John Field/Logs

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On Bad Financial Planning

<Fox> In the past 5 years, I have raised my liquid worth to in excess of 1.4 million USD.
<Fox> In the past 2, I have drained that down to about 250,000 with not a whole hell of a lot to show for it except for a swiss portfolio thats my retirement fund.

Being an Internet Tough Guy

<Fox> Scuse the interuption.
<Fox> Now
<Fox> Snitches,
<beirut> Sometimes, you can't even keep your family.
<Fox> there has been some talk
<Fox> If I ever hear any of you fucks snitch
<Fox> Doesn't matter a year, or a decade
<Sav> That's the point of a girl who loves her group, and her friends, and her freedom.
<Fox> If I remember
<Fox> I will fucking find you
<Fox> Fly to you
<Fox> and I promise on my mothers life
<Fox> I will break your fucking legs to the point you will be professor goddamn xavier.
<Fox> Go ahead.

Fox, speaking from experience about tailors

[23:06:35] ~Fox: For fucks sake
[23:06:39] ~Fox: do not get a baggy suit.
[23:06:47] +imposter22: ^
[23:06:50] ~Fox: Best rule of thumb
[23:06:55] %whiteh8: short fatties should
[23:07:01] ~Fox: Go down jacket sizes till it can't fit
[23:07:02] +XStatic: And here i am at work with a hooded jumper on, Not fly as fuck like fox is.
[23:07:07] ~Fox: go up one,
[23:07:09] +imposter22: makes you look like every other asshole that has never warn a suit before
[23:07:16] ~Fox: Have it slimmed to your body type
[23:07:22] ~Fox: whiteh8 not so, even fatties
[23:07:25] ~Fox: a good tailor
[23:07:32] +ezrio: imposter22, which is good for blending in ;-)
[23:07:37] ~Fox: will make you look like a pimp in any goddamn thing you wear.

Did Fox give to LulzSec?

