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South Park
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South Park is a poorly drawn cartoon series created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone as an experiment to create the most offensive show in the history of television, and therefore found to be funny by retarded trolls on 4chan. It debuted on Comedy Central in 1997, and has since gone from gross-out comedy to basically what happens if you give pol and libertarians the rights to make their own cartoons as a way to promote their political opinions. Due to its merciless stereotyping of every form of ethnicity in the world (e.g. Crackers, Niggers, Azns, Feminists, Politicians, Americans, Europeans, Arabs, the Mentally Ill and generally absolutely Everything, but most especially JEWS), has produced more memes and submemes than the last 50 years of public television combined, which is why trolls love it all the more. Along with Total Drama Island, it is also one of the only two animated shows to have ever featured a white person having sex with a negro.
For a time South Park was funny and quotable for 12 year olds, but then Parker and Stone decided to turn the show into a soap box for their libertarian beliefs. Occasionally, they'll reverse their rantings when it becomes fashionable, as when they bashed Wal-Mart for the same shit Starbucks does, or when they finally did an episode admitting that Climate Change was real after a series of anti-Global Warming episodes. South Park reached a new low with the inclusion of Pewdiepie as some sort of Messiah.
Typically, every episode ends with a “moral”, so Parker and Stone can cover up their hack writing and use of strawman arguments while they proudly assert that they're taking the piss out of the pretentious and self-aggrandizing and promoting freedom of speech... similar to Encyclopedia Dramatica.
At the present time, there is no particular reason why anyone should continue to watch this show, other than being a diehard fan who believes watching it still makes you hip and relevant, and totally not a cocksucker.
Main Characters
Stan (aka-Cynical Asshole)
Whiny little faggot who is Trey Parker's avatar on the show. Despite being the least interesting of all of the characters, he gets a large amount of screen time with his fucktarded father. Currently dating Wendy Testaburger, a stand-in for Trey Parker's dumb slut ex-girlfriend, who dumped Trey days before South Park hit the airwaves and made him a fucking millionaire.
Though he is supposed to be best friends with Kyle, Stan has no problem whatsoever with selling Kyle out to Cartman or taking Cartman's side whenever Kyle and Cartman feud. Some neckbeards believe Stan has a higher purpose and is God, when in fact he's as interesting as watching flies on shit.

Matt Stone's very own avatar. Like all Jews he is a fluffy, whiny, curly-haired Jew bitch who lives with his mom, dad, and illegal immigrant baby brother. This causes people to question his gender and age. The sight of him mercilessly turns 16 year old girls that waste their time on deviantART into, well... pedophiles. It is enough to make a high authority figure cry.
On the other hand, he is only a Jew because his mother forces it on him. Therefore, if he did not scream in shock at the sight of pictures of Hitler and complain constantly, no one would ever think he was Jewish.
Knowing him, he has probably slept with Ariel Sharon or gotten raped by a 16 year old girl. He also enjoys good and humorous stupid and unfunny television.
The ex-red shirt from a poor, alcoholic family. He's the most obscene of all the boys but because his parka muffles his voice, it's difficult to make out exactly what he's saying without the closed captioning on. Parker and Stone most likely thought this was a hilarious idea, allowing them to make him say whatever raunchy shit they wanted. This would be a great idea, if anybody gave two shits about Kenny himself.
When the movie came out, all the fantards went batshit insane because for the first time, it was revealed what Kenny actually looked like. Why anyone would care is beyond our understanding because all the South Park characters look exactly the fucking same.
Earlier in the series, Kenny died in almost every episode as the show's running gag. This lasted for five seasons until Parker and Stone decided to kill Kenny off for good and replace him with Butters. Unfortunately, two things happened: Comedy Central went batshit nuts over losing merchandise money off Kenny shirts, dolls, and sticker books; and Parker and Stone made Butters into such a faggy whipping boy for the other kids that Comedy Central was forced to put the banhammer on Parker and Stone to get them to leave Butters alone. So Kenny was brought back in season six's finale and now only dies once every season, which is often the only thing Kenny does nowadays.
In the eyes of the fangirls, Kenny is thought of as being the "sexiest" of the boys and many a fanfic has spawned about him whoring himself out to the other boys for anonymous sex for money or for the emo factor. Then again, it's obvious it was written by the people at deviantART.
Eric Cartman

