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This article may cause you to facepalm, because Marbles is a massive mistake. Feel free to show him the care he deserves.

When it comes to Marblespoundcake he's made a name for himself in his circle of friends for targeting other internet ranters and being the closest Trent Reznor look-a-like. Even though he's put plenty of information to the contrary, Marbles still makes an effort to come across as a good guy.

Now we know why Marbles wears that mask.

YouTube Gimmick

Now you listen up, you dorks!

Accepting himself as an irredeemable waste of space, for the past seven years Marbles has made it his destiny to be at odds with anybody he sees fit. All the while looking like a low-grade Shredder impersonator. This has became especially strange since his fans have stood by him as he mocks others for wearing masks, costumes or anything to hide their identity for any reason under the sun. One of his primary punching bags for this is iMustDestroyAll who he criticized from the start of them being friends for not giving his opinions a mature identity. When throwing stones in his glass house becomes tiresome he likes to give excuses behind wearing his surgical mask. In resemblance to the Joker, Marbles has two reasons behind this. The first (most common) reason being a scar that he had gotten after getting himself into a motor cycle accident. The second reason happens to be a deformity which in his older videos he showed to be quite shy talking about. His reasons vary depending on when you ask him but the short story is that there's something distracting under the mask and since he doesn't want to bound his audience to look at that he replaces it with a certainly less distracting surgical mask. This could easily be a lie though. After all it's common knowledge that Marbles is a massive attention whore.

Scott Pilgrim vs The Ranting Community

In resistance of being focused on as being a total disgrace Marbles has tried his hardest to involve himself with some of the cringiest people ever. Making him no better than those insecure women who befriend people less appealing than themselves so they get made fun of less. In short Marbles likes to be friends with and insult YouTube ranters. Since most of his dislikes come from those types of people he can easily fall back on the excuse that if you side with them than you're just a "dork" or a "nerd". For some strange reason this seems to have worked in his favor for quite some time. His response videos where he makes ranters his punchline has actually instilled so much fear into the newcoming ranters that they either block and "ignore" him on the spot or try their hardest to appease to him. Generally when Marbles will target somebody months later that said person will apologize. Only then to suck up to them and do whatever is in their control to separate themselves from The Ranting Community. This isn't a trait alone in the people scared of him either. It seems like Marbles himself is afraid of being pointed at and made fun of so much so that he does anything in his power to show off how he is better than The Ranting Community. He will very frequently act as if he is the biggest hot shot in life by showing off his muscles, house and even said that he represents society. He even said that was why ranters dislike him. But due to Marbles carelessness he has slipped up. He shows that he is no better than ranters as he will resort to old targets if dry for material. Which is something he has mocked Someguy827 for doing when it comes to Onision. He made a pact to never do videos on OfficialGATG, MrRepzion or Warcorpse666.

But in the end ended up doing a follow up video to OfficialGATG making sure that he backs off his idol Kanye West. Then making a couple facebook posts against him and mentioning him on his website. With MrRepzion he does three videos on him (all relating to Feminism). With Warcorpse666 just had to get his nose in to mock him for going against AnitaSarkseesian. In the end of it all he's gotta do what he's gotta do to stay relevant at this point.

Autism Speaks Behind A Mask

If there's one thing Marbles has became known for it's using Autism as an insult in his videos. Making himself at par with the Autism Speaks organization as both oppose Autistic people and desperately want to cure them. Despite making an image of himself for mocking ranters as well as their Autism, not many people seem to notice that Marbles himself isn't far off from them in that department as he shares some of the primary traits of Autism Spectrum Disorder. It doesn't take a genius to know one of the main signs of Autism is focusing on a specific interest at a time. This one is proven in layers. He always focuses on The Ranting Community. Inside of The Ranting Community he has the depressed ranters, anti-Feminists and GamerGaters. In that he has Feminism and GamerGate as two focus points. In this we get MrRepzion, OfficialGATG, Someguy827, Warcorpse666, BlueMagus, QueenyMartha and so on. In the depressed ranters he has TakeShotAction, SpizzTrizz and some of the earlier targets. Out of all of them he generally enjoys focusing on MrRepzion and Someguy827. Then there's the fact he likes to behave like an Arm Chair Psychologist. His general advice that he gives to his targets and audience just so happen to be the basic cookie cutter advice that you generally hear all the time as a kid. Iron out your problems, go outside for walks, lose some weight ect. yet he likes to act as if he is the first person to call this out. Even though it's clear that he isn't. From the way it's shown Marbles parents shut down any concern for his emotional issues. Leading to a man incapable of dealing with the existence of anyone elses problems. He likes to think he is unique. Then there's his strong lack of empathy strengthened by his consistent mockery of other people's problems. Which is only made worse by him bitching about other YouTubers for taking the safe opinions on YouTube when he himself is taking the easy way by having the formula of disagreeing with anything ranters say or do.