Jun 01 15:50:41 <Topiary>	Fox> [12:34:56] <Fox> You got a messenger? I'd be happy to toss exploits and business back and forth.
Jun 01 15:50:46 <Topiary>	we got people offering us exploits
Jun 01 15:51:03 <Neuron>	very nice
Jun 01 15:51:17 <Neuron>	Topiary: is he ligit?
Jun 01 15:51:44 <Topiary>	he seems to know his shit, but he joined our chan on 2600 randomly (assuming from twitter)
Jun 01 15:51:49 <Topiary>	so... he's legit
Jun 01 15:51:50 <Topiary>	but
Jun 01 15:51:52 <Topiary>	not sure if we can trust him
Jun 01 15:52:12 <Neuron>	well we can do business just don't let him in here?
Jun 01 15:52:22 <Topiary>	oh no no no definitely not coming in here
Jun 01 15:52:26 <Topiary>	we can set up a neutral chan on Unreal
Jun 01 15:52:33 <Neuron>	sounds good
Jun 01 15:52:50 <Topiary>	this shit is sealed tight unless Sabu says the words "100% trusted"
Jun 01 15:52:51 <Neuron>	wouldn't be a bad idea to get some contacts 
Jun 01 15:54:05 <pwnsauce>	topiary - wht IRCd?
Jun 01 15:54:09 <pwnsauce>	or rather
Jun 01 15:54:15 <pwnsauce>	if they hand you exploits
Jun 01 15:54:17 <pwnsauce>	send to me
Jun 01 15:54:24 <pwnsauce>	some fags edit them or give fakes
Jun 01 15:54:32 <pwnsauce>	that really just rm -rf you :
Jun 01 15:54:34 <Neuron>	aye i can read exploits as well
Jun 01 15:54:39 <Neuron>	o/
Jun 01 15:54:55 <pwnsauce>	aye - me Neuron and kayla can "check" them
Jun 01 15:55:01 <joepie92>	I wouldn't assume anyone here would run any shit without checking what it does
Jun 01 15:55:02 <joepie92>	tbh
Jun 01 15:55:03 <joepie92>	lol
Jun 01 15:55:17 <Topiary>	well guys put on fake names, don't give him personal info, get onto (or .com can't remember), do /mode <you> +T
Jun 01 15:55:23 <Topiary>	then we can all talk to these fags
Jun 01 15:55:26 <pwnsauce>	joepie - I have been nailed by a few things :(
Jun 01 15:55:27 <Topiary>	as a personal business channel
Jun 01 15:55:33 <joepie92>	pwnsauce: ?
Jun 01 15:56:52 <pwnsauce>	joepie - fake OpenSSH exploit :(
Jun 01 15:56:56 <pwnsauce>	and some backdoored shit
Jun 01 15:57:00 <joepie92>	ahhh
Jun 01 15:57:08 <joepie92>	never run shit unless you read it
Jun 01 15:57:18 *	Neuron_ ([email protected]) has joined #pure-elite
Jun 01 15:57:21 <pwnsauce>	aye, I was just SO excited
Jun 01 15:57:28 <pwnsauce>	openSSH 5.* 0day
Jun 01 15:57:28 <Neuron_>	back
Jun 01 15:57:30 <Neuron_>	what did i miss
Jun 01 15:57:34 <joepie92>	lol
Jun 01 15:57:44 <Neuron_>	lol hes selling one?
Jun 01 15:57:47 <pwnsauce>	No
Jun 01 15:57:51 <pwnsauce>	I was saying
Jun 01 15:57:55 <pwnsauce>	I got a fake sploit for it
Jun 01 15:57:58 <pwnsauce>	and it rm ed me
Jun 01 15:57:59 <Neuron_>	oo :(
Jun 01 15:58:04 <Neuron_>	sad day
Jun 01 15:58:24 <Topiary>	sorry that's
Jun 01 15:58:51 *	Neuron has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
Jun 01 15:59:18 <Topiary>	okay channel is called ###trade
Jun 01 15:59:20 <Neuron_>	what channel
Jun 01 15:59:39 <trollpoll>	guys, if i were you, i would not trust anyone of this #lulzsec chan
Jun 01 15:59:47 <Topiary>	I trust none of them
Jun 01 15:59:53 <Topiary>	we can reverse SE this guy, just don't give anything away
Jun 01 15:59:57 <Neuron_>	rgr
Jun 01 16:00:08 <Topiary>	if he's Jesterfag we can use our spies to report
Jun 01 16:00:56 *	Topiary facepalms and LOLs at you guys
Jun 01 16:00:59 <Topiary>	>Neuron joins
Jun 01 16:01:03 <Topiary>	>also-cock (pwnsauce@)
Jun 01 16:01:03 <Neuron_>	im fine with it :P
Jun 01 16:01:16 <Neuron_>	i really don't mind my name being that :P
Jun 01 16:02:06 <trollpoll>	joepie92, you always use the same nick?
Jun 01 16:02:13 <joepie92>	well
Jun 01 16:02:18 <trollpoll>	(well 91, 92...)
Jun 01 16:02:18 *	joepie92 is now known as joepie91
Jun 01 16:02:18 <joepie91>	is my actual nick
Jun 01 16:02:18 <trollpoll>	xD
Jun 01 16:02:19 <joepie91>	but
Jun 01 16:02:21 <joepie91>	if I disconnect