Cartman is the show's biggest break-out character, to such an extent that Parker and Stone have both retconned the history of the series to shove Cartman to the forefront of their vision of South Park when they initially pitched the series. However, if you watch the original batch of episodes, you'll see that Cartman was nothing more than a supporting character who quickly rose to fame and stole the show from whiny Parker/Stone voiceboxes Stan and Kyle on the basis of two memes: "Kyle's Mom is a Big, Fat Bitch" and "BEEFCAKE!!!!!"
Cartman is what happens when 4chan, Stormfront, pol/ and Donald Trump had an unholy orgy resulting into an eldritch-abomination-of-a-buttbaby possessed by the soul of Adolf Hitler. He is a racist, sociopathic egotist who hates everyone from Jews to niggers to homosexuals to gingers even if it was eventually revealed later in the series that he is indeed, a ginger who is totally gay for Kyle. Cartman soon rose to fame as the defining character of the series. At a certain level, he's an effective representation of the Jews too. Despite being intended as an unsympathetic horrible person, he's still everyone's favorite character because he "speaks his mind" and "breaks the rules". Then fans will backpeddle and say he's just "satire" when they just want an excuse to go around making Jew jokes because it's "cool".
The evolution of Cartman can be seen in three forms:
- Mentally retarded kid who gets manipulated by the others, culminating in him being mock-crucified and abandoned in the desert for several weeks. (Seasons 1-3)
- Manipulative scheming troll who seeks to make a million dollars. (Seasons 3-4)
- Sociopath who occasionally gets fucked over by people smarter than he is, and will horribly fuck up anyone who fucks with him by having their parents murdered and having said parents' corpses turned into chili that they are then manipulated into eating. (Season 5)
- Satanically evil complete monster with no soul who will fuck you up just because. (Season 6-present)
Some argue that Cartman jumped the shark when he entered the third phase, since Parker and Stone removed any remaining elements of being a sympathetic character from Cartman and turned him into a fat ball of pure evil incarnate.
Most fans like to point out, at every possible opportunity, Cartman's immense faggotry:
- Making out with a life-sized cardboard cut-out of Justin Timberlake while dressed up like Brittany Spears.
- Date-raping Butters with NyQuil so he could stick Butter's dick into his mouth.
- His obsession with making Kyle suck his balls, via a bet to get his tiny balls sucked off by him in the overrated Imaginationland trilogy. He also joined NAMBLA on one occasion, leading to all his friends (all boys) being almost raped. He also fucked Leonardo Di Caprio while in drag, though he was not mentally sound at the time, having suffered a blow to the head that made him think he was a child prostitute of Vietnamese descent.
- Giving Ben Affleck a handjob on multiple occasions. And later getting ass raped by Stan's bitch.
Cartman's hatred of Jews (and love for both Hitler and Mel Gibson), as well as his weight, has caused many to speculate that Cartman's biological mother (who had sex with his tranny mother and got knocked up by him/her) is Kyle's mom, making Cartman half-Jewish. Actually, he's fucking Jewish. It's only a way to make Kyle's the good guy in all of the show, the roles have been switched purposely by Stone and Parker. Watch South Park thinking Kyle's the innocent citizen and Cartman the Jew, it all works good now.
NOTE: Some new details emerged with episode 200 and 201. Being pussies, Comedy Central had the entire episode censored and focused the episode on Cartman instead of showing Muhammad. Turns out his mom isn't a dickgirl, and wasn't actually his father. A Denver Bronco who was also the father of Scott Tenorman was Cartman's father meaning Cartman is half ginger.
Secondary Characters
Butters Scotch

