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If you however are super impatient, email Tabs directly at [email protected] with your preferred username and associated email address AND ONLY TO REGISTER.Shaun King
Shaun King aka Talcum X is the ultimate proof that lightning does in fact strike twice, as he is much like a male version of Rachel Dolezal, except this guy committed financial fraud and incited niggers to riot. Yes, this whitey is also pretending to be a nignog, and has a spouse that regularly gets the shaft by blacks. Whitey King is notable for having tricked Oprah Winfrey, not an achievement unto itself, and scammed her out of a full scholarship that otherwise would have been pissed away on an actual dindu. King will go down in history as yet another sad and lonely white Transnigger who hates himself. In the end, he was outed by his family and childhood friends, because not even his own mother is willing to tolerate this kind of blatant niggotry.
Yes, this fraud was the mastermind behind the shitty #BlackLivesMatter, showing that white lives also matter... if you pretend to be black. Upon learning of the scandal, a black conservative group placed a $25,000 bounty on proof of his blackness. Why the princely sum? They knew they'd never have to pay.
Much like the "man" himself, these were also a fraud sauce.
The White Knights Approacheth
Never one to miss a chance to jump the shark, "news" site Vox had to inject their SJW bullshit into the matter.
—Some fucktard at Vox, trying to earn his Section 8 |
This 1995 police report confirms King's lack of melanin.
Oprah learns that she has been Jewed.
I mean seriously how much more proof do we need?
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- Breaking News
- The jigaboo is up
- Former website
- ShaunKing
- Another former website
- wifes flickr
- His old Myspace profile