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Moar info: Jews.

Von den Juden und ihren LΓΌgen ("[On] The Jews and Their Lies") is a book by Martin Luther (1483 - 1546), the contents of which are ruled to be so scandalous by the Wikipedia Jews that they will not permit discussion of it on their precious encyclopedia. And when you've finished reading this article, you'll know why.


Wikipedia's article about Luther's book is categorized under β€œAntisemitic publications” β€œChristian anti-Judaism” and β€œLutheranism and antisemitism." The article also displays a "concentration camp"-style big yellow star and refers to the book as β€œantisemitic” on 22 occasions. It also manages to drag in the Holocaust on 7 occasions, even though Luther was writing in 15fucking43 and only urged that Jews be kicked out of Europe for once and for all.

It's the Wiki equivalent of a crime scene, cordoned off with warning tape, lit with flashing lights, and patrolled by armed police with guard dogs. Nowhere in Wikipedia's article will you find any idea of what Luther said, or why he said it. That's exactly the way they want it. The aim is to frighten you off and prevent you from learning anything about the thoughts of the greatest religious reformer in human history.

Their God is a Liar

  Moar info: God.

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They will not desist from their boasting and their pride, that is, from their lies. They insist that they are in the right; God must be the liar and he must be in error.

β€”Martin Luther, The Jews and Their Lies

The Almighty, or...?

Astonishingly, the Jew claims that even God is a liar. Their argument is that if it's OK for God himself to tell lies on a cosmic scale, then why should any Jew worry about their earthly lies? One example will suffice to expose the Jew's entire swindle.

The scriptural illustration of God's β€œdishonesty” is in the Book of Genesis, when God tells Sarah and Abraham that they are going to have children. (Sarah and Abraham are both over 70 years old, and have no children.) Sarah asks God: "After I have withered will I get smooth skin, and my husband is old?” When God speaks separately to Abraham, God says that Sarah asked: "How can I give birth when I am old?"

No normal person would see any contradiction here, but 1,000 years ago, Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki (1040-1105) proclaimed that God was distorting Sarah's words to avoid offending Abraham. Ever since then, the Jew has insisted that it is in fact a good and Holy deed to tell lies in order to achieve a positive outcome. And who is the judge of the intended outcome? None other than the person who is telling the lie. And if you tell a lie and someone else suffers as a result, that's fine, just so long as you can convince yourself that it wasn't your main intention.

The Patriarch of Lies

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They insist on being and on being known as God's people, solely because they are of the blood of the patriarchs. Otherwise they have nothing of which to boast. It is just as if the devil were to boast that he was of angelic stock, and by reason of this was the only angel and child of God, even though he is really God's foe.

β€”Martin Luther, The Jews and Their Lies

Jacob and his mom cheat their own flesh and blood

The biblical patriarch Jacob is held up by the Jews as a speaker of truth and righteousness. In this, as in so many other things, the Jews conceal the facts of the matter. Jacob only got to be a patriarch by cheating his elder brother Esau out of his birthright. Jacob did this by disguising himself as Esau and tricking their dying father into believing that he was blessing Esau when he was actually blessing Jacob. This ruse was directed by their mother, who wanted Jacob to be the most important son.

When the father realized that he had blessed the wrong son, he refused to retract it and bless the correct brother. Yet, despite this deception, the Hebrew Bible directs the Jew to hold Jacob as a model of honesty whose example should be followed, stating: "Give truth to Jacob." This is typical Jew double-speak, pretending to have scriptural directions to do one thing while secretly knowing that they have permission to do the exact opposite.

Luther emphasized the fact that the Jew religion is based on deception and dishonesty, when he wrote:

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They may lie, blaspheme, defame, and murder whom they will, even God himself and all his prophets. All of this must be accounted as nothing but a fine service rendered to God. Did I not tell you earlier that a Jew is such a noble, precious jewel that God and all the angels dance when he farts?

β€”Martin Luther, The Jews and Their Lies

Later, Jacob supposedly wrestled with an Angel and won, and as a result he received a blessing that changed his name to "Israel." For this reason, the deceiving scoundrel is considered the father of the Israelites. Thus the modern nation of Israel was named in honor of a cheat and a thief, who thought nothing of deceiving his own father in order to rob his own brother. No doubt, Jews find this amusing, because the Goyim do not recognize the hidden joke that is being had at their expense.

In passing, it is worth noting that the Wikipedia Jews are so keen to promote their pernicious and detestable creed that if you search Wikipedia for "Jacob", you are automatically redirected to   their fiercely-guarded article about the father of falsehoods, with a small note that reads: "This article is about the patriarch. For other uses, see Jacob (disambiguation)."


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Therefore, dear Christian, be on your guard against such damnable people whom God has permitted to sink into such profound abominations and lies, for all they do and say must be sheer lying, blasphemy, and malice, however fine it may look.

β€”Martin Luther, The Jews and Their Lies


"Pilpul" is a technique in Jew debate, and the word itself means "to pepper." This is usually explained (by Jews) as meaning that the speaker is adding heat to his argument. Of course, this is another instance of Jew deceit and wickedness. What it really means is that a Jew "throws pepper in his opponent's eyes", thereby blinding him and pissing him off.