A pussy who gets the shit beaten out of him by his mentally ill mother and closet-homosexual father, often after Cartman does something and frames Butters for it so that he can watch Butters be tortured for his amusement.
Butters was a background character promoted up the ladder as Kenny's replacement with the intent that instead of dying each episode, Butters would be tortured and abused and treated as the bitchboy of the group. But this got stopped when fans latched onto the character and Comedy Central, upon being told that Butter's gimmick would be "his parents beat him black and blue", forced Butters from this fate and into a secondary supporting cast member role.
Thanks to the DA Tartlets, Butters is usually paired with Eric Cartman as a homosexual couple and drawn often like a tranny, even though Cartman is the one who dresses like a girl (a fact that Butters revealed to his entire class and a group of soldiers, to Cartman's horror and shame) and sucked Butter's cock after drugging him. Despite this, Butters' tranny persona "Marjorine" has become popular in fanart to further the faggotry.

A stereotypical, obese black person who would give the children advice whilst occasionally bursting into song about fucking white wymen. Eventually became a pedophile (as a metaphor for Scientology - seriously) and a Darth Vader clone. I HAVE HAD IT WITH THESE MOTHERFUCKING SCAMMERS ON MY MOTHERFUCKIN' LIFE! Since he has slept with over 9,000 women, there is no doubt he has herpes. Or Scientology pamphlets.
Like every religious person (Christfags, Jews, Muslims, atheists etc.), Hayes was happy to take the piss out of other peoples' beliefs but left South Park forever when they started making fun of his own religion cult. So Parker and Stone turned Hayes' Chef into a brainwashed, globetrotting pedophile who was no longer interested in "making sweet love to you, woman", but instead interested in putting his balls in Kyle's rectum after he'd joined a "fruity little club" called the Super Adventure Club.
Despite Isaac Hayes's loyalty, the CoS had him killed on August 10th, 2008, due to the fact that he did not stick his ass 4 feet in the air for them when questioned about his opinion on the episode that he "quit" because of. This is purely speculation and should not be taken as fact. Just saying.....
Randy Marsh

Stan's fucktarded father who is possibly the only good secondary character in the show. Appears in almost every episode of South Park to be moronic and memeworthy. Getting testicle cancer to get an excuse to smoke marijuana, becoming a butterfly, catching that pink dragon in a video game, shitting from his mouth, playing World of Warcraft, making music with his farts, and most of all, as a contestant in Wheel of Fortune, recorded live on National Television, answering the million-dollar-question "People who Annoy You": NIGGERS. Resulting in his epic win crowned forever as the legendary "Nigger Guy." You name it, he does it.
Randy is also his multiple personality character Lorde.
PC Principal
The new SJW principal who's on steroids that replaces the old hag principal Victoria. Throws a fit at the slightest negativity he hears. He's also scared of Jimmy. You PC bro?
Unspecial Characters
- Tweek Tweek: Little boy whose parents put crystal meth and other illegal drugs in his coffee so they can watch him flip the fuck out.
- Craig Tucker: Total asshole in the boys' class who flips people off without warning. It is ironic he has any friends because of his douchebaggery, and is also paired up with Tweek by overobsessive fangirls and faggy fanboys.
- Clyde Donovan: Kid who spends all his time eating tacos, sobbing uncontrollably, and reading pr0n mags. Also, he killed his mom by leaving the toilet seat up and she fell in and then exploded.
TokenTolkien Black: A rich niglet in the boys' class. He is well known for being South Park's only racial diversity besides [[negress] Nichole Daniels, after Chef died alone. Every episode with him has to do with him being black. His name was retconned from Token to Tolkien (as in the author from Lord of the Rings) to be more woke.- Timmy Burch: Some crippled retard. Better known as simply "Timmy", he is so physically and mentally handicapped he cannot walk and can only shout his first name.
- Jimmy Valmer: Unfunny second cripple introduced a year after Timmy since he became so popular to be his buttbuddy. Unlike Timmy, he is not mental (and has a vocabulary not limited to his own name), but he is twice as fucking annoying because he speaks with a severe stutter and tells really unfunny jokes that make you want to clean your ears with an ice pick.
- Wendy Testaburger: Stan's psycho-bitch ex-girlfriend who throws a whiny bitch fit whenever some other girl tries to talk to him and tries to get them killed, yet is completely unfaithful to him. Based on Trey Parker's ex who was exactly the same way. He must have gotten back with her or is trying to because she's White Knighted in "The Fractured Butt-Hole" and is one of the best all-around characters to use in the game.
- Bebe Stevens: Dumb blonde chick in the boys' class. Her giant hooters woo them all over and control their minds.
- Mr. Garrison: Crazy, creepy bastard who teaches the boys' class. Went from being a closetcase with a hand puppet, to being open about his faggotry and teaching with his buttbuddy Mr. Slave, to having a sex change and then going back to being a man and then becoming president. I know. He's so fucking complicating.
- Mr. Mackey: Weird counselor at the boys' school who ends every sentence with "Mmkay?". Lost his virginity at 19, and had sex again with a fat post-op tranny with saggy boobs who briefly taught the boys' class 21 years later.
- Big Gay Al: A former Republican who finally came out the closet who embraces his sexual deviance every chance he gets. Got married to Mr. Garrison's former buttbuddy Mr. Slave when same-sex marriage got legalized.
- Pip Pirrup: Little British wanker who pissed off the boys for the first few seasons, got his own shitty episode, and then Trey and Matt forgot about him for ten seasons and when they finally remembered him, they killed the little fucker.

