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Fast Eddie deletes lulzy posts as he finds them and auto-purges everything older than a few months in the forum and page histories, so SCREENCAP everything as you find it. Windows users, press the "PrintScreen" key on your keyboard, then Ctrl+V on MS Paint. Linux users, hit Print screen and Save and hit Enter, or if that doesn't works, type "kscreenshot" or "gnome-screenshot" on a terminal; Mac users, press Command+Shift+3 or Command+Shift+4 you lazy bastards. Thank you.

Fast Eddie is now soliciting opinions about TV Tropes on Show the site some love by writing an honest, objective review. Don't be a meanie! Fast Eddie is a sensitive soul who breaks down at the slightest criticism. Thank you!!

TV Tropes loves wearing shades.
TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life


—Motto and (failed) goal

TV Tropes is a family friendly custom-designed wiki devoted to entertainment media. Topics range from how much everybody loves Buffy, how much everybody hates Twilight, long discussions about the accuracy of some interpretation of a completely fucked up TV show, fapping over anything and everything Japanese, arguments and whining over every little change to the site, and, rarely, sub-par analysis of tropes and storytelling conventions.

Despite ostensibly being based around the model of literary analysis popularized by Joseph Campbell, it is much closer in spirit to 4chan due to the average member's favoritism towards in-jokey memes over clear communication and constant in-fighting due to allowing any and every fandom to use the site, but without any self-deprecating awareness of their own idiocy. Thus, just as how deviantART breeds hack artists and FanFiction.Net breeds hack writers, TV Tropes breeds hack critical analysts.

The site is characterized by its high saturation of basement dwellers, aspies, weeaboos, pedophiles, wannabe elitist pop culture sophisticates, fanfiction writers spamming their latest Cloud/Sephiroth slashfic, and trolls milking them all for the lulz. It is also characterized by its absolutely unfunny attempts at meta-humor and displaying absolutely everything that can go wrong with a wiki, exacerbated by one of the worst site owners this side of Jimbo Wales.

You can find the website here and a guide on how to be a productive member here.

Please note: If you really want to troll TV Tropes the best way is not to vandalize it but to call it out for the den of perversity and fanwank that it has become. Delete long rambling descriptions, call into question why there are so many articles on things that are clearly not tropes, and above all else try to make the trope examples more sterile and clinical in nature. And, on the forums, politely protest the deletion of ANY page, and make sure you can find every reasonable argument under the sun to justify something and crapflood the forums with so much for the page deletion fags (referred to as the P5) to take into account you grind the latest deletion faggotry to an utter halt.

Hottip - As of late, they really don't like it when you point out how draconian the new rules are, and they especially hate the word "draconian" They also have been getting butthurt lately over people posting negative videos calling them out on their faggotry on Youtube.

Trope-Tan, the "Anthropomorphic Moe Personification" of the site.
Rule 34 by their own member Ossan: tropers will fuck anything.
She's a furry too, who'd have guessed?

A Brief Introduction

Former TV Tropes logo
Know yer mods: Madrugada and Fast Eddie

Before Al Gore and his greatest contribution to humanity, memes were controlled by a small circle of writers and poets. Shakespeare dubbed these literary memes "tropes". With the invention of the printing press, more and more people were invited into the writers' circle and the tropes spread. Eventually, modern media abused these tropes until they became cliché and commonplace. Tropes were not a secret any longer and viewers and readers began to spot them instantaneously in any manga, television show, or movie they watched.

In 2003, it was determined that an entire wiki should be constructed to contain these tropes, and thus TV Tropes was created due to popular demand. Originally a spin-off of a Buffy the Vampire Slayer message board and limited only to television (hence its name), it soon expanded to other realms due to site owners Fast Eddie and Janitor's (now ironic) insistence of "as few rules as possible".

After years of allowing fantards, weeaboos, furries, sick fucks, and their own cancerous variety of memefags to proliferate with little moderation, Fast Eddie (now the only leader) eventually snapped and started enforcing an extremely strict set of unspecified standards through the judicious use of the delete key, page locks, and banhammer. Some argue this might make the site one of the most meticulous, drawn-out setups for mass trolling ever concocted on the internet.

Article Style

We are not a stuffy encyclopedic wiki. We're a buttload more informal.


—TV Tropes on article style

TV Tropes isn't really governed by any single style so much as it is by about a dozen competing philosophies all trying to spread their own brand of faggotry over the whole site. Combined with people that treat the site less as a reference and more as an MMORPG, most articles generally turn into convoluted messes that requires a team of forensic analysts to figure out what the fuck it was originally about. Common failings are as follows:

