it's your fault for being close minded and getting Offended by a 13 year old girl getting a 23CM cock shoved into her ass. When she does claim to make an apology, It's only to blame someone else or rationalize her behaviour like a well trained prison rapist or paroled pedophile. She has even gone so far as to blame current children's fashions for pedophiles and kiddie fuckers.

As you may have noticed, like many pseudo-celebrities to come before her and will come after her, Doopie's greatest contribution is the joy she gives through her sick fuckery.

Join with us and revel in the fact the our Mother's were wrong and there is a sicker fuck than us on the internet.

Doopie's Return To Child Porn With Yumi Yoshimura

the interesting thing is Jaltoid is from Ohio and subject to U.S. Law so why is he talking like he isn't?

If we were to ignore federal and obsenity law and give in to Hellbent and Jaloid's argument that 16 is the age of consent and therefor it should be legal to portray a 16-year-old girl, in a sexual situation in the animated form, then anyone younger than their age of consent, 16, would therefor constitute Child Pornography.

Recently, Doopie DoOver has pretty much given the finger to all their previous rationalizations and excuses when she told them to go Fuck themselves by using a character that has an official age of 14-years-old in her sexually explicit art under her name of  KittenBellNSFW. According to the definitions that Jaltoid and Hellbent offered up to excuse Doopie DoOver's love of animating Children fucking like rabbits in the wild, Doopie has officially crossed into the world of Child Porn by using the character of Yumi Yoshimura whose official cannon puts her at the age of 14, or someone, by their arguments, that can not give their consent to have sex or can be shown having sex.

ED readers are suggesting the theory that Doopie, or one of her loyal dogs like Jaltoid or Hellbent, will argue that after all - Ami is 16 and Yumi is 14 but if you were to put their ages together they'd be 30 which equal's perfectly legal.

To quote Shakespeare's Hamlet: Act 3, Scene 2, "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."
In other words, Doopie's sincerity, along with those of her lapdogs, that she despises Child Porn in all its forms, would never do it because she, Doopie, was molested or that they find it completely revolting should be seriously questioned because Doopie's behaviour suggests something else entirely.

To destroy the last of Doopie's arguments, Isn't Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi a cartoon that is based on real people? By portraying these cartoon images, in sexual situations, that are based on real people and given ages that are officially stated to be what you refer to as Underage, are you not producing Child Porn?

The Age Up Excuse

Doopie The Pedophile Apologist

In a tumblr callout suggesting that her art is CP and demanding that she defend her art depicting characters as young as 8 in sexual situations with adults, Doopie avoided the issue and argued definitions.

"You are confusing lolicon and CP." Doopie said. "Lolicon isn't real. It's all fake and made up. I'm the artist and if I want to draw a character that comes up to a guy's knee, missing her two front teeth and is flat as fuck I can because I get to say how old she is. If I say she's 18, then she's 18 and you can't do shit about it." She finished.

Doopie's OK With Drawing Kids Fucking But A Food Orgy Is Too Much

Maybe it's because he wants everyone to think that she's a well behaved, inbred Trailor Park Princess or maybe it's because she's hypocritical as all fuck, but for some reason, Doopie has no problem drawing a 12-year-old Mina Tepes getting rear ended by a 12 inch Werewolf dick but her watching a Food Orgy where a Sausage penetrates a Hot Dog bun like it were a vagina is way too much for her and offends her delicate Christian moralities.

Most people would say that this is an attempt by Doopie to show some princibles amid the accusations that she is a sick, dirty, perverted child pornographer. It's Too little, too late especially when she has created another Twitter account that promises  child porn and other types of not safe to view at work type porn.

Like A Neutered Dog, Doopie Just Doesn't Get It

Oblivious to all the reasons why the internets hates her, such as her being an insufferable cunt, a rabid Homophobe, grifting Chris Chan for $250 a month and then later using Chris Chan's inability to process paying someone for attention into anything other then the two of them being in a relationship then pretending to be Chris' friend for the conveniences of being able to use Chris like an ATM and then make him the butt of a joke for Kiwi Farms and Super Planet Dolan as she went from site to site to revel in her new found infamy like a victorious general of the past, marching into her home city to the screaming adulation of the nobles and children.

