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[18:04:30] <@azariel> something wont let me d/l securities essentials. its not no script cuz i allowed microsoft
[18:05:22] <@azariel> wait i found another page
[18:05:35] <@azariel> how do i know if im 32 or 64 bit?
[18:05:47] <~dan> jesus, do you want me to leave again?
[18:05:59] <@azariel> wow, never mind dan
[18:06:03] <~dan> stop fucking talking out loud about your system and your gayness
[18:07:11] <~dan> between the faggot ircops and you
[18:07:19] <@azariel> thanks for being a friend
[18:07:21] <~dan> i keep asking myself why the fuck i am here
[18:07:47] <@azariel> what did i do to piss you off so much?
[18:08:20] <wit> dan wants kale_ out of this channel and is being a dick today.
[18:08:21] <~dan> mer, 7 years ago you agreed with me to never seek windows help from me because of the argumentative qualities it entails
[18:08:27] <~dan> yes wit
[18:08:31] <~dan> and he should be gone
[18:08:39] <wit> why?
[18:08:39] <@azariel> ok dan
[18:08:53] <@azariel> i'll write it down so to be sure to remember that
[18:08:56] <~dan> i dont want him in my channel, what else do you need to know, wit?
[18:09:30] <@azariel> i yelled at kale about being a dick here
[18:10:01] <~dan> anyways, since this server is so ensconced with ohinternet, im not really sure why i am here
[18:10:07] <~dan> sure, sherrod wants some stuff from me
[18:10:18] <~dan> but i cant provide money to her via a forum
[18:10:35] <~dan> so i guess my fealty was just a joke
[18:10:37] <~dan> also
[18:10:51] <~dan> idiots like hentaiandpocky
[18:10:52] <~dan> wtf
[18:10:53] <wit> ive asked kale_
[18:11:03] <~dan> i didnt ask you to ask kale_
[18:11:10] <~dan> i asked you to remove him
[18:11:15] <~dan> see the difference?
[18:11:24] <wit> kale_ > dan
[18:11:28] <wit> sorry dude
[18:11:29] <~dan> or is he an ircop again for some gay reason
[18:11:33] <wit> ^
[18:11:39] <wit> close.
[18:11:44] <@toastmonster> drama
[18:12:03] <~dan> you know what wit? fuck you too. sherrod always said "fealty is rewarded"
* Retrieving #forum modes...
[18:12:28] <@toastmonster> if you really wanted to piss people off you could always go join encyclopediadramatica.ch
[18:12:29] <~dan> i guess she is as big a sneak thief as the rest of you dishonorable assholes
[18:12:35] <~dan> fuck that
[18:12:42] <@toastmonster> not that i care about them
[18:12:45] <~dan> i never needed any of it
[18:12:49] <@toastmonster> it is run by channer faggots
[18:12:54] <~dan> i wrote because i liked sherrod
[18:13:13] <~dan> 7:11:38 wit: close.
[18:13:17] <~dan> thats a fucking laugh
[18:13:23] * ~dan ([email protected]) Quit (Q- And you especially you Daniel Milton ...if i see you or anyone else pull this <censored> again , i am banning you right there on th spot ..no pm warnings ..nothing . It was funny the first couple of times ...�)
[18:13:34] <@toastmonster> rip dan
[18:13:36] <wit> lolol
[18:13:43] <@toastmonster> what's going on, anyway?
[18:13:47] <Kitties> wtf just happened?
[18:13:54] <wit> no hell come back at least once with an "and also" then he'll fuck off
[18:53:52] * dan ([email protected]) has joined #forum
[18:53:52] * mediacrat sets mode: +qo dan dan
[18:53:56] <wit> AND ANOTHER THING WIT
[18:53:59] <wit> wb dan
[18:55:43] * Pamela ([email protected]) has joined #forum
[18:55:48] * services.ohinternet.com sets mode: -oooooo dan azariel kale_ toastmonster F_JUNK_DUMP mediacrat
[18:55:48] * services.ohinternet.com sets mode: -q dan
[18:55:48] * services.ohinternet.com sets mode: -aaa kale_ F_JUNK_DUMP mediacrat
[18:55:48] * mediacrat sets mode: +o mediacrat
[18:55:48] * mediacrat sets mode: +a mediacrat
[18:56:08] <wit> ANARCHY NIGHT
[18:56:47] * F_JUNK_DUMP sets mode: +q F_JUNK_DUMP
[18:56:48] * mediacrat sets mode: -r
[18:56:48] * &mediacrat ([email protected]) has left #forum
[18:56:55] * wit changes topic to 'RAEG�'
[18:56:59] * F_JUNK_DUMP sets mode: -q F_JUNK_DUMP
[18:57:03] * F_JUNK_DUMP sets mode: +o F_JUNK_DUMP
[18:57:04] * LYNX ([email protected]) has joined #forum
[18:57:11] <@F_JUNK_DUMP> Did you just dereg #forum ?
[18:57:22] <LYNX> who?
[18:57:24] * dan ([email protected]) has left #forum

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