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NateTalksToYou is a drama whore on YouTube who rants about other notable faggots for views. After fanboys flood his rants with hate comments, he and his circlejerk of friends will make a "dramatic reading" where they read the comments in hilarious voices. He also posts videos of him bashing Christians (which are similar to TheAmazingAtheist's style), reaction videos to a variety of hentai, and commenting on feminists. From all of this, Nate has gained 100,000+ subscribers, pocket change, and hate from fanboys who white knight for other retards on YouTube.

Nate doing the world a favor.


Nate makes a meme about himself.
And to think he doesn't enjoy going for a walk outside.

Like any other ranter, Nate is a white liberal agnostic who thinks that his videos are productive and inspiring. He rambles on in a monotone voice and has an occasional lisp. The only thing that keeps his viewers from falling asleep is his use of generic sound effects, jumpcuts, and awkward camera zooming. While his videos have improved in quality, a polished a turd is still a turd.

In addition to going after popular YouTubers, he also attempts to make a name for himself by ranting about trending celebrities. Sounds familiar? Nate is no different than other nobodies such as iMustDestroyAll, PMRants, and JJDiscussions. In hopes of being seen as a nice guy, he attempts to twist the definition of the word rant so it isn't synonymous with bullying.

He recently posted a video to celebrate him reaching the 20,000 subscribers milestone, not realizing these are not genuine fans and instead people who hate him. The remaining subscribers who don't hate him are perverts who wait patiently for hentai-related links in his video descriptions and comments.

Top 10 Kickstarter Fails

The only reason why NateTalksToYou amassed 100,000 subscribers is because of a shitty video he posted about 10 kickstarters that failed miserably. The video received over 4,000,000 video views due to the extreme clickbait from the thumbnail featuring an almost naked vagina. Although not misleading, he decides to use it because he knows that 12-year old boys would click the video expecting something to fap to. Not surprisingly, the video received over 23,000 dislikes.


NateTalks2You is Nate's second channel which he uses as a dumping ground for any other content he decides to upload. The channel is comprised of mediocre school projects, bloopers from videos that look like a compilation of bloopers anyway, and iJustine style vlogs of whenever he decides to leave his basement. Even though less than 6 percent of the subs on his main channel are subscribed to his second channel, that doesn't stop Nate from motivating himself to upload the shit he uploads.

Nate Uploads Fap Material For Pedophiles

For some reason, Nate thought his fans really needed to see a picture of him as a child "posing" in a nappy. This could be a sign that Nate has a diaper fetish. We'll wait and see what else he posts.

"Apparently I tried some modelling as a kid"


If you don't know who this jerk-dick is, his name is NateTalksToYou.



I'm uncomfortable being the same species as you.


—Nate is notable for being completely mature and rational.

Do you feel the magic Twilight? Do you feel it?


—Nate also likes to role-play.

Homosexuality isn't a choice, but homophobia is.


—Nate's original look on homosexuality and homophobia.

Nate is an ED user

That's right. He actually uses ED. The backstory is, he saw Omegalore as the featured article for our site. Then, on one of the videos, he posted this comment.


He actually knew about this article, but didn't take any care about it because it was in "Articles that need help."

Notable Videos

The video which got Nate 100,000+ subscribers. And guess
what, he doesn't deserve a spec of dust from this garbage

Nathan here informing us obvious shit
that a retarded person wouldn't know.

A Vlog of poor, poor Nate here having EEG test.


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See also

External links


NateTalksToYou is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal

is part of a series on
YouTube Ranters

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