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=== Bad Unboxing ===
=== Bad Unboxing ===

Revision as of 08:06, 9 October 2017

Disease itself; with the face of a man.
Ian Carter in his natural habitat.
"I'm Gay!" - Speaks for itself.

iDubbbzTV (Ian Washburn) is a four-eyed Texan cuntroach who's constant shitposting on JewTube has earned himself a rather vigorous and dominant name. Ian manages to scrape the bottom of the internet's shit barrel to find resources for him to fuck around with in his irrational videos. His main channel has been around since 2012, but he only climbed out of the immense pit of YouTube Nobodies after he began to partake in several absurd gangbanging sessions with Filthy Frank, HowToBasic, and MaxMoeFoe. Ian's channels have become a much lulzier highlight ever since he started the "Content Cop" series; where he spends much of his time destroying attention whoring, dumbass egotists who can't go a day without making a fucking fool out of themselves.

At present time, Ian creates a multitude of these lulzy videos in hopes that someday some spoiled-rotten cunt can donate a shit-ton of their Jew Gold to him so that he can afford to cure the cancer he is inevitably creating from said lulzy videos.


Kickstarter Crap

In this series, iDubbbz selects a shitty half-assed Kickstarter project, and rants about it for some 5-10 minutes. This series would be more tolerable if it wasn't for the fact that he is mostly criticizing inexperienced, tryhard shitlords who decided to come up with an idea for their Kickstarter project in the middle of taking a shit at the outhouse.

Tryhards who's Kickstarters he has talked shit about:

Content Cop

Content Cop is, quite simply, the epitome of "roasting". In this series, Ian plays "seek and destroy" on the population of vulnerable individuals who are making YouTube into a cesspool of AIDS with their incessant faggotry.

So far, he has an autistic hissyfit against:

Bad Unboxing

Everything falls into deep shit when fantards decide to send fanmail to Ian. The fanmail he unboxes in these videos is an accurate representation of the kinds of deranged people who tune into his content. Expect to see plenty of dildos bigger than anything Kirk Johnson could fit into his ass, expired food of all sorts, and a variety of other random shit that you most certainly DO NOT WANT.

Shitty Memes he has Created

This was unfunny from the moment it was conceived.

A quote from a video where some fat fuck gets a PewDiePie tattoo on his ass.

Of course, all of this shit spread to Vine and Twitter faster than Usain Bolt on nutmeg and became a clusterfuck of "dank meme compilations" and shit.


The correct way to treat a cancer patient.

Starting in 2015, iDubbbz began to get together with several other like-minded spergs IRL, and play fucked-up RP games more disturbing than any of the worst shock sites already available. It is in these gatherings, that iDubbbz's insanity and depraved mind flourishes - he is usually the punching bag of these IRL meetups, and resorts to contracting several STDs and illnesses by the end of each video.

One notable example, was Filthy Frank's "Hair Cake" video, where Ian shaves off all of his hair for the sake of having his disabled insane asylum-escapee friends feast on a shitty meal which they will probably puke out later on.

See Also

A cartoon depiction of Ian getting anally penetrated.

External Links

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