Jun 01 16:02:24 <joepie91>	and joepie91 is still here
Jun 01 16:02:31 <joepie91>	my client increments my nick
Jun 01 16:02:32 <joepie91>	idk why
Jun 01 16:02:38 <joepie91>	thus joepie91
Jun 01 16:02:38 <Topiary>	well just make sure we never give any link to Anonymous/ourselves when talking to contacts on the IRC
Jun 01 16:02:43 <joepie91>	I've hit shit like joepie184 before
Jun 01 16:02:43 <joepie91>	lol
Jun 01 16:02:44 <trollpoll>	i mean, anywhere you go, you use the same nick?
Jun 01 16:02:47 <joepie91>	ya
Jun 01 16:02:51 <trollpoll>	of course
Jun 01 16:03:06 <Neuron_>	Aye Topiary 
Jun 01 16:03:15 <Topiary>	okay pwnsauce you're gonna have to pretend to just be another trading partner
Jun 01 16:03:18 <Topiary>	as pwnsauce == Anonymous
Jun 01 16:03:22 <joepie91>	trollpoll: why? :P
Jun 01 16:03:45 <trollpoll>	nothing, cos if i were you i would feel unsecure using the same nick around
Jun 01 16:04:14 <pwnsauce>	k
Jun 01 16:04:57 <Neuron_>	if i randomly drop its because my connection hates me
Jun 01 16:06:40 <joepie91>	trollpoll: I literally have pretty much nothing to hide
Jun 01 16:06:43 <storm>	hi
Jun 01 16:06:45 <joepie91>	so how would I be insecure? :P
Jun 01 16:06:51 <Topiary>	I hope this is a Jesterfag, we can inject some fake d0x
Jun 01 16:07:02 <pwnsauce>	I hope not
Jun 01 16:07:07 <pwnsauce>	wants free exploits
Jun 01 16:07:13 <Neuron_>	lol
Jun 01 16:07:23 <trollpoll>	well, just being here, is something to hide...
Jun 01 16:07:34 <trollpoll>	(in my opinion)
Jun 01 16:07:43 <storm>	good opinion
Jun 01 16:07:46 <Neuron_>	lol
Jun 01 16:08:20 <Neuron_>	if hes a jesterfag it would be the first time my nick is put on the map
Jun 01 16:08:25 <Topiary>	there's gold here, he knows his shit
Jun 01 16:08:29 <Topiary>	we can get something out of him
Jun 01 16:08:39 <Sabu>	what you guys are doing?
Jun 01 16:08:45 <storm>	]just woke up
Jun 01 16:08:55 <Topiary>	found someone in our #lulzsec chan that knows his shit, got talking to him
Jun 01 16:08:57 <trollpoll>	but, hey, i dont have nothing with this, i mean, its okey, i just where thinking on our anonymity...
Jun 01 16:09:03 <Topiary>	invited him to a neutral chan where we're feeling him out
Jun 01 16:09:05 <Topiary>	he's probably aspy
Jun 01 16:09:22 <Topiary>	and if he is, then we can throw them off course
Jun 01 16:09:24 <joepie91>	trollpoll: being in an irc channel is not illegal :D
Jun 01 16:09:25 <Topiary>	if he isn't, free exploits
Jun 01 16:09:29 <Topiary>	nobody fuck up and we win
Jun 01 16:09:31 <Topiary>	^___^
Jun 01 16:09:33 <Neuron_>	rgr
Jun 01 16:09:43 <Neuron_>	i won't say anything other then to direct the convo
Jun 01 16:09:49 <trollpoll>	i know :) but, i dont want to be incocent, i want to look like :D
Jun 01 16:09:57 <joepie91>	lol
Jun 01 16:10:04 <Sabu>	good shit
Jun 01 16:10:06 <joepie91>	there's a reason I typically stay clear of blatantly illegal stuff :P
Jun 01 16:10:12 <Sabu>	heres the funny part
Jun 01 16:10:21 <trollpoll>	hehe, nice ;)
Jun 01 16:10:27 <Sabu>	one sec
Jun 01 16:11:01 <Neuron_>	Sabu: do you want
Jun 01 16:11:05 <Neuron_>	###trade
Jun 01 16:11:14 <Sabu>	ok sec
Jun 01 16:11:59 <Topiary>	make sure to Anon it up, also +T yourself (no CTCP)
Jun 01 16:12:05 <Topiary>	Unreal <3 for that mode
Jun 01 16:12:28 <Topiary>	OH LOL you're Brazil
Jun 01 16:12:40 <Neuron_>	o god XD
Jun 01 16:12:59 <Topiary>	well everyone gather round and watch Sabu go insane
Jun 01 16:12:59 <Neuron_>	Wai twhats going on?
Jun 01 16:13:03 <Topiary>	with his Brazil impression
Jun 01 16:13:16 <Neuron_>	o god 
Jun 01 16:13:41 <trollpoll>	from brazil? im gonna enter the chan (ill be quiet)
Jun 01 16:13:52 <Topiary>	<Brazil> HEUHEAUEHAUHAUEHAHEAUEHUHheuheushHUAHUehuuhuUEUue
Jun 01 16:13:55 <Neuron_>	lmfao
Jun 01 16:13:55 <Topiary>	cracks me up man
Jun 01 16:13:56 <[redacted]>	LOL WUT
