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This article is vanity crap.

You can help by insulting the author and making him regret ever coming here.

DoctorRandomercam is a delusional grown man who does rants on Feminists. You probably don't know who he is and thats to be expected, although he has 41 thousand subscribers and growing nobody gives a shit about his channel. This is because he steals his artstyle from Doug Walker and makes his videos impossible to find. Most people doing a video on another YouTuber or doing a response video would name the person in the title, thumbnail or anywhere to where you'd be able to find it in a search result. Instead, DoctorRandomercam makes his titles like a 16 year old girl, incredibly vague so that people wont know if he made a video on him unless his mindless drones spam your comment section endlessly. For this reason along, DoctorRandomercam can only amass a cult following on YouTube.

Sporting the homosexual Canadian/Kyle from South Park look.

Feminist Videos

The only reason DoctorRandomercam can even stay relevant within the people that stay to watch him is by doing rant videos on Feminism. Since all of his videos are fucking uninteresting and boring, he has to go to pathetic means to ever gain attention. It's quite pathetic when you're going after Feminists and you're the one who ends up looking like a bigger idiot. DoctorRandomercam has resorted to repeating the same shitty arguments that every other anti-Feminist has ever talked about ever. Realising that wont cut it - as everyone else also does that - he even went as far as to one time take a Feminist out of context countless times in a video. The pathetic part is that he'd even do that, the even more pathetic part is that it was so painfully noticeable and yet his fans still didn't notice. Showing that they're blindless followers.

See Also


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DoctorRandomercam is part of a series on YouTube.

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