Kloud 9/The Divine Family

Coughlan's shit stain birthmark makes this image look more accurate.

As if this walking contradiction wasn't cringeworthy already he has two groups he takes overly seriously. First being Kloud 9, well known for being The Ranting Community's Human Centipede. Secondly is The Devine Family. Much like The Manson Family both are creepy cults made by sociopathic inbreds. There's nothing much to say about them really. Their groups are full of egocentric morons who do whatever they can to amuse themselves. Even recruiting Coughlan666 to complete their group.

Fat Drunk Goth Chick At A Party


One thing that comes with criticizing The Ranting Community is putting the edgy side of it in it's place. Many ranters getting very aggressive, suicidal or even being controversial Marbles feels he needs to put them in their place. Making sure that it's well known that they're all pathetic lolcows. Despite this Marbles himself tends to posses many edgy traits. One major example is him having an erotic fixation towards Kuchisake-onna. He's mentioned on many occasions that the reason he uses her as a frequent icon is due to something shockingly arousing to her physical feature. It's not too difficult to infer that the reason he wants her so badly is that realistically speaking the only people that would want to date Marbles are people as physically revolting as him. When he's not getting his rocks off to fictional females he is also known for his instagram filters often used to make his YouTube videos less dull than they already are. In addition to that lulzy piece of information Marbles frequently dresses in dark clothing, has a controversial sense of humor and lacks empathy towards other people.

His Path To Feminism


Ranters have became accustomed to talk about how bad Feminism is by and large influenced from a by and large YouTuber (and we're not talking about his subscriber base). This path started from him finding some poontang on the internet that he could potentially receive. Seeing all of these people targeting the Femitheist for wanting to castrate all men. By his own admission he wasn't aware if she was a troll or not though felt like defending her in order to mess with all of the ranters involved. In return he could possibly get some internet pussy. First time around Marbles can easily hide behind the trolling card to defend himself there. Pussy withdrawal can make a man go crazy after all. The next step for his transformation into a white knight was for anti-Feminism to become popular. This was resolved by NateTalksToYou introducing "Feminist Logic Fail" into the mix. Provoking people marching by his side. A nice big army of targets for Marbles to take down. Since this would be a fight where both sides where cringetastic the audience was there to pick between the lesser of two cringe. Not only that but Feminism has caused Marbles to defend Manspreading as a legitimate cause, use the word fuckboy unironically, agree with "Trigger Warnings", going on long winded speeches on Feminism's accomplishments, becoming strangely emotionally attached to Feminism, strawmanning the easiest targets and take the term "Anti-Anti-Feminist". All of this showing that he does actually care about this. If that's not embarrassing enough as it is he also has accepted anybody under his wing so long as they repeat after his words. Coming from the same person blowing his gasket over ranters using the enemy of thy enemy is thy friend logic. He's proven that he promotes that line of thinking by liking CammehYaBams, Laci Green, Feminist Frequency, Miker's Island and even the unthinkable the moment they either became Feminists or when he found out about them. Showing that there is no standard for him so long as you think alike with him or if their approval could possibly benefit him. Since he really doesn't agree with Laci Green in the fullness of time. It's hypocritical for a fat shamer to agree with a chronic body plus Feminist's YouTube videos. This wouldn't be too far fetched now. Laci Green has had a history of mocking people for their weight without joking purpose. When it comes to Feminism the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Marbles vs FunWithLogic