Doopie's main problem in life and the center of his current predicament is she just won't take someone's advice and quit when people genuinly recommend it in his best interest. She refused to listen to 1 or 2 people, calling them trolls and haters when they told her that it would be just better for her to walk away and leave Chris Chan alone and pretend that she never heard of or met him in person because, as history shows, only trouble will come from it. Doopie, on the other hand, chose to rather follow the 20 or 30 retards at Kiwi Farms plus Super Planet Dolan members pushing her to go on. Telling her to do it because it will equal such epic lulz.

Sje ignored 1 or 2 people when they sincerely warned her about the stigma that comes from producing Child Porn comics but twenty bucks a pop from about 50 chronic, small dicked fappers keeps her producing it.

Doopie's current brand of drama whoring is coming from her all too sudden realization of what it's like be an internet Pariah as former friends are distancing themselves as far from her as possible. In this current political climate of where an ass-grab and a dirty joke constitutes Rape and can get you fired for no damn good reason other than the company wants to look progressive and seem supportive of the struggles of the sexes, very few people in the buisness, that Doopie is trying to cultivate working relationships with to get her "brand" of art noticed, want to be associated with and risk their jobs because they chose to remain friends with a racist, homophobe, child porn producer that takes advantage of people with mental disabilities for money.

Doopie's Excuse: It's Ok Because She Was Molested

In trademark sick fuck fashion, Doopie tried to excuse her pedophilic attraction to drawing children as young as 13 in sexual situations on the psychological trauma of her having been molested when she was a child.

If you're like our average reader, right now you're rolling your eyes up to the ceiling, making the international sign for who gives a fuck by making an up down gesture with your fist and saying, SO!

Like all sick fucks that have 3 or 4 little girls buried in the crawl space under their house, Doopie thinks this rationalization gives het the right to do whatever she wants with children by crying the age old excuse of, "Someone did it to me first," or "I could never do that kind of stuff. Older guys fucking younger girls grosses me out. Here. BTW. For $25 you you can buy this pic I did of a 14-Year-Old-girl getting her face covered with Cum by an older guy."

If what Doopie said is true and she actually gives a fuck like she claims, then these sexualized portrayals of children that she is creating would sicken her to no end. She'd be writing blogs about the damage being molested did to her fragile psyche instead of making excuses arguing how it's somehow ok for her to use little girls as sexual fodder because she's claiming that she was molested and because she's not the only one doing it.

Like so many child molesters and grifters to come before him, Doopie relies on building confidence with his victims. One of the easiest ways to do this is claim you are against something because you have intimate knowledge about something because you went through it yourself. Despite her inability to remember the age she was molested, Doopie is making the argument that since she is a victim of child-hood sexual molestation and it lasted until she was 15, looking at the recent pictures she's done of 14-year-old girls getting sexored has no effect on her or brings back any bad memories.

Doopie: It's Not My Fault, It's Yours For Picking On Me

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In what has become Doopie's very own Sociopathic, Narcissic Personality Disorder style, you can tell that it's either time for Christmas or that Doopie needs some extra spending money because Doopie has taken to E-begging for money again by playing to bleeding hearts, virgin boys and retards with no concept of how to budget money by taking on the role of the emotionally traumatized victim when she started blaming everyone but himself, in 3 twitter posts, for the failure that she currently calls her life.

Using such cliche lines such as her Mommy and Daddy didn't love him enough and that's why she is unable to make emotional attachments to people, despite being able to con someone into feeding and housing her and later accepting the cucks marriage proposal, or why she can't get along with other people and this being the main reason why she can't hold down a job.

It's not her fault she dropped out of school for being dumb but rather her parents ostracising him to the point that she didn't want to leave her room. It was her teachers' fault because they knew when she was being quiet it was because she was unprepared and not being shy. Finally, It's the fault of his school mates calling her a whore, slut, or a cum dumbster for her being the dick-holster/class bike she is when she would have boys sleep over her house at 14-years-old and then go on a MySpace rant because her Daddy, Billy-Ray Pitts, decided to take to the internet and vent online about walking into Doopie's room and having to see his daughter taking it in the ass with an online audience watching and making comments like "Give her a Donkey Punch".

Much like every emo crybaby on the internets that wants to remind people that they were able to grow up into something special despite all the negative influences and abuse from their family and environment for the sake of monetary donations, Doopie purposely sets out to try and convince people that she's still a skinny and pretty Trailor Park Princess by repeating over and over how skinny she is. He never says how his parents abused him but he spent 3 posts describing to everyone how she was always made fun of for being so skinny. Even going into grotesque, overt detail telling us how she had to endure comments such as "She needs to eat a Hamburger," or "If she didn't throw up everything she ate she wouldn't be so skinny."

