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Today, You can find the Alt-Lite [ expressing their autism in public].
Today, You can find the Alt-Lite [ expressing their autism in public].

Latest revision as of 07:38, 22 November 2024

The Alt-Lite (also called the New Right by themselves) is a circlejerk of conservatism and "Classical Liberals" who spend their days watching Milo Yiannopoulos speeches, Sargon of Akkad and Paul Joseph Watson videos. They tend to be civic nationalists, Cultural Libertarians, and like to LARP as free-speech fighters who wave Kekistan flags at places wherever Antifa goes. You can find them making threads about Kekistan on /pol/, in which they are told to return to their natural habitat, /r/The_Donald (not anymore; it's here now), a terrible place full of people who unironically say "BTFO", "Pedes", and "FUCKING BASED".


A typical member of the alt-lite from /r/the_donald who went on to /pol/
An Alt-Lite figurehead, Paul Joseph "MAINE STREAM METEOR" Watson.

After just 3 rogue audience members at the 2016 NPI Conference who were attending a speech by Richard Spencer decided to throw up a Roman Salute, E-celebs like Paul Joseph Watson, Mike Cernovich, and Milo Yiannopoulos decided to disavow the Alt-Right in order to save their own image. These people would then form what is now the Alt-Lite/"New Right". The Alt-Lite is Civic Nationalist, Zionist, and Culturally Libertarian. The Alt-Lite is not to be confused with Alt-Centrists (There is a name for everything), people like Sargon of Akkad and Armoured Skeptic, who think they are better than you because they got centrist on a Political Compass Test.

Today, You can find the Alt-Lite expressing their autism in public.


is part of a series on
The New Right Reich

[Stop bullshitStart bullshit]

is part of a series on Politics.
Ideologies: [You are wrong!We are right!]

Alt-rightAnarchyCapitalismCentrismCommunismConservatismCyanismDemocratHippieLiberalismLibertarianismMiltopismNaziNihilismNeo-conPacifismRepublicanReconquistaSocialismStoner GuruTory

Issues: [Fuck it, Too lazy.Get it fixed!]

AbortionArab SpringBahrainBarron TrumpBirthCISPADeath penaltyDrugsEnvironmentalismGaysGeorge Bush doesn't care about black peopleGirlfriendsMarijuana AddictionGround Zero MosqueMarijuana AddictionMass ShootingGun controlGunsHealthcare (2) (3)• HomelessHousing CrisisHuntingIceslaveIranMarriageMiller TestMiltopiaNAUPimpin'RacismShoesTaxesTerrorismUnemploymentWarWelfare

Politicians: [Rigging Elections is funVote for me]

AhmadinejadAkinAOCB.AllenG. AllenAngleAshburnBachmannBhuttoBin LadenH.BidenJ.BidenBlagojevichBlairBoehnerG.BrownS.BrownBunningJim TraficantDubya BushGeorge H. W. BushBurrByrdCainCameronChavezCheCheneyChomskyChretienChurchillClintonClinton IIChelsea Clinton Hillary Clinton CleggCohenColemanCorbynCowgerCraigCthulhuCunninghamCurtisD'AlemaDeanDelayDuterteDwyerEdwardsFaganFiorinaFoleyGerald FordRob FordGellerGillardGingrichGiulianiGonzalesGoreGrahamGravelGreeneGriffinHagueHansonHardingHarperHarrisHitlerHowardHuckabeeHusseinJacksonJamesJidetteJohnsonJohnson, BorisKennedyLaRoucheLBJLottKerryKindKissingerKucinichLewinskyLiebermanLimbaughLoughnerMajorMarceaux.comMarxMcBerryMcCainMcConnellMcHenryMcKinneyMercerMichael BloombergMooreMorocco MoleMussoliniNaderNixonObamaO'DonnellOsbornePainePaladinoPalinPaulPelosiPencePerryPinochetPrittPutinQuahQuayleRasanskyReaganRendellRiceRobertsonRomneyRoveRuddRumsfeldRyanSaakashviliSandersSantorumSchumerSchwarzeneggerSharptonCyril SmithJacqui SmithSpitzerStevensStranahanSupremeTaitzThatcherThompsonThorleyTPMMuckraker MoleTrudeauTrumpVanceVenturaVitterWalzWarsiWashingtonWaxmanWeinerWestWilliamsWilsonWolfowitzXXenophon

Parties: [No beer? Fuck that.Hell yeah, a party!]

America's Third PartyBlack BlocDramacratic PartyHard PartyLemon PartyLiberal Party of AustraliaNorth American DONG PartyOBAMACORNSocialist Workers PartyPirate PartyZapatistas

Tactics: [Rage Quit.How do I get elect?]

2013 US Government ShutdownBlaming ChinaCaptain Nigga DefendaCloward Piven StrategyCritical race theoryCuckservativesDemockeryDoomsday ClockG20 Toronto LollercaustLiberal Butthurt SyndromeLiberal guiltMacaca#NotMySuperbowlChampsOccupy DemocratsOperation LemonpartyRaped StatisticsThe ResistanceUpworthyWunderground

See also: 2012 Elections2016 Presidential Elections2020 Presidential Elections2024 USA Presidential ElectionsInternet PoliticsPizzaGatePolitical communitiesRoe v. Wade