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Nikocado Avocado

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Nikocado Avocado may have learned to play nice with others on the internet.

     Watch this page to find out if they revert to their natural state of being an asshole   (_Y_)

Nikocado Avocado is an irrelevant lolcow who had long since been milked by the masses.

You can help by finding someone else to pick on, you meen-spirited cyberboolie!
Nicholas Perry
Description YouTuber, Mukbanger
Born May 19, 1992 (32 years old)
Nationality Ukrainian-Americunt  
Residence Orlando, Florida, United States
Gender Male
Also known as Nikocado Avocado

Nikocado Avocado (Powerword: Nicholas Perry) is a 32-year-old moronic, fat, revolting faggot, attention whore and manchild known for stuffing his face hole with obscene amounts of food and his asshole with obscene amounts of cock. Nikocado is one of many "Mukbangers" on YouTube, which was something originally done by cute, petite Korean girls, but was hijacked by morbidly obese white Americunts adding another thing to the list of stuff white people ruined.

Nicholas' mukbangs more closely resemble shitty modern art than anything; many of the videos are entirely him stuffing his fat face while having a 16-year-old girl-tier mental breakdown with his poo-pushing boyfriend, Rodrigo Gonzalez for views. Also, he finds himself embroiled in pettier (likely orchestrated) drama with other "mukbangers", making him a controversial figure among the "mukbang community". However, unlike other mukbangers, he actually digests all of the ridiculous amounts of food he consumes, resulting in him (to the surprise of absolutely no one) becoming fatter.

Nikocado was once a vegan, now reformed. Also notable for managing to get himself deported from Colombia, the setting of 90% of the beheading videos on LiveLeak. Why'd he get deported? He got rejected for a marriage visa to be with Orlin.

He has also trolled everyone (including you) by losing all his weight behind the scenes for the past two years. Since he is now definitely able to go up a staircase, it could be said that he was always two steps ahead.

Early Life

Nicholas before he became a fat fuck

On May 19, 1992, Nikocado's mother shat him out of her vagina, in the brothel of Europe known as Ukraine and was promptly put up for adoption since his mom couldn't afford coat hangers. He was diagnosed with depression after finding out that he was adopted and was known to be an attention whore at school. He experienced his first sexual awakening with his first girlfriend in his late teens, when his then-girlfriend pegged him in the ass with a strap-on fashioned out of a carrot.

He started making videos on YouTube in 2014 making shitty violin covers of shitty songs and started shoveling down greasy shit down his throat in 2016 after announcing that he'd start eating anything but vegetables and become "healthy".

(Multiple) Break up with Orlin

Yesterday, Nikocado Avocado announced that he was on a break for God knows how long, after not uploading a video of him stuffing his face in 13 days. Many speculated that Nikocado died due to his disgusting diet and morbidly obese frame. This later caused Nikocado Avocado to come out to his fans so he can tell them what "really happened"; Nikocado and Orlin broke up for real. This was done through Orlin and Nick's BAAAAWing on Instagram which generated tonnes of lulz in the process. Does this mean that we'll get a Nikocado Avocado redemption arc? No.


When Nikocado Avocado doesn't receive any attention that he is desperate for; the faggot goes BAAAAW and announces that he "broke up with Orlin" for the 10000000th time.

Nick's "content"

Watching Nick stuff his greedy faggot face is more unbearable to watch than scat porn, gore and k-pop. Most of his videos are disgusting "mukbangs", with a large majority consisting of him having a mental breakdown over being fat, Orlin cheating for the millionth time, or some stupid e-whore YouTube drama. Really the only reason he continues to make these is that he knows his audience is similarly as disgusting as he is, and they beat themselves off watching him eat a billion tacos like some perverted ASMR. Occasionally, Nikocado takes a break from filming feeder fetish material and makes insipid vlogs about his pet sloth biting him on the finger. There is a huge overlap between these two genres of content, and by huge overlap we mean he usually eats while blogging.

A common thread that follows throughout all of Nicholas' content is guilt-tripping his audience because, by his logic, his poor health is the fault of his viewers' wanting and demanding mukbangs. It's not his fault they weren't interested in his violin covers, all they want is to watch him vore a shitload of food like an IRL fat furry. It can't possibly be his fault, because it's not his fault he bought more Subway sandwiches than anyone can possibly eat in a week, and eating them. He's definitely not trying to manipulate his audience of impressionable retards into thinking he's

For those of you feeling a little frisky, Nick has a shit OnlyFans, you can view Nick's disgusting, massive asshole for a mere $14.99 a month. HAHAHA DISREGARD THAT, I SUCK COCKS use the link instead faggot. Imagine giving this manlet even more money so he can stuff his face even more.