Jun 01 16:14:03 <Topiary>	he was doing this for like an hour in lulzsec
Jun 01 16:14:04 <[redacted]>	you got rm'd by a fake OpenSSH exploit?
Jun 01 16:14:21 <pwnsauce>	[redacted] - yes
Jun 01 16:14:27 <pwnsauce>	and a fake IIS 6 overflow
Jun 01 16:14:30 <pwnsauce>	a year ago
Jun 01 16:14:32 <Neuron_>	owch
Jun 01 16:14:34 <[redacted]>	Lulzsec - The hacker elite
Jun 01 16:14:49 <Topiary>	that's okay I became part of a Japanese botnet once
Jun 01 16:14:50 <Sabu>	topiary
Jun 01 16:14:54 <Sabu>	that guy that gave me senate
Jun 01 16:14:58 <Sabu>	is the guy that owned g00ns
Jun 01 16:14:59 <Sabu>	ROFL
Jun 01 16:15:03 <Topiary>	fucking awesome
Jun 01 16:15:25 <Neuron_>	why is sabu acting like brazil again?
Jun 01 16:15:38 <Topiary>	watch and see
Jun 01 16:15:44 <Topiary>	Fox is gonna spill all the juice
Jun 01 16:15:48 <Neuron_>	lul
Jun 01 16:17:43 <Sabu>	I just
Jun 01 16:17:45 <Sabu>	socialed
Jun 01 16:17:45 <Sabu>	him
Jun 01 16:17:46 <Sabu>	hard.
Jun 01 16:17:52 *	Neuron_ calps
Jun 01 16:18:11 <Neuron_>	lol suddenly not typing in all acps XD
Jun 01 16:18:20 <Sabu>	;)
Jun 01 16:19:07 <Topiary>	your Brazil social game cracks me up
Jun 01 16:19:11 <Topiary>	bravo
Jun 01 16:19:15 <Sabu>	;)
Jun 01 16:19:26 <Topiary>	nobody can shut their mouths with that fucking HehuhehuheahauHAUHUhauhUAHUEHE
Jun 01 16:19:30 <Topiary>	on your ass every 2 seconds
Jun 01 16:19:31 <Sabu>	hahahahhaha
Jun 01 16:19:34 <Neuron_>	its so annoying XE
Jun 01 16:19:45 <joepie91>
Jun 01 16:19:47 <Sabu>	its so true too have oyu guys ever talked to a real hardcore brazillian hacker?
Jun 01 16:19:51 <Sabu>	they are out of control ....
Jun 01 16:19:58 <Neuron_>	nope
Jun 01 16:21:37 <Sabu>	<Brazil> Fox, a gentlemen never tells
Jun 01 16:21:37 <Sabu>	<@Fox> AHHH I LOVE THAT ANSWER
Jun 01 16:21:37 <Sabu>	<Brazil> but if you work with us
Jun 01 16:21:37 <Sabu>	<@Fox> I literally smiled
Jun 01 16:21:38 <Sabu>	<@Fox> rofl
Jun 01 16:22:06 <trollpoll>	lol
Jun 01 16:22:23 <Neuron_>	Sabu you are a god
Jun 01 16:22:24 <Neuron_>	:P
Jun 01 16:22:46 <Sabu>	thanks sir
Jun 01 16:23:01 <Neuron_>	is Fox trustable?
Jun 01 16:23:02 <pwnsauce>	Sabu - as far as he knows im some random
Jun 01 16:23:04 <Sabu>	consider yourselves lucky no one really gets to see me work in action
Jun 01 16:23:14 <Sabu>	no one is trustable outside out crew
Jun 01 16:23:17 <Sabu>	remember that neuron
Jun 01 16:23:20 <Sabu>	our*
Jun 01 16:24:20 <Topiary>	nakomis> found something for you
Jun 01 16:24:20 <Topiary>	<Whirlpool> they log PMs here
Jun 01 16:24:21 <Topiary>	<nakomis> k
Jun 01 16:24:28 <Neuron_>	rgr
Jun 01 16:24:28 <Topiary>	that's what you call a 1337 back-and-forth
Jun 01 16:24:31 <Topiary>	put that shit in a movie
Jun 01 16:24:36 <Neuron_>	haha
Jun 01 16:25:11 <trollpoll>	well, is clear that in #lulzsec channel the half part of them are feds...
Jun 01 16:25:26 <Sabu>	yup
Jun 01 16:25:45 <trollpoll>	btw who is nakomis?
Jun 01 16:25:48 <trollpoll>	lol?
Jun 01 16:25:57 <Topiary>	some Anonfag
Jun 01 16:25:58 <Sabu>	hes some ex-military guy thats "anon"
Jun 01 16:26:00 <Sabu>	you know
Jun 01 16:26:05 <Neuron_>	ahh
Jun 01 16:26:06 <Sabu>	hes marine intelligence right topiary?
Jun 01 16:26:08 <Sabu>	thats what he told me
Jun 01 16:26:11 <Sabu>	ex-marine
Jun 01 16:26:16 <Topiary>	not sure, seen him on TinyChat
Jun 01 16:26:22 <Topiary>	the person who made that Anon wiki thinks he's with us
Jun 01 16:26:29 <Sabu>	who made that
Jun 01 16:26:34 <Topiary>	nonynews
Jun 01 16:26:40 <Topiary>	we got IPs
Jun 01 16:26:48 <Topiary>	they listed you and nakomis as my "associates"
Jun 01 16:27:13 <trollpoll>	ok
Jun 01 16:28:01 <joepie91>	<joepie92>- Whois list of nonyNews
Jun 01 16:28:01 <joepie91>	<joepie92>- Realname: nonyNews
Jun 01 16:28:01 <joepie91>	<joepie92>- Hostmask: [email protected] *
Jun 01 16:28:01 <joepie91>	<joepie92>- nonyNews is on: #lulzsec
