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A rapefugee is a rape-prone refugee who typically uses a rape mob to cuck the native people of a country, and are fully reliant on weak willed, guilt-ridden liberals to due so. They are the driving factor behind the currently ongoing European Rapefugee Crisis. Technically speaking, Christopher Columbus and the Britfags who colonized America were not rapefugees, as they took their spoils by force and without native capitulation. A rapefugee is what happens when the Chancellor of your country is a woman. Rapefugees are a lulzy result of liberalism, tolerance, multiculturalism, and pro-immigration open border policies. By letting millions of foreigners and immigrants into your country, what's the worst that could happen? Oh I don't know, just thousands of violent gang rapes by migrants raping all your white women on New Year's Eve 2015. The roving rape gangs had much success in Cologne, Germany, every major German City, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, France, and Austria, since everyone knows white women are the most attractive people.
When Ronald Reagan said "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!", and with the accidental dissolution of the Berlin Wall, it eventually led to a flood of foreign invaders using rape to terrorize a nation. Where's your Berlin Wall now? Over 3 million Mideast immigrants are predicted to penetrate Europe by the end of 2016, with 10 million more Mudslimes to overrun Europe by 2020. Anders Behring Breivik tried to warn Europe about multiculturalism, but they didn't listen.
Whereas the Fugees embarked on their European tour in 2005, the rapefugees embarked on their biggest European tour in 2015. Some argue the term "rapefugee" is unfair, saying that many women were only groped and sexually assaulted, not all of them were raped. Well that's a relief. Nothing to see here folks.

The crisis was created in 2014 and 2015 during the rise of ISIS and post iraq-war. The United States destabilized and destroyed several nations, such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria, which produced millions of displaced peoples- the most since World War II. Just a decade before the rapefugee crisis began, general consensus was that these nations were our enemies. The idea that we should house and nurture these savages would make you the laughing stock of the town. In just a few short years, Marxist✡ brainwashing caused the leftist hivemind to mindlessly argue for bringing in millions of these dindus to their nations. Angela Merkel, the cunt ruling Deutschistan and the United Nations, pushed for massive immigration, despite the majority (40~68%) of eurofags being against this. However, these countries, like the United States, aren't true democracies, so the voices of the people mean jack shit. Millions of these savages were quickly imported into cucked nations like Sweden, Germany, France, and Great Britan, causing crime and rapes to skyrocket. The marxist police state often refuses to thwart crime, instead covering it up and arresting and fining those who speak out. Already, thousands of areas in Europe are now no-go zones for the police and have been fully conquered by muslim filth who often push their destructive barbaric savage religiosity as the common law- with little to no resistance from the true authorities of their nations. This aspect has been spotted in the United Kingdom as early as the 90s, but is now commonplace among most European countries.
What does a rapefugee look like?

Rapefugees are always of the shitskin variety, where rape is a time-honored traditional custom. The birthplace of Islam, Saudi Arabia, has no written law which criminalizes rape or says how to punish it. In the birthplace of Islam, there is no prohibition against statutory rape, and there is no such thing as rape within marriage. Married rape victims are punished by Sharia courts as adulterers. Also, the Quran says that a woman's testimony is worth half a man's in court, so if a man says the sex was consensual, she's fucked again. If there are not four male witnesses who will testify to a rape, the rape did not happen, and the woman is to be flogged (or stoned if she is married).
ISIS soldiers have been told to rape women to "make them Muslim." Abducted Yazidi girls have been shown letters that say any captured women will become Muslim if 10 ISIS fighters rape her. The rape of non-Muslim women is not against Islamic law if they are captured in battle or bought as slaves. Islamic law also rejects DNA as evidence in favor of testimony. Many Muslim clerics blame rape on women.
Cologne attacks

In 2015, stupid cunt Angela Merkel's open-door policy led to a deluge of 1.1 million migrants into Germany, many of them fleeing Syria. The filthy migrants saw this as an open vagina policy and "open season" policy on white female buttholes. The North African men took Merkel's "We Can Do It" slogan literally, and proceeded to fuck every white woman they could find who was celebrating the "New Year" according to the Gregorian calendar which was invented by infidels.
News of the mass sexual assaults was not news to CBS reporter Lara Logan, who was stripped and molested and fingerbang gangraped by a violent mob of dirty Egyptian Muslims in Tahrir Square in Cairo during the Arab Spring protests in 2011.
—White lady journalist Lara Logan, about her rich multicultural experience in Egypt |
News of the rape gangs was also not news to Britbongs, since the UK has had a 15-year epidemic of Muslim rape gangs raping British girls on an "industrial scale", with almost 400 British girls as young as eleven sexually attacked in Oxfordshire, and also Muslim rape gangs in Bristol, Derby, Rochdale, Rotherham, and Telford. In another example of how liberalism is its own worst enemy, local authorities failed to do anything due to fears of being thought of as "racist" or "bigoted."
Ironically, Germans who protested the rape gangs were attacked by police, who did fuck all on New Year's Eve. Shops in Germany are selling out of pepper spray, probably so it can be used on anti-migrant protesters. German vigilante groups have pledged to protect women against violation by Muslim savages, which of course the German government is trying so hard to paint as treason because Merkel deep down wants millions of sandniggers to give her dusty old muffin the only fun its had since before the lightbulb was invented. Worth noting is that last time something like this happened, something magical happened that made Germany great again!
Obligatory Gallery of SJW denialism and apologetics

As always, the SJW at being confronted by the fact that their multicultural utopia was a utter failure, rather than admit they were the culprits of the expansion of a dangerous, militant and radical religious movement towards the Western Civilization, they retreated and back-pedaled with their usual damage control and metal gymnastics twitter tantrums.

- are not delusions of twisted minds, right?
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If you wanted proof of exactly how back-to-front and upside-down the libfags of Europe have got this situation, look no further than this opinion piece in (where else?) The Guardian (Archived: 1
2). TL;DR - someone in London put up graffiti praising the virtues of having sex with refugees. The author is shocked - because some of those refugees are women fleeing from countries where rape is a normal occurrence. Don't worry, love, it will soon be normal here too if fuckwits like you get their way, so they'll feel right at home.
Algerian rapefugee celebrates his lenient sentence for sex assault (no jail time)
The dictionary definition of "asking for it."
A historical problem
Case Studies
- This happened because alcohol and women dressing like whores in front of Muslims to blame
- This is the work of evul cishet racist white patriarchy!!11!!
- Two German girls (14 and 15) gang-raped by Syrian refugees
- Iraqi refugee rapes 10-year-old boy in Austria, tells court 'It was a sexual emergency'
- German woman takes to Facebook to thank her refugee rapist
- Swedish police stop giving descriptions of suspects so as not to appear racist
- Somali rapes Swedish woman to death and carries on when she's died, isn't deported because he might rape Somali women back home
- Swedish family accommodate Eritrean refugee, who doesn't rape their seven-year-old daughter, but stabs her to death instead
- Lucky asylum center volunteer (22) avoids being raped by being randomly murdered by refugee
- Swedish woman doesn't report her refugee rapist because she feels sorry for his situation
- Three-year-old boy gang-raped at Norwegian asylum seeker center
- Syrian refugee in Denmark breaks into family home to rape eight-year-old girl
- Refugees pretend to be minors for better treatment in Sweden, are billeted with 15-year-old boy who they then repeatedly rape while filming the whole thing
- Young teenage boys raped so badly by refugees that they need anal repair surgery
- 13-year-old (n.b.) German girl abducted by refugees and raped for 30 hours, police say 'it was consensual'
- Swedish woman raped by refugee, flees, is raped by other refugees outside asylum-processing center
- Woman gang-raped by refugees in Italy, ordered to keep quiet by SJWs
- Afghan refugee sits class in "How to Behave Properly Toward Women" and immediately rapes Belgian woman
- Afghan refugees imprison woman for seven days and rape her repeatedly
- Swedish police admit they can no longer guarantee public safety
- Angela Merkel plots with Mark Zuckerberg to censor negative news about refugees
- Syrian refugee family run out of money, father tells people-smugglers to collect payment by raping his wife
- Swedish, Norwegian and Austrian police tell women not to go out alone
- Adult Syrian man pretends to be a minor to get preferential treatment, grooms and repeatedly rapes 13-year-old girl over a three-month period
- Town in Finland protests against asylum-seeker center being built, center is built anyway, within two weeks a 14-year-old girl is raped by two refugees, the next day a 14-year-old girl is raped by a refugee, and the day after that a 17-year-old girl is raped and then set alight by a refugee
- 15-year-old Swedish boy raped by five refugees
- British woman raped by Sudanese refugee
Germany, Jan-Feb 2016

None of the following stories has appeared in English-language media, for some strange reason
- Jan 4: Refugee gang sexually assaults handicapped girl (13)
- Jan 5: Afghan refugee attempts to rape 15-year-old girl
- Jan 7: Afghan refugee rapes 16-year-old boy in Wolfsburg City Hall and another sexually assaults a 13-year-old girl at a train station
- Jan 8: 17-year-old Syrian exposes himself to women at municipal swimming pool
- Jan 9: Woman raped by three refugees; Woman sexually assaulted by "Arabic-speaker"; Five 'North Africans' sexually assault five women; Two 'North Africans' sexually assault woman at train station; Migrant attempts to rape woman in Saarbrücken-Altenkessel
- Jan 10: Group of refugees sexually assault three girls at local swimming pool; 'West African' rapes 14-year-old girl; 20-year-old woman advertises apartment to let and is sexually assaulted by Syrian would-be tenant
- Jan 11: Pakistani migrant sexually assaults three-year-old girl; Eight migrants attempt to gang-rape woman in grocery store; Moroccan assaults 14-year-old woman
- Jan 12: Migrant rapes 15-year-old girl; Two 'Arabic speakers' assault 47-year-old woman
- Jan 13: Four migrants attempt to rape 13-year-old girl; Three migrants sexually assault woman; Migrant attempts rape at train station; Woman assaulted by three 'Arabic' migrants
- Jan 14: Woman sexually assaulted by three migrants; Three migrants assault 22-year-old woman
- Jan 15: Migrant sexually assaults three-year-old girl in public park; rape by Tunisian migrant; 42-year-old woman sexually assaulted by migrant; 'African migrant' sexually assaults 52-year-old woman; and All male migrants aged over 18 are banned from local swimming pool in Bonn, a decision which the national media denounces as 'racist'
- Jan 16: Syrian refugee rapes 12-year-old boy, is released without charge; Moroccan migrant assaults two women in local store
- Jan 17: Attempted rape of 'young woman'by three migrants; Woman sexually assaulted by two migrants in train station cafeteria; Afghan migrant sexually assaults three girls (aged 11 to 13) at local swimming pool; Women's changing rooms at swimming pool invaded by gang of refugees; Attempted rape by two migrants in local pharmacy
- Jan 18: Syrian migrant assaults three female pensioners in separate incidents
- Jan 19: Eritrean migrant attempts to rape 18-year-old woman, headbutts and hospitalises arresting officer
- Jan 20: Migrants invade women's changing and shower areas at local pool
- Jan 21: Two migrants assault 18-year-old woman
- Jan 22: Migrant attempts to rape 16-year-old girl; Four Arabic-looking men sexually assault 22-year-old woman; Gang of migrants harass women at swimming pool
- Jan 23: 11-year-old girl sexually assaulted by migrants; Two migrants assault two 17-year-old women; Afghan and Syrian migrants assault two 13-year-old girls (All of these incidents happened in local swimming pools, you'll be surprised to learn); Migrant sexually assaults woman in train toilet cubicle; Syrian migrant indecently exposes himself on train; 18-year-old Syrian refugee rapes 17-year-old woman
- Jan 25: 'North African' migrant exposes himself to woman on bus, then to others at local train station
- Jan 26: Attempted rape by migrant foiled by passersby
- Jan 27: Two migrants sexually assault 15-year-old girl at bus-stop; Asylum-seeker assaults woman in fitness studio changing room
- Jan 28: Sudanese migrant sexually assaults police officer while she's arresting him for theft; Two 'underage' refugees sexually assault 12-year-old girl at children's center (later turns out one of them was 22 and pretending to be a minor for preferential treatment); Afghan migrant assaults 14-year-old girl; 18-year-old woman sexually assaulted by migrant
- Jan 31: Four migrants sexually assault 17-year-old woman; Two 'North African' migrants sexually assault 15-year-old girls
- Feb 1: Syrian migrant, 40, kisses seven-year-old boy
- Feb 2: 17-year-old migrant with forged identity documents assaults three female passengers on train
- Feb 3: Three Afghan migrants sexually assault pair of 14-year-old girls (local swimming pool); 6-year-old migrant assaults 16-year-old girl (ditto); Attempted rape by Libyan migrant
- Feb 4: Germany's Carnival Season commences! Nigerian migrant rapes female carnival-goer; Syrian refugee assaults two female carnival-goers; 20 women assaulted during carnival in Cologne; Female carnival-goer assaulted by migrant; Eritrean migrant assaults two women, Judge frees him on the grounds that he was drunk at the time
- Feb 5: Groups of North African migrants molest female carnival-goers (number not known); Two migrants sexually assault girl (16); Migrant assaults woman (19)
- Feb 6: 30-strong migrant gang attempts to rape woman; Three Afghan migrants sexually assault female carnival-goers; Iraqi migrant assaults female carnival-goer; Jordanian migrant assaults female carnival-goer (16); "Five or six" migrants assault female carnival-goer; Five migrants sexually assault eleven-year-old girl (swimming pool again)
- Feb 7: Four Afghan refugees assault two 14-year-old female carnival-goers; Four Afghan migrants sexually assault girl (17); Moroccan migrants assaults two female carnival-goers; Afghan migrant sexually assaults girl (12) (swimming pool); Afghan migrant sexually assaults an unspecified number of women in a town square; 'Migrant' assaults woman (47)
- Feb 8: Migrant sexually assaults female carnial-goer (15); Two Moroccans assault female carnival-goer (36)
- Feb 9: 'North African' migrants assault female carnival-goer (19); Four migrants sexually assault three 13-year-olds (swimming pool)
- Feb 11: Migrant rapes 14-year-old girl at asylum center
- Feb 13: Group of migrants assault three girls (ages 10-11) (swimming pool)
- Feb 14: Pair of migrants (Syrian and Iraqi) assault two girls (10 and 11) (swimming pool); Group of migrants assault unspecified number of women in nightclub
- Feb 15: Afghan migrant assaults 13-year-old girl on train
- Feb 20: Afghan migrant assaults two girls (11 and 13) in supermarket; Bosnian migrant arrested for multiple rape of the same girl (17); Attempted rape by Afghan migrant
- Feb 21: Migrant rapes woman at train station
- Feb 24: Nigerian asylum-seeker sexually assaults woman inside church (Police say the man also assaulted another woman in the same church, two women in the town hall and another woman in a nursing home)
- Feb 25: Afghan migrants rapes two women
- Feb 28: Two Afghan migrants sexually assault 19-year-old woman; Two Afghan migrants rape two girls (14 and 18) (swimming pool)}}
- July 2016: Leaked German police report confirms sharp rise in sexual assault and rape by refugees
- Sept 2016: Six Iraqi and Afghan migrants arrested for molesting women at Austrian festival
- October 2016: Iraqi refugee who abducted and raped 10-year-old boy at Austrian swimming pool (natch) claiming it was a 'sexual emergency' has his rape conviction overturned on the basis that he couldn't be expected to know the boy had any objection to being forcibly raped.
Raincheck: Germany, October 2016
How you getting on, guys?
- October 1: Two 'southern-looking' men force child to watch as they take turns raping her mother in a public park; an 'Arabic-speaking southerner' attempts to rape a 34-year-old woman; A 'southerner' indecently exposes himself to two girls aged 10 and 12
- October 2: A 19-year-old migrant from Morocco rapes a 90-year-old woman as she leaves church; A migrant from Africa sexually assaults a 22-year-old woman
- October 3: A 'southerner' attempts to abduct a 14-year-old girl
- October 4: A 'southerner' indecently exposes himself to two children aged eight and ten, in a public play area
- October 5: Syrian migrant sexually assaults 14-year-old girl out walking with her grandmother; a 'southerner' sexually assaults two girls aged 16 and 17 at a train station; A 'dark-skinned man' sexually assaults a 34-year-old woman; 'dark-skinned man' sexually assaults 21-year-old woman
- October 6: foreigner 'speaking broken German' sexually assaults 16-year-old girl; a 'black African' assaults 27-year-old woman
- October 7: North African migrant sexually assaults 25-year-old woman
- October 8: 26-year-old Syrian migrant attempts to rape 36-year-old woman in public park; 25-year-old Syrian gropes 15-year-old girl; 'Middle-Eastern' migrant sexually assaults woman
- October 9: 22-year-old Eritrean migrant sexually assaults 23-year-old woman; foreigner 'speaking broken German' sexually harasses 23-year-old woman
- October 10: 25-year-old Pakistani asylum seeker sexualy assaults 23-year-old woman; 'dark-skinned man' assaults 21-year-old woman on train
- October 11: Migrant 'gropes and fondles' 7-year-old girl on bus; North African gropes four woman in subway train; 'southern-looking man' sexually assaults 19-year-old woman; 31-year-old Syrian migrant indecently exposes himself to 24-year-old woman; 'southern-looking man' indecently exposes himself to two 14-year-old girls
- October 12: Two 'southern-looking men' sexually assault 15-year-old girl at bus-stop; 21-year-old Libyan migrant sexually assaults woman;
- October 13: 19-year-old Pakistani migrant assaults 18-year-old woman then headbutts female police officer while under arrest; 33-year-old Iraqi migrant sentenced to 6.5 years for raping 55-year-old woman; 20-year-old migrant gets two years for sexually assaulting 42-year-old woman
- October 14: 'Southern-looking' man sexually assaults 7-year-old girl in public park; Man with tattooed Arabic words sexually assaults two 11-year-old girls (in A Swimming Pool - yay!)
- October 15: 'Dark-skinned' man sexually assaults 77-year-old woman; three Afghan migrants sexually assault two 14-year-old girls (swimming pool); two African migrants rape two 18-year-old women
- October 16: 31-year-old Pakistani migrant rapes 26-year-old woman in public park
- October 18: 'Southerner' sexually assaults 19-year-old woman
- October 19: 29-year-old Syrian migrant appears in court charged with sexually abusing 10 children in public
- October 24: Two women waiting at a train station sexually assaulted by 17 migrants
- October 27: Two men speaking 'broken German' sexually assault woman; 10-year-old girl out riding her bike is raped by a man believed to be a migrant: Police issue a photofit of the suspect to help the public identify him, but attempt to ban its publication in newspapers or on social media
- January 1: Pakistani migrant (24) sexually assaults woman (40); Three Afghan migrants sexually assault two women; Iraqi (23) sexually assaults woman (30)
- January 2: Man "of Arab origin" sexually assaults eight-year-old girl in movie theater; "brown-skinned man" speaking "broken German" sexually assaults 14-year-old boy; three "southern-looking" men sexually assault 30-year-old woman
- January 3: "Southern-looking" man sexually assaults 14-year-old girl on train
- January 4: "Asian-looking" man indecently exposes himself to two women at a bus-stop
- January 5: Two Libyan migrants (18 and 19) arrested for raping woman (22); "Southern-looking" man indecently exposes himself to 15-year-old girl riding her bicycle
- January 6: 13-year-old Syrian migrant sexually assaults two female pupils on school premises; two "southern-looking" men sexually assault 16-year-old girl after pursuing her on public transport
- January 7: Woman (28) is lured into park by incident staged by five "black Africans" who then sexually assault her; two Libyan migrants (21 and 39) sexually assault two girls (13 and 14) at local train station; Afghan migrant (27) sexually assaults 4-year-old girl (swimming pool)
- January 8: 32-year-old Libyan migrant attempts to rape 32-year-old woman, who is rescued by her own father while she is being dragged into park bushes; Afghan migrant (20) sexually assaults woman (19) on public transport; Iraqi migrant (21) sexually assaults 24-year-old female clubber in restroom
- January 9: 25-year-old woman sexually assaulted at bus stop by five "Arabic" men in their early 20s;
- January 11: "North African" sexually assaults woman (30) on train; 42-year-old Iraqi migrant indecently exposes himself to several women
- January 12: Algerian migrant (34) sexually assaults girl (13); an "Arab" indecently exposes himself to a woman in a public park
- January 13: "Arab-looking man" sexually assaults 13-year-old girl at a train station; "southern-looking" man indecently exposes himself to two women
- January 14: "Southern-looking" man attempts to rape 24-year-old woman; Moroccan migrant arrested for sexual assault; Somali migrant (21) sexually assaults woman during train journey
- January 15: Five Syrian migrants sexually assault two girls (11 and 14) in a swimming pool
- January 16: A man identified as "Ahmed" indecently exposes himself to women at a bus stop
- January 18: 30-year-old "asylum seeker" rapes 31-year-old woman
- January 21: Migrant assaults woman after she rejects "his advances"
- January 22: Two Algerian migrants sexually assault two women in the restroom of a bar
- January 24: 44-year-old Syrian migrant arrested for sexually assaulting 20 women; 26-year-old Somali migrant sexually assaults several women and indecently exposes himself outside a hospital
- January 27: 27-year-old Pakistani migrant indecently exposes himself to woman (18) during train journey; "migrant" indecently exposes himself to 77-year-old woman
- January 28: 41-year-old Moroccan migrant sexually assaults woman (40) during train journey
- January 29: Eritrean migrant (23) sexually assaults several women during train journey; 36-year-old Gambian migrant sexually assaults several women during train journey
- January 30: 24-year-old Armenian migrant sexually assaults two women during train journey
- February 8: Swimming pool
- February 10: Swimming pool
See also
- Europe
- Arabs
- Brexit
- Germany
- Islam
- Norway - Where a politician
felt guilty for being raped and don't want his Somali rapist to be deported.
- Rape
- Sweden - 163,000 refugees arrived in 2015
- Niggas
Don't see
- Denial
- Hussein Khavari
- Rape culture - because that's definitely not what is being imported to Europe here. No way. Uh-uh.
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Rapefugee | Succeeded by Marc Lepine |