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Just A Robot

From Encyclopedia Dramatica
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This person is a sick fuck!

They should never be trusted by anyone!

Possible side-effects will include at least one of these:

  2. Bestiality
  3. Cuckoldry
This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.

Just A Retard is an unfunny self-admitted autist nobody JewTube commentator who tried leeching off the success of fellow JewTube commentators such as I Hate Everything and GradeAUnderA. His videos pretty much only consisted of him bullying others, a.k.a. his way of lashing out at the fact he is a failure at life and complaining about cartoons made for children. Unfortunately, he got famous off of this shit. Just recently, he committed career-suicide after uploading a hilariously bad video defending a self-admitted groomer known as Synnibear03.

His Videos

His videos just consisted of him bashing the same topics that everyone else (people better than him) had already covered. Ironically, despite claiming to be a mostly-political channel, you'd be hard-pressed to find a video of his that actually was political. And when he wasn't busy making Over 9000 videos on reaction channels, he would make videos bashing other people whom he felt was inferior to him. Keep in mind, this is a grown ass man acting like this. Pathetic, is it not?

The buttfugly honkie himself
Tells you everything you need to know.

The Absolute Disaster Of A Video That Singlehandedly Destroyed Any Credibility That He Had Left

At a last desperate attempt at relevancy, this crooked-teeth having faggot uploaded a complete clusterfuck of a video defending some dumb bitch named Synnibear03 who groomed a 14 year old (WTF!). In this video, he demonstrates why he should stay far away from covering this sort of topic as humanely possible, because not only does he almost always fall flat on his face, he's proven to be fucking awful at trying to discuss said topic (Much like how Family Guy should stay far away from serious topics because it fails horribly everytime). Here's a fun game for you kiddies at home, take a shot for every excuse he makes for Synni in the video. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Just A Robot is part of a series on YouTube.

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Just A Robot
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