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School Litterbox Rumor

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The School Litter Box Rumor was a popular conspiracy theory made by conservatives as a response to the growing level of furfaggotry overtaking the country. It was spread via such popular conservative news outlets as Fox, DikSuk, and Old Media, and stated that many parent's precious snookums were being forced to shit and piss in litterboxes in an attempt to force everyone to become an hero omnisexual agender they/them/bunnyself, not unlike the twisted fantasy shared by many furries of forcing everyone to become a furry who loves headpats and barking and blah blah blah...


The rumor was created by some faggot from Michigan, whose kid decided to generate win and epic lulz by telling his mom that he was being forced to transition to be a cat, and shit and piss in litterboxes. Much BAWWWWWing was had by conservatards all around the nation. Eventually, it was found to be yet another hoax weaved carefully by Faux News. But considering the recent timeline of schools supporting furry-related faggotry, it was seen as true for a whole year.

See? I told ya!


After the epic and lulzy events of 4/20/99, all schools nationwide decided to implement a secret mechanism in case any other majorly lulzy shootings happen. In case the students could not go into the hallway due to the imminent risk of being totally pwned, teachers had an alternate solution to go to the bathroom: Embrace your inner furry and piss in a litterbox. This is a retarded idea due to the fact that when you die, your corpse will be seen pissing in said box, and everyone will think you were an furfaggot.

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