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"Hey kids, I'll give you a dose of something..."
Now in badly drawn cartoon form
Oh how whimsical! LOL!
Put a moustache on him and he looks like Hitler
Obviously this "fan" doesn't know that Buckley doesn't drink, therefore he can't get drunk
Buckley's normal behaviour during script-making

ADoseOfBuckley (Powerword: Adam Buckley) is a Canadian edgelord that makes videos red-pilling the ignorant masses in a shitty MS Paint slideshow format. He believes that he's "not a YouTuber" because he doesn't like YouTube, and instead thinks of himself as a "comedian", but the only thing funny about Buckley is that he finds himself funny. Also anybody that uploads videos to YouTube is a YouTuber.

His Series'

ADoseOfBuckley has many different series', many of which go unnoticed for years, left to rot (somewhat like kis channel). He says that they're "not dead" and that he'll get back to them later, but this is bullshit, like everything else he says.


His main series. This is where he whines about recent topics and events, giving his insightful commentary on the situation at hand.

Musical Autopsy

This is the series when Buckley pretends to be a doctor and talks about bad songs, compltely unbeknownst to the fact that he is ripping off Todd in the Shadows, except he is 10x worse.

Top 10 Worst Songs of 20XX

By far his most popular series, and also by far his worst series. This is where he talks about the top ten worst songs of any given year with his hilarous jokes being almost as ear grating as the songs he talks about.

Advice No-one Asked For

This is where he gives his advice to random people in the "help" section of a newspaper. This normally follows the format of "You're an idiot <insert joke here> <laugh at inserted joke>"

Scumbags of the Internet

Buckley gets butthurt about people on the internet and makes videos about them. The list consists of perverts, Chris Brown, literal retards, and a wikipedian. In that list the only person that deserves the title of "scumbag" is the wikipedophile.

Commercial Parodies

This is where Buckley tries to parody a popular commercial brand, while simultaneously failing in every way possible.

Bad Head

One of Buckley's dead very alive series. Despite the title, this is not where Buckley talks about a bad blowjob he was given. Really, this was a stupid thought as no girl would want to get anywhere near him.

Liked videos and Favourites

Not technically a series by Buckley, but the videos have enough comments from Buckley's fans for them to be considered his videos. Seriously, go into the comments section and you will see the videos are filled with "ZOMG BUCKLEY LIKED THIS VIDEO!!1!1!!!!"

Vs TheDrunkenPeasants

On the 3rd of November 2014, the Drunken Peasants podcast made a video about Buckley(SORRY I MEAN "FUCKLEY", HA HA HA). It ended up being possibly the most autistic thing on the entire interwebs as it involed both TheAmazingAtheist and ADoseOfBuckley. Both sides ended up too enwrapped in their own ego to talk to each other and the battle ended with nobody caring and nobody winning.

See Also

External Links

ADoseOfBuckley is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal
Typical fan art

is part of a series on
YouTube Ranters

[Get terminatedStart ranting]

ADoseOfBuckleyAlex JonesAngry GrandpaAngry JoeAnita SarkeesianAnthony FantanoArmored SkepticAsalieriAssburgerAydin PaladinBearingBen ShapiroBenthelooneyBLACKB0NDBoogie2988Bourg ProductionsBoxxyBrandon SmithBrenton TarrantBrian MuellerBrittany VentiBrucesnoopCammehYaBamsCasey NeistatChad WardenChannel AwesomeChris ChanChris CrockerChristianU2uberClay ClaymoreCorey MargeraCoughlan666Count DankulaDanger DolanDarknessthecurseDarksydePhilDevon TraceyDigibronyDJKeemstarDLAbaoaquDoctorRandomercamDoopie DoOverDoomentioDoomSlayer34Elliot RodgerEmery BowmanEmpLemonEric AbramovFanFic CriticFilthy FrankFuturisticHubGame DudeGhostGradeAUnderAGurigorloXHayvenHbomberguyiDubbbzTVI Hate EverythingJackSepticeyeJaclyn GlennJeremy HamblyJerry PeetJim SterlingJoseph8276KeffalsKingMasterReviewKono ReizeiKraut and TeaLaci GreenLane DavisLauren SouthernLeafyIsHereLindsay EllisLowti3rgodLS MarkMaddoxMarblesPoundcakeMarkiplierMia BrownMilo YiannopoulosMister MetokurMonica PunkMoromillasMoviebobMrRepzionMumkey JonesMundaneMattMustDestroyAllNateTalksToYouNerd3Nickolas CruzNihilistic SnakeNixxiomNo BullshitOfficialGATGPaul Joseph WatsonPewDiePiePkrusslPMRantsProfessor KuhtoonsPyrocynicalQuinton ReviewsRandy StairRanterInShadesRazörfistRebelTaxiReviewbrahReviewTechUSARMG ProductionsRoosh VSabersparkSam HydeSammyClassicSonicFanSargon of AkkadShoe0nHeadSimply OkamiSONYFANBOYSpax3SpoonyStuart K. ReillySteven CrowderTakeShotActionThatKidDouglasTheAmazingAtheistTheAtheistGamerTheArchfiendThe Harlan ShowTheMysteriousMrEnterTheRalphRetortThe Ranting CommunityThe rEactorTheTruthHurtsNetworkThunderf00tTodd in the ShadowsTommy SotomayorTotalbiscuitTranime GirlTurkey TomTyler GarmanyUndertakerfreak1127UnMaskingTheTruthUrinatingTreeVailskibum94WaymuuWingsofRedemptionXiao RishuXPstar214YoungdefiantYourMovieSucksDOTorgYoutube NobodiesZoe Quinn