- Scott Malkinson: The kid with diabetes, always ridiculed and mocked by Cartman every time he shows up.
- Kevin Stoley: A minor character who's obsessed with Star Wars and Star Trek, much to Cartman's annoyance.
Notable Moments in South Park History
Invention of the Profit! meme (1998)

Among the many burdens thrown on humanity by this show is certainly the notorious Profit! meme, which stemmed from an episode of season two. The episode delivers an unclear preachy story about corporatism while dealing with gnomes stealing underpants. Such gratuitous unfunny detail of the plot only evolved because missing underpants was considered more funny than missing socks, or keys -- which says it all about the comic shallows of the show. Regardless, the three-phased road to profit (without exclamation mark) remains probably a useful testimony to the impossibility for non-jews (as gnomes are clearly not jews) to access the riches of this world.
South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut (1999)

South Park: The Movie is an offensive film with the message that no one should be offended by an offensive film.
When South Park first debuted, everyone and their mother believed that the show would self-destruct in a trail of "flavor of the week" failure once the show's shock appeal wore off. So Parker and Stone convinced Paramount to greenlight a movie version of the series, in the guise of a musical about freedom of speech and censorship, as production of the movie came just as the Columbine High School shooting took place and everyone was demanding censorship of everything remotely controversial.
After several weeks of hard work, the film debuted in the summer of 1999 and was a surprise hit, in spite of the constant musical numbers and a subplot about Saddam Hussein fucking Satan in a mad grab for power in the afterlife. Many attribute the success to the fact that Parker and Stone were allowed to say "fuck", a fact that was a major plot point of the film's story.
— Cartman getting buttmangled over how he can't say "fuck" in school. |
The movie was notably prescient in portending, among other things, the death of Saddam Hussein, the subjection of Canadian terrorists to U.S. military tribunals, and the ferocious appeal that a Canadian television program about a pair of foul-mouthed yet lovable heathens would have on fringe audiences in the U.S.
South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut also broke the book of world records for most bad language used in a movie. Nothing fucking special.
Shit Episode (2001)
South Park had an episode centered on the notion of repeating the word "shit" uncensored on TV. A counter in the corner stated that it was repeated 162 times in the 22 minute air time. This might have been quite an impressive feat, had the episode not been nearly indistinguishable from every other episode of South Park ever made.
Scientology Episode (2005)
The infamous episode in which Scifags convince Stan that he is the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard and has been chosen to lead the church. After telling Tom Cruise that he doesn't think much of his acting, Tom locks himself in Stan's closet and refuses to leave despite the best efforts of John Travolta, Nichole Kidman and R. Kelly, resulting in a ridiculously drawn out and overused joke about Tom Cruise's obvious closet faggotry.
In reaction to the episode, Cruise immediately went into panty bunched nerd rage mode and threatened to stop promoting his fail movie Mission Impossible 3 if Viacom aired the episode again (since Viacom and the movie studio have the same owner). After initially obliging, Viacom let YouTube have at it...which is pretty impressive since Viacom have been suing YouTube over Daily Show and Colbert Report clips for at least 100 years.
World of Warcraft Episode (2006)
South Park and Blizzard work together on this season 10 episode Make Love, Not Warcraft. It made all of the fandom came so hard that it's been nominated as best episode of South Park.
Internet Episodes (2008)
Season 12 includes a couple of poorly-written episodes that give nods to what the creators must perceive as the "Internet culture". More specifically "Over-Logging" and the more widely received "Canada on Strike", which features a bunch of old and forced memes killing one another. Real original.
South Park Banned in Russia (2008)
(South Park was never banned in Russia)