Pilpul is the tactic of retreating behind a smokescreen of quibbling, nitpicking, and vagueness. It is deployed when the Jew cannot answer his opponent, or does not wish to disclose the truth. The Jew's foe is instantly bewildered by a barrage of near-nonsense, against which argument is impossible. Stupid onlookers are impressed at the Jew's great genius for confusing even the most fluent attacker, and go away with the impression that they have seen a formidable mind at work. Nothing could be further from the truth, even though the Wikipedia Jews have used their mastery of pilpul to ensure that   their article about pilpul is as non-controversial as possible. (Archived:   1   2)

When a discussion with a Jew becomes incomprehensible and you begin to doubt your own sanity, you can be sure that the Jew is working his pilpul upon you. Even the Jew Director of the Center for Sephardic Heritage states: "The rhetorical sleight-of-hand known in Hebrew as pilpul attempts to turn a thing into something else. Pilpul is a form of legal casuistry that can turn justice into its opposite." (Archived:   1   2)

”Changing the Truth”

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These are lies in which the liar does not fabricate or err in the chief question at issue (as happens also in religious disputes), but nevertheless is well aware that he is lying and wants to lie against the person. He does not dream of proving his point, either by appearances or by truth, and is unable to do so.

β€”Martin Luther, The Jews and Their Lies

Outrageously, the Jew redefines the word β€œlying” into β€œchanging the truth”, in order to avoid the suspicions of the Goyim. Thus, the Jews are only forbidden from lying to one another. Examples of when Jew priests say that it is permissible to β€œchange the truth” include:

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✑ In order to practice humility. For example, one may claim ignorance of a certain talmudic tractate even if one does actually know it. ✑

β€”(Meaning, you can ignore your own religious rules whenever it suits you.)

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✑ In order to maintain modesty. ✑


β€”(Such as pretending to be poor, when you are rich.)

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✑ In order to protect someone else from harm or inconvenience. For example, if a host was very gracious, one should not tell all about his magnanimity as this may cause too many guests to flock to him. ✑


β€”(Meaning, protect your own meal-ticket by lying to other scrounging Jews.)

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✑ circumstances under which one is allowed to be deceptive in order to recoup losses that are owed to him. ✑

β€”(And who judges what is owed to the liar, if not the liar himself?)

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✑ If someone does something for himself, but another thinks that it was done to honor him, one does not have to correct the misunderstanding. ✑

β€”(Meaning, why give away a personal advantage due to someone else's stupidity?)

With regard to the example of lying about a bride's beauty or graciousness, a high-ranking Jew priest explains it as follows: β€œWho was to judge whether the bride was beautiful and graceful? Surely the bridegroom himself. So to praise the bride was not making an objective statement that could be tested empirically. It was simply endorsing the bridegroom’s choice. It was a way of celebrating the couple’s happiness.” From this you can see how devious the Jew mind is, justifying their own deceptions by convincing themselves that they are temporarily absolved, all the while knowing full well that they were being misleading.

Concluding remarks

Martin Luther's fw he sees right through your bullshit, Jew
Β  Β 

They curse us Goyim. In their synagogues and in their prayers they wish us every misfortune. They rob us of our money and goods through their usury, and they play on us every wicked trick they can. And the worst of it is that they still claim to have done right and well, that is, to have done God a service.


β€”Martin Luther, The Jews and Their Lies

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Nor is it a sin for a Jew to break his oath to a Gentile. Likewise, they say that it is rendering God a service to steal or rob from a Goy, as they in fact do through their usury. For since they believe that they are the noble blood and the circumcised saints and we the accursed Goyim, they cannot treat us too harshly or commit sin against us, for they are the lords of the world and we are their servants, yes, their cattle.

β€”Martin Luther, The Jews and Their Lies

Β  Β 

They cannot be trusted and believed in any other matter either, even though a truthful word may drop from their lips occasionally. For anyone who dares to juggle the awesome word of God so frivolously and shamefully as you see it done here, and as you also noted earlier with regard to the words of Jacob, cannot have a good spirit dwelling in him. Therefore, wherever you see a genuine Jew, you may with a good conscience cross yourself and bluntly say: "There goes a devil incarnate."


β€”Martin Luther, The Jews and Their Lies

Β  Β 
Therefore, dear Christian, be advised and do not doubt that next to the devil, you have no more bitter, venomous, and vehement foe than a real Jew who earnestly seeks to be a Jew. Therefore the history books often accuse them of contaminating wells, of kidnapping and piercing children. They, of course, deny this. Whether it is true or not, I do know that they do not lack the complete, full, and ready will to do such things either secretly or openly where possible. This you can assuredly expect from them, and you must govern yourself accordingly.

β€”Martin Luther, The Jews and Their Lies

Fact-checking Luther

Β  Β 
Someone may think that I am saying too much. I am not saying too much, but too little - for I see their writings.

β€”Martin Luther, The Jews and Their Lies

Claim: "We are their cattle"

Claim: "In their synagogues and in their prayers they wish us every misfortune"

  • Midweek Jew prayer: "May the apostates have no hope, and all the Christians perish instantly" - Source: The Jew "Daily Prayer Book"
    (Now rephrased as "all wickedness perish instantly", but not when Luther was writing. (Archived:   1   2)  
  • Curse to be uttered by Jews when passing buildings occupied by goyim: "The Lord will pluck up the house of the proud" - The Talmud; Bekaroth 58.b   (Archived:   1   2)
  • Let goyim die, rather than murder them: "One is not obliged to bring them up [from a pit] though one must not cast them in it" - The Talmud; Abodah Zarah 26.b   (Archived:   1   2)

Claim: "They rob us of our money and goods through their usury"

Claim: "They defame our Lord Jesus Christ, calling him a sorcerer and tool of the devil"

See also

Number 94 will amaze you!

External links



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