Doopie claims to be Differant from her family but the lack of depth, sincerity and self victimisation of her posts puts her in that same Florida Trailor trash, Meth head failure lifestyle that her family currently serves as the spokesmodels for. Notice, there's no talk about any intellectual depth she might have attained when she claims to be better than her parents. All her posts are her bragging that people picked on her because she was too skinny.

If you're a 14-year-old unwashed, loser, omega male type that has no chance of ever getting laid without paying for it first, go ahead follow her patreon link and send her your allowance because you feel so bad for her. All you'll get out of it is a negative balance on your loadable visa and animated Child Porn for the money your parents give you which serves to show how advanced Doopie is in relation to her uneducated, redneck, criminal parents.

Doopie's Dive Into Softcore Knismophilic Porn

Knismophilia is a sexual paraphilia where people become sexually aroused from either being tickled, tickling people or watching as people are being tickled and is one of the more obscure sexual fetishes represented in Softcore porn, or rather, tastefully done college art films.

During a tickle video, what happens is the bottom or person getting tickled is tickled until they have a "Release". Depending on the video being made this could be the bottom getting tickled until they cum, piss themselves, shit all over themselves or pass out and do all three.

Some of the more obscure softcore Knismesis porns includes the bottom having insects, small animals such as kittens and snails walking and crawling across their body. The more mainstream films use feathers and fingers to cause laughter in the tickle bottom.

Doopie Defends PewDiePie Saying Anti-Semitism and Racism are about Intent

Last Thursday on Twitter Doopie felt that he'd spend the day screaming Notice me senpai defending PewDiePie's obvious racism while exposing herself for the Florida, meth-head, confederate flag flying, possum road kill eating, Trailer Trash Princess that she is.

Like so many apologists, Doopie took the popular route of intent, trying to argue that it is not what is said but rather how it is said. This is probably the most useful and popular defense in the Leftard arsenal because it lets a person skirt responsability by going into area's that can't be defined. By claiming, "That's not what they meant," a critic would have to literaly know what a person meant at the exact moment an insult was said, in other words, if you walk into an all black neighborhood and yell the word NIGGER at the top of your lungs, no-one is allowed to get mad or walk up and punch you in the face until they've properly interrogated you for 3 hours to understand what your intention was.

Like so many Southern, Florida racists, Doopie's whole argument of INTENT is done solely to empower the racist. Making "Money Hungry Jew" an everday phrase that anyone can say when they think someone has financially taken advantage of them does nothing but further Anti-Semitism because there's the argument that the comment wasn't directed at a Jew or meant to be Anti-Semitic, the intent was to convey that they know they were taken advantage of.

Someone like Doopie probably sees the whole world in a series of racial insults. Beat up and rape an old woman while stealing her welfare check and Doopie would say, "That was a nigger thing to do." Come into a country legally and take someone's job through use of the free market and you'd be "Acting Just Like A Spic". Ironically, in the case of Doopie - go to school, get a job and be a TRUE AMERICAN and you're obviously white.

Out of curiosity, where would Doopie put himself, a High School dropout, Ebegging Trailor Park Princess whore that sits at home all day smoking dope thinking that her intellectual ability is equal to that of some of History's finest thinkers like Voltaire, William Blake or Marcus Aurelius?

Doopie's whole point is that nigger is a word and it's the fault of the person hearing that word if they unreasonably apply the wrong intention, in other words - "Words Are Just Words" and we as people choose to let ourselves be offended by them, because this is what society has taught. You can also see this exact same argument of socital norms when she defends Child Porn.

To wind this up, it's rather interesting to note that intent is only relevant when referencing Niggers, Sand Niggers, Frogs, Spics and Kikes. As a Weeaboo Doopie takes strong offense to words like Jap, Nip, Zipper Head, Slant Eye, Those Back Stabbing Bastards That Bombed Pearl Harbor or yellow pieces of shit and becomes extremely irate and offended at the mention of them despite their just being words.

As Expected: More Hypocrisy From Doopie

As can be expected from a far left leaning, California Liberal and child pornographer, Doopie has again decided to take to social media and define what should entail our first ammendment rights.