200th Episode Controversy (2010)

To commemorate their 200th episode, it was decided by Parker and Stone that the show would revisit past controversies by concocting a plot in which the town of South Park is sued by upset celebrities and other famous figures that the program has ruthlessly satirized over the years. In effect, they were manufacturing a fictional confrontation with their political enemies at a level none has ever pursued IRL, the show’s antics having long since lost their edginess and novelty with the Hollywood and political elite years ago.
So far, so predictable. A wild card entered the mixture, however, when the creative duo decided to up the ante with the Muslim community they had previously desisted from provoking in a previous two-parter, “Cartoon Wars”, where a benign representation of the religion’s leader, Muhammad, was censored by Comedy Central. This time around, the plot had previous South Park target Tom Cruise agreeing to drop the town’s lawsuit in exchange for meeting the head Muslim for the clandestine purpose of acquiring his semen, which he and other celebrities believed would protect them from ridicule. Real-life semen collectors Parker and Stone then added a number of other hilarious plot twists, and ended the episode on a cliffhanger.

Unfortunately, it seems the pair had finally thrown down with a group apeshit enough to take them up on their behavior, and faster than you could say, “Holy Homo Has-been h8r, Batman!” a website appeared with a picture of Theo Van Gogh (victim of the IRL equivalent of hacking) and the warning that the two were on some serious thin ice as far as the Religion Of Peace was concerned. In their rush to foment controversy, it seemed, they had neglected to factor in the possibility that a religious group batshit nutzo enough to actually pick a fight with the world’s most powerful military and fight it with weaponized an hero’s might be a tad more formidable an opponent than Jennifer Lopez and the Scientologists.
What might have been an epic battle that would have rivaled in entertainment a brawl between your ex-wife and your boss on a barroom floor was forestalled, however, when Parker/Stone decided they liked their bodies knife-free and worked with Comedy Central to re-edit the second part of the episode. The focus of the show was shifted yet again to the subject of Cartman’s father, Muhammad was changed into Santa Claus and the dynamic duo of Matt and Trey retired to the Buttcave to both savor their new-found media relevance and the lack of stab wounds on each other’s bodies.
disregard that Comedy Central was solely responsible for the edit.
In short, they pussied out. Fuck you Matt, and fuck you Trey, you nutless fucks.
disregard this as well, Matt and Trey have gotten into further shit with Comedy Central for apologizing to fans as a direct response to the network's White guilt over the Cultural Insensitivity. Despite this, south park will still be around till Next Thursday though we know soon they'll die again only come back as sick as they were before. Those creeps.
PewDiePie Christmas Episode (2014)
A 2-part season finale Christmas episode features unfunny #1 Let's Player YouTube whore PewDiePie.
Social Justice Season (2015)
This is possibly the only good season premiere of South Park where they finally give a huge fuck you to social justice warriors, Mexicans, Jared Fogle, Caitlyn Jenner, Canadians, Yelp, people with safe space, yaoi, ISIS, the police shootings, ads, and gun users. Thankfully this season is praised as fuck while the SJWs and others are triggered to no limits.
The Trolling For Lulz Season (2016)