[8/4/2015 9:43:54 AM] St. Marbles: with 13 you wont
[8/4/2015 9:44:17 AM] A man who yells at goats: Marbs, it's not the number, it's who they are
[8/4/2015 9:44:50 AM] St. Marbles: you've been watching too many movies.
[8/4/2015 9:44:50 AM] A man who yells at goats: Something you really should make an effort to understand
[8/4/2015 9:45:11 AM] A man who yells at goats: Lol and you've been bullying people on here for too long without developing yourself
[8/4/2015 9:45:20 AM] A man who yells at goats: Serriously dude you are 22 and getting drunk alone
[8/4/2015 9:45:31 AM] A man who yells at goats: That's not a good sign
[8/4/2015 9:45:36 AM] St. Marbles: ah, stevie part 2
[8/4/2015 9:45:45 AM] A man who yells at goats: Wasn't steve's observation
[8/4/2015 9:46:01 AM] A man who yells at goats: and you almost fell over from being so drunk in your l;ast video
[8/4/2015 9:46:10 AM] St. Marbles: I did?
[8/4/2015 9:46:14 AM] A man who yells at goats: that thing is like a huge cry fpor help
[8/4/2015 9:46:19 AM] A man who yells at goats: yes you did
[8/4/2015 9:46:28 AM] St. Marbles: huh, when
[8/4/2015 9:46:32 AM] A man who yells at goats: in the bathroom
[8/4/2015 9:46:40 AM] St. Marbles: when I leaned to look in the shower?
[8/4/2015 9:46:45 AM] A man who yells at goats: you lost you balance when you moved the shower curtain
[8/4/2015 9:46:50 AM] A man who yells at goats: yes
[8/4/2015 9:47:00 AM] St. Marbles: this is a bit pathetic
[8/4/2015 9:47:04 AM] A man who yells at goats: on top of it you were slurring your words
[8/4/2015 9:47:12 AM] A man who yells at goats: dude you really need help
[8/4/2015 9:47:19 AM] St. Marbles: aren't you coming up on 50
[8/4/2015 9:47:23 AM] A man who yells at goats: there are people on base that can help you with alch problems
[8/4/2015 9:47:43 AM] A man who yells at goats: ...  Whatever dude
[8/4/2015 9:47:56 AM] A man who yells at goats: but whatever is making you drink is also making you take it out on everyone
[8/4/2015 9:48:02 AM] St. Marbles: you're spending your golden years talking into a filthy bong
[8/4/2015 9:48:13 AM] St. Marbles: trying to get some attention through me
[8/4/2015 9:48:21 AM] A man who yells at goats: lol if you believe steve about who I am that would be a mistake
[8/4/2015 9:48:28 AM] A man who yells at goats: He took the out line
[8/4/2015 9:48:32 AM] St. Marbles: I've seen you
[8/4/2015 9:48:37 AM] A man who yells at goats: yes you have
[8/4/2015 9:48:38 AM] St. Marbles: obese loser
[8/4/2015 9:48:41 AM] A man who yells at goats: lol
[8/4/2015 9:48:47 AM] A man who yells at goats: stickboy
[8/4/2015 9:49:13 AM] A man who yells at goats: whats with your obsession with weight too
[8/4/2015 9:49:22 AM] A man who yells at goats: serriously dude I know steve brought it up
[8/4/2015 9:49:24 AM] St. Marbles: I just find fat people gross
[8/4/2015 9:49:31 AM] St. Marbles: lazy, smelly
[8/4/2015 9:49:40 AM] A man who yells at goats: But you even have said that a few ranters that almost look aneorexic to me are fat
[8/4/2015 9:49:58 AM] A man who yells at goats: and we dont all smell like muller
[8/4/2015 9:50:07 AM] St. Marbles: no, but you look like you do
[8/4/2015 9:50:14 AM] St. Marbles: and someone who cant handle food cant handle life
[8/4/2015 9:50:16 AM] A man who yells at goats: tthats my line asshole

The Manchild Has Fallen!

One day for his 180 opinion shift.

Due to recent stress induced from a known YouTube troll FunWithLogic, Marbles has been making constant mistakes. One recent one involving the death of his pet dog. Right before making sappy posts about the pet he had made a post on Facebook exclaiming that your personal problems/tragic events do not deserve to be Facebook information. Not realizing he would eventually fall victim to the same thing that makes his targets so humiliating. In retaliation many of his fanbase has said that FunWithLogic was being cruel and going way too far to make a punchline. When these are the exact same people who stood by Marbles side when he made the death of someone else his joking routine. Showing that nothing is off limits for Marbles' group ... unless it's towards them. Another lulzy instance being Marbles flagging down his critics. It was already shown before that he wasn't a good sport for jokes. Even taking offense to some that want to joke around with him. So a breaking moment was no surprise. After seeing FunWithLogic had been trolling him all along but then making a YouTube video exposing Marbles for exactly what he is his instant reaction was to take the video down off YouTube. This has made countless sock accounts to post the video endlessly to make Marbles learn that the Streisand effect exists.

Turns out that in Marbles stream of occasional outbursts towards FunWithLogic integrated with him contending that all of FunWithLogic's tactics are not effective at proving him to be a terrible person he eventually couldn't keep up the facade. When all's said and done Marbles could have easily gotten away Scott free by playing the silent game. He would have looked like his targets but it would have gotten him time for FunWithLogic to move onto another target. Instead Marbles feeds into his video where FunWithLogic calls him out for grooming younger female fangirls he has to build an ego of an anti-Pedophile by using Joshua L Smith as his target. His reward being Joshua's victim, Grace Lynne. He already knows that she voluntarily gives out her nudes to pedophiles so he has a good reason to be on her good side. It makes him look like a caring person to console a victim of pedophilia so no one will ever think twice in his circle that he could also be a pedophile.