Like all Libtards trying to push an agenda and hide their dirty laundry, Doopie's involvement in chastising Logan Paul has very little to do with the current social consciousness, ideas of privacy or good taste but rather focuses on the fact that the ramifications of Logan Paul's showing of a dead body from someone that became An Hero on YouTube will probably lead to more advertisers leaving the JewTube, as more and more people are discovering what a cesspool and collection of depravity, debauchery and profligacy it is, which will again reduce the amount of money that jobless, uneducated, brain damaged addicts like her can make producing their ever famous Top Ten Lists.

In the case of Doopie, sensatioalizing underaged children having sex with adults or other children is her inherant right and should be protected by both military and congress because it is the base on which she makes her money. On the other hand, sensatioalizing death and suicide by showing it on a YouTube channel is going way too far because it upsets people and because people will find it offensive.

Doopie To  Cass Mimiga: No One Loves You

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In a Twitter conversation that caused Cass Mimiga to consider if she really Wanted to end it all when she shut down her account for a week, Doopie DoOver told Cass that her boyfriend upped and left because he felt it was his job to keep Cass happy and he couldn't do it anymore or just became tired of her and felt that it would be in his best interest if he just upped and quit.

Trying to play up her role as a make-believe self help guru and dispense her Special brand of experienceless wisdom across the internets rather than fulfill his patreon commitments that are falling months behind, Doopie as an unlicensed, uneducated, Stoned stupid high school drop-out wannabe therapist tried to educate Cass that "being at the bottom means losing the people that don't love you. If you were depressed and someone left you, then they never loved you."

The only thing that remains to be seen is if Cass will see Doopie's terrible, fortune cookie psychology for the bullshit it is or if Cass is so hard up for a Twitter following and making pity money from patreon that she will get down on her hands and knees in apology to tell Doopie how right she was to scold her in the hopes that she can sneak into Doopie's circle of fraud and con jobs where they promise art but never deliver on it.

Doopie Loves The Smell Of Her Own Farts


You might be thinking, DUHH! She's a progressive Hipster it comes with the territory like only shopping at organic whole foods stores, carring home groceries in denim shopping bags or driving a 1977 Cadillac down the street to pick up his mail and you'd be right. When I say she likes to smell her own farts I mean literally. She will cup her hand or fart into a cap so she can hold it over her face and smell it slowly, drawing it all the way in.

It would make sense that Doopie is a fecalphilic because she has made (pun intended) a shit load of topics about human waste, night soil, poo and/or shit.

Her fascination with feces include wanting to shit in her room mate's pillow case. Training yourself to not poo and then get a sexual thrill from all of a sudden pooing and finally claiming to not flushing the loo after she has pooed so that others can admire her poo if it's big enough.

It should be noted, that there are some fans of Doopie's who are, right now, arguing whether or not Doopie becomes so arroused by the smell of a pair of shit filled pants that she can't help but schlick to the scent of all the shit stenched hallways when she visits her grandma at the home.

She Actually Believes She's So Hot Men Can't Help But Rape Her

Our chubby little Trailor Park Princess with chicken legs, shaved head, eyebrows thicker than Eugene Levy and a neck like Steelers linebacker Tyler Matakevich actually believes that men just can't help themselves when they're around her and become so sexually arroused that all they can think of is Surprise Sexing her ass when they get an eyefull of that flat pancake ass, failure of a chest and pot-belly she has.

Like most Wimminz, Doopie is asking for it, in fact begging for it as she stares out the crack in her door begging for them to come in and fuck her like a real man should.

As with most of Doopie's attention whoring such as her claiming diseases, there is a good chance that there is no truth to this and the big threatening males she's refering to are probably nothing more than kids selling candy door to door for their church or school. The only person that's in any possible danger is the kids.

Doopie DoOver: First World Problems

Doopie Cries Poverty But Can Afford Plastic Surgery

People like Our great and mighty, Capitalistic god emperor and saviour of the Free World will tell you that anything can be had and anything can be accomplished if you are smart, sit down and proritize what is most important to you. People that have grown to become the all powerful Robber Barons that we worship and follow like Larry Ellison, Michael Bloomburg, Mark Zuckerburg and Sheldon Adelson all followed this singular doctrine of truth to rise up and rule the world by using the Mightiest of weapons, The American Dollar.

Here we have a person who E-Whores across the internets, begging for Money, saying that she can't work because she is too focused on trying to make a career in Animu and Animation to get a job so it's up to her retarded fans to support her and supply her with all his basic necessities like food, shelter, transportation, clothes, Dope and spending money.