How to make an epic mukbang video

  1. Buy over 9000 burgers from McDonalds, Subway sandwiches, Takis, or noodles by the ton.
  2. Start the video by stomping around the room and having a hissy fit. Don't forget to wear a funny fucking t-shirt that shows off your 'self-aware' humor.
  3. Sit your fat ass down in front of your literal mountain of food and eat while making the most unfathomably disgusting pig noises ever.
    PROTIP: The messier and more slovenly your appearance becomes, the better.
  4. Scream and BAWWWW constantly through the whole video. Remind your viewers that the fact you're eating this much food for the video in the first place is THEIR FAULT. ;_;
  5. ???
  6. ?????????
  8. PROFIT!


Now I am become death, destroyer of worlds

Orlin (Powerword: Rodrigo Gonzalez) is an equally fat Columbian and boyfriend ex-boyfriend boyfriend of Nick. For the longest time they had a cycle of cheating, breaking up, then getting back together because they are drama-whores who need views. In 2018, Nikocado went on a world adventure filled with fun, food, and having buttsex with every fag he could get ahold of. Luckily, he didn't forget about Orlin's chlamydia souvenir. What a fun surprise! Orlin once slit his wrists because Nikocado was so annoying, we know this because Niko made a video crying about it.



At least 100 years ago Penguinz0 (a.k.a Cr1TiKaL (Charles White Jr.), an unfunny personalitiless faggot who makes boring videos ranting about current shit for views, made an assertion that even a complete retard could see, that fatso was doing all these videos for attention and views, and that he's legitimately killing himself for it because he is so desperate for attention. Upon seeing the below video Nick ordered nine billion burgers from Wendy's and got into a fight with him almost 2 hours later. Charlie responded the next day with lulz and poked even more fun at this bouncing ball of lard and AIDS, by pointing out that he's not genuine and lied about his rib injury, and his viewers were enabling his faggotry. We'll never understand why the hell JewTube constantly promotes penguinz0 bullshit.


On November 1, 2021, Nikocado had less and started to give a shit about it. He noticed a new video called "King Of Mukbang" after it was shortly created by MeatCanyon, He parodied and depicted Nicky Perry as a Jabba the Hut and Roz looking ass eating a pound of mess in front of his camera, and ruins everything by turning everything and Orlin he touched into grease. It was a lulzy bit of satire meant to criticize Nikocado when he's not in front of the camera because the problems he put on himself have lasting consequences that do not go away when the camera goes off. However, the clever satire went over the manlet's head and he went full retard knee-jerk mode on Hunter August Hancock and his video, getting into an internet catfight with Meat, and forcing him to take it down an hour later. Hunter responded to Nick 4 days later with more lulz on the gluttonous tub of lard.


On January 9, 2023, Nikocado BAWWWed his eyes out when he found out that a YouTube meme channel named KraccBacc made a shitty mobile game. The game "Avocado Bulk" was an app that could be downloaded on the Apple and Jewgle App Stores just like any generic mobile game, it is an infinite runner type game with repeating levels where you control Nikocado and help him gain weight by eating Takis while unfunny "meme sounds" blast away in the background. As soon as Nikocado Avocado found out about this, his lawyers were quick in pwning not just Avocado Bulk, but also baleeting KraccBacc's entire YouTube channel. Some claim that Nikocado is biting the hand that feeds him but if anything he's biting his own hand, since all this has done is kill off any interest that people may have had in the fat, disgusting blob of a human these other YouTubers were talking about. Of course, there are always going to be detractors who will talk about how much of a scumbag he is being after the fact, but that doesn't change the fact that he succeeded in getting someone else's channel taken down over petty shit. Such things would only garner interest from those who are not so easily silenced.


Many corners of Plebbit would often poke fun at Nikocado, particularly the Cringetopia subs. There were also Plebbitors who wanted to stop others from being fatphobic against Nik, and other subs that got fed up with seeing his ugly face plastered everywhere and demanded their users to stop posting about him, to no avail.