After seeing this video and thinking he has the upperhand on FunWithLogic with "evidence" supplied via his "friends" Marbles confidently jumped straight to recording an unlisted YouTube video where he would make FunWithLogic a laughing stock by exploiting information which he felt was real, then uploading it a couple days later so that he could win the fight and get FunWithLogic off his back. The funny part? It was Marbles who got tricked by two teenage boys about a "plan" that was being orchestrated and FunWithLogic real face guiyse.

Note: He claims testimony against him is invalid, then uses testimony against OfficialGATG.
Marbles sinking his reputation lower.

What makes Marbles video more funny is that he pokes fun at FunWithLogic for having friends that would double cross him only to get the same happen to him ... in the same situation. His video ended up getting leaked on FunWithLogic's YouTube along with every other piece of evidence he had against him. Leaving Marbles overwhelmed and left with the option to Delete fucking everything. This is the first time Marbles has done this, so it's only a matter of time to see if he sticks with that. If there was any doubt in your mind that Marbles could sink his reputation any lower this lulzy piece of information should prove that it is possible. Even though he has already Baleeted any trace he has on the internet he's made an attempt to salvage his reputation with an attempt of censorship. For all we know he might still believe that he has a chance to make a comeback, so long as the evidence used to expose him can be removed. If there's nothing that can bring shame to his name that's provable he could come back. This time Marbles is out of luck. What comes on ED stays on ED. Enjoy your time and for the record. Every photo/video posted on this website or on the FunWithLogic YouTube channel has already been archived. You can do everything in your power to take it down because once it's down it will be reposted.

After Marbles fled the internet via pedophile accusations his entire fanbase still appease to him at every turn even though he is no longer around. This has ranged from tribute videos/posts, reuploads from his friends who are know going head over heals to offend FunWithLogic with the same misfired attacks that the people they can't stand use. These plots to lash out towards him have shown to not work when the person they're trying to upset is not intimidated. Then continues to intimidate their group. All they've been doing is fanning the flames. Most of the reaction outside of their group has mostly been celebrating his downfall. Some of his supporters turning against him. Most of the videos being made in celebration have been posted on FunWithLogic's channel as well.

Video made by Flex to commemorate Marbles.

One of Marbles former fans calling him out.

Notice Marbles defending himself while being Anonymous in the comments.
Gallery Of Cringe About missing Pics
[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

It didn't take long for Marbles to contradict his story of leaving the internet. He has been defending himself in the comment section to FunWithLogic while pretending that the account was not made by him. After getting called out for this he continued to stalk former fan/friend Miker's Island via Twitter pretending to be Femitheist. This impersonation was rendered effective so FunWithLogic confronted Femitheist asking why she was stalking a child. Her response showed how little she cared about Marbles or his group of friends. Showing that their boasts about her being so interested were simply lies. She had no idea what was going on. When called out the account was deleted in a matter of seconds. FunWithLogic decided to add him into a Skype call to tell him off for his behavior. He ignored everything that happened in the call. But he messaged Miker's Island telling him off for adding him into a Skype call with FunWithLogic and clicked "Busy" on every call that he received. Afterwards he removed Miker's Island in a fit of rage only to add him back. Showing that he is still on the internet but is maintaining a low profile. He even went as far as to change his profile picture on Skype.

Now that Femitheist has rebranded Marbles has Ragequit the internet, and DiabeticLion is as inactive as ever, it seems more likely that the site will be abandoned, just like Kloud9 site from 2 years ago.

Fucking Disgusting

Turns out that Marbles is an animal murderer and a pedophile.

If you had any second thoughts about Marbles this new information should clear all of that up.


Last Thursday Marbles messaged one of his "friends" about his interest in Grace Lynne, a pedo-fly trap known for excessive posts about how horny she is. Turns out that everyone's suspicion that he was defending her for internet-poon were spot on accurate. He does find her attractive enough to describe how he wants to give her surprise buttsecks. It was no surprise that he came to her defense. After all it's public information that she voluntarily gives out naked photos to pedophiles. Plus all of her sexual posts were bound to interest Marbles. What makes it even stranger is that his grooming attempts involved sending her dog photos. An activity he has done to more than just Grace Lynne. Showing that it isn't far fetched that he found a vast majority of the underage girls on the internet sexually attractive. Doing everything in his power to groom one or more. He has even went out of his way to stalk two teenage boys friends and family, and guess what? Everyone he added in their real life were underage girls. When called out on this he chose to go on a liking spree out of spite. What's even worse is he's done the dog grooming tactic to boys too. Making his sexuality very suggestive.


