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Don't expect that relationship status to change anytime soon.


03:46 <savetheinternet> remove this page right now or i will sue you
03:46 <savetheinternet> i am serious
03:46 <savetheinternet> my father has some good lawyers
<garrett> hi im savetheinternet

<garrett> my hobbies include being jewish

<garrett> and irc



Remember that "project" he mentioned in the image above? Shotgunhost is a failed hosting service, which he attempted to popularize through his regular means of advertisement. His Wikipedia article (which was flushed by TOW admins due to lack of verifiability) claimed that Shotgunhost had acquired Quadranet, and had 2500 employees. He then wrote that Shotgunhost "has been criticized for allowing controversial websites to be hosted, including web pages that promote hatred and racism" in an attempt to make him sound racy and slick. Michael has previously claimed that Shotgunhost was an edgy troll to cover up his embarrassments from the numerous errors his clients (although none have been identified) have experienced. It is unlikely uses Shotgunhost, as even he secretly recognizes it as one of the worst services to exist.


This article caused Michael so much agony, he used his 1337 computer science III knowledge to crack the extremely secure password "Niggers1" and release a list of EDF user's emails under the name "P.F." He then sent it to Brandt and the two stroked their egos, telling themselves that they are bringing ED down to its knees. This of course backfired on him, because nobody cares about EDF. Within a day of Brandt publishing this, complete DOX on savetheinternet were published and spread via IRC. He was quick to have this, along with his dox, pulled from pastebin in a crybaby attempt to remain anonymous.

