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Brian Mueller

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Note the acne, unkept hair, crusty lips, and empty stare.

Brian Mueller (aka Razorath aka ThePhilosofag) is the kind of loser you picture in your head when someone says "Reddit atheist." He's a lazy fat neckbeard who dropped out halfway through high school and never pursued a real job.

He currently lives with his mother in Hinesville, Georgia, where he spends his days making YouTube videos and taking photos of objects around his house. To make himself look like even more of an edgy faggot, he has a smoking habit, paints his nails black, and even owns a fedora. Despite continuously proving himself to be a complete failure at life, Brian has a massive ego and tries to present himself as some deep intellectual.


Inspired by banana lover TheAmazingAtheist, Brian decided to drop out of his high school (Bradwell Institute) in 2012 to pursue a career in bitching in front of a camera. Despite making videos on and off over the past few years, Brian has never been able to make it past even 200 subscribers. This is because all of his content is either pseudo-intellectual ramblings or LOL SO RANDUMB garbage. It's also due to the fact that Brian can't stay consistent for shit. He's known to take long unannounced breaks from uploading, and give up on projects shortly after beginning them. The only people who actually bother watching his videos are his small circlejerk of internet friends. Since Brian's videos garner so little viewership, he's never made any money from YouTube.

In a desperate last ditch attempt to make some shekels, Brian created a Patreon page. He's had the page up for over a year now, and not a single person has been gullible enough to give this fat fuck any money. It's only a matter of time before he starts stripping for pay. Oh wait, he already does that for free.[1]

How Brian spent new years.

The Kewl Kidz Klub


Most of Brian's earlier videos were of him "ranting." Video titles included: "Fuck Da Copyright Police", "TYT Plus Is Fucking Stupid", "REALITY TV SUCKS!", and eventually "RANTING SUCKS!" Even though he repeatedly tried to validate himself within The Ranting Community, most people didn't give a shit about him. So Brian decided to make a group called The Kewl Kidz Klub. It consisted of every single edgy tryhard ranter on YouTube, with Brian as their ringleader.

Notable Members

  • Brandon Smith/Bannanahammer1/FlyingCyborgRaptor - A redneck alcoholic who thinks smoking on camera makes him look cool. Also in desperate need of a dental plan.
  • Heyzeus Krist - "Eviscerator of cunts. Defender of the sanctity of logic." Nuff said.
  • Brook Hudson/RazgrizTheDemonLord - A squeaker autist who's admitted to pulling his pud to other people, including Brian. He once shoved a flashlight up his ass and imagined it was Brian's dick. Other talents include doing a spot on impression of Woody Woodpecker.
  • Saket Antikumar/CultofClusterfuck - A curry-loving sperg known for his bipolar mood swings and Mickey Mouse impressions.

Hacked by David Markowski.

Movie Reviews

Last thursday, Brian decided to become a film reviewer. His first review was about how Star Wars is *gasp* OVERRATED. However, instead of bringing anything new to the table, his video felt like a poor man's version of YourMovieSucksDotOrg and JonTron. His humor was forced, the editing was clunky, and his points were disorganized and had little to no depth. Even though he planned to make more film reviews on his channel, Brian has zero dedication, so this is the only review he's ever uploaded. Remember, Brian wants to do this for a living.

LOL PRIVATED! Here's the reuploads. [2][3]

Since Brian is a lazy editor, he gave up on visuals from 1:10 to 2:02.

The Drunken Peasants

Much to Brian's dismay, TheAmazingAtheist responded to Brian during a Drunken Peasants podcast. The Drunken Peasants took turns bashing Brian for a video where he told TheAmazingAtheist to get help. Brian doesn't seem to have any sense of irony. Upon discovering TheAmazingAtheist made a response to him, Brian made a 22 MINUTE VIDEO claiming that he didn't care. The irony was eventually too much for Brian to ignore, and he quickly removed both his videos like a bitch.

"I've never seen a living being that actually looks

so much like a treasure troll." - TheAmazingAtheist


Not only is Brian a failure on YouTube, but a failure on DeviantArt as well. Most of what he posts are photos of himself or things near his house, along with some stupid filter applied to them. Aside from that, Brian also likes to display his lack of skill in Photoshop. Yet Brian still thinks he has room to judge people's banners and thumbnails.

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Sick Fuck

Pedobear approves.

Much like his idol, Brian is a sick fuck. Apart from just getting naked in Skype calls (even when he was still under legal age) he is known for sending his dick to random people through various means. His fetishes include but are not limited to: fart porn, self mutilation, shoving shit up his ass, and pedophilia.

Brian will try to remove this from the page.


In early 2014, during a Google hangout, Brian met a whale who called herself Harley. Brian thought she was the most beautiful whale he ever saw, so he thought "If you like it then you should put a ring on it." He also saw this as an opportunity to finally get his dick wet. It wasn't long before they were engaged, and then Brian did the impossible and got the whale knocked up with 4 children. However, they all died before birth because the whale accidentally digested them. Then the whale swam away and fucked TheAmazingAtheist because he had more girth than Brian.

Brian's prize pig.
Click for the full story.

Brian's Reaction To This Article

When The Ranting Community was going crazy about their ED article, Brian was completely apathetic to the situation.[4] However, when the tables are turned, Brian goes full moralfag and his insecurities begin to show.

Gallery of Butthurt About missing Pics
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Brian's mom.

External Links

See Also

Typical fan art

Brian Mueller
is part of a series on
YouTube Ranters

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Brian Mueller is part of a series on YouTube.

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