Animal Abuse

Much like other twinks Marbles is an animal abuser. He has admitted to started killing when a stray cat was found to be injured outside of his house. By the encouragement of his father he then beat the poor animal to death with a shovel. It was from that point forward that Marbles understood how much he enjoyed hurting innocent creatures. He stayed to strictly killing injured animals. To make sure he could fall back on some excuse. If he can word it that he's "putting them out of their misery" as oppose to "I'm a troubled person who enjoys killing animals" it makes people think of him as noble rather than Sociopathic. This pattern mostly stayed the same until he confessed that he had recently killed a Squirrel only because it angered him. After letting that secret out he pressed on it not being disclosed, even to his close friends. Showing how little his friendships mean. He told the person that it was a moment of weakness and he was getting better. Implying he was getting worse. It's interesting to note that this is just around the time that his dog Butters passed away. Making the assumptions that he killed his own dog very easy to make. Interesting to note. One of the signs of a serial killer in the making is them starting off with animals when they were poorly treat by their parents. Take the examples of Jeffrey Dahmer or Ted Bundy. It's very easy to see that Marbles is a serial killer in the making as he has been trying to endanger people on the internet and outright stalk people. It's even possible he could have killed in the past. What can be said is him trying to get NateTalksToYou a seizure and ladies to be harassed are examples of him potentially wanting people to be killed by his influence.

If you're really unlucky he might have murdered your cat


—StPattyDayMassacre forshadowing the drama.

Marbles cries while confessing random things to a kid he barely knows, yet has never told me about anything like that.



—The jealousy is strong in this one.



If you ever wanted to know what Marbles real name is, it's most likely Steve Lancaster.

The accusation of his name being Steve is at 3:02. Notice that when asked about this he gets very uncomfortable. He starts slurring his words, having a disingenuous tone of voice and becomes silent showing that he is trying to come up with a defense at a very quick pace. Then after he comes up with it he starts to look to the side. Giving off the most unconvincing justification.

How Marbles Treats Underaged People

Exposing pedophiles is an activity that anyone can do to make themselves feel good so Marbles saw this as a perfect idea. His two main punching bags being Landry DeBord and Joshua L Smith. Since he knew these people couldn't argue back with him. But if there's one argument Marbles doesn't like being pulled back onto him is how he himself treats children. He has mocked many ranters for having a fanbase consisting of children even though that describes his audience perfectly. There's two types of teenage fans he has and there's also two different ways he treats them. First is the teenage boys in his fanbase. He normally treats them as whipping muels since they're too spineless to attack back since they're normally fans to seek approval. When the Troll Posse was relevant Marbles (as well as Flex) would spend their times in calls with HorrorKid. At the time a kid pushing teen years. They both treat him as their personal punching bag as well as their friend. The way they treat HorrorKid was even recorded. Another kid that didn't last long was Emery Bowman. An edgy fatboy who did all the wrong things to become their friends. Since Marbles has an ego with a weak foundation he used Emery Bowman to help keep it in tact by mocking him at every turn. The rest of the teenage boys where either ignored or brought under his wing until they hit puberty. The second people are the teenage girls. Even though he doesn't want to be compared to pedophiles he does everything in his power to indicate it. By adding random females under the legal age. Even adding real life friends of people in The Ranting Community that happen to be underage girls. If that wasn't creepy enough Marbles uses these people as leverage even though it doesn't work very well. It's only a matter of time until we see a sexual assault charge.

Flex (Marbles buttbuddy) insulting HorrorKid (the channel has even mroe examples).

One of the many examples of Marbles trying to hurt Emery Bowman's feelings.

Some of their dysfunctional back and forths.

With Marbles ego back in tact after doing a YouTube video against Emery he accepted his forgiveness pleas. Without Emery Bowman to make fun of in his "spare time" he'd have to do something productive. That being said their friendship fizzled into obscurity once Emery had enough of Marbles taking his own stress out on him and blocked him promptly. Giving Marbles extra time to impress little girls and giving room for his fans to mock Emery for Marbles approval.

Marbles's passive acceptance of fatboy.
The 20 year old suburban white kid calling out the 15 year old suburban white kid.

Social Networking Sites

See Also


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YouTube Ranters

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