IRC Lulz


<ItsRaidDay> bring it nigger
<savetheinternet> I'm just kidding, you moron.
<savetheinternet> dude
<savetheinternet> do u want 2 fucking get ddos
<savetheinternet> ???
<ItsRaidDay> go
<ItsRaidDay> use LOIC
<ItsRaidDay> and ddos me
<savetheinternet> dude i have a new vesion of loic
<savetheinternet> its private
<savetheinternet> no one has it but me and 4 people
<ItsRaidDay> o shit nigger
<ItsRaidDay> does it support ipv6?
<savetheinternet> not yet
<savetheinternet> it was created by Team XoX
<savetheinternet> if u have herd of them
<ItsRaidDay> eh, im more of a gay pride parade guy myself
<savetheinternet> ??
�18�<�GOB�>�� savetheinternet: hi
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:33am] savetheinternet: What's up?
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:34am] savetheinternet: Are you there?
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:35am] GOB: What
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:35am] savetheinternet: Hey.
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:35am] savetheinternet: What's going on?
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:35am] savetheinternet: My friend told me you wish to speak to me?
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:36am] GOB: oh just this
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:36am] GOB: I'm buying a plane ride to fucking new zealand to kill asl savetheinternet. First I will introduce my self then i will eat with you. After dinner i will cut every piece of flesh off you only to end it by making you eat my feces and drink my piss which contains acid. Than i will kill you by hanging you with your cock in your mouth. Secondly I will kill every member of your family the same way. Except your mother. who i will leave alive and paraly
�18�<�GOB�>�� from the waste down.
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:36am] savetheinternet: I don't live in New Zealand.
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:36am] GOB: u do
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:36am] savetheinternet: Hm?
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:37am] GOB: u do
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:37am] savetheinternet: Also, why would you do that? That's a horrible thing to say.
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:37am] savetheinternet: Have I done anything to offend you?
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:37am] GOB: You doxed us
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:37am] savetheinternet: What do you mean?
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:37am] GOB: gave our emails on edfII to brandt
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:37am] savetheinternet: Oh, no.
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:37am] savetheinternet: That wasn't me.
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:37am] GOB: your horowitz
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:38am] GOB: are you not?
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:38am] savetheinternet: That's a common misconception spread by a self-determined "enemy" of my website.
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:38am] savetheinternet: No, I am not.
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:38am] GOB: really now
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:38am] savetheinternet: "Michael Horowitz" was part of an April Fools' joke on my website.
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:38am] savetheinternet: People have mistakenly taken it as real hard facts, so I go along with it.
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:38am] savetheinternet: Don't tell people.
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:40am] savetheinternet: I find it quite amusing that whenever I deny the dox, people think it's even more real, if you know what I mean.
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:40am] GOB: BONERS
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:40am] GOB: DMCA
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:40am] savetheinternet: Were you a user of the ED forum?
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:40am] GOB: DMCA
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:40am] GOB: DMCA
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:40am] savetheinternet: Hm?
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:40am] savetheinternet: What about it?
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:40am] GOB: BONERS
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:40am] GOB: BONERS
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:40am] GOB: BONERS
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:40am] savetheinternet: I'm a bit confused here.
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:40am] GOB: BONERS
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:40am] GOB: BONERS
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:40am] savetheinternet: What are you talking about?
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:40am] savetheinternet: Hm?
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:41am] savetheinternet: What about boners?
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:41am] savetheinternet: I'm actually an ex-wiseguy/mod on AnonTalk, believe it or not.
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:41am] GOB: send dmc a to
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:41am] GOB: ok
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:42am] savetheinternet: Why?
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:42am] GOB: We are sorry, but are moving to a new domain: "". If you have any further inquirys please contact us at our new contact info mentioned on our site.
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:42am] savetheinternet: I have nothing that I wish to take down, nor do I want to drop my actual dox.
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:42am] GOB:
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:42am] GOB: ?
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:42am] savetheinternet: Why would I care about that?
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:42am] savetheinternet: Do you actually think that I was being serious in those logs?
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:42am] savetheinternet: Like, seriously?
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:42am] savetheinternet: Uguu~
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:43am] GOB: YES
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:43am] savetheinternet: If I was really Jewish, do you think I'd be running a site filled with anti-semitism?
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:43am] savetheinternet: Heh.
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:43am] GOB: you are a self hating jew
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:43am] savetheinternet: Okay.
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:44am] savetheinternet: I guess that makes sense./
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:44am] GOB: admit doc were right and you hate yourself
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:44am] savetheinternet: So, what's up?
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:44am] savetheinternet: My real dox really aren't that hard to find, heheh.
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:45am] savetheinternet: Why are you asking for me to be banned?
�18�<�GOB�>�� [08:45am] savetheinternet: Is it because you got bored?
�18�<�savetheinternet�>�� What's up?
�31�<�ItsRaidDay�>���30 dicks
�31�<�ItsRaidDay�>���30 dicks in my ass
�18�<�savetheinternet�>�� Heh.
�31�<�ItsRaidDay�>���30 you know
�31�<�ItsRaidDay�>���30 if you dont want to become more of a lul cow
�31�<�ItsRaidDay�>���30 dont feed the trolls
�18�<�savetheinternet�>�� Nigger, wat.
�18�<�savetheinternet�>�� I'm pretty sure you + all of #ED are feeding the true troll -- which is me.
�18�<�savetheinternet�>�� Muhahauaahhaaha
�18�<�savetheinternet�>�� (get it?
�18�<�savetheinternet�>�� )
�18�<�savetheinternet�>�� I do want to become a lul cow.
�31�<�ItsRaidDay�>���30 you are pathetic imo
�18�<�savetheinternet�>�� I like being a lul cow.
�18�<�savetheinternet�>�� How so?
�18�<�savetheinternet�>�� That's a mean thing to say.
�31�<�ItsRaidDay�>���30 you crave attention
�18�<�savetheinternet�>�� Not really.
�31�<�ItsRaidDay�>���30 from people you shouldnt be craving attention from
�18�<�savetheinternet�>�� It's not attention I'm after, actually.
�18�<�savetheinternet�>�� I like to troll.
�31�<�ItsRaidDay�>���30 this is not trolling
�31�<�ItsRaidDay�>���30 its just fail
�18�<�savetheinternet�>�� It is trolling.
�18�<�savetheinternet�>�� You're getting trolled right now, heh.
�31�<�ItsRaidDay�>���30 sure
�31�<�ItsRaidDay�>���30 you are pathetic 
�18�<�savetheinternet�>�� Oaky.
�18�<�savetheinternet�>�� Okay.
�18�<�savetheinternet�>�� Anyway, I'm going to go now if you're done.
�18�<�savetheinternet�>�� It's been nice chatting with you.
�18�<�savetheinternet�>�� Have a good one, mate.
�31�<�ItsRaidDay�>���30 k
�31�<�ItsRaidDay�>���30 go away

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