Arab Spring

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At First i was like
But then..

The Arab spring, Is a festival where the Arabs celebrate their kings, It was first made in 700 A.D, When the muslims overthrew the kuffar From mecca,Since then, Every 42 years, The Arabs will overthrow the government, And then have a shitload of civil wars after, Then have another king, And it repeats

Why did it happen lately?

As far as everyone knows, Some faggot burned himself alive in Tunis, Because he didn't have enough money to buy a women slave and get laid, Since then, All the Arabs decided its about time they declare war on every person that lives in Arabia, Killing each other in a series of civil wars that no one understands or cares about,it has started somewhere in december 2010 and is still going on even now...


Pretty much the whole thing in short..

It first happened in mecca,At 700 A.D ,When the Muslims were being holocausted By the Kuffar of qurish,The Muslims Decided it was about time they started holocausting people too, so somehow they got 10'000 Soldiers ,And they marched to mecca, At which, The kuffar surrendered, And because it was spring at that time (Spring in Arabia is just the same sand hole), The Jews said lets troll them and call it the Arabs spring, And so its still knows as the Arab spring.

In Tunis

Some butthurt Guy Burned himself alive Because he wasn't laid, causing communists,nazis,And jews, To come out and demand to get laid NAO, Ben Ali Didn't give a fuck, And continued his fapping to gay porn,The people knew that they weren't gonna get laid, So they decided to do what they are good at, terrorism!,So they started burning houses and markets down for the lulz,At which, Ben Ali was like " Fuck dis shit, I'm Out!", And fled to Saudi Arabia and contiunued his fapping there,bircks were shat When the old party, The one that Ben Ali made, Remained in power, And declared emergency,The Jews Were still butthurt, So they kept protesting,Until, Prime Minister Mohamed Ghannouchi, trolled the old party, And removed all the old members,So he can keep Tunis to himself,but then, The Jews Kept protesting,And Ghannouchi was forced to resign,and Béji Caïd Essebsi became Prime Minister.

lulz Ensued, When a Muslim Party, Won 37% of the vote, And elected 47 wimmins to the Constituent Assembly, And even now, lulz Are still being had..

Some guy screaming in the streets, BEN ALI ESCAPED!!1 BEN ALI ESCAPED!, O RLY?

In Libya

Libyan flag after the revolution
Libyan Flag after operation dignity
Libyan Flag Now
seif, telling libyans to deal with it!

one day, Ghaddafi decided to troll the Libyans,By gasing, burning,And raping Some people who demanded freedom,When the Libyans asked the goverment why did they do that, Seif al-islam (Ghaddafi's Little princess) told them simply to "Deal With It",At which,The Libyans Declared war on the lulz,And started going out into the streets, At which, Ghaddafi trolled again, By ordering all his soldiers,cops,And militias, To banhammer Everyone on the streets,It was going fine and lulzy,Untill, Al-Jewzeera, Sent a whore To obama, Who gave him so many blow jobs,until, he decided to attack libya, thus, America joined the war on the lulz,But because Obama was such a pussy, he called on THE WHOLE WORLD TO THE WAR,Russia, On the other hand, Did not betray the lulz,And did all it can do to stop the war on the lulz,but failed badly,And ghaddafi was pwned..

BUT! The lulz didn't stop!, When al-Qaeda,Decided it was a perfect trolling opportunity, So they sent in the trolls,the trolls had success at the time between 2012 to 2013,Until,[[nazi|General Hafter, Decided it was time he became Ghaddafi mark 2.0, Declared the 2nd war on the lulz The war is still going on even now..

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