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==Emery's [[Trolling]] Backfires==
==Emery's [[Trolling]] Backfires==
Last Thursday, Emery was in a Skype call with his "friends" [[fat|Levon]] and [[Scottish|BurnCoalition]]. Levon thought it would be lulzy to send RanterInShade's parents a link to Shade's YouTube channel, since they would make him delete his account if they found out about his videos. Emery, being the suck-up he is, was easily convinced to do this. However, Levon used a nude picture of Emery as blackmail if Emery told anyone that Levon had a part in it. Then Emery sent a screenshot of the messages he sent RanterInShade's parents to Shades himself.
Last Thursday, Emery was in a Skype call with his "friends" [[fat|Levon]] and [[Scottish|BurnCoalition]]. Emery thought it would be lulzy to send RanterInShade's parents a link to Shade's YouTube channel, since they would make him delete his account if they found out about his videos. Emery, being the suck-up he is, later tried to pass it of as nothing personal and that he was jus "kidding". However, Levon used a nude picture of Emery as blackmail if Emery told anyone that Levon had a part in it. Then Emery sent a screenshot of the messages he sent RanterInShade's parents to Shades himself.
[[File:PedoBear_Seal_of_Approval.jpg|thumbnail|200px|right|Pedobear approves.]]
[[File:PedoBear_Seal_of_Approval.jpg|thumbnail|200px|right|Pedobear approves.]]

Revision as of 15:17, 24 June 2015


Emery Bowman is a chubby pig-nosed teenage boy who is known for being two-faced and trying too hard to fit in with the edgetards of The Ranting Community. He lives in a boring ghost town known as Maple City, Kansas, where he spends most of his time online fishing for attention. Due to his loneliness, Emery has a very clingy personality, and will naturally latch on to people he meets like a dog humping his owner's leg. Emery desperately craves the approval of others, and is known to shift his views on life to match those of the people he's closest to, even if it means betraying some people along the way.


Emery is the type of person who thinks swearing and suicide jokes make him the funniest human being alive. He'll pretend to cut himself, harass girls on Facebook, and even take pictures of himself naked. (This will come into play later.) Generally, people who are his "friends" will be made fun of. He's even gone so far as to invade their privacy. Emery also used to have dozens of YouTuber parodies on his channel, where he'd fail at improv and replace part of the YouTuber's name with "shit." Emery eventually realized how cancerous these videos were and removed them all.

Emery Bowman is a true ladies man.
Emery thinks Islamaphobia is good because of a YouTube video NateTalksToYou made counting down Quaran verses.

Emery also thinks blurting out random catchphrases makes him look clever, and not autistic in the slightest.

What in God's vagina.






Ayy lmao


—Emery loves forced memes.



An hero

Not So Slim Shady

iMustDestroyAll and ReaperTakinOver react to Emery's rap album.

Like any other middle-class white boy, Emery is a big fan of Eminem. He owns an Eminem poster, attempted to start a rap career, and even went so far as to bleach his hair. Well, at least he's not a juggalo.

Hitler would be proud.
Advice For Emery From Filthy Frank

Eminem poster

Ass Kissing

Emery Bowman's sycophantic behavior has made him lose many people's respect (if he had their respect in the first place). He's like that obsessive girlfriend that calls you every 5 minutes; the only difference is you're not going to let him give you head. Emery is known to spam people's inboxes trying to flatter them, and then beg them to join his Skype calls. He'll also attack people just to gain someone else's approval. Even after betraying somebody, Emery will play it off like he's innocent and plead for their forgiveness.


Dear Paul, I wrote you but you still ain't callin'

I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the bottom

Emery's Trolling Backfires

Last Thursday, Emery was in a Skype call with his "friends" Levon and BurnCoalition. Emery thought it would be lulzy to send RanterInShade's parents a link to Shade's YouTube channel, since they would make him delete his account if they found out about his videos. Emery, being the suck-up he is, later tried to pass it of as nothing personal and that he was jus "kidding". However, Levon used a nude picture of Emery as blackmail if Emery told anyone that Levon had a part in it. Then Emery sent a screenshot of the messages he sent RanterInShade's parents to Shades himself.

Pedobear approves.

Just to be on the safe side, Levon sent the nude picture to Razorath and told him to use it as blackmail. Razorath decided to make Emery the butt of the joke, so he sent the picture to TheRandomGangsta and RanterInShades. Then as an act of revenge, RanterInShades and OfficialGATG shared the picture on Facebook. Emery later tried to apologize to Shades, but Shades told him to fuck off.

Emery's Life Goals

It turns out our little failed abortion has some high expectations in life.

Life Goals Accomplished

Here Comes Dad To Save The Day

Recently, Emery's dad had found this article and attempted to white knight his son by blanking the entire thing. Noble, but seeing as how this is a wiki and blankings can be undone in 2 seconds, It was all in vain, earning him a swift, hot stack of bancakes, his vandalism reverted, even more drama to contribute, and proof that the username he chose described him perfectly. Thanks!


Emery Bowman calls QueenyMartha fat.
Emery in trouble with the law.
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See Also

Typical fan art

Emery Bowman
is part of a series on
YouTube Ranters

[Get terminatedStart ranting]

ADoseOfBuckleyAlex JonesAngry GrandpaAngry JoeAnita SarkeesianAnthony FantanoArmored SkepticAsalieriAssburgerAydin PaladinBearingBen ShapiroBenthelooneyBLACKB0NDBoogie2988Bourg ProductionsBoxxyBrandon SmithBrenton TarrantBrian MuellerBrittany VentiBrucesnoopCammehYaBamsCasey NeistatChad WardenChannel AwesomeChris ChanChris CrockerChristianU2uberClay ClaymoreCorey MargeraCoughlan666Count DankulaDanger DolanDarknessthecurseDarksydePhilDevon TraceyDigibronyDJKeemstarDLAbaoaquDoctorRandomercamDoopie DoOverDoomentioDoomSlayer34Elliot RodgerEmery BowmanEmpLemonEric AbramovFanFic CriticFilthy FrankFuturisticHubGame DudeGhostGradeAUnderAGurigorloXHayvenHbomberguyiDubbbzTVI Hate EverythingJackSepticeyeJaclyn GlennJeremy HamblyJerry PeetJim SterlingJoseph8276KeffalsKingMasterReviewKono ReizeiKraut and TeaLaci GreenLane DavisLauren SouthernLeafyIsHereLindsay EllisLowti3rgodLS MarkMaddoxMarblesPoundcakeMarkiplierMia BrownMilo YiannopoulosMister MetokurMonica PunkMoromillasMoviebobMrRepzionMumkey JonesMundaneMattMustDestroyAllNateTalksToYouNerd3Nickolas CruzNihilistic SnakeNixxiomNo BullshitOfficialGATGPaul Joseph WatsonPewDiePiePkrusslPMRantsProfessor KuhtoonsPyrocynicalQuinton ReviewsRandy StairRanterInShadesRazörfistRebelTaxiReviewbrahReviewTechUSARMG ProductionsRoosh VSabersparkSam HydeSammyClassicSonicFanSargon of AkkadShoe0nHeadSimply OkamiSONYFANBOYSpax3SpoonyStuart K. ReillySteven CrowderTakeShotActionThatKidDouglasTheAmazingAtheistTheAtheistGamerTheArchfiendThe Harlan ShowTheMysteriousMrEnterTheRalphRetortThe Ranting CommunityThe rEactorTheTruthHurtsNetworkThunderf00tTodd in the ShadowsTommy SotomayorTotalbiscuitTranime GirlTurkey TomTyler GarmanyUndertakerfreak1127UnMaskingTheTruthUrinatingTreeVailskibum94WaymuuWingsofRedemptionXiao RishuXPstar214YoungdefiantYourMovieSucksDOTorgYoutube NobodiesZoe Quinn

Emery Bowman is part of a series on YouTube.

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