So what does our future CEO of The TRANSAmericanAnimu Corporation proritize over everything? PLASTIC SURGERY

As you can see from the above, she is more than willing to spend upwards of $7,000 on "Comsmetic Eye Surgery" because she thinks the puffy bags under her eyes make her face look too fat than PRIORITIZE what she claims is her reason for breathing and getting up every morning to have used that money to promote herself properly.

Most people that posses Intelligence, reason and can apply logic do see Doopie for the con-artist that she is because the first thing they ask is if this great art empire she envisions is everything to her, wouldn't that $7,000 have been better spent on having some comic books published, maybe have some actual art animated - something that can be touched, held and passed around and maybe up to the right people, like the South Park "Santa vs. Jesus" video, that would get her name out there?
It's more important, to her, that her eyes don't make her face look fat.

External Links

  •  KittenBellNSFW Doopie's Twitter Account where she promotes her Kiddie Porn
  • His Tumble where you can see her censored Kiddie Porn
  •  Another Twitter, Protected. Where to go to request child porn. Protected. Requires a $50, instant, donation on Patreon. Go to her Doopie Twitter account and tell her that you made a donation along with the name you want accepted. When the money is in his account Doopie will grant you permission.

See Also

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Those Who Have Died Alone

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Those Dying Alone

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Their Methods

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Doopie DoOver/Sick Fuckery is part of a series on Psychology
Mental illness & Disorders

AcrotomophiliaAddictionAgoraphobiaAlcoholismAlexis Pilkington SyndromeAlzheimer'sAnorexiaAntisocial personality disorderAnthropophobiaAnxietyADDADHDAsperger's SyndromeAutismBimboficationBipolarBorderline personality disorderBug ChasingBulimiaCognitive dissonanceDeep thinkerDepressionDick ImpalementDown's SyndromeDyslexiaEating disorderFactitious disorderFake SchizophreniaFauxlimiaFeminismGender dysphoriaGirl on the Internet SyndromeHeterophobiaHero ComplexHFAHistrionic Personality DisorderHutchence's SyndromeHyperbolimiaInadequacyInconsistent personality disorderInsanityLiberal Butthurt SyndromeLiberalismLow Self-esteem'Missing White Woman' SyndromeMultiple personality disorderNapoleon ComplexNarcissistic personality disorderNeurotypicalObsessive Compulsive DisorderParanoiaParanoid personality disorderPeter Pan SyndromePost-Traumatic Stress DisorderPsychopathyPyromaniaRetardationSchizophreniaSeasonal Affective DisorderSelf-diagnosisSelf InjurySexsomniaSickfuckerySociopathySocial anxiety disorderSpecial Snowflake SyndromeTerminological percipience disorderTrolling Induced Transsexuality SyndromeTulpaUnrealistic expectationsVictim complex


AcrotomophiliaAquaphiliaArborphiliaAudiophiliaAutogynephiliaBalloon FetishBestialityCarmen Electra complexCross DressingDollfiliaEmetophiliaEmosexualityEproctophiliaFatty Fetish (Female Fat Admirer) • FetishismFoot FetishFurniture PornFurrismGoo girlGuroHeterophiliaHomophiliaInflation FetishJapanophiliaJungle FeverLesbian pedophiliaLotion PlayMacrophiliaMaiesiophiliaMechanophiliaMpregNecrophiliaObjectophiliaOedipial ComplexParaphiliaPedophiliaPlushophiliaPregnant LoliPregnophiliaQuicksand FetishRangerphiliaSpectrophiliaStatuephiliaTrichophiliaVoraphiliaWet and Messy FetishismWetlookXenophiliaYellow feverZoophilia


Chronic Troll SyndromeDeletionismE-goE-PsychiatristE-PsychiatryETDHivemindI-DosingI have a 140 IQIRC DiseaseImaginary girlfriendInternet Disease & Internet Disease ChartInternet poverty delusionsInternet RehabInternet troll personality disorderMega ultra super geniusNerdy Fandom Gateway TheorySex by associationLulz-BlindnessWikipedia's Greatest Hits Diseases


ask.fmBrainwashingHypnosisMilgram ExperimentScientologyStanford Prison ExperimentThe Hivemind Corollary


Above Top SecretB/Bodies Under SiegeCYOCChatrouletteDefense Industries

See also:

American Psychiatric AssociationAngerASMRChild abuseConscienceDreamsDSMElan SchoolEnlightenmentIntelligenceLobotomyMary BellPsychiatristySerial KillersTake the meat bridgeThe Law of ConformityTrigger Warning