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Tyler Garmany

From Encyclopedia Dramatica
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There’s never been a better definition for the term sidekick than Tyler Garmany, the only time people ever pay attention to him is when Marbles promotes his channel. During the absence of Marbles, Tyler struggled to get the relevance he once had. Resorting to desperate means like dick riding Coughlan. Tyler tends to think of himself as a hot shot. In reality he is no better than the people he goes against. He defends sexual harassers, has an unwarranted ego, filthy hair, poorly grown mustache, and even likes to brag about his sex life. Aside from being no better than them as people, his content is just as bad as the people he jokes about.

Trying hard to impress his mother

Troll Posse vs. Kloud 9

Subsequent to leaving the troll posse, Marbles and Tyler became keen on making their own group "Kloud 9"; a group of butt-buddies who bring people into Skype calls and make fun of them. So no different to the troll posse. Despite that, the reason falling out and departure between troll posse and Tyler and Marbles was the troll posse feeling as if the duo were too harsh. Then the entire troll posse dedicated it's time to, in their own words, "ignore them as if they don't exist". What sparked from this was back and forth videos out the wazoo until it all subsided into indifferent to friendly terms.

iMustDestroyAll's allusive video towards the two of them.

One of Tyler's many back and forths to the Troll Posse.

Marbles calling out the Troll Posse.

Doc Dropped

Proof he doesn’t want his name out.
Here’s what he censored.

During 2012, Tyler decided to target Carl Sherburne by making a video on him; provoking Carl to respond. Upon this, one of Carl’s friends saw the video, so he got Tyler’s private information and DOX. Now it's not set in stone but this seemed to have made Tyler to preserve people snooping into his private life. Before this, Tyler use to be a carefree lad in regards to using his real name online. It was only until he saw the threat of people ruining his life that caused him to become so cautious.

Before this, he would be rather public with people knowing his name was Tyler Garmany. But due to 2015 drama, more people have found out about his real identity. This was caught under Tyler's radar, as he saw Someguy827 - one of his targets - addressing him by his entire name. Tyler addressed the comment he got on his website, but made sure to censor his name. Showing that he has something to hide, more people looked into finding more about him. When Tyler realised he shot his own foot, he made sure to private his Instagram and Facebook profile.

Unlucky for Tyler, even though he was quick to private all of his shit people managed to archive it anyways.Clearly his big secret, is for people to avoid noticing IRL he associates with rednecks. Something he claimed while impersonating a hick. How rather embarrassing.

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Messages sent to Kindra.
She's no longer in a relationship.

Making matters worse, Tyler's landwhale broke up with him after hearing him jokingly allude to boning over girls.

Whether or not he was serious or not, he just lost himself some pussy.

He brings it up around the 44:48 mark.

Fraud Feminist

Tyler was against Feminism once upon a time.

A pattern in the Divine Family is fake Feminism. A couple years ago they never would have thought of resorting to such desperate needs for relevance. He uses this label as a means to harass people. How this works is that you can get away with doing or saying anything you want so long as you explain to your viewers that you are a Feminist. In order to make sure their fans don't notice a pattern they make sure to go against Egalitarians for doing the exact same thing that they do. If this were years ago they would normally say they're just trolling. This time around they've dug a hole too far to climb out. No person who is trolling spends so much time on a character. If Tyler was joking he wouldn't be taking a moral stance, or branding people as morally wrong for disagreements. Tyler clearly does believe in his Feminism beliefs even if he does use the movement for self benefiting reasons.

As if this wasn't bad enough, Tyler even made a video where he blindly defended a man after being accused of sexually harassing women by multiple people, and even after proof was shown. All of this just goes to show how much of a great Feminist Tyler is.

Tyler blindly supporting Coughlan.

Notice the level of agony Tyler has in this video.

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Feel free to show him the care he deserves.

  •   jjmastaflex8866xx


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