This season is possibly a huge "I love you" to mainly the internet trolls from 4chan, 8chan, and other chans trolling for the lulz. It's literally a season about trolls, lulz, the gender wars, Mr. Garrison winning the election against Hillary Clinton, Fembusters, the "Girls Rule, Women Are Funny, Get Over It" Fembusters review, and Rick Roll. In this season, a powerful troll known as Skankhunt42 is trolling people around the internet for the lulz including the school boards. Later in the season Skankhunt42 is revealed to be Gerald Broflovski, Kyle's jew-lawyer father. He then met other failtrolls including Jenkins the World of Warcraft troll from Make Love Not Warcraft because Gerald is the most powerful troll to stop censorship when Gerald admits he does it for the lulz. Also notable for derailing the series for a couple years after the writers forced themselves into a corner due to not expecting Trump to actually win.
—Cartman after he saw Fembusters |
Episode Guide
South Park and Its Fanbase

—Typical South Park fan. I swears it! |
The fanbase of the show, which becomes moar fail and cancerous with each season, generally consists of:
- Weeaboo who constantly draw the characters in animu style so they won't feel bad about fantasizing over 8-year old cock (or 9, who gives a fuck when the creators can't even make up their mind) when it's drawn "sexily".
- 16-year old girls who fantasize of screwing the main boys and that BAWWW if anyone mocks their true love. These can be found easily on deviantART along with the weeaboos.
- A rabid slash fandom that consists of both above categories, as well as the occasional furfag and Hot Topic posers. Many of their masterpieces can be found on FanFiction.Net, its bastard spawn FOS-FF, and DA. Usually involves Kyle sucking Stans dick.
- Basement dwellers that spend all their time on the "South Park Studios" message board, ready to kill each other over opinions on a fucking cartoon show. These types tend to proclaim themselves as being "mature" and think they know the show better than the own creators, but in fact tend to be 13-year old boys or middle-aged men who throw a tantrum if someone calls them out on their bullshit, and start flamewars over being proven wrong.
- The fans that act like every episode is free of flaws and start internet drama over someone not agreeing with their blatant ass-kissing, though you also get plenty of the Emos who troll and whine about the show not being like the "classic" seasons, yet continue to watch just for the purpose of bitching. All of these and more tend to dwell mostly on South Park Studios. Others use AllAbout-SP for their faggotry.
- In rarer instances, you get butthurt het diehards (usually Stan/Wendy) that cry moar over how the slashers keep ruining "their" show. Welcome to the South Park fandom, fags.
- You also get retarded 14-16-year-old upper middle class children who think that everything ever said by the show is funny, and watch it while their mom goes out to get them hot-pockets and weed. Example- ned15
- Stoners that think that saying one liners while doing an impression of Cartman is the most funny original thing ever said. Example- RideTheLightning
- Politically confused college students (aspies) that are either a Democrat or a Republican, yet vote the other way, showing complete lack of political knowledge. They are fans of South Park because they think if gives them a higher understanding of philosophical and political ideologues, when in reality it just makes them a faggot. Example- michaeloptv
- 15 or 16 year old fags who have no life outside the internet and masturbate to their internet "friends"
- Nuns, moralfags, Pat Robertson, Guardian readers and feminazis secretly love South Park because they can watch little cartoon characters saying all the naughty things (using naughty words) that they themselves cannot say (or even think). It's like Primal Scream Therapy for the politically and religiously correct, and oft you can hear a suppressed titter from behind a wimple. Or something.
- Fat WoW Gamers who are usually fans of Family Guy who constantly repeat the same lines over and over again from last nights episode and constantly talk about how the World of Warcraft episode of South Park was the best episode EVAR
- Fans tend to believe that the humor of South Park is of the highest sophistication. If one would express dissatisfactory with the humor that is presented in this show, the person is likely to be met with the highest disbelief. The fanboy is likely to say that one just does not understand its humor, rather than admitting the simplicity of it.
- Emo Fag 13 year old girls who only watch the show for the bi-curious love stories and draw yaoi in their free time, these people you need to avoid as they are the bitchiest bitches and yap their mouths all the time, and also make out with their girlfriends in public. I honestly want to shoot these bitches every time I hear or see them.
Examples of these fans include:
- Mewster
A psychotic, middle-aged schoolteacher whose hate for Cartman was such serious business, he created a (now baleeted) site with shotacon-worthy fanart to showcase just HOW much he hated the character. He was also known to flame and troll anyone he considered to be a Cartman fan, claiming that Cartman fans drove him to insanity. He was worshiped as a BNF among Cartman haters, until his wife got pissed and told him to leave the BBS. He later reregistered as Cartman's Top Enemy and continued to troll. Most of the fans who used to think he was the lulz came to see what a retard he was and cut ties with him for their own sanity.
How do they do it?