Imagine sending a DMCA request to a fucking chan board dedicated to poking fun at lolcows



Dear Nicolas Perry,

We have been watching your content for quite some time, and yes, we are aware, there is nobody better acquainted with your videos than us. For what little you have actually achieved in your life, you ruin it with your obsessive-compulsive need to hang onto the one thing that made you e-famous. It's pathetic, you are pathetic, your entire presence on the internet is pathetic, your boyfriend is a whore, the videos you make are disgusting, the nudes you post on Patreon and OnlyFans are abominations, the criticisms of you are legitimate and the only person in the world who still doesn't believe that is yourself. So the only thing left to do is to hold you up to the world for ridicule, to turn you into a cautionary tale, steal all of your nudes and host them here for the lulz. It's not that we want them really: we host them on our septic tank of a wiki because that's where the kind of content you create rightly belongs. You can try to DMCA us, or send your fantards to white-knight for you if you like, they will fail.

We know about your health failures as well, and it's hilarious that you think that any measure of blame for your bad health lies with anyone but yourself. You don't have to make these mukbangs the way you do that affects your health so negatively, yet you do. You don't have to go to sites like OnlyFans and Patreon to support your unhealthy lifestyle, and obligate yourself to deliver feeder content to a bunch of perverts, yet you do. You don't have to endure diabetes, weak knees, broken ribs, kidney failure, erectile dysfunction, and a myriad of other diseases on a daily just for the sake of making an 'entertaining' video, yet you do (and that's assuming you're even telling the truth about your health which we know half the time you're fucking not). It goes without saying that so much damage has already been done to your health, both physically and mentally. Not to mention how much of a revolting degenerate you have devolved to in between freebasing cooking oil and e-numbers. But if you turned off the cameras, closed down your channel, deleted your social media accounts, went to the gym and lost all the weight, or even paid for liposuction with all that donation money, then all of these self-inflicted problems wouldn't go away forever without leaving some scars, but they'd at least improve your health dramatically.

We know you won't do that, we know you've got an insatiable appetite, not for food, but attention, like every other clout-chaser before you. In spite of all of that, however, you think other people are the ones to blame for that. You most likely have not read this far into the letter yet and you've already gone and ordered a literal mountain of food so you can do a mukbang while 'responding' because you somehow think that if you ever break character and show a little bit of self-awareness, you'll lose all the attention, and we all know that's what you're really worried about.

And that's why we hate you. You self-aggrandize yourself more than a fucking furfag.

We say this a lot of sperglords on this platform, but you are one of the few people on the internet right now that when we say this to you, we mean it:


Yours sincerely,
The rest of the Internet.



MAN THE HARPOONS About missing Pics
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[WARNING] If you leak this content, you will be sued. The copyright of the following unlisted material in conjunction with ©Patreon jurisdiction (Including All Image & Video material) is owned and operated by network, NIKOCADO AVOCADO. You do not have permission to Use, Distribute, Copy, Reproduce, Print or Play any of this material outside of this ©Patreon subscription policy agreement. Failure to comply will result in strict legal action from our I.P. Attorneys to the individual(s) and or corporation(s) information associated with your Patreon and or YouTube account (i.e. banking info) in fines up to $150,000 per infringement. A judgement can & will be placed onto the individual and or parties found in violation of International Copyright Law until all legal penalties are met.


Unrealistic expectations

Here is the last 69 unlisted videos he posted for Patreons only for your viewing (dis)pleasure:
Author's note: up to date as of March 2nd 2022. I could go on but there's only so much of Nik's nudes I'm willing to look at.

What's up fatso? Gonna sue us now? Put your money where your mouth is, you should know where that is by now.

The Reveal

Two steps ahead... I am always two steps ahead...


—Nicholas Perry

[...] at least he’ll be dying of aids rather than heart disease.


Kiwi Farms

That's right. Nick is now here to tell YOU that you're the fucking retard for believing that someone as mordibly obese and unhealthy as the character of Nikocado could live this long without dropping dead on the floor... and falling through it to the apartment below. There were no fat-suits, or liposunctions (that we know of), but what was there was Nick trolling everyone by slowly uploading 2-year-old videos of himself pushing slop down his throat for your (dis)pleasure, and everyone fell for it. To fuck with everyone even more, he even reverted to his old video style and even brought back the parrot seen in his older content.

So there you have it; you can no longer a-log on and on about how Nick is fatter than you, and therefore you need no changing. Now run a mile or two, fatass.

See Also

External Links

Nikocado Avocado is part of the following series:

Nikocado Avocado
is part of a series on
Food and Drink

[BleurghOm Nom Nom]

Nikocado Avocado
is part of a series on

[LOL AIDSFap fap fap]

Nikocado Avocado is part of a series on Lolcows [JULAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYI'M PRESSING BUTTONS]
Nikocado Avocado
is part of a series on