Jun 01 16:28:01 <joepie91>	<joepie92>- Server: (Arghhh, Scourge of the seven seas!)
Jun 01 16:28:01 <joepie91>	<joepie92>- End of /WHOIS list.
Jun 01 16:28:41 <Topiary>	we're gonna be using that 2600 chan as a way of correlating data from AnonOps' past/wikis
Jun 01 16:28:42 <trollpoll>	nakomis is the name of a novel character of Katherine Neville 
Jun 01 16:28:44 <Topiary>	to assess spies
Jun 01 16:28:46 <trollpoll>	Nakomis Key
Jun 01 16:28:49 <trollpoll>	and... is a girl.
Jun 01 16:28:52 <Topiary>	it's a front really
Jun 01 16:30:01 <Sabu>	this guy fox
Jun 01 16:30:04 <Sabu>	might be bullshit
Jun 01 16:30:11 <Sabu>	may even better jester himself
Jun 01 16:30:11 *	Neuron_ has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
Jun 01 16:30:26 <Topiary>	mm
Jun 01 16:30:28 <Topiary>	crossed my mind
Jun 01 16:30:33 <[redacted]>	netjester
Jun 01 16:31:02 <pwnsauce>	I'm being nice to hom
Jun 01 16:31:08 <pwnsauce>	*him
Jun 01 16:31:16 <pwnsauce>	going to get ALL his goodies
Jun 01 16:31:22 <Topiary>	by all means sap shit out of him
Jun 01 16:31:29 <Topiary>	if he is a spy, he'll do that to gain trust
Jun 01 16:31:53 <pwnsauce>	exactly
Jun 01 16:31:57 <pwnsauce>	TBH
Jun 01 16:32:09 <pwnsauce>	im just goodierping
Jun 01 16:34:18 <Sabu>	HAHAHHAAHA
Jun 01 16:34:20 <Sabu>	I JUST FIGUREDO UT
Jun 01 16:34:21 <Sabu>	WHO HE IS
Jun 01 16:34:22 <Sabu>	AHAHAHAH
Jun 01 16:34:26 <Sabu>	Faggot.s
Jun 01 16:34:42 <trollpoll>	when will the Sony-CTF restart?
Jun 01 16:35:04 <pwnsauce>	Sabu - tell pl0x
Jun 01 16:35:07 <Sabu>	dude
Jun 01 16:35:09 <Sabu>	he fucked up
Jun 01 16:35:15 <pwnsauce>	yeag I know
Jun 01 16:35:18 <Sabu>	<@Fox> rob@SECRETFUCKINGLAIR # ~$cat nmapawesomeness 
Jun 01 16:35:18 <pwnsauce>	"rob"
Jun 01 16:35:18 <Sabu>	<@Fox> nmap -P0 -sS -sV -O -A --defeat-rst-ratelimit -F ip_address
Jun 01 16:35:18 <Sabu>	<@Fox> The other one is a xerobank VPN set
Jun 01 16:35:18 <Sabu>	<Brazil> all I see is a nmap line
Jun 01 16:35:18 <Sabu>	<@Fox> I'll package up the VPN information here in a few
Jun 01 16:35:18 <Sabu>	<@also-cocks> this is a superfast nmap string...
Jun 01 16:35:18 <Sabu>	<@also-cocks> by the looks of it
Jun 01 16:35:18 <Sabu>	<@Fox> I <3 that string.
Jun 01 16:35:18 <Sabu>	<@also-cocks> it rm-s the RST limit so it scans faster
Jun 01 16:35:18 <Sabu>	<@also-cocks> hmmmm
Jun 01 16:35:18 <Sabu>	<Brazil> rob you still got access to hostgator?
Jun 01 16:35:18 <Sabu>	<@Fox> lol, I can, but not at this second.
Jun 01 16:35:18 <Sabu>	<@Fox> por que?
Jun 01 16:35:18 <Sabu>	<Brazil> they have a few targets I'd like to own :)
Jun 01 16:35:21 <pwnsauce>	florida
Jun 01 16:35:22 <Sabu>	ROFL
Jun 01 16:35:34 <Sabu>	he just admitted oh man
Jun 01 16:35:36 <pwnsauce>	Sabu - Rob, Florida, Smokes, 
Jun 01 16:35:36 <Sabu>	oh so bad
Jun 01 16:35:45 <pwnsauce>	pentest cmpany
Jun 01 16:35:48 <pwnsauce>	who is he?
Jun 01 16:35:59 <Sabu>	he is founder of hostgater bro
Jun 01 16:36:00 <Sabu>	lol
Jun 01 16:36:06 <joepie91>	wat
Jun 01 16:36:22 <Sabu>	hahahahahah
Jun 01 16:36:26 <Sabu>	if this is the real rob
Jun 01 16:36:29 <Sabu>	we have a gold mind
Jun 01 16:36:31 <Sabu>	mine
Jun 01 16:36:48 <pwnsauce>	:O
Jun 01 16:36:49 <joepie91>	wait
Jun 01 16:36:49 <joepie91>	so
Jun 01 16:36:52 <Sabu>	I know he's starting to regret coming in here
Jun 01 16:36:52 <joepie91>	you are talking
Jun 01 16:36:54 <Sabu>	or rather
Jun 01 16:36:55 <trollpoll>	hostgator? omg
Jun 01 16:36:57 <joepie91>	to the founder of hostgator
Jun 01 16:36:58 <joepie91>	?
Jun 01 16:36:58 <Sabu>	hes regretting
Jun 01 16:37:02 <Sabu>	that I even fucking logged on that irc
Jun 01 16:37:07 <Sabu>	I figured his whole shit out
Jun 01 16:37:08 <Sabu>	rofl
Jun 01 16:37:18 *	joepie91 palmfaces
Jun 01 16:40:23 *	Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Jun  1 16:40:23 2011

Getting bitchslapped by various #school ops

Fox ([email protected]) has joined #school
<xo>    so, what else could you do?
<xo>    as a shitty, underpaid, lazy admin
18:14 -!- Fox was kicked from #school by hatter [lol.]
18:14 < McGarnigle> lol
18:14 -!- Fox [[email protected]] has joined #school
18:14 -!- mode/#school [+o Fox] by ChanServ
18:14 <+s4> french
18:14 <+s4> lul
18:14 <+s4> hey hatter
18:15 <&hatter> daww
18:15 <&hatter> there went your &
21:21 -!- mode/#school [+b *!*fox@*.in.your.face.ho] by hatter
21:21 -!- Fox was kicked from #school by hatter [teach a real lesson thx]

On Failing At Social Engineering

Aug 14 18:00:49 <DerpMagician> Are those docs actionable?
Aug 14 18:01:01 <nachash> Who are you?
Aug 14 18:01:15 <DerpMagician> A friend who doesn't like anonymous.
Aug 14 18:01:28 <nachash> lololol
Aug 14 18:01:34 <nachash> Which dox are you referring to?
Aug 14 18:01:36 <nachash> Fox?
Aug 14 18:01:44 <nachash> Those are legitimate, if that's who you're asking about.
Aug 14 18:01:54 <DerpMagician> Laurelai, Fox, Sabu.
Aug 14 18:01:55 <DerpMagician> All of them.
Aug 14 18:03:35 <DerpMagician> Thing is, we have a feds ear
Aug 14 18:03:43 <nachash> We?
Aug 14 18:03:50 <DerpMagician> He wants em bad and is offering up a reward
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