Creating an episode of south park is an easy task, first come up with a list of subjects that people may find touchy. So let's take Christianity, Gay marriage, whale hunting, and the economy. Now all we ave to do is tie these all together. It would go like this: Jesus comes down from heaven (which turns out to be a brothel) and wants to marry Mr.Garrison but still keep his day job being a gay prostitute. Jesus has a plan to stimulate the economy by sending all blacks to prison to assemble atomic bombs to sell to terrorists which in turn nuke whales. At this point someone in the background would say "all the blacks are already in prison" and later in the episode everyone in town would be wearing T-shirts like "Send the blacks to prison for Gay Jesus" and at some point god would turn out to be Richard Dawkins. Then Parker and Stone would do an interview claiming they have NO idea why people hate their show so much. And that their creative expression is protected under the first amendment.
If the accurate description above is a little too tl;dr, here's a step-by-step breakdown:
- Stone and Parker steal old meme off of the internets
- South Park kids participate in meme
- Parents overreact to meme, creating conflict
- Celebrities, scientists, political figures and other Stone/Parker enemies are summoned to
resolvebitch about the conflict - Kids resolve conflict on their own
- Still perceiving conflict, parents, celebrities, etc. progressively act more and more idiotic and comedy ensues
- Treating the idiocy in the previous step as if it actually happened Stone and Parker proceed to lecture us, using Stan as their mouthpiece
- Stone/Parker repeat over 9000 times, complete another season, collect check from Comedy Central
- ????
- (Moar) PROFIT!!
Hater's reaction to South Park (the process)
Not everybody likes South Park, especially if you're a fat butthurt ginger, like YouTube's very own CopperCunt. In his videos, he mostly screams like a total fucktard about how he's been "discriminated" against for his gingery hair color, and how South Park is the reason for him being bullied at school for being a fat ginger, while at the same time, failing to realize that nobody gives a fuck about him, or his festering piles of shit that he uploads to YouTube every day. Watch the videos below for complete coverage on this matter:
See CopperCab for complete coverage.
South Park IRL

South Park, Colorado is a very real place. However, it is nothing in comparison with the city we see on TV (which is actually based off of Evergreen, CO). The real city contains about five houses, a handful of old gas stations, and a run down grocery store.
Now, for your viewing pleasure...androgynous, pre-pubescent kids having buttsecks, as per Encyclopedia Dramatica's requirements:
fuckfap over the picture of Kenny's mom. -
The cast of South Park get together for a group photo after completing another Emmy-winning season.
The real Eric Cartman.
Tributes to moonspeakers are often made.
Most episodes of South Park are inspired by the creators' own sexual fantasies.
External Links
See Also
- Total Drama Island
- The Simpsons
- Family Guy
- American Dad
- Unfunny
- Republican
- Newgrounds
- Ron Paul
- America
- Moralfag
- Politically incorrect
- Gay
- Michael Moore - Apparent long time enemy of Trey Parker and Matt Stone.
- Neocon
- Red Dead Redemption 2
Not to be confused with Animu |
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Cartoon Network & Adult Swim [+]
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Nickelodeon [+]
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Fox & Warner Bros [+]
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Hasbro [+]
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Featured article October 12, 2008 | ||
Preceded by The ED Civil War |
South Park | Succeeded by Dadagiri |
Article of the Now November 26 & 27, 2021 | ||
Preceded by TayTweets |
South Park | Succeeded by /v/ |