  • Articles are often written without a clear idea of what they're about in the first place. This often results in "tropes" that are just arbitrary collection of traits, and people adding more to the description to to (dis)qualify their favorite "example" that really isn't an example in the first place.
  • Articles are often named after an example from an editor's favorite work to the detriment of anyone that isn't a fan getting it, or in the charcater-named articles, they pretend that their favorite character is a cultural icon on the level of Batman or Darth Vader that everyone is imitating. Since good characters are going to have a lot more to them than any one trope or role, these always turn into arguments over what the page is actually about once they inevitably get brought up in Trope Repair Shop.
  • Articles are sometimes made only to be potholed. These generally turn into the worst kinds of cancerous forced memes because people link to them fucking everywhere regardless of such optional things as "proper context", "moderation", or "not being completely unfunny and useless". One infamous example was "I Am Not Making This Up", which was linked on over 2500 motherfucking articles before getting euthanised.
Pointing out the obvious fails of TVTropes will get your ass handed back to you (thread is locked immediately; your defense my butt.)
  • "Creative" techniques such as puns, alliteration, irony, rhyming, and parody, that is added to everything the editors see at the expense of clarity and readability. For example, "Human Resources" on TVTropes is not about an office department (that's "Inhuman Resources", logical eh?), but something pertaining to cannibalism. They rarely understand that TV Tropes isn't the pretentious lit-crit version of Uncyclopedia.
  • Example sections typically start out with an "Anime and Manga" section the size of longcat due to the oversaturation of weeaboos, alphabetization putting it above everything but Advertising, and because Japanese television and comics are cliché as fuck. This often leads to the much hated "TV Tropes is for anime" stereotype that causes no end of drama, butthurt, and accusation of "marginalization". After making closable folders for all sections, Fast Eddie's genius follow-up plan to overcome this stereotype was to rename the section "Manga and Anime" (thus putting the wall of text in the middle instead of the beginning). The weeaboos predictably fought even this trivial change to keep their favorite fap material as high up on every page as possible.
  • Many examples either don't fit or require lots of justification through meaningless buzzwords such as "subverted" and "from a certain point of view". This same kind of waffling is used by butthurt fans that don't want to admit their favorite work is a cliched piece of shit and thus need to come up with some reason why the use of a trope was some genius "deconstruction" or other oh-so-witty social commentary rather than the writer cribbing notes off somebody else.
  • A lot of editors don't seem to understand that it's a wiki where you can edit any and all of the text and instead start conversations using bullet points. Some types of this cancer include factual corrections (why correct the original example's number of penises that fit in the schoolgirl's ass when you can write "actually, there were sixteen, not fourteen"?), detailing why it's not a real example (instead of just deleting it), or taking the opportunity to talk about how the work raped their childhood.
  • Finally, the bottom of each trope page has a "Real Life" section that is almost invariably terrible because the aspies that like that shit don't hold it up to the same rigorous standards as the rest of the site. These usually drift pretty far away from the specifics of the trope into nationalistic chest-thumping, political bickering, and soapboxing as each new example gets added. These typically grow to cancerous sizes until they get surgically removed and some chemo is applied by putting an ugly banner saying "NO REAL LIFE EXAMPLES".

In the case of pages for the works or creators rather than tropes, they typically start off with some "witty" paragraph trying too hard to do the advertiser's job for them followed up by a plot/oeuvre summary and more puffery trying to justify all the hours lost watching bullshit filler episodes. They then cuntpaste every trope page entry this work/creator appears on and call it a day.

If the work in question is something that no decent human being likes, provided it hasn't yet received Fast Eddie's signature mass delete and page lock treatment, it will typically get an excessively NPOV summary followed by an anti-lulz incarnate disclaimer telling the haters to shove it.

Notable Articles

While most of the mainspace articles on TV Tropes are total failures in being either useful or entertaining, a few manage to be indicative of the site's poor quality.

Memes? In my TV Tropes?

Along with their own house memes, they also have a bunch of meme pages despite the masses yelling such platitudes as "we are not Encyclopedia Dramatica". In case you want to see what some of your beloved ED articles look like through the lens of aspie fanboys and Know Your Meme happens to be down today, you can find the most popular ones on TV Tropes.

Warning: Most of these articles don't know when to quit

Other types of articles

Subjective Tropes

Subjective Tropes are where all the real lulz and troll-fodder of the site lie. Since most "regular" trope examples are boring recitations of fact that need to be livened up with distracting off-topic bullshit, trope pages where you're certain to start an argument by merely bringing up an example are inherently way more interesting than noting yet another action movie that smashed a fruit cart.

Unfortunately, since "subjective" means "in my opinion", the site is large enough where every last opinion is held by at least someone (yes, even the people who think The Human Centipede is sexy), and the site policy holds that all opinions are basically equal (so long as it doesn't piss off Fast Eddie, of course!), that basically means that these pages grow like cancerous tumors requiring constant splitting into more and more specific subpages as they lurch towards hosting every last fucking thing as an example, evar.

  • Nightmare Fuel: Tropers are gigantic fucking pussies that shit their pants every time the ice cream truck comes around the corner. They also lack the capability to distinguish between what is or isn't supposed to be scary, so a second page called High Octane Nightmare while the Nightmare Fuel had an "Accidental" added. Since most Tropers don't read article descriptions, duplicate entries in both sections are the law rather than the exception.
  • Fetish Fuel: When they aren't shitting their pants in terror, everything arouses your average troper to such a degree that they must be easy lays. This got so far out of hand that they spun it into its own wiki, which is just as failtastic.
  • Fanon Discontinuity: "I don't like this work, therefore, I declare it to not exist!"
  • Tear Jerker: "My favorite character just found out the clerk at Starbucks shorted him a nickel. I... I think I'm gonna cry... BAWWWWW!"
  • Crowning Moment Of Awesome: Absolutely anything and everything about a troper's favorite show, ever, collected onto a set of hideously gigantic pages. Fast Eddie tried to cut away some of this tumor by turning it into a thumbs up/down system for each individual moment, but since this would mean showing what people actually think of an entry, it didn't take off. Eventually the administration admitted that the name had lost all meaning, due to the low standards of the average troper, and renamed it "Moment Of Awesome".
  • Crowning Music Of Awesome: In the same failtastic vein of Crowning Moment Of Awesome, this index of pages has expanded to include absolutely every piece of music ever written. An entire page in particular (20 times longer than the main page for John Keats, someone who actually matters) is devoted to music from some shitty webcomic that Tropers spread throughout the wiki like the cancer it is. Eventually renamed to "Awesome Music" after Fast Eddie realized that there wasn't anything crowning about this fuckery.
  • Adaptation Decay: If the animu of their favorite manga decides to change the birthday of the coffee shop clerk that appeared in some bullshit filler chapter, the neckbeards will all scream "DECAY!" and bitch about how it's a corruption of a literary masterpiece and the evil production company is taking a giant shit on a beloved franchise.
  • Moral Event Horizon: "This character cut somebody off at the turnpike. UNFORGIVABLE! COMPLETE MONSTER!"
  • Magnificent Bastard: Who the hell even knows what this means any more?
  • Dethroning Moment Of Suck: Distilled Nerd Rage so pure that you can almost hear the grinding of many gritted teeth, smell the countless pants that were pissed in anger, and taste the bitter, salty tears dripping from hundreds of double chins
  • So Bad It's Horrible: A basically pointless section where butthurt idiots with too much time on their hands write seriously TL;DR screeds declaring something to be the absolute worst work of fiction evar. Would be a total write-off if not for the endless stream of bickering between said delusional personal army fucktards and those that want to hold the section to some kind of standard.
  • Ho Yay: "Two characters of the same sex are close friends. They must be gay!"

Subjective tropes like the above used to be placed in the example sections of work pages and invariably devolve into epic flame wars between fantards and haters. Faced with the possibility of having to moderate every work page with a subjective trope on it, Fast Eddie decided to lazily ghetto them onto their own "YMMV" tab and call it a day. One will notice throughout this article that Fast Eddie's solution to everything he can't just outright delete is to hide it somewhere else and pretend it doesn't exist.

For those who recognize that the YMMV pages are stupid and want to help accelerate their decay, just go through this list (don't miss the other linked categories on the side] and contrive some reason to add each one to every work page possible. One easy, weaselly way to generate drama used to be to add the following:

  • [=~So Bad It's Good~=]: To some.
  • [=~So Bad It's Horrible~=]: To others.
  • [=~So Cool It's Awesome~=]: Also to others.
  • [=~So Okay It's Average~=]: To everyone else.

Any idiot can see that this is obvious and useless, but hey: all opinions are valid and should be represented, so back off, fuckers. This particular bit of advice is obsolete, however: Fast Eddie has finally decided to stop ignoring obvious solutions to grudgewank on the main wiki and outlawed any reference to the "flame bait" pages. He even deleted and salted mainspace redirects to the offending pages. Too bad waiting years and years to do this shit means hundreds of dead links and way too many idiots that will keep making more out of obliviousness, rebellion, or simple malice.

Darth/Sugar Wiki

We have the segregation. Sugar Wiki is harmless and fun, and harmless fun doesn't hurt the wiki in any way. I don't have a defense for Darth Wiki.


—Fast Eddie. Well, he's half right.

The "good" and "evil" sections of the wiki.

Darth Wiki initially started off as some unfunny in-joke before swiftly being turned into a ghetto for everything too negative to appear on the main site. With a hideous greyscale color scheme that frequently breaks due to Fast Eddie's poor grasp of Cascading Style Sheets, it's divided between articles trying too hard to be like Dark Helmet from Spaceballs and BAWWWWWtism-incarnate bitching articles. Some suggested reading:

On the flip side of Darth Wiki is the Sugar Wiki. Created long after its evil twin, this was always intended as a ghetto for obvious blowjob articles like Crowning Moment Of Awesome. This section is divided between said ghetto and an awkward parody of ultra-girly shows like My Little Pony mixed with "KAWAII WA DESU =^_^=" bullshit typical of the site's weeaboo bend. There are absolutely no lulz to be found here, so don't waste your time.

TV Tropes Fanfiction

TV Tropes, with their pool of infinite pop culture knowledge, do what any sensible person with such wealth of information at their fingertips would do: write fanfics. Most of them stay in the forums as shitty RP threads, but sometimes the shit gets so big it leaks into the main site, warranting their own page and at least 100 sub-pages to go with it. From then on, it becomes a gigantic collab fanfic (or at least moreso). They are constructed like a fake TV show, and the contents consist of episode summaries for the first part, and then character summaries, character backstory, world backstory, character sexuality, developer commentary, cameos, invoked tropes, camera tricks, fan materials of a fan material, and scraps of rejected then recycled ideas for the rest. They're about as cliched as tropes.

Troper Tales

Tropers are very talented artists.
This troper is 6'6, can beat up a room full of people by walking in, can bench press 4 elephants balancing on each others' backs, and is geared up for getting a First at Oxford. And invented C++. And TV Tropes. And the Sun.


—The average Troper's Tale (for "Genius Bruiser"). Not a parody.

Whenever someone creates a new Troper Tales page, a kitten is put in a blender.


An apt description.

After noticing that a lot of USI-afflicted Tropers kept dumping their LiveJournal diarrhea all over the trope pages, Fast Eddie did what he does best and created a ghetto for these pathetic basement dwellers to talk about how they're totally awesome Mary Sues rather than just banning their faggot asses on sight. This section quickly turned into one of the most popular parts of the site, with each page growing more and more cancerous as the aspies all try to out-bullshit each other.

There was a time the moderators not only did absolutely nothing about people trolling in this section, but even outright said the section is dumb and a waste of time. While one would think this would have made the section a goldmine of lulz, in reality, it made it impossible to tell the difference between cool stories and satires thereof. Full-on lulz-blindness was inevitable. Also, what fun is trolling if you're not going to eventually get banned for it?

As of February 2011, however, this section now has proper rules of conduct that discourages both outright bullshitting and trolling. While Fast Eddie did this because of his desire to make the site "family friendly" (for Google AdSense rather than his personal beliefs, of course!), he instead made trolling it a worthwhile endeavor once again. Get to work, boys and girls.

How tropers deal with inconvenient truths: denial, insults and shitposting, til a mod comes to ban the dissenter.

Some suggested reading: (note: after Fast Eddie's lulz-killing campaign, all are only available as archives in Wayback Machine)

  • Brilliant But Lazy : "I'm totally smarter than Albert Einstein multiplied by Stephen Hawking, but because I'm lazy, I'm writing an anonymous self-congratulatory paragraph on a Wiki instead of curing cancer."
  • Really Gets Around: "I'm totally not a virgin! In fact, I slept with hundreds of women while I was in the waiting room for a dental cleaning appointment!"
  • Beautiful All Along: "I look ugly, but I'm really beautiful when I get my hair shampooed, change out of my filthy clothes into a dress, have extensive plastic surgery to remove all the potch marks, and I Photoshop a celebrity's head over my own. Honest."
  • Insufferable Genius: "I'm a fucking douchebag and I admit it, but I'm a Mensa member, so FUCK YOU!". Fast Eddie called their shit and deleted fucking everything.
  • Break The Cutie: "Hey, I am the fucking nicest, purest and sweetest human being to ever live! And, as all of you lower forms of life know, every day of my existence is a blessing to you worthless pieces of garbage and your shitty planet! Then why the fuck are you assholes being so mean to poor little me?!? HUGS PLZ!!!"
  • Brother Sister Incest: Deleted due to obvious reasons.
  • Complete Monster: Deleted once already because it became the bees knees for delusional teenage retards that aspired to show how badass they are by writing fictional stories about their murderous rampages. "This one bully used to tease me in school, so I pushed him down the stairs and broke his neck, AND FELT NO REMORSE!!!1"
  • Insane Troll Logic: How the fucking morons on TV Tropes try to disguise their idiocy: by using a tacky misrepresented word to help them feel better for being dropped on their head. None of it is insane, logical or trolling, but don't tell them that! You'll hurt their feelings, and they will resort to crying about it on the same wiki...
  • Limited Wardrobe: Disgusting page where scores of Tropers admit to never changing clothes. But they wash all time, though.
  • Badass Longcoat: Intense circle jerk about how cool tropers think they look in trenchcoats.
  • Sarcasm Mode: An entire page of tropers trying to one up each other with sarcasm and failing at being witty, as usual.
  • Precision F Strike: "This troper, being pure and innocent and perfect, doesn't normally swear, but sometimes I do when I'm reaaaallly angry. Or sad. Or bored. Or happy. Or whenever, but it's okay because I don't do it all the time, so fuck you!"
  • Cluster F Bomb: "Shit fuck cunt goddammit bitchfucking cocksucking cuntlicking FUUUUUUUUUCK!"
  • Took A Level In Badass: "This troper used to get bullied every day in middle school until he studied karate, kung fu, eskrima, capoeira and wing chun, bought some boxing gloves, brass knuckles and nunchuks and shot all of his classmates!"
  • Mistaken For Gay: "OMG, everyone always thinks I'm gay because I wear all pink, listen exclusively to Madonna and like fucking other guys! Like, WTF?"
  • Fanfic Recommendations: While not technically part of this section, it's basically the same mentality. Here, users within the fanfiction "canon" suck each other's e-peens while simultaneously providing ample lulz to those brave enough to read the "masterpieces" linked. Note how they either aren't as great as the other authors claim, and/or are written by sick fucks. Expect unprecedented amounts of USI. Some easy ways to troll this section are recommending obvious troll fics, disputing a work's inclusion through constructive criticism, or pretending to be a FanFiction.Net hack and spamming a section with obvious shameless self promotion in hopes of provoking Tropers to raid the unsuspecting victim. essentially claiming "no, MY story is better than YOURS!" You can already see the results of this on Genius Bruiser.

"This Troper" on Jewtube

In the veritable spirit of mondo films and shock sites, a guy called CrazyGoggs and his pals have been voice acting the juiciest bits in Tropers Tales, exposing the underbelly of TVTropes. Reportedly, making those videos have taken the toll of their sanity.

The fact that people like this actually exist kind of depresses me. So does the fact that through the internet, their legacy will live on forever. The Library of Alexandria is gone, The Canterbury Tales will never be completed, but the misanthropic ramblings and ridiculous power fantasies of self-important teenagers will always be here.


—Watch out, a troper might write your name in his Death Note for saying that!

Tv Tropes in a nutshell

There are no words needed for this shit.

"I'm so brilliant I can cure cancer! Too bad I'm lazy as fuck."


Oh, I'm so shy irl, but things are different on the interwebs!

Asexuality is any Troper's response to "I can't get laid."

Gotta tell everyone about my DIRTY CRAPPED BRIEFS

Let me introduce you to my penis

Fast Eddie, a butthurt asshole

The series even had a TV Tropes page for a prolonged period of time, until Fast Eddie went throught the usual proccess of discovering it, flipping his shit, and deleting it. Appearently you can feel free to abuse the "There Is No Such Thing As Notability" guideline to create pages on all sorts of sick and deranged fan-fiction and glorified loil-fanservice shows, but using it criticize the glorious motherwiki from within, is a danger to the community's "good" reputation and needs be to subjected to indiscriminate censorship for no other reason than "Dear Leader said so."

CrazyGoggs originally set a hard limit of 100 episodes, and the series was actually near its finale when Eddie deleted the article and made the "asshole" remark. Goggs responded by keeping the series alive beyond episode 100. Well played Eddie, well played.

Oh, and you want to see the deleted article? you're in luck.


The few Tropers that understand the main wiki itself isn't a forum instead congregate on the official forum. Here is where one finds all the real drama because like any popular MMORPG, it attracts the kind of loser that won't stop whining about the good old days but can't work up the will to either stop posting or administer 115 grams of lead to their brain. It's also where you can witness first-hand the kind of social stagnation the site is bringing to the internet. While there are a couple dozen different sub-boards, only a couple are of any interest:

Trope Repair Shop/Wiki Talk: Hotbeds of drama where discussions are held to irreversibly fuck up the wiki even more. Nearly all the major dramas stem from topics on these boards. They're also the only ones that Fast Eddie really reads, so those enterprising individuals looking to get a rise out of the big man himself before inevitably getting banned should focus here.

Writer's Block/World Building: Do you have an original idea you'd like to turn into a massive multimedia empire? Then stay the fuck away from here. All you'll find is the same unoriginal magical girl hackjob. In between people pitching the same weeaboo science fiction/fantasy retreads, there's the occasionally lulzy thread where they either demand constructive criticism or ask how to do some blatantly illegal shit because they're "writing a book". You can troll these sections pretty effectively by giving completely honest concrit regardless whether or not they ask for it, proposing blatant satires of tired anime formulas, and offering really bad advice.

The Edit Banned Thread: This is where you go after you get banned for being anything other than a slobbering fan-boy/girl for one of the popular works spammed across the site and try to suck Fast Eddie's cock hard enough to let you back in. Because of the sheer number of false positives and impulse bans, this thread eclipses all others in pure, undiluted lulz. Be sure to finish up your latest sock puppet's trolling career by making a stop here so you can get your open proxy the infamous Google redirect ban and ruin everybody else's fun.

This section needs expansion


The many different subforums are the lifeblood of the TVTropes forum, a haven of media-based content and information made by tropers, for tropers. It should come as no surprise, then, that they’re all irredeemably shitty in their own ways. These subforums have additional sub-subforums (which tropers mistakenly refer to as subforums, like true aspie retards). Naturally, tropers form niches, sticking to one or two primary subforums / sub-subforums and rarely venturing past those, most likely out fear of reliving their school days when trying to socialize with anyone other than their imaginary friends would net them a well-earned beating.

Just For Fun

Arguably the most popular subforum. As the name would imply, its purpose is that of a fun, whimsical, carefree environment where tropers are free to spew all the nonsensical bullshit their media-obsessed little minds can come up with. Unfortunately, rather than a lighthearted forum of fun, it comes closer to being some sort of savage virtual preschool, where menchildren roam wild, being constantly policed by inefficient mods that are at any given time either too lenient or too harsh.

  • Yack Fest

Just For Fun’s main sub-subforum, Yack Fest is the embodiment of the Just For Fun mentality, where everything too inane or stupid for the rest of the forum is contained in a poor effort to maintain the site’s sterling reputation. In addition to being the dumbest collection of stupidity found online, it also serves as a virtual therapist’s office, where tropers of all sorts go to unload their problems on the unsuspecting public and feel slightly less lonely and useless.

(Protip: Yack Fest is where the sick fucks of the site compare notes -- except the furries, who have their own recruitment counter and clubhouse .)

  • IJBM

TVTropes landfill, where angsty tropers post every little thing that irks them, from government-sanctioned torture to pop music (because it’s totally the same, amirite?). Cut to protect the site’s good, wholesome image, or some other bullshit. Can be found at its new location, here.

  • IJAM

The Sugar Wiki to IJBM’s Darth Wiki. The yang to IJBM’s yin. IJBM’s more retarded fraternal twin. Whatever you want to call it, IJAM is nothing more than saccharinely sweet opposite clone of IJBM, created just to “balance things out” and nothing more. Apparently, Yack Fest wasn’t annoying random and positive enough, despite its status as the official TVTropes hugbox / forum toilet. With IJBM’s deletion, TVTropes has found itself with two boards dedicated to inanity and pointless gushing with nothing to counteract them. Good going, Eddie.

  • Troper Covens

Social misfits sorting themselves out in this freak show. Also contains TV Trope's Music Pirate Club.

  • Old Folks’ Home

IJBM and Yack Fest’s lovechild, and spinoff of what may simultaneously be the site’s most worthless and most self-righteous thread. Basically, Yack Fest, only angrier and even less entertaining.

  • Wild Mass Guessing

My Immortal was created as part of an elaborate plot by the 8th doctor and Haruhi Suzumiya to use Stephanie Mayer as a pawn to enslave all tropers, via Everyone Is Jesus In Purgatory! It makes perfect sense!” Literally, that’s the entire board.


Mod at work: protecting delicate tropers by weeding out unpopular opinions.

The subforum for tropers to discuss media they like and dislike, but mostly just where all of the forum’s flame wars start. Its main purpose is keeping rabid fanboys from ruining the site any further, making the Media subforum pointless as this is pretty much impossible to achieve.


A.K.A. that one subforum that everyone forgets about. It serves to give the more pretentious tropers (as if they could get more pretentious) a place to showcase their awesome writing skills and debate everything from politics to religion to how terrible ED is (until Fast Eddie issued an unofficial gag order on that subject too). Its most recognizable board is OTC, which is only notable for its inhabitants hating and being hated by all of the fucktards frequenting the Just For Fun subforum.

Types of Tropers

Before going into particular types of Tropers, there are two major groups: those that view the wiki as an encyclopedia and those that view it as a forum. The former are the ones that futilely try to keep the articles clean, free of off-topic bullshit, reasonably NPOV (or, failing that, positive), understandable by outsiders, and otherwise not full of failure. The latter usually fag up all the hard work of the former with writing themselves into articles and every other failing imaginable of a wiki while remaining utterly oblivious to their own toxic nature. The former HATES the latter with the fury of a thousand burning suns.

Here's their version of this list. Apparently they piss themselves off, too.

The Fantard

The average Troper. Even her Kermit doll commits suicide in her presence.

The primary source of the vast majority of edits, drama, and failure of the site. Fantards are not on the site to be good pop culture scholars so much as they find talking about their chosen object of worship in terms of tropes and memes makes them all warm and giddy inside. These people also typically think that their opinions become fact by the simple act of being on a large wiki (this is only true on Encyclopedia Dramatica) and start up edit wars if anyone so much as touches their textual blowjobs.

While all fandoms are welcome to spread their love and the typically large ones like Star Wars and Harry Potter have an equally large foothold, a few have become emblematic of the site in particular due to gross over-representation. The most notable include anything created by Joss Whedon (I.E., Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, etc) Since the site was originally started by members of a Whedon fan forum, it's only natural that they still maintain a strong presence. As Fast Eddie is one of them, it's a given that he lets a lot more stupid shit fly when that oeuvre is concerned and criticizing it used to be one of the fastest ways to get banned. However, he revealed his greater loyalty to money by responding to people butthurt over the rename of Spikeification that visitor traffic went way up when people could link to it without sounding like retarded Buffyfags. At least nobody can say he's biased about who he screws over.

The "Entry Pimp"

The Entry Pimp views the site as an MMORPG where they earn experience and gain levels by spamming as much unwarranted praise about their favorite show as possible. Typical Entry Pimp behavior includes using vague, near-meaningless buzzwords and contriving stupid bullshit to make their examples fit.

An infamous example of this brand of faggotry is an aspiring author named Paul Robinson. Through completely transparent spamming of his unpublished book Instrument of God, he basically inspired nearly all the rules they have concerning acceptable example section style through his antics. Oddly enough, he actually put a 700+ page draft of his magnum opus online and it's about as shitty as you'd expect of a work that somebody had to spam on TV Tropes to get noticed.

The Grudewanker

This type of fantard has a raging boner for a work as usual, but rather than wanting to make passionate love, they instead want to rape it in the ass like Bubba. While some might think this would be lulzy, what they invariably write are basically terrible, unfunny miniature attack articles for a piece of fiction instead of the boyfriend that dumped their loser ass. Like the garden variety fantards, they also get in edit wars over any attempt to remove their bullshit grudgewank.

TV Tropes frowns on this faggotry.

The Oracle

The last time you chose to go to a theater instead of pirating it off BitTorrent, do you remember that asshole sitting in the row behind you? The one that kept trying to predict all the plot twists and when his one in four guesses came true, he would say "I KNEW IT!" and ramble about how those hacks in Hollywood can't come up with anything new these days? Well, TV Tropes helps this retard research all the possible plot twists and conventions while giving him a vocabulary of near-meaningless buzzwords so he can irritate you even more than the crying baby in front of you. Thank you, TV Tropes. You're a real benefit to society.

The Memefag

Belonging firmly in the "wiki as forum" camp, these are people who think TV Tropes is 4chan and feels the need to add at least a dozen of the memes from here to all of their text. They typically talk about their lives in terms of tropes, pothole "ironic" statements, and perpetrate cancers like "I Am Not Making This Up". They're the type that thinks a joke that was funny five times is no doubt funny five thousand times and thus leave behind a trail of total unfunny. Unlike on Encyclopedia Dramatica, these users typically never get banned or even so much as notified and other users have to waste their precious time cleaning up their diarrhea.

The Obstructive Purist

Mostly frequenting the various administrative sections, these are people who think the site is exactly perfect as a pretentious lit-crit version of 4chan and any attempt to make it useful and accessible to normal human beings is a corruption of all the ideals that the site stands for. They're the ones that oppose every single action for no other reason than "change is bad", constantly talk about "the fun being sucked out of the site", act as though "because I like it this way" is a valid reason not to do anything, abuse red tape and undermine the system to prevent anything from happening while accusing the same of everyone else, derail topics into personal flame wars, and generally just retard all growth of the site through their douchery. They cannot argue for shit and generally rely on an "us vs. them" mentality. Since the default action to any inconclusive topic is "do absolutely nothing", it's completely in their favor to be obstructive, belligerent, confusing, and incendiary to try and wear down everyone else in order to prevent anything from happening.

The line between a complete serious purist and a really effective troll does not exist.

The Creepy Fuck

Miss Piggy. Why, Frank Oz?! Why must you put a falsetto, male voice on a plus-size pig and make her the most attractive character on-stage?!?!


A typical Troper admitting his/her lust (off-site host; see here)

Along with pandering to way too serious fantards, TV Tropes has also become a haven for nearly every group of social deviants imaginable. Along with the expected paraphiliacs that fap to Rule 34 of their favorite work, the site also hosts tons of transexuals, furries, otherkin, and every other imaginable mass mental fuck-up. They used to hang out on the Fetish Fuel pages and generally follow the xchan effect. Now that Fetish Fuel is no more, they continue to pollute the forums and have nerdy cybersex. Rather than embarking on a mass cleansing of these heretics, Fast Eddie instead encourages them by banning everyone that makes even the slightest gesture of fursecution.

Even your mod is a child-porn apologist. Where is your god now?

But the crown jewel of TV Tropes's perversity must be the large constituency of pedophiles: TV Tropes is likely the last public forum where the scum of the Earth can share their love of child sex without reprisal, even acting superior to "moral fags" who want to clamp down lolicon. However, as an open display of their deviant tendencies would cause Google Ads to cut off the money supply instantly, Fast Eddie had to delete/lock pedophilic articles such as Lolicon, Shotacon (and their Troper Tales), All Pedophiles Are Child Molesters (an anti-Party Van rant tinted with Victim Complex), and Paedo Hunt. Ever since, pedo tropers have been screaming persecution, as the rest of the community silently watch on, for fear that doing the right thing will harm the harmonious, no-bile atmosphere of TV Tropes.

Someone please think of the poor pedos! About missing Pics
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Notable Tropers

Fast Eddie

Fast Eddie will shut that shit down


Fast Eddie, looking more like he belongs on a fishing boat than helming a website.

Fast Eddie is one of the site co-founders, wiki dictator, and its most successful troll to date. He's marked by his inconsistent viewpoints, breaking of his own rules, his allegiance to money and advertising metrics over good style, and his total inability to work well with others.

One of Fast Eddie's unrealistic expectations is his desire to counter-act the excessive negativity of the internet by enforcing an overly positive tone and style on the users. As a result, he is very quick to ban people for saying anything that could be considered a prejudiced statement and does not like such words as weeaboo because they are "derogatory specifically in a way that is against our cross-fandom". Despite his desire to make everything fluffy cakes and rainbows, the next biggest topic he brings up besides money is how much he hates the average user of the site and would enforce more draconian measures to weed out the bad apples if it weren't for advertising metrics.

Please don't try to take a position that the IJBM threads are some sort of deathless prose that will be missed.


Fast Eddie's favorite button
Would you visit a website owned and administered by this man? Would you play a game developed by this man? Would you say "Hello" to this man, if you met him on the street? Would you let this man into YOUR home?

He also clears out and lock negative pages as he discovers them. Worst of all, he's extremely lazy about this and can't be arsed to rewrite anything, so pages he clears of examples will frequently still act as though they have them in the introduction. He also frequently breaks the formatting while deleting example sections on work pages. While he claims that he'll take requests to change locked articles, he typically just ignores everything unless it involves deleting even more swathes of text, which he is more than happy to do. Ironically, despite his willingness to mongle pages like Emo Teen for being whiny slams against characters people don't like, he's more than happy to leave the way worse Mary Sue pages open despite them also being whiny slams against characters people don't like. Double standard much?

Fast Eddie is also very swift to silence any and all criticism of his actions or the wiki as a whole through judicious use of censorship and the banhammer. He deleted a checklist of tropes named after obscure characters, because instead of dealing with this abomination of fanwankery like a man, he pretends the problem doesn't exist. He also deletes threads about Encyclopedia Dramatica on sight even if they hadn't devolve into whining over being linked to Offended... yet. This is shown to be a kneejerk reaction on his part because even when a helpful poster suggested conflict resolution methods for ED, he still purged the whole thread not even four hours later. Can't let the underlings think there's anything but unrelenting evil on this site, can he? He also frequently deletes discussion pages for controversial locked pages, although those usually get spammed to hell and back during the first week after he takes the ball and goes home, so little of value is usually lost.

Eddie, Not giving a fuck about security

Eddie doesn't give a fuck about website security, storing passwords as plain text. Yet he is paranoid enough to ban whole fucking countries of Singapore, Pakistan and Puerto Rico since June 2011, because all those squint-eyed Azns and spics were apparently dirty spammers.

Fast Eddie revealing he's not so different from ED after all

Fast Eddie's extreme penny pinching is his biggest motivation for everything. While he can't be bothered to spend longer than five seconds censoring the latest negative article and calls on the rest of the site to fix his fuck-ups, the threat of losing Google's mighty advertising sent him into a panic and motivated him to fix dozens of problems in only a few days. This same service is also why he'll block porn tropes as much as possible and demand quick renames of anything Google's server might interpret as smut. To see just how far he'll go to save precious moniez, take a look at this gem of a quote from the Lolicon discussion page:

Putting images on these items that the ad server already flags causes the article to be dead weight, revenue-wise. The article works fine without a picture.


—Fast Eddie cannot spare even 16 kilobytes of bandwidth for a "dead weight" article. That's 0.000001352 cents per visit if using Layered Tech pricing or 221,893,491 page views before he'll be denied a Big Mac.

Fast Eddie urging people not to feed the trolls.
Fast Eddie: a man of 56, with the maturity and social tact of a boy of 8.

He also regularly deletes unused pictures from the server, purges old forum posts, and clears page histories older than a few months (which are already economized by only containing the changes as opposed to the full old versions like proper MediaWiki) just to save a couple precious megabytes of server space. Technically, this means any page with text cuntpasted from Wikipedia or other Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike Licensed sites is a violation of the terms of agreement once the part of the history crediting them gets cleared. He is, of course, confident nobody will ever bring up a LOLsuit over this and he's probably right. His site is also a total nightmare of Search Engine Optimization, leaving the deep-link unfriendly "/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/" URL structure in place because he has no faith in Google, Bing, or Yahoo bots to carry over Page Rank via 301 redirects and floods their results with useless pages because he can't be arsed to add a NoIndex tag to articles that haven't been written yet.

Fast Eddie's day job is as a computer programmer for a "major video game company" (more specifically as someone that "work[s] with DAGs for a living". Based on his IP address it is most likely either Human Head Studios or Raven Software. According to a TV Tropes moderator, he is "a contractor who works on NPC AI in games, generally as a team lead."), which explains why he does not liek game critics like Yahtzee. In fact, his bitter hate for Yahtzee in particular is so strong, that he regularly breaks his own cardinal rule about no complaining, just because he can.

Cut yet another Yahtzee quote. Let me put this as delicately as possible. The guy is a critic. He gets liquored up and cusses about stuff he doesn't like. Couldn't create anything cool himself, so he's going to inflict his mouth on everyone who can.


Yahtzee, is that you, you bilious, bloviating bag of batshit? Would it kill you to give another site a reach-around link once in awhile? It turns out one or two members of your audience can actually read. It might give them something to do while you are out scoring meth.

There. That should make him feel welcome.



—Fast Eddie, failing to pay attention to his own website.

So remember, kids, if you just happen to be a middle-high profile Video Game Reviewer, make sure to give every game from Human Head Studios and Raven Software a negative review, because it ensures that Dear Leader goes through another ronery night where he cries himself to sleep.

Are you a current or former Troper that has more information on der Fuhrer? Then pledge allegiance to the United States of Encyclopedia Dramatica and tell us moar!

Other Important People

Janitor basically never shows up any more and Gus is dead, so never fucking mind.

Gallery of Lulz

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Memorable Quotes

Exhibit A
They are just a bunch of neckbeards sitting at their computers talking shit about people. Why pay any mind to them? It's not like anyone reads ED anyway...


——AHR on Encyclopedia Dramatica

What is it about diaper fetishism that turns normal people into sly bigots?

Ever since I outed myself, I can't go a single discussion without someone saying some kind of deragatory comment about it. I think I'm the only one on this fora who has been subject to slander against my fetish. We can have guro fans, macrophiliacs, and fat fetishists, but how fucking dare you have a diaper fetish. Heaven forbid. Seriously, people, it's a god damn underwear fetish. Now please, someone tell me just what makes a lingerie fetish different from a diaper fetish. They're both underwear fetishes. Yet one is accepted and one isn't. I'm getting sick of the "creepy" comments. Let me live my life the way I please.




I wish there was a Huggies size that fit me...


because he just has to bring his diaper fetish up every chance he gets.

I'm not the most sane or stable person out there.


showing remarkable insight

I'm crying right now. I'm fucking crying tears in real life.



This post was thumped by the Codfish in a Derby Hat


—How most of Chagen's posts end up.

Not like I need real women anyway. I have my 2D ones. At least they love me



But feeling miserable makes me feel better.



Look god dammit, it was the first time I ever actually gave a shit about somebody besides myself. The first time I fell in love. And it was crushed. Crushed beyond all fucking repair. You don't recover from that. You don't.

You guys are just convincing me to abandon all romance entirely. Which I should. No girl would want a nice guy like me anyway.



—Chagen46. Keep in mind, he's talking about someone he only knew online.



—90% of all of Chagen46's comments.

So I guess we should just enslave all them dumb niggers again, huh?



Shit, if I met a transgendered person in real life, I'd be inclined to stay as far away from them as possible.


—Chagen46. Wait for it...

I usually am Male Gender/Male Sex

Now I'm Female Gender/Male Sex for no reason at all.


—Chagen46: a hypocritical, perverted, racist, self-absorbed, whiny, annoying little fag.
In other words, the model Troper!

How else shall I hug my waifus as I realiize with extreme despair that I am a pathetic Otaku who seriously needs a life?

I'll be fucking that pillow and crying at the same time. Well, mostly fucking it.



...honestly think that we won't be seeing any sequel to the cartoon now. This movie really is that bad. I'm just, right now I am kind of in a state of shock - I really loved the cartoon, really really loved it, and seeing it treated in this way is like, to be truthful, it is like watching my sister get raped, or maybe slightly worse. At least if my sister was getting raped, I wouldn't have to pay money for it, you know?

Just, God man, why did they let Shyamalan anywhere near the franchise? His movie repertoire is awful, he had no experience with anything like an epic action adventure movie, and frankly he is a bit of an egomaniac who likes to put himself into his movies. So what if his kids were fans of the show? You know what, I am a fan of the show, why can't they make me the freakin' director?! God I just don't even understand things anymore. Let's just hope that Shyamalan's career is over forever, and that maybe they will do an animated movie or something once the negative press dies down



—Bioelectricclam on the Avatar: The Last Airbender movie.
Apparently, watching his own sister get raped is just as bad as watching that movie




—The forum's token retard, TheMightyAnonym





Cut your hand off. Or kill yourself. Not sure how well the second suggestion would work since i'm not sure if there's an afterlife or not. Bind your hand into something. Traumatize yourself by stabbing pencils into your palm.


—Edmania, giving advice on drawing.

Also, if it cries, duct tape the mouth or something.


—Edmania, proving once and for all that insane, closeted asian pedophile fags make excellent parents.

Exhibit B

I FUCKING HATE NAIL POLISH Partially because it reminds me of whores. And it's UGLY


—Chagen46, raging over porn.

I felt a great deal of euphoria during my first "kiss".


—TheMightyAnonym, because it's totally normal to equate drinking off of someone else's water bottle to kissing them.

I...I don't feel too good...

I think...oh god, I'm near crying right now. I hope this thread can cheer me up....



confirming that the internet is an acceptable substitute for actual friends / a psychiatrist.

If anything, I think that it may be based on the "popular perception" that Literary Criticism is a bunch of intellectuals (and intellectual poseurs) who spend their time picking literary works to pieces, with a whole jargon that they use as buzzwords, to make themselves sound smarter.


—Madrugada, not realizing the irony of this statement

Why god dammit why.

I think I might kill myself. I have nothing left to live for. Nothing. I lost all my friends, m home, my place that kept me sane throughout this horror of real life.

I lost everything. I have nothing left.


Chagen, on (finally) being banned from TVTropes.

Shit....I lost everything. I'm fucked. I might as well pop a bullet in my head.


—Chagen, DO IT FAGGOT!

Reminds me of the time I wrote a sexfic about Cat in the Hat in 6th grade.


—Vorpy. Just replace "wrote a sexfic about Cat in the Hat in 6th grade" with something equally retarded and you too can post like Vorpy!

blow your fucking brains out with a shotgun, kurt cobain style, you piece of shit.


—Vorpy, actually making sense for a change.

See also

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