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Michael Moore

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Moore in his natural habitat.
Semi-autobiographical feature.
Moore after his conversion to Islam.

Michael Moore is a professional leftard and a fat Socialist puppet who directs shitty documentaries about how America is bad. He also writes vapid books that appeal mostly to first year college students, self-hating whites, and even more self-hating liberals.

Moore is the patron saint of liberals and is reviled by TV's conservatives talking heads, all of whom take him seriously and get outraged by him.

He is best known for his films about school shootings, health care and George Bush. Moore presents himself as a working-class hero, despite the fact that his "job" consists primarily of telling the camera and sound guys when to start and stop filming.

Common, everyday, average man that he is, Moore splits his time between his multi-million dollar apartment in Manhattan, his South Carolina beachfront property, and Jenny Craig. Like every other working parent, he sends his stepdaughter to a private school, in one of the whitest school districts in America. He has admitted that he did not have sexual intercourse with a woman until he was 34.

Film and Television Career

Micahel Moore has had a long and successful career turning a profit for the evil corporations, by railing against the evil corporations old media. All these movies are shitty documentaries in which Moore uses one camera, one sound guy, and forty editors.

  • Roger & Me - A movie about how General Motors hates America by not continuing to throw money into the miry slough that is Detroit. This film is a shockingly graphic expose of the uncaring corporate world, distributed by corporate film studio Warner Bros.
  • Downsize This! - A book written about corporations and about how OJ is guilty and not guilty Also includes a footnote or two about how big book publishers hate America, published by corporate-owned Pan Books.
  • The Awful Truth - Another shitty TV show based on Michel Moore's love of America, broadcast on the best, corporate-owned basic cable channel, Bravo.
  • Bowling for Columbine - Moore's movie about Columbine. Features a lot of bowling, ranting about the fear-culture inflicted on Americans, a bank that gives you a free gun if you make a large loan and getting a single store to stop selling ammo for handguns and "assault weapons" (whatever those might be).
  • Dude, Where's My Food? - A published copy of Moore's food diary from age 13, on. Despite the title of the book, Moore knows exactly where his food is, at all times.


Friend of the Trolls

Even the briefest mention of Moore's name in any internet political debate will generate mass lulz, fighting, ranting and everything else that you might expect to see in an online political forum. Bloggers who accused the Bush administration of trying to "silence" them were blissfully unaware that he allowed Moore to call him a mass-murderer on theater screens nation-wide like 5 times.

Moore is also bed buddies with TV jew Sacha Baron Cohen.